Anyone Finding It Strange How The Commentators Do Not Mention Kane Wearing The Mask?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Since kane's return, which kane is now repackaged with his gimmick being called kane resurrected or the other way round, not once do cole or jerry even talk or highlight the fact that kane is wearing a mask. cena and kane himself have said this, but not the commentary team. Yes cole always refreshes everyone's memory, that kane wanted to exercise his humanity. But the way kane as totally transformed his look should be highlighted far more, like it would be the first time in 8 years that kane is wrestling with a mask.

What about everyone else? do you find it strange they do not highlight or talk about kane back behind the mask? or am I reading to much into it. Was cole's words about kane exercising his humanity partly highlighting the fact kane is wearing the mask, what do you think?
i find it refreshing when commentary doesn't point out the fecking obvious myself lol. the best commentating i have heard in years was the somber commentating when Zacks "back was broken"

because heel and face commentry flew out the window.

i want my commentators to talk about the action, have opinions, but not be important "heat drawing" characters...

humour in commentry is stale also.

but yes, i dont think its odd, i think WWE might have actually accidently done something right here
Why in the bloody hell do they need to mention this fact......Seriously if you can't look on TV and see that he is wearing the mask and you need commentators to say it at every opportunity go get your eyes checked.

On the other side of that is if they commentators mentioned it on a regular basis then it would make the mask meaningless.....It's kind of like John Laurainitis saying on a weekly basis how he is the EVP and Interim GM of Raw....It gets old and no one really cares after a while.

It's almost like the WWE would be saying "Hey look what we did...We finally brought back his mask and now we're going to mention it at every opportunity and shove it down your throats since this is what YOU wanted"

Don't get me wrong having his mask back is awesome but it needs to be left at that..The mask doesn't make the character...The individual does
I find this completely pointless. Why should they bother wasting precious commentary time pointing out something that is blatantly obvious? The newer fans know that obviously he didn't have a mask on before he was injured, so they noticed. Older fans realize how big of a deal it is that it's back on, and guess what? They notice too. Especially considering how big a deal they made out of it when he came back. Slowly walking out with the welders mask hybrid and then slowly taking it off to reveal his actual mask. That's more than enough. I think them calling this "Kane resurrected" sounds a lot better than "Kane w/ mask". What sounds cooler? "Kane's been unstoppable since he's been resurrected!" or "Kane's been unstoppable since he put that mask back on!" Exactly.
If they point out that he's wearing a mask, they'd highlight the fact that he wasn't wearing one before. Which they'd then have to explain since they brought it up. Since there frankly isn't an explanation, why do it?
I agree with the other post. I'm glad that they don't mention anything about Kane wearing a mask again, because after a while it would get old.

One example is when the Hart Dynasty was together and you'd always hear the commentators say, "The son of Davey Boy Smith, David Hart Smith, The daughter of Jim "Anvil" Neidhart, Natalya, and the last graduate of the Hart Dungeon, Tyson Kidd." And it's no disrespect to the Hart Family, I respect them, but I just got tired of always hearing the commentators reminding us of who they are.

That's why I'm cool the commentators not mentioning anything about Kane wearing a mask again, because it'll get old.
Wow, I hadn't noticed he was wearing his mask until now.

I don't find it strange, I find caring about twitter to be strange, since the commentators seem to be the only people who do, I find Michael Cole caring about anything Michael Cole strange, because nobody does.

I think WWE is trying to hide Kane's humanity that he's showed a few times in the last decade as he was made generic by just being another heel in the crowd, and not mentioning his humanity at all is making his character a little more real.
The fact that the commentators don't mention the mask does not bother me as much as them still calling him "The Big Red Machine" even though there is very little red in his new ring attire, and obviously the mask is red. I don't want them to call him The Big Blue Machine tho, but it is just one of those things that they should come up with a new nickname for him.
Why should they have to? It's pointless to say that he's wearing a mask if you can clearly see that he's wearing a mask. All that would do is make the announcers look even more stupid than they are. Well, cole at least, lawlers alright.
Of all the problems in the WWE, you have to complain about "Cole and King aren't telling us every fucking week that Kane has a mask"?

They've mentioned it when Kane returned. THAT'S ALL WE NEED. We don't have to be reminded every second that Kane is wearing a mask. How annoying will that be? Besides, it's obvious, we are looking right at it. Shit thread.
oh come on you all dont wanna hear michael cole sayin vintage kane with the mask all the time?? lol. some things are so obvious they dont really need to be pointed out. his mask bein one of em.
I think they should go into full detail about who made Kane's mask, the history of masks in pro-wrestling, ponder whether or not Kane is wearing the mask due to some sort of lucha libre background or perhaps a homage to Mister Wrestling numbers 1 and 2.

I'm kidding of course. I see no reason for the announcers to point out the obvious. Kane has semi-explained it so that's enough for me. I'd rather the announcers probe Jericho about what the hell those vignettes with the little girl are supposed to mean.
The mask isn't the issue with Kane. Its not making him be the evil bully he is against Cena and Ryder. Since Kane wore a mask back in the day, they are basically treating it like the last few years haven't happened.

Its like when a movie (mainly a comic movie) does horribly and the studio makes a sequel/reboot, where they sum up the story so far but its a whole new story. Like what Marvel did with The Incredible Hulk and what was done with the new Ghost Rider movie.
I completely agree with OP. I actually didn't even notice his mask until now. I read this thread, and went back and re-watched Raw, and holy shit. KANE WAS IN HIS MASK!!!! This is crazy!! I can't believe Cole hasn't said anything about this yet!! Cole needs to step his game up. This is why I hate Raw, I can't follow the story because Cole leaves out important details like this.

P.S. Horrible thread
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this obvious fact: Kane was bald, and five months later, he had 12 inches of hair. The mask is neat, and the hair is a nice change, I guess. But I don't think it would make sense for them to address the mask but not his full head of hair. As others have said, it would be pointless for them to bring up his mask without an explanation. Because quite frankly, there really is no good explanation except WWE wanted to try something different.
I'm not finding it strange because it's just another instance of looking into things too much. It's kind of obvious to anybody watching that he is wearing a mask. They don't mention when wrestlers come out with a new top, so why mention the mask. The only time the mask will get mentioned is if a mask vs ??? Ever happens or someone trys to attack him with his outer mask. and it would be completely random if they did mention it for any other reason.
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this obvious fact: Kane was bald, and five months later, he had 12 inches of hair. The mask is neat, and the hair is a nice change, I guess.

The hair is fake. it's attached to the mask.
serisously, after they ruined Kane's career for the last years now they want us to buy that he is the big red masked machine? Sorry but this move is to late and Kane sucks right now. Glenn is a great wrestler but the think with the mask back should have happend around 2006 or now after he even did Santinos trompet thing...can't buy it anymore.
If they point out that he's wearing a mask, they'd highlight the fact that he wasn't wearing one before. Which they'd then have to explain since they brought it up. Since there frankly isn't an explanation, why do it?
This guy gets it.

There was no logical reason for Kane to put the mask back on, so the commentators touching on it would do more harm than good.

Honestly, I don't get why the mask was needed for this angle to be effective. A mask was never necessary to make Kane a dominant monster again. It's called good booking. Kane has gotten good booking without the mask before (most notably in 2003 and 2010) so I don't see why that couldn't have happened again.
It is a little weird. As others have said if they talk about it too much they will then have to explain why he wasn't wearing a mask for eight years.
This is so minor, there isn't even the need for a thread about it.

We saw the videos with the mask, then we saw him come out wearing the mask. We can all see that Kane has finally started to wear the mask again, so there is no need for Lawler and Cole to mention it all the time.

They should spend the time hyping the match, the storyline or the beatdown that Kane is giving to someone, rather than talking about the attire Kane is wearing.
serisously, after they ruined Kane's career for the last years now they want us to buy that he is the big red masked machine? Sorry but this move is to late and Kane sucks right now. Glenn is a great wrestler but the think with the mask back should have happend around 2006 or now after he even did Santinos trompet thing...can't buy it anymore.

So you do not remember what kane done in 2002 kaneroonie impersonating rock and hogan, and you are annoyed kane doing the trumpets earlier last year
sure i remember the kanearoonie but cmon why the mask now? just because of cena? if it was a storyline with the undertaker then maybe but only maybe but this is non sense.
Why do they need to constantly remind us that he wears a mask? The videos where already centered around it.

Kane's new persona comes from his ability to play an evil supernatural character very well. If you would see heel Kane from 2004-2004 then you would see that he burned J.R, got kicked in fire, and tombstone piledrivered Linda McMahon onto the metal stage. Most of it was done without a mask, or his red/black little attire that he has on right now. The only thing that the mask does is cover up his face, and the suit covers up his rather overweight body thus making it slightly more believable that he is a force of destruction.

What is worth mentioning every week are his actions, not the blatantly obvious.
sure i remember the kanearoonie but cmon why the mask now? just because of cena? if it was a storyline with the undertaker then maybe but only maybe but this is non sense.

Wrestling in general is not meant to make sense, we can talk about how taker went from the phenom to biker gimmick to back to the deadman. Some of the attitude era storylines, like austin getting run over and HHH rikishi not going to prison, the list goes on if we wanted it to make sense UFC and boxing is the place

kane explained why he is wearing the mask its his essence his true self, basically his soul is what he looks like now. I am glad kane has gone back to his routes, shame this was not done in 2006, but it is done. Kane is still warming up with his new gimmick, and it is far better than his boring stale unmasked gimmick that was actually holding kane back
What are they gonna say? "Lookey kids, Kane's wearing a mask! Buy the new Kane action figures at!!!"?

Like I said by human emotion it would be mentioned, I am glad its not mentioned it just got me curios. It defiantly seems to me glen and the WWE writing team, and the company in general are writing off kane's whole unmasked run in general

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