Am I the only one who thinks...

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Ok, so there are tons of wrestling fans out there, but when it comes to what diva is the hottest, the fans will say the same set of people. Most people would say Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Trish Stratus, or some one along those lines.

I am not hating on them, but do any of you have as strong feelings as I do about TERRI RUNNELS and LAYLA? I mean seriously, those are 2 of them HOTTEST divas in WWE history.

Who do you think are the hottest divas in WWE history and what are your feelings about Terri Runnels and Layla?
I've seen a few clips of Layla when she first debuted, and she has a smokin' hot bod. And she is still gorgeous. When she got together with Regal, I will be honest: I didn't quite follow as to why, but that may have been due to me missing an episode of Raw or two, but I am excited about it. It seems like a throwback to olden times, of a manager doing things for her wrestler and pulling strings with the higher-ups. It's refreshing to see, and nice to see her whenever Regal appears since Darren Matthews isn't the most attractive fellow to look at.

As far as Terri goes, I have always had a secret love for her throughout her WWE career, up until about the time she formed PMS and dubbed Shawn Stasiak "Meat." I am glad she retired, as she had overstayed her welcome, so to speak.

Edit: Your post has just inspired me to find a slew of Layla PSDs and request (or make) a banner for myself that displays her sexiness. :smashfreakB:
Well there's been a few that everyone thinks is stupidly hot that i never thought much of. I never thought Sable was that attractive tbh, and i don't honestly think Mickie James is stunning.

I thought Terri Runnels was kinda hot back in the late 90's but then started looking a bit haggered as time drew on during her horny she-devil routine. Tori (not Wilson, the other one who 'dated' X-Pac) is another diva i always thought was smokin hot. But Terri kinda just felt like she was in the same league as B.B. Remember her? The 'EMT' that appeared on Raw for about a month until the Dudleys put her through a table and then she was never seen or mentioned of, again? Pure t&a for the sake of t&a, which is how i would categorise people like Jacqueline, Layla, even Dawn Marie. No reason to give these ladies the time of day except they have enormous breasts.

What's weird is that i never really thought Lita was that attractive until she started playing the part of the ****.

Back in the old days of ECW i couldn't get enough of Beulah McGuillicutty (or however it's spelt), and I gotta stop myself from drooling everywhere whenever i see Christy Hemme, but right now.....

It's all about Maryse.
Hmm i remember growing up & above my bed were pics of Sunny in some lingerie...Had a major thing for her when i was around 15...I also would put Dawn Marie in there & Beulah...

As for today goes, i truly believe nobody touches Maryse. I used to have a thing for Candace Michelee pre injury...Anyone else notice that when she came back from injury she cut her hair & got something injected into her lips...:lsabre:
I'm going to go with Lita, before she had her bangs longer that is. Yes she was kind of ****ty in her outfits, but who wasn't at that time as far as the diva's went? For someone taht started off as the eye candy for a jobber that I remember making fun of back in 6th grade, she turned into someone amazingly hot to me. The red hair was always a major plus to me. She had it all, the body, the face, the hair, the wrestling ability. Throw in her matches with Trish that were boarderline classics at times, and there's really no other option for me.
I think Miss Elizabeth was the hottest, classiest diva of all time. Her "Beauty and the Beast" act with Randy Savage was my favorite continuing storyline.

As for today's group, I like Micki James the best. She's totally adorable, although I prefer the "psycho" Micki that battled Trish Stratus back in the day.
I completely forgot about Liz, which is odd because she went to the same university that I do. She was a totally different kind of woman in wrestling, and was the epitome of beauty and class on camera. She had her top ripped off on Thunder at one point and I remember being very dissapointed and thinking that nothing was sacred in wrestling anymore. She was the only true classy woman back in my childhood and I remember thinking that she wsa the only beautiful woman in wrestling, and I think she was the first celebrity I had a crush on. True class on camera.
I've always been a Torrie Wilson fan. I think she is the hottest thing to ever grace this Earth. My new favorite is Kelly, but Torrie will always be number one and Stacy number 2.

I also used to think that Stephanie McMahon was gorgeous. Not so much now.
When I was really young it was all about Sunny. I was only about 6 or 7 but I new I was in love with her, she really was gorgeous. Then it was all about Lita and it pretty much that way until she retired. I was never much of a Trish fan, and thought Lita was the hottest.

I loved the rocker style with the thong hanging out and what not, and her being "risky" and "extreme" just made her that more appealing. Never really liked Terri, she always reminded me of a cougar I don't know why.

Layla is a hottie and in my top 3 hottest diva's but Melina is my new favorite. It is not just her looks but just her personality and the charisma she has which makes her my favorite. Unlike most, I think McCool is uber hot and has a real "all american" look to her. She is someone you bring home to your parents.
Ah Sunny. She was the epitome of sexiness back in the 90s, and she sitll holds up amazingly on video and dvds of shows back then. No one had ever done the things she did with the outfits and the pure sex appeal that she had. I still remember on the preshow from WM 12 and her flashing Phineas Godwin, and my jaw dropping. That was just such a different thing back then, and she was the sexiest thing in the world. Since losing her weight she's still hot today, and I wouldn't mind seeing her getting one last run.
i think a lot of the divas are hott!! some are more favorables than others but i would have a hard time choosing which one would be the best of all time. i would consider sunny and terri runnels to be the original divas. miss liz was a very pretty woman but more of a side-liner as opposed to a fully involved person including wrestling.

i have always thought torrie was the hottest one all around (looks, body, personality and athleticism. but some of these newer girls are a pleasure to look at. IMO, trish and lita were the most athletic and had the looks to go with it but torrie had it all. mickie james is probably my favorite current diva.

i'm sure some would consider sable one of the best but IMO, she was overrated. she definitely was the first to revolutionize the sexuality aspect of the industry but she wasn't the hottest thing going. don't get me wrong, i wouldn't kick her out of bed but i could think of a long list of divas that are much better looking.
Ah Sunny. She was the epitome of sexiness back in the 90s, and she sitll holds up amazingly on video and dvds of shows back then. No one had ever done the things she did with the outfits and the pure sex appeal that she had. I still remember on the preshow from WM 12 and her flashing Phineas Godwin, and my jaw dropping. That was just such a different thing back then, and she was the sexiest thing in the world. Since losing her weight she's still hot today, and I wouldn't mind seeing her getting one last run.

See, I dated a girl who looks exactly like Sunny, and that ended in a very ugly fashion. So, she is pretty ruined for me.

In terms of the others, I tend to think the ones who seem to be actual people and not some plastic mannequin known only for their manufactured bod. Classiness is a big thing, as well. This would bode well for folks like Miss Elizabeth, as well as Steph early on.
Trish and Lita actually turned out to be average when I saw them up close at a house show one time.

But to me it's Maria. She has an incredible body and she plays that innocent next girl thing.

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