Anyone else have bad neighbors?


The voice of Michael Cole's headset
I have really really really bad neighbors (and I FUCKING LIVE IN A GOOD PART OF TOWN).

Neighbor to my left (1st one)
Very evil people. Threw darts (sharp ones) into my backyard. One of the sons got arrested for attacking my brother and then threatening to burn our house down. They then moved away.
Mormons. They have three little kids who make noise ALL day and their dad has the loudest voice ever. Every Friday they have a party (with a lot of people). The party consist of them yelling into the sky for no reason.

Neighbor to my right
WHITE TRASH (they make me wish I wasn't white). Their son uses his ATV everyday and there is just one little tiny problem with that. IT IS FUCKING LOUD. Then to clean the ATV he uses a pressurized hose, which also is FUCKING LOUD. He and his friends drive past the house all day and honk the horn while doing it. Which is also FUCKING LOUD. Their pit bull wont shut up. They are also evil.

Neighbor across street
While my bro lived here (he moved out a year ago), we didn't have enough places to park the car. So my bro park his car on the curb in front of their house. So what does the guy do, he puts a giant piece of paper across the windshield of my bro's car that says (and I quote), "DON'T EVER PARK HERE AGAIN!!!" (Yes, he put exclamation marks on it). He also always watches use when we go outside and when my dad confronted him about the car thing he starts going off on how much he paid for the house. EVIL.

Neighbor across street, one house to the right
The guy plays his drums all day. Drums are FUCKING LOUD.

So anyone else have bad neighbors.
Pretty sure you can call the cops on them, especially if there are public nusiance laws where you live.
My dad is a judge and the city (well actually state) isn't paying him enough to do his job. F you Arnold (Schawasomehting). We wont do that anyway and really the only thing we call the police about was the neighbor across the street blocks his driveway with his car (We need to use a little bit of his driveway or else its kind of hard to back out).
I always laugh when people say they live in a good neighborhood. What it really means is "I live in a very segregated neighborhood."
I have really really really bad neighbors (and I FUCKING LIVE IN A GOOD PART OF TOWN).
Mormons. They have three little kids who make noise ALL day and their dad has the loudest voice ever. Every Friday they have a party (with a lot of people). The party consist of them yelling into the sky for no reason.

Play some annoying ass music loud as possible.

Neighbor to my right
WHITE TRASH (they make me wish I wasn't white). Their son uses his ATV everyday and there is just one little tiny problem with that. IT IS FUCKING LOUD. Then to clean the ATV he uses a pressurized hose, which also is FUCKING LOUD. He and his friends drive past the house all day and honk the horn while doing it. Which is also FUCKING LOUD. Their pit bull wont shut up. They are also evil.

Slash the tires on the ATV. If the thing isn't registered, pretty sure it is illegal to drive on the street. So you can make a complaint about it. Poison the dog.

Neighbor across street
While my bro lived here (he moved out a year ago), we didn't have enough places to park the car. So my bro park his car on the curb in front of their house. So what does the guy do, he puts a giant piece of paper across the windshield of my bro's car that says (and I quote), "DON'T EVER PARK HERE AGAIN!!!" (Yes, he put exclamation marks on it). He also always watches use when we go outside and when my dad confronted him about the car thing he starts going off on how much he paid for the house. EVIL.

No sense in bitching about something that was over a year ago, and your brother doesn't live there anymore. He didn't have any right to leave a note, unless your bro was blocking his driveway. As for him starring, call the cops and tell them that he looks like he is doing something inappropriate to himself, while watching you outside.

Neighbor across street, one house to the right
The guy plays his drums all day. Drums are FUCKING LOUD.

So anyone else have bad neighbors.

Put your nuts on his drum set. Or just smash them.

You should enjoy peace and quiet after all of that.

Noise Canceling headphones, buy some
What difference does it make if your neighbors are Mormons?
They keep having their damn friends trying to convert us.

Now the guy across the street just blocks his driveway, annoying as shit.
I'm not going near a pit bull. Or near their house.
The people with the drums are a family of Asians. I am afraid of Jackie Chan coming out to kick my ass.
I need more black people in my neighborhood. It is way to white, Mormon, Trash and Asian.
Great the guy is cleaning his fucking ATV right. Why can't he use like a regular hose or something. Why does he have to use a pressurized sound making one :banghead:
At least we have one sound proof room in my house. Of which I am not in :banghead:
Dumbass. They're not friends, they're doing their service project. Most churches have missionaries, so before you go out and badmouth Mormon people, why don't you pull your head out of your ass?
No they really are their friends. We see them together all the fucking time. Anyways, this thread is plane wreck (worse than train wreck). Even ECW DTD ppv was better than this.

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