Anyone miss Big Johnny?

the big johnny thing came and went way too quickly. And John Cena being the main protagonist was a mistake in booking.

If Laurinitis was able to build a decent stable and gained some major power and controll over the WWE during his tenure, it could have been a fantastic storyline and thoroughly entertaining.
And then John Cena could have rode in and saved the day.....but obviously WWE just gave up on him.
I don't miss him. I didn't mind him. He was ok but I wasn't crazy about him. He could be funny but I got tired of hearing him stumble over his words on a weekly basis. It was funny at first when the wrestlers would make fun of his voice but that got old when everyone started doing it multiple times each night. I wouldn't mind if he was still around but I don't miss him.

The main reason I don't miss him is because he's been gone for about two weeks. I haven't had time to miss him. How can you miss somebody so quickly? I guess if you liked him you could say you miss him already but considering there is a show every single week I can't say I miss a guy after missing only two. Ask again in a few months.
The character got so dilluted with no pay off.

At first he was the bain to CM Punk. Punk is the one who first brought up John, and was the first to verbally proclaim his anomosity.

But then CM Punk was never given a pay off to end the fued with him.

John Cena basically just copied what Punk started and was given then fued.

Then Johnny was involved with Lesner. He was given both shows. He got over-exposed very very quickly and ended up as a comedy routine with his scooter.

He had great heat but NOBODY benefitted in the end. When it should have been strictly kept to CM Punk and Johnny has his single thorn.
not really. think back to the computer GM - did a lot of things that Big Johnny did and no one cared when it was shut down. really, i think Edge beating up on the computer got more response than Cena beating down Big Johnny. had he been GM longer, i might have cared more but like someone else said, he came across as that prick supervisor - screwing around with people but not really making any big changes so he didn't get in trouble by his superiors. you knew he wouldn't last long. i think they missed a real opportunity there though. back when Punk and HHH's feud ended, Punk said that someone behind the scenes was trying to get power and we saw it was Big Johnny but all he got was the GM spots. I think if they had let him get some real power(some screwball way to get in charge of both shows but without fear of Vince), we could have seen him really abusing power while fighting off Vince. would have been more intersting and maybe i would care when he left.
Don't like his role, but not much has being going on since he left. He was a good heel and yeah, he is a bit missed. Now they could use Heyman as the GM:worship:
I do and I don't miss Funk Man. I thought his character was hysterical, completely and utterly clueless yet he thought he was doing everything right, classic. At times you could take the man to be eight years old and it was great. Plus, he was over with the crowd and that helps a lot in a heel GM (obviously).

However, despite my praise for him, the episodes of Raw since Johnny have been fine (and any flaws weren't because of the GM's character). If there were enough options, I actually would not mind a continuation of the rotating GMs. Each week has been a little different in it's own way and the rotating GM has a lot to do with it. Teddy Long makes for a, IMO, horrible permanent GM. However, once every couple of months of seeing 18 tag matches is not necessarily a bad thing. I do digress slightly; point being, Raw has a lot of options at GM for me to really miss one individual, especially someone such as Johnny who was more humorous than anything else.
I miss seeing him on tv because he had a good story going, but i would have liked to see him continue the CM Punk angle instead of trying to put Cena over, which only helped for the moment, and now Cena is getting booed again.
No way, the corrupt authority figure is a tired and dead horse. It was great in the Attitude Era where you had Steve Austin as the WWF Champion standing up to the boss everyone loved to hate in Vince McMahon. But the sad thing is that such a plot device has made WWE stick in Auto-Pilot mode.

Since the dawning of the corrupt, and evil authority figure...we've seen a lack of emphasis on VITAL supporting roles in the pro wrestling formula, i.e. the managers. I'm sorry but Vickie Guerrero and Paul Heyman to me aren't enough.

Back in the day, when we had Jack Tunney as the WWF President, you had guys like Mr. Fuji, Bobby Heenan, and Mr. Perfect pulling sneaky tactics and finding loopholes within the WWF's infrastructure to undermine the good guys. Of course Jack Tunney in the storylines had a tendency to piss off a lot of the wrestlers with his decisions but it was as close to being down the middle as you could get.

The fact that the manager role is so diminished is one of the reasons why we have to put up with this nonsense of the general manager role which I think is just plain shitty. It's too bad that with the jettisoning of Johnny Ace that things won't return to how they used to be with the manager role in WWE. As always, the organization will just find another lame ass character to try to reinvent the sinister Mr. McMahon...pfft.
I wasn't a fan but I do miss having him around. I don't what it is but the WWE seems really empty right now, as if there's nothing really there to cause the problems that make me want to tune in each week. Ironically I guess he was Mr. Excitement in a sense that none of the storylines right now really feel 'big'. Nothing is really going anywhere.
No, but that is only because WWE has re-introduced so many heels lately.

-Paul Heyman returns & WWE announces Lesnar is coming back soon.
-Big Show(while even more awful IMO) is still on a "rampage".
-Del Rio is back and more aggressive. Also w/Ricardo acting more heel-esq.
-Jericho returned as a heel.
-Bryan has taken over as the major heel in the WWE storyline.
-Tensai has re-emerged w/ the MitB.
-Sandow & Rhodes have also become alot more relevant w/ the MitB ladder match.

Once WWE feels a lack of heels again or turns Bryan, Sandow, Rhodes face, along w/ Jericho and Show that can always switch back to faces, Big Johnny will re-appear!
I hate to admit but I miss the man. I don't miss him because he was necessarily a great talent in ring, or one the mic, but he gave a foil to well... anyone. Everyone loved to hate him. He was/is the male version of Vicki.

I hope to see him again, though I don't think that he will be on TV for a long time due to that TNA lawsuit.

Also I feel they will have a hard time writing him back onto the "Active" roster. Looking forward, who will want to bring him back? Both Big Show and Otunga walked out of him, and those are the two people who I would think would have been his way back onto Raw/Smackdown. Are only hope is Eve. But that doesn't really fit her character much.

So I guess here hoping for a swerve.
I think the WWE needs to pull something big out of the bag with the new GM to generate interest again. I'd love to see Ric Flair announced as the new Raw & Smackdown GM on the 1000th episode of Raw. On topic, would I want to see Big Johnny again? I could take it or leave it really. I was never really convinced with the character, for some reason he didn't draw me into the storylines and feuds he had going on so I'd keep him off tv until they can come up with something worthwhile for him to do, perhaps lead a new stable to take on a face GM or something
I miss big Johnny. He brought the heat big time. I enjoy the evil gm. Sorry folks but a fair and good gm is boring. Vince himselfis a much better evil then good character.
He'll be back eventually. Probably as some sort of lackey or representative for the anonymous Board of Directors.

I think he did a good job getting heat (that was definitely NOT X-Pac heat) and his character's unique mix of incompetence and sleaziness was entertaining. His flubbed lines, while not intentional, did actually serve his character well in the end.
No way, the corrupt authority figure is a tired and dead horse.


I'm still a big time advocate of the honest-to-goodness best for business authority figure who books matches because he thinks they'll entertain the audience rather than because he wants to punish or stack the deck against someone. Or announces matches because he's trying to sift through the talent and find the next big challenger rather than try to get his biggest draw fired (which, if you're in charge, you can just... y'know... do).
I don't miss him at all. Ace was an idiot who botched his lines and screwed up as a heel. Yes, that probably helped his character but it just got so annoying I would've kissed Miz to get rid of him! (pun translation: Eve once called Miz "frog-faced" so kissing him would be like kissing a frog). I might have enjoyed his storyline more if he had been feuding with PUNK not Cena. I wanted him gone because I didn't want Cena to be the hero again like he always is.
I loved John Laurinatis. Yeah, he was a little stiff and awkward, but the guy was easily the best heel GM/authority figure we'd had in years. I mean, not only was he an absolute laugh-riot -- the whole "Mr. Excitement" thing was golden -- but he knew how to play his role very well, he was an absolute spineless weasel. People love to criticize him for forgetting his lines or stumbling with them, but he's certainly not the only one who ever made that type of a mistake. Other than that, he performed at a really high level. His relationships with Cena and Punk made for compelling possibilities, not to mention that he had his own little "stable" of supporters in Otunga, Eve, and Big Show. Big Johnny actually made some of those people more interesting than they really were.

The thing I'll miss most about him is his willingness to do whatever it takes, though. He willingly looked like a jackass every week, so that the fans had someone to laugh at. He was a bumbling coward, but he played the role to perfection. Johnny Ace was the perfect "puppet" for upper management and he went out there and did an awesome job every week. This guy was EASILY the number one heel in the company when he was around and it's just a shame it couldn't have lasted a little longer, or at the very least, been a more conclusive ending to his reign.

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