AS 94 SuperShow: Cerberus vs. Chris K.O. & Theron Daggershield (non-title)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Flex Mussel & Ramparte managed to make it out of Moscow with their Tag Team championships despite losing the match and receiving a devastating beat-down after the fact. There will be no rest for the wicked as they take on the two men who meet each other at Unscripted for the Eurasian championship, Theron Daggershield & Chris K.O. Both champion and challenger have expressed a mutual respect and given their last victory together in Moscow, these two will be a hard challenge for the champions. Theron & Cerberus have some history in the past with the Eurasian champion taking up a "crusade" against the faction to capture the title so Flex & Ramparte will be looking for their own victory to level their records.

Deadline is Thursday, June 4th, at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits


Also featuring special guest: Clovis The Stunning Fist!



Scene opens to Theron Daggershield looking out a window from the lobby of the Tree Sea Vee Inn, run by two old dwarves out of what used to be their home which they have converted into an Inn on the road for travelers. Based off the appearance of the room Theron is in, it may have once been a family room or den back when it was a house instead of an Inn. A brown couch is by the window and a dining table is in the nook by the wall behind Theron. Outside the sun is beginning to set but there is still enough daylight to view the outdoor scenery. Kirilah the Paladin of Mystra walks onscreen. She sets her pink bag of holding down on the floor under the table and heads over to Theron.

Kirilah: Hey. You were right about picking this Inn. We were lucky to get to stay here for free due to the owner being such a big fan of your gladiatorial matches. It is quite cozy and that old dwarven couple are polite hosts, but they bored me with all their talk about wine. Are you alright?

The Warblade is still staring out the window as he responds.

Theron: Yeah. Just enjoying the view. What are the others doing?

Kirilah: Sheshmish got into an argument with the male dwarf who owns the property over how he thinks rum is a better drink than wine. It's still ongoing. Kaleesta is trying to explain the logic behind how her prayer chamber is bigger on the inside to the female dwarf running the inn, who seemed rather confused by it all. Keifasar's up in his room for the night reading The Book Of Vile Darkness. Kayrentia went outside to go play with the Dire Wolf that guards the inn. What a monster! I have never seen a wolf that's taller than a human before!

Theron: Yep. Such a fascinating creature. I love Dire Wolves. Come look!

Kirilah walks over to the window beside Theron as a relaxing tribal melody begins playing. It remains on repeat for the rest of the following scenes.


Scene transitions to a view of the yard in front of the Inn. Many large oak trees line the yard providing plenty of shade. Sheshmish the Orc Swashbuckler can be seen in the oak grove drinking from his bottle of rum, an old male dwarf with a long grey beard stands next to him holding a glass of red wine. There is also swimming pool, a cookout area, a couple of picnic tables, half a dozen wooden outdoor chairs, and a garden. Just outside the garden next to a massive animal cage with its doors open, is a sign that reads "Guardian of the Manor". To the right of this sign, a majestic Dire Wolf can be seen laying on the ground, panting in the warm sunlight.


The Dire Wolf gets up, walks over to a flowerpot full of water and drinks the rainwater that had collected in the flowerpot. One of Theron's allies, Kayrentia the Druid, approaches the Dire Wolf. She reaches out her hand to pet the wolf, who is more than a foot taller than her. The Dire Wolf keeps drinking water and lets the druid pet him. He finishes drinking all the water that was in the flowerpot then picks up a large stick on the ground with his mouth and drops it at the druid's feet. She takes the stick and throws it as far as she can.

Kayrentia: Go.... get it!!!!

The Dire Wolf eagerly runs after the stick. The Druid and the Dire Wolf play fetch with the stick for about a minute until at one point the wolf grabs the stick with his teeth before Kayrentia can throw it again. He playfully tugs the stick toward him when she tries to grab it, resulting in a game of tug of war. They pull back and forth briefly before the Wolf successfully pulls the stick away from the Druid.

Kayrentia: Hey!!!! You are stronger than I expected, friend.

Kayrentia laughs as she goes over to pet the wolf again, who licks her hand as a sign of respect. She scratches him behind his right ear with her left hand and scratches the wolf's belly with her right hand. The wolf tilts his head to the left, visibly relaxed. Scene shifts back to Theron and Kirilah inside who keep looking out the window, as the music keeps playing.

Kirilah: How cute. That wolf is huge though. Is she safe out there?

Theron: Absolutely. The Dire Wolf can sense that she loves animals, he's a gentle giant unless he detects bad intentions in you. That particular breed of Dire Wolves is phenominal at sensing your alignment, thus they make great guardian pets. All of us would be safe around him, except maybe Keifasar.

Kirilah looks over at Theron, who has not moved. He is still staring out at the wolf in fascination.

Kirilah: How do you know so much about Dire Wolves? Did Kayrentia teach you?

Theron: No. I grew up with not one but four of the very same breed of Dire Wolf as that one outside. I was really close to each of them and helped my elven elders train them into guardians of our village when I was a kid. The biggest one was the alpha male, Bruno. We had another male named Teddy, a female named Jazz, and the youngest was Snowflake. She was still a puppy when I left to begin my Weaponmaster Training.

The expression on Theron's face goes from fascinated to one of sadness. He takes a very deep breath and slowly exhales.

Kirilah: What is the matter? Did something happen to your wolves?

He sits down on the couch and sighs. Kirilah, with a look of concern, sits down next to him. He closes his eyes for a moment, trying to hold back his tears. He then opens his eyes again and answers the question.

Theron: They.... are all dead now. The older three passed away from old age while I was away from home, training at the Weaponmaster Academy. Only little Snowflake was still alive by the time I had become a gladiator. Except she wasn't so little anymore. Snowflake had grown into a powerful guardian by that time, almost as large as Bruno and Teddy were. So my village was still safe with her there.

The Global Champion looks over at Kirilah, as a few tears fall down from his eyes.

Theron: I received a message from my elders a couple of days ago via carrier gryphon, telling me that Snowflake passed away. She was the last one left.

The Paladin, now also getting teary-eyed, hugs Theron.

Kirilah: I am sorry, sweetie. I know it is hard to lose a beloved animal companion.

Theron: I really miss them. They loved and protected unconditionally. Seeing that Dire Wolf out there reminded me of the good memories I had with my wolves growing up though. Like when I used to throw pizza crusts out to Bruno who would always lie outside my tent every time I ate, waiting patiently for leftovers.... Or the silly howl that Teddy had.... Or how Jazz always knocked things over with her long tail.... Or how Snowflake always hid under the picnic bench when she was a puppy....

The Warblade stands up. He wipes his eyes with his arm and turns around to face Kirilah, who is still sitting on the couch looking up at Theron. She is still teary-eyed herself.

Theron: You know what though? Those wolves were so worthy of trust, and the same goes for the one outside right now. If I am going to win my match this week on Elevation 94 against the Gladiatorial Tag Team Champions then I need to be able to trust Clovis just as much as I trusted my guardian wolves.

Kirilah: Why would they make you team up with him AGAIN? I thought you were fighting him to defend the sacred Global Championship at the Uncalled For show!?

Theron: Who knows. Maybe they liked seeing us work together. Clovis should be here soon. He and I have to plan strategy for our match. Can I have some time to myself before then?

She gets up from the couch.

Kirilah: As you wish. I do have a question for you before I go to sleep for the night.

Theron: What is it?

Kirilah: Do you ever regret not taking any Paladin training at the Weaponmaster Academy? I know you made it far in the Warblade training, but I really think you would make a fine Paladin given the devotion you have shown since accepting Mystra as your deity.

He scratches his head, unsure of how to respond by this unexpected question.

Theron: This doesn't have anything to do with that surprise you had for me the week of of my Global Championship match, would it?

Kirilah: I cannot answer that question, silly! No spoilers! You shall find out at my graduation. They actually ended up moving it again.... but now it takes place a couple of weeks after your big match. You are still coming, I hope?

Theron: Of course.

She smiles at him as she exits the room. Theron goes back over to the window. Scene fades out as the music keeps playing.


Scene fades back in, it is now dark. Theron is still by the window with the lights in the room turned on. He has not stopped looking out at the Dire Wolf. Clovis The Stunning Fist enters the room, holding onto his cannonball Stan.

Clovis: Well, this is a step up from meeting out in the wilderness. Did you see that huge Dire Wolf out there?

Theron turns to face Clovis.

Theron: Yeah. I've been watching him all day. I used to have four Dire Wolves just like that one. So.... About this dice rolling idea of yours.... This is really happening? We're going to roll to determine what type of match we're having at Uncalled For?

Clovis: Yes! Wasn't that idea great? I thought that would be right up your alley.

Theron: I don't care what the stipulation is. I'm confident I can retain my Global Championship in any of them. Although some of them such as the Hotdog Eating Contest or the Dalelands Gnome Oil Match sounded a bit silly. Right now we have to focus on The Garmr Dogs though. Together we can.... Kirilah?

The Warblade stops mid-sentence as his girlfriend enters the room.

Kirilah: Hey guys! Sorry to disturb your meeting, but I forgot my bag of holding. My Tome of Mystra is in there and I cannot sleep without first doing my daily devotional for the night.... You must be Clovis. Hi, I'm Kirilah!

Neither gladiator says a word. She looks around the room.

Kirilah: I know I left it in here somewhere....

She reaches under the table and takes out a pink bag of holding.

Kirilah: Found it! Night, Theron!

Kirilah blows Theron a kiss and exits the room. The akward silence continues for a moment.

Clovis: Who was that lovely lady?

Theron: My girlfriend.

Clovis: Hmmm.... She's gorgeous. You're a lucky guy. Hopefully she will be there for you when you are not so lucky at Uncalled For.

Feeling angered at first, Theron laughs upon noticing a playful smirk from Clovis.

Theron: Ha! Good one. We'll see. We have to focus on The Garmr Dogs first though. We won against Ella Teague and Kaitlyn Onyx, so we just have to be able to take it one step further. The fact that they are the Gladiatorial Tag Team Champions doesn't scare me.

Barking is heard from outside. Both men go over to the window. The Dire Wolf is seen in bright moonlight. He growls and barks angrily. Two Hellhounds approach the wolf, preparing to attack. The wolf bares his fangs and gets into a defensive stance. A large Dire Fox runs up toward the conflict. The Hellhounds are still approaching the wolf, but stop before getting too close. The fox looks first at the wolf, then over at the Hellhounds, who he growls at.


The fox stands next to the wolf, looking ready to fight. Both Hellhounds growl at their opponents, but keep their distance. The wolf and fox run up to fight the Hellhounds. A brief battle ensues between the four animals, but the Hellhounds run away before anyone gets hurt. The wolf then walks over to the fox once the two are alone, the wolf sniffs around and barks, but it is a happy sounding bark. The fox stares at the wolf for a moment, then runs out into the foliage. Scene shifts back to Theron and Clovis inside.

Theron: That was cool. You don't see a Dire Wolf and Dire Fox chasing off Hellhounds every day. Kinda reminds me of us. The Garmr Dogs are just like those Hellhounds. Teamwork will get us the victory at Elevation, just like it did for The Dire Wolf and Dire Fox out there just now.

Clovis raises his left eyebrow.

Clovis: Wait.... If The Garmr Dogs are the Hellhounds.... Which one of us is the fox?

Theron: You're the fox.

Clovis: Aw.... Can't I be a Zebra or something? I mean, don't get me wrong. I like foxes, but-

Theron: Because I'm the Wolf.... Does it matter though? Teamwork, Clovis! Can I count on you for one more night? Once we get past this obstacle, we will get our moment to find out who the better man is when we have OUR match. Silly stipulation or not. I'll be ready for the roll-off, but let's take care of the Hellhounds first.

Clovis: You got it. Those hounds of hell are going down!

The two gladiators share a high five as the song stops playing. Fade to black.

Whips and Chains

The beautiful petite blonde, Astrid, sits at small metal table outside a little cafe. She cocks an eyebrow as she looks at the person joining her for her meal. The bearded beast, Chris K.O., slowly eats a small triangle sandwich as the giant box, full of custom dice with match stipulations, takes up the entire small table. Steve the Volleyball sits in Chris’ lap.

Astrid: Did you really have to bring the box?

Chris pauses eating his sandwich as he looks at Astrid with innocent eyes.

Astrid: And the ball too?

Chris looks embarrassed as he sits his sandwich down on a small plate that is halfway hanging off the table due to the box taking up so much space. Chris moves the box to the ground and then turns Steve so that his face is pointing towards his body.

Chris: *coughs* Sorry. Go ahead.

Astrid: Well, I wanted to apologize for how I acted at the hospital. I- I know that returning must have been hard for you, and that I ended things back then. So, I understand that I may not have been on your mind immediately.

Chris: But you were.

Astrid stares at Chris.

Chris: I thought about you all the time when I first landed on the island. But after a while, I stopped thinking. Not just about you, but about everything. I didn’t expect to be saved after the first 100 days went by, Astrid. So, when I returned, everything happened in a rush. I had to reset my mind. There was something I had to take care of first, though. Call it an old grudge… But it consumed all of my time-

Astrid: Well, did you take care of it?

Chris blinks slowly as he ponders how to respond.

Chris: I got what I needed to move on…

Astrid grows a very small half-smile.

Chris: Since then, you’ve been on my mind. I just- I feel somewhat stable. If you want to call what I am stable.

Chris chuckles as he gestures at himself. Astrid smiles.

Chris: I was going to tell you something in the hospital, but I realize it scared you. So maybe it is too soon for that… But I want to tell you, I miss you.

Astrid looks down as Chris stares at her with admiration. She slowly curls a smile.

Astrid: Well… maybe I miss you too.

Chris: Astrid, I-

Suddenly, an alarm goes off in Chris’ pocket. He pulls out his phone and checks the time.

Chris: I am so sorry. I have to run to the mall and then to the terminal. My flight is leaving in an hour. I am so sor-

Astrid: Don’t worry about it. I understand. I’ll be here when you get back.

Astrid smiles at Chris as he stands up and grabs the box of dice with one hand while Steve is in the other.

Astrid: Hey, I thought you were banned from India television after you went on that semi-racist game show and insulted their hometown hero, Veejay?

Chris looks embarrassed as he laughs awkwardly.

Chris: Yeah, I got it all covered. I am from Oklahoma, so it turns out I am 1/64th Cherokee. I had the nation make a call.

Astrid looks highly confused.

Astrid: You realize those are not the same kind of Indians, right?

Chris: I GOTTA GO!

Chris exits through the gated area where the outside seating is. He starts walking backwards down the sidewalk with his box and Steve.

Chris: I’ll call you!

Astrid smiles.

Astrid: I’ll answer!

Chris grins from ear to ear as he runs off. Astrid watches as Chris walks away, out of sight. She smiles for a few moments before grabbing her purse down by her side. She pulls it up to her lap and pulls out a bottle of pills. She takes two out and swallows them. She looks around the outside area, as if making sure no one is judging her.


Chris seems to be struggling as he walks down the pathway of an outlet mall in-between stores. He is carrying the box full of dice, Steve, two shopping bags, and a shopping list.

Chris: Alright, I think that is everything, buddy. What?

Chris acts as if Steve is saying something. Chris shakes his head “no”.

Chris: No, I told you that I was not getting you a new toothbrush. Your Scooby Roo one is perfectly fine. You’ve barely even used it.

Chris grows a look of shock.

Chris: Okay, I really don’t need your sass right now. I got a Green Quiver one because my old one is worn out. I know you haven’t taken your nap, but that- OOF!

Chris trips on a crack on the path, and the box of dice flies forward. A large majority of the dice spills out of the box.

Chris: NOOOO!

Chris flings forward in slow motion as some of the dice rolls right towards a sewer grate and falls down into it. Chris tries to claw at it, but he is too late!


Chris scoops up the rest of the dice into the box. After doing so, he looks extremely panicked.

Chris: This box is only half full... This isn’t good Steve!

Steve is a few feet away, rolled onto his face.

Chris: No, it’s not fine, Steve! If Theron notices some of the dice is missing, he is going to think I tampered with the box to my advantage. If he questions my integrity, Steve, then what do I have left!? WHAT DO I HAVE LEFT, STEVE!?

Chris screams at the sky with his skinned up elbows and knees from the fall he just took. He suddenly stops.

Chris: What? Good idea! Let’s find some more dice to fill the box. Hurry, the mall is about to close!

Chris picks up the box, Steve, and the bags. He starts running to a nearby store that is branded, “Dice R Us”. It closes just as he gets to it. Chris groans as he goes to another. It closes. He does this several times in failed attempts until finally stopping at one that hasn’t closed yet. He catches a gothic looking lady preparing to lock the door.

Chris: Wait, please! I need dice!

Goth: What?

Chris: It’s a long story, but do you have any dice?

Chris tries to catch his breath. The goth examines him.

Goth: What’s with the ball? Some kind of fetish?

Chris pants for breath.

Chris: Please, I just need dice in my life.

The goth rolls her eyes.

Goth: Fine, but hurry up. They are in the back.

Chris looks highly relieved.

Chris: Thank you!

Chris runs to the back of the store with all of his stuff. He stops at a section with tons of dice packs. He grabs one and rips it open to read the print on the sides of the dice. The goth lady walks up behind him.

Chris: Whips and chains! Nibble on ear! Blindfolded Banana Hammock! This is perfect! They sound just like match stipulations! I’ll take all of them!

The goth lady cocks an eyebrow.

Goth: Kinky.

As Chris rips open the packs of dice, we see that the packaging reads “Sex Dice”.

The colorful lit-up sign of Spencers blinks as the rest of the mall turns off their lights.


Scene fades in to the living room of the bed and breakfast Theron Daggershield is staying at for the night, it is now dark. Theron is by the window with the lights in the room turned on, looking outside. Chris enters the room. Steve is tucked underneath his right arm.

Chris: Well, this is a step up from meeting out in the wilderness. Did you see that huge guard dog out there?

Theron turns to face Chris.

Theron: Yeah. I've been watching him all day. I used to have four Dire Wolves just like that one. So.... About this dice rolling idea of yours.... This is really happening? We're going to roll to determine what type of match we're having at Uncalled For?

Chris: Yes! It's gre-

Chris stops and looks down at Steve. He bends over and begins muttering to his friend.

Chris: No, Steve! I see no reason to tell him what happen to the box! SHHH!

Theron: *coughs* Ahem.

Chris shoots up and looks at Theron like a deer caught in headlights. He smiles and then continues.

Chris: Anyway, Wasn't the idea great? I thought that would be right up your alley.

Theron: I don't care what the stipulation is. I'm confident I can retain my Global Championship in any of them. Although some of them such as the Hotdog Eating Contest or the Dalelands Gnome Oil Match sounded a bit silly. Right now we have to focus on The Garmr Dogs though. Together we can.... Kirilah?

The Warblade stops mid-sentence as a young woman with long blonde hair, clad in a Legend of Zelda T-shirt and magenta colored pajama pants, enters the room.

Tiffany: Hey guys! Sorry to disturb your meeting, but I forgot my purse. My Bible is in there and I cannot sleep without first doing my daily devotional for the night.... You must be Chris. Hi, I'm Tiffany!

Neither man says a word. She looks around the room.

Tiffany: I know I left it in here somewhere....

She reaches under the table and takes out a pink purse.

Tiffany: Found it! Night, Theron!

Tiffany blows Theron a kiss and exits the room. The akward silence continues for a moment.

Chris: Who was that lovely lady?

Theron: My girlfriend.

Chris: Hmmm.... She's gorgeous. You're a lucky guy.

Chris sees Theron smile at the compliment.

Chris: Hopefully she will be there for you when you are not so lucky at Unscripted.

Theron looks up somewhat defensively, but sees that Chris is sporting a playful smirk. Theron laughs.

Theron: Ha! Good one. We'll see... We have to focus on The Garmr Dogs first though. We won against Ella Teague and Kaitlyn Onyx, so we just have to be able to take it one step further. The fact that they are the Gladiatorial Tag Team Champions doesn't scare me.

Barking is heard from outside. Both men go over to the window. A large black dog with brown paws is seen in bright moonlight. He is growling and barking angrily. Two coyotes approach the dog, preparing to attack him. The dog bares his fangs and gets into a defensive stance. A large red fox runs up toward the conflict. The coyotes are still approaching the dog, but stop before getting too close. The fox looks first at the dog, then over at the coyotes, who he growls at.

The fox stands next to the dog, looking ready to fight. Both coyotes growl at their opponents, but keep their distance. The dog and fox run up to fight the coyotes. A brief conflict ensues between the four animals, but the coyotes run away before anyone gets hurt. The dog then walks over to the fox once the two are alone, the dog sniffs around and barks, but it is a happy sounding bark. The fox stares at the dog for a moment, then runs out into the foliage. Scene shifts back to Theron and Chris inside.

Theron: That was cool. You don't see a Dire Wolf and Dire Fox chasing off Hellhounds every day. Kinda reminds me of us. The Garmr Dogs are just like those Hellhounds. Teamwork will get us the victory at Elevation, just like it did for The Dire Wolf and Dire Fox out there just now.

Chris raises his left eyebrow.

Chris: Wait.... If Cerberus are the coyotes.... Which one of us is the fox?

Theron: You're the fox.

Chris: Aw... Can't I be a Zebra or something? I mean, don't get me wrong. I like foxes, but-

Theron: Because I'm the Wolf.... Does it matter though? Teamwork, Clovis! Can I count on you for one more night? Once we get past this obstacle, we will get our moment to find out who the better man is when we have OUR match. Silly stipulation or not. I'll be ready for the roll-off, but let's take care of the Hellhounds first.

Chris gets serious and nods.

Chris: You got it. Those hounds of hell are going down!

The two wrestlers share a high five as the scene fades to black.
To The Entity Known as Cerberus,

Looks like you've met your match with a rookie team. Pity. Was hoping to be the one to take you both out. But I'll still bide my time. We do need to talk, though. I can't stand watching you boys go one week questioning the horrible things you've done, and then the next week revert back to it. What's it going to be?

Meet me in the gym three blocks from the Flex Fitness. Come prepared to fight.

Yours Truly,

Somebody you have forgotten



Thump. Thump.


Thump. Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The rusty hook creaked painfully as the heavy bag was met with another blow. Dissatisfied, the fighter struck the taped up punching bag over and over again until their knuckles started missing skin. Blood ran down their expertly bandaged fingers. Their hands were red from use. The fighter changed their position and started using their bare feet. Strike after strike came until the rust gave out and the punching bag collapsed to the dirty floor.

Sighing, the gym's occupant turned to see the old entrance doors open. A heavily muscled man walked in first, followed by his cane wielding friend. When they spotted her, Flex was the first to express surprise.

Flex: "Sacre bleu! I thought you were in the hospital."

Amber Warren turned her back on Cerberus with no fear that they could possibly attack her. She hoisted the bag over her shoulders, and faltered. Old injuries made her cry out, and Flex Mussel ran to her aid, but she shouted for him to not come near her. She collected herself, grabbed the heavy bag once more, and carried it across the gymnasium. Ramparte stood silently with his cane Alice in hand. His grip tightened.

Amber: "I was. But now I'm here. Want to know why?"

Flex: "It couldn't be because you missed us. Though I gotta say, I miss seeing you, Queen of Dragons."

Amber: "No. For all I care Team Russia can break your necks and take your gold. My career suffered because of you jerks. But I figure when I come back...and I will...I'd rather face you two when you have what I have now. An edge."

Ramparte walked across the trashed building. He sniffed the air, and it was putrid. The Catalyst grimaced at the former tag team champion, and then at his partner.

Ramparte: "We don't have time for this, Mussel. Let's leave the Queen to her...castle."

He surveyed the gym. Everything was torn apart and half buried in garbage. Dust coated the mats, and the ring that dominated the room had no ropes. Amber wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead with a crimson hand.

Amber: "Always the pompous ass, aren't you?"

Ramparte: "You're washed up. We have nothing further to discuss."

The Catalyst spun on his heels and placed his cane inside his arm. He walked back to the front entrance and put a hand on the bar and pushed.

Amber: "I remember a time when you had the balls to lick a woman on her face before you hit that finisher. Looks like we're both shadows of our former selves."

Ramparte released the handle and glanced over his shoulder. Having what she wanted, The Dragon Queen grinned.

Amber: "That's what I thought. Now, want to know what you're both forgetting? It's pretty easy. Each and every time you faced your opponents, whether they were superheroes or miscreants, Cerberus was hungry. But the titles have made you both fat on glory. Flex, Ram...know what power is?"

Ramparte: "Power is a shade's crown. And it fits on our heads ever so smugly."

He smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and slapped him across the face, leaving a bloody hand print. Ramparte absent-mindedly touched his cheek, and stared at the red residue.

Amber: "You should have struck me back. Should have hit The Denoument on me. Look at me- I'm barely standing up! But I still fight. I continue to be a dragon even when my body still recovers. That is power. I bet you won't even lay a finger on me. Pathetic."

The Catalyst looked at his tag team partner. Speechless, Flex gawked back, still surprised to see half of Los Magnificoes Dragones.

Amber: "Raw power. It's what Team Russia has. If you're going to beat them, it is what you need. Who is it that you fight this week?"

Flex: "Chr-Chris K.O. and Theron Daggershield. Fan favorites."

Amber: "And when you show up to the arena, do you think the crowd will boo or cheer you on?"

Flex: "Well...I suppose it will be a mix. We are fighting for Everest now after al-"

Amber Warren raised her beaten hand into Mussel's face to stop him.

Amber: "No. The right answer is you don't care. That's what is going to save Cerberus. You're fighting for your friend. That's commendable. But you're not fighting for them. I had that problem once. Caring about what others thought about me. I even turned my back on El Califa Dragon over it. Remember?"

Both Ramparte and the jock nodded reluctantly.

Amber: "It's a mistake I have lived with ever since. But I am rising above it, just as you both need to rise above this persona you've built around yourselves. All of the sneaking, back-handed numbers game you've played all year has finally caught up with you. Yes, I know it's your 1-Year Anniversary. But you will not survive passed that if you don't change your ways like I have."

Flex Mussel stood silently. Ramparte quietly spoke to his long time friend.

Ramparte: "The world is filled with corruptible heroes and salvageable villains. Let the audience fight among themselves. Let them clatter away on keyboards and bicker in their Youtube videos on who is right and wrong. As for me, I will uphold the honor of a man like Everest. And I'll do it under any means necessary. Theron and Chris are not going to have their hands shaken by us. They're not going to get hugged and treated to a fucking after party when we are done. We are Cerberus."

Flex: "No. We don't kiss babies or sign autographs. But we will be respected come Unscripted. Hail Cerberus."

Flex gazed at the injured Amber. Her eyes were pure resentment, thinking back to how she once almost accepted his marriage proposal. She closed them and looked away. Mussel nodded in some unspoken understanding, and walked out of the condemned gym. Ramparte followed right behind him until she spoke up, telling him to stay a moment.

Amber: "Beat Theron and Chris K.O. Destroy Team Russia and make yourselves the epitome of what tag team champions should be. But don't forget me."

Her voice caught. Rage filled her body as she shook furiously. Her bandaged hands clasped and unclasped in front of The Catalyst. She walked over to him, face to face. Her eyes narrowed.

Amber: "Don't forget we have unfinished business, Ramparte. Because I won't. I am going to pay you back tenfold. You will wallow in your books and cry over what I do to you. I'm going to take away everything you love. The Dragon Queen is coming for you. I may not be able to soar yet, but my wings are itching, bastard!"

She pulled him close and licked the bloody handprint on his cheek. Half of The Catalyst's face was a vermilion smear. Fear shown in his eyes, but before he could recover Amber Warren shoved him hard into the entrance door. He fell over into the night air.

Flex: "Bro! Are you alright??!?"

The Monsieur of Muscle helped him up to his feet. Ramparte stared down at his cane, Alice.

Ramparte: "Yes. We need to prepare ourselves, brother. Cerberus has to howl if we are to survive."

Flex: "Then howl we shall. Fuck what's right or wrong. We are going to make a statement either way."

Before Ascension 93

Flex Mussel is shocked to see his former mentor and longtime crush Svetlana standing at the entrance way of the awful Russian hotel he and Ramparte had been forced to stay at.

Flex: What the hell are you doing here?

Svetlana: Like I said, I heard you were having problems with two Russians, and who knows more about the country than I?

Flex: You don’t text, call, email, or snap chat for months on end and all of a sudden I’m just supposed to welcome you back into my life?

Svetlana: Well I am a fugitive in your country my love, once I became aware of your expedition into my homeland I knew I had to see you. So I used my connections to get you put in this hotel.

Ramparte: You’re the reason we’re living in such squalor?!

Svetlana: I’ve seen how they dominated you two Flex, you need my help.

Flex: I don’t need anything from you. I appreciate all you did in turning my chubby childhood into a masculine manhood but I don’t need you anymore. My love has moved on.

Svetlana: This new love of yours, it’s the blonde fashion model yes?

Ramparte becomes suddenly more interested in the conversation now that the topic of Eve has come up.

Flex: Indeed that is her.

: Interesting, didn’t realize your taste had changed to such fickle individuals.

Flex: How would you even know if she’s fickle?

Svetlana: I’ve been watching you from a far Flex. You will need my help and when you come looking for it I won’t be as generous as I was tonight.

Flex: Whatever Svetlana, your country sucks, your people suck, and your language sounds like you’re having a permanent seizure.

The monsieur of muscle slams the door in Svetlana’s face before lying down in the bed to sleep. After a few seconds of hesitation Ramparte uncomfortably joins him.

Immediately after Ascension 93

Cerberus can be seen walking backstage battered and bruised after being decimated by Team Russia. They lost the match but thanks to Flex’s underhanded tactics they still kept their titles by a technicality. As they limped backstage they received a plethora of dirty looks by how they retained their championships. They could hear the snickering and gossip as they continued on to their locker room to heal up and have some privacy.

Ramparte: Why did you get us disqualified?

: Well things weren’t exactly going in our favor and I don’t know about you but I like being a champion.

Ramparte: Because of what you did Team Russia now has a victory over us.

Flex: I’d say it’s a welcome technicality compared to the much worse scenario of losing the belts.

Ramparte: You broke the rules and we suffered the consequences anyway.

Flex: Since when do you of all people question my tactics?

Ramparte: Since we became “good guys”.

Flex: Did you see the way people were looking at us after we came through the curtain? Did you see those fans out in the stands? I highly doubt we’re considered good guys.

Ramparte: After Everest took the time out to congratulate us on our accomplishments it at least seemed like people were finally beginning to respect us. Maybe even finally start to like us.

Flex: Who cares what anybody else thinks? We’re Cerberus we know just how damn good we are.

Ramparte: Sometimes it’s not just about that, sometimes I just want people to like us….

A silence fills the air as both men contemplate how unlikeable they’ve seemed in the past. They reminisce about how they’ve only had each other and to a lesser extent Eve during their entire tenure in the company. Their silence is interrupted however as Everest busts through the door.

Everest: I’m disappointed in you two.

Flex: We retained the belts didn’t we?

Everest: It’s not about that you know it. It was about standing up for what you believed in despite your enemy having the home field advantage. You two stepped into enemy territory and instead of facing your problems like men you took the cowardly way out. That’s not how I trained you two.

: I didn’t exactly see you giving us these pep talks and life lessons any other time we bent the rules in our favor.

: That was before I saw you two become men and beat Hard Metal Penetration in fair and competitive matches at New Year’s Redemption and Gold Rush. To see you go toe to toe and win with honor to then go back to your old ways sickens me.

: So you would have rather had us lose the belts?

Everest: I would have rather had you lose with honor. Despite Team Russia being responsible for doing what they did to me. I came here to tell you not only that but I convinced the powers that be to put you two in a match up against Theron Daggershield and Chris K.O.

Ramparte: Any specific reason?

: There are no other two people in this company right now that have such a respect and bravery that should be admired by everyone. I hope being put on the opposite side of the ring against them will show you two some humility and respect.

Flex: Theron is the reason Eve doesn’t have her belt and has been a train wreck lately. Chris K.O. is a lunatic who talks to a volleyball. What exactly are you trying to prove?

Everest: Theron is the only person to defeat all three members of Cerberus one on one, Chris K.O. is one of the most decorated and experienced people in this company. The two are future opponents yet have such a respect for each other that they’ve been able to work well as a team. Regardless if you win or lose against them I want you to shake their hands after the match.

Ramparte: You’ve got to be kidding me.

Everest: I’m not a very funny man Ramparte, if you have any respect for me. You’ll do it.

Everest then leaves the room for Cerberus to ponder his request.

Flex: Theron almost single handedly ruin Cerberus, and now we have to show him respect?

Ramparte: I guess we really do have to become good guys.

Flex: Or are we already too far gone to the other side?

More silence occurs until Ramparte notices a letter on top of his luggage. He opens it to receive a very interesting message

To The Entity Known as Cerberus,

Looks like you've met your match with a rookie team. Pity. Was hoping to be the one to take you both out. But I'll still bide my time. We do need to talk, though. I can't stand watching you boys go one week questioning the horrible things you've done, and then the next week revert back to it. What's it going to be?

Meet me in the gym three blocks from the Flex Fitness. Come prepared to fight.

Yours Truly,

Somebody you have forgotten
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