An Undertaker themed HOF Night

Would a Undertaker themed HOF be good?

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Getting Noticed By Management
When the Undertaker is inducted he is clearly the headliner so that means not in 2012 with Rock or 2013 as that will likely be Toronto with Edge
So in 2014 they could make the whole HOF based on him and have everyone be tied to him
Manager-Paul Bearer a no brainer...Managed a number of big names (Taker, Kane, Foley, Owen Hart and Vader)
Kane- Although only storyline brothers their careers have so many parallels that it is clear they belong together and quite frankly in 3 years I expect Kane will be done wrestling as well unless he really needs the money
Mick Foley-probably not big enough to headline a HOF on his own in Vince's opinion and lets face it when you ask for the most memorable moment of Mick Foley's career its the HITC with Taker (and pretty much vice versa)
Celebrity-Dont know Maybe Kid Rock for his American Bad Ass Music or Chuck Norris
Diva-Just Not Michelle McCool she should never sniff the Hall

Let me hear your opinions if the idea is good or how you would change it
I see where you going with this but I'd like it to be all the victims of undertaker at wrestlemania should get put in to. But this won't happen til 2013 after taker complete his 20-0 streak
Vince McMahon SHOULD be the one to induct The Undertaker, him being his most loyal and longest active WWE Superstar in history.

But I dont know about the idea, it would seem kinda korny, but like Ringjobber said.. having all 20 of his WM opponents have a part in it would be AWESOMEEEE
I dont like the idea. He might deserve it, but still it WONT get me to watch the HOF. Haven't watched since the first one way back and dont plan on watching those boring shows again. And it would be hard to get all 20 of the "streak victims" involved, cause 2 of them are dead (Giant Gonzales and Big Boss Man). Also i doubt Psycho Sid would come back, especially in this capacity. I dont see Ric Flair coming back either, god i hope not. And does anyone know where the hell Jake "The Snake" Roberts, King Kong Bundy, and A-Train are? So that leaves 11 people that could come back. It could work, but never will happen.
It is a terrible idea. I like the Undertaker and he should be in the HOF, but why give him a whole HOF show. They didn't do it for HBK, Flair, or Hogan. I think it would be a great idea to put in Percy with him, but he was a great manager. He is a hall o'famer on his on merit, not just because he was with The Undertaker. If someone goes into the HOF, it should be because they deserve it, not because they had an awesome moment with Taker.
I don't really like that idea either. Undertaker will no doubt be the headliner when he's inducted. I just think it would come across corny to have every other inductee be tied to him. I could see one like Paul Barer or even Kane as the second headliner, but not the entire list of inductees. Kane and Mick Foley are both big enough stars to go in on their own. They definitely don't need to go in at the same time as Undertaker.
No Im sure the HOF will be him being him. Their audience is kids. Kids that probably missed his ABA time, and now see a big guy wearing all black rolling his eyes back. But then again the last time I saw him on TV, his pop wasnt that good and was from the older crowd.

The people that will watch the ceremony will be the ones that cheered for 10 plus years, seeing him riding a harley and wearing blue jeans chasing a man who stole his blonde wife. Seen him thrive in pain with a broken hand and soon after wearing a cast.

Point is, older audience that will view HOF knows hes human, and most being fans thatve seen his interviews on tv. If its heart felt, and detailed, WWE hits a homer.
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