Are You Serious!?


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EA has announced Medal of Honor (no, not the old 1999 game rebooted), a new instalment in the previously World War II focused series that will now be transporting players to the modern theatre of warfare in Afghanistan on the XBox 360, PS3, and PC.

The existence of just such a game has been rumoured previously, with EA presumably looking to cash-in on the lucrative market that's been opened up by Activision and Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare series.

A 2010 release has seemingly been pegged on the title at this stage, although there's very little to go on in terms of details at this point. EALA is handling the single-player campaign, while gamers will be in the safe hands of EA DICE for the multiplayer.

Are you freaking kidding me?!

So, EA have announced a game that will take their flagship shooting game into the new era by announcing that it will be a modern shooter. Now, call it whatever you want but this is clearly a rip off. You can say that "they are cashing in on the lucrative market" all you like but all I see is a developing community that are desperate to make every genre of gaming possible and wont settle with being outdone in any department. However, I literally cannot believe that they are trying this. Now, let me qualify this. EA are trying to become renowned for making games right across the board. The take on developers such as 2K Sports in the field or sports gaming and they have taken on developers such as Sony in driving games.

However, trying to take on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is suicide waiting to happen. We could probably safely assume that the Modern Warfare series will continue to be doled out on a bi-annual basis and so it would make sense for EA to release their games bi-annually too. It would also make sense for EA to release Medal Of Honor on a tear that Modern Warfare is not coming out, so as not to face up to the competition and be crushed before it even finds it's feet. However, this means huge ramifications for EA, who have become renowned for pushing out a new game every year from a series. So, what happens now? Are they going to sacrifice or take on the Infinity Ward at their own game... So to speak.
Medal of Honour has never actually been that good. It's had it's decent games in the series, sure. But as an FPS, it's been completely overshadowed and outclassed over the years by Call of Duty and Halo and pretty much any FPS that has been above average.

Compared to the rest of EA's franchises, MoH just isn't that big a deal, it doesn't sell that much. They should finish off the series, then focus on the games that actually make them money i.e. Sports games and licenses. And like Dave said, going up against Call Of Duty would be like walking into a firing range, CoD is the hottest game in the world right now and MoH is just an average game series that's long past it's average prime.
The first level of the first Medal of Honour was probably as good that game got. Recreating the D-Day landings on Omaha (particularly similar to the opening to Saving Private Ryan) was excellent and probably the only thing I remember the game for.

As for games like Modern Warfare, I have little or no interest in playing. Not only does modern warfare in general bore me but there is something unrealistic about portraying wars in Iraq or Afghanistan that aren't quite over yet.

If these companies what to try pushing the envelope of realism, why not tackle something like the Russian Front in the Second World War. The graphics capabilities of the Xbox, PS3 and PC could really bring sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad to life and maybe teach something while they are at it

Or is that asking for too much?
Medal of Honor reached its peak with Frontline. That game was pretty groundbreaking at the time. The opening remains one of the best of all-time, as mentioned above. Frontline sure as shit wasn't the first MOH though.

EA, however, have gone from being villains - on the whole - last generation to being heroes this generation. Their games have quickly become some of the best in their genre and have started justifying their sales. The FIFA series has overtaken Pro Evo in critical circles, for example.

With the funding and technical efficiency that EA provide, I can't wait to see what a modern day Medal of Honor will produce. My one wish; for the campaign to be considerably more substantial than the latest Call of Duty's pitiful five hour offering. Some sprawling environments and some real choice in the routes you take would be nice too. I hate being forced down certain roads just so I can witness some 'spectacular' set piece.

Besides, Word War Two games have been done to death over the last ten years. It's time for a break. I'm sure Treyarch's Call of Dutys will still give you your fix.

It's time for the king to take its crown back.
I'm going to be straight up with everyone. I fucking hate modern shooters. They are rubbish. It's not the storyline, however contrived it may be with the good ol' USA going out with some various tough guys and shooting the place up. If it's set in the future, its still tough guys and still more dull shooting. I mean, when you really look at the recent crop of games in the past few years, I think you'll find they're all quite...well similar. Sure they have different storylines, but its all similar gameplay.

Gears of War may be different to Call of Duty, but they aim at the same target. They both disposed with a health bar and made their characters magically regenerating, they both went for gritty war stories, they both went for cover based action. It's just companies designing games that are similar to each other, because Halo 3 did well, so my tweak of it will work as well. And now we have Medal Of Honor trying to do the same. It's a real shame.

There once was a time where Shooters weren't as dull as they are now.

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