All right ladies and gentlemen.... I am done hearing about John Cena's inequities.

3,000 Pound Gorrilla

Abracadabra homes
I just rewatched The MiTB PPV. Through out the Championship match were chants of "You can't wrestle!" <clap clap...clapclapclap>. Everyday, I read a thread and someone states Cena can't wrestle, or his promos are bland and stale. Time, to cut the man some slack. NOONE!! And I mean NOONE ever said The Rock's promos were stale, but, you know what, he said just about the same thing week in and out, with just a bit of change per venue or opponent. Yeah, The Rock was edgy and "new". But, would we bash him today for coming out week in and week out and saying "Finally The Rock....".
And, I bet if you watch a Rock're gonna see the same spots. If you watch a HBK match, you'll see the same spots (nip up, corner flippy, etc). If you watch a 'Taker match, you'll see the same spots. So, I sumbit to you IWC, we need to leave the man alone. He is a corporate man, who gives his up his body, his time, and his energy...week in and week out... so we fickle viewers can say he has five moves and his promos are stale. Now, sure it is our perogative to do so...but damn. I say....and I am sure I will take heat for for this... It is time to cut John Cena some slack.

Your thoughts?

And, there you have it.
I just rewatched The MiTB PPV. Through out the Championship match were chants of "You can't wrestle!" <clap clap...clapclapclap>. Everyday, I read a thread and someone states Cena can't wrestle, or his promos are bland and stale. Time, to cut the man some slack. NOONE!! And I mean NOONE ever said The Rock's promos were stale, but, you know what, he said just about the same thing week in and out, with just a bit of change per venue or opponent. Yeah, The Rock was edgy and "new". But, would we bash him today for coming out week in and week out and saying "Finally The Rock....".
And, I bet if you watch a Rock're gonna see the same spots. If you watch a HBK match, you'll see the same spots (nip up, corner flippy, etc). If you watch a 'Taker match, you'll see the same spots. So, I sumbit to you IWC, we need to leave the man alone. He is a corporate man, who gives his up his body, his time, and his energy...week in and week out... so we fickle viewers can say he has five moves and his promos are stale. Now, sure it is our perogative to do so...but damn. I say....and I am sure I will take heat for for this... It is time time to cut John Cena some slack.

Your thoughts?

And, there you have it.

I actually like Cena as a wrestler. He can win by pin, submission and he's been in a plethora of different matches, always rising to the occasion. He can mat wrestle, or do the "smashmouth" style. Add to that, the guy sells REALLY well....I really can't say anything against him in that sense and he is deserving of being at the very top.

I would like to see a heel turn someday though. I remember watching Cena as a heel when he feuded with Lesnar and Eddie Guererro and he was awesome. I don't know...I'd just like to see that Cena back again, at least in some capacity. I really don't care for the kiddie stuff, but that's just the way WWE market him, rather than Cena himself.
I actually like Cena as a wrestler. He can win by pin, submission and he's been in a plethora of different matches, always rising to the occasion. He can mat wrestle, or do the "smashmouth" style. Add to that, the guy sells REALLY well....I really can't say anything against him in that sense and he is deserving of being at the very top.

I would like to see a heel turn someday though. I remember watching Cena as a heel when he feuded with Lesnar and Eddie Guererro and he was awesome. I don't know...I'd just like to see that Cena back again, at least in some capacity. I really don't care for the kiddie stuff, but that's just the way WWE market him, rather than Cena himself.

Cena will probably turn heel again at SOME POINT in his career. However, don't expect it any time soon. He'll turn hell long after he's turned the rein's of top face over to another star like Randy, Evan, or The Miz.

And I have to say I like Cena as a wrestler too. I've said it before and I'll say it again JoMo botches his finisher every time and gets nothing as far as heat from the haters. Meanwhile Cena gets hated on because of something stupid like "Oh Cena's hand weren't locked correctly on the STF!" Seriously people...

Oh and when the haters finally get what they want (ie. Cena out of the Title Picture) they all moan and bitch that Cena is still the center of attention...


You know I wonder how long it takes for the haters to turn their backs on the Miz as a Wrestler too.
Cena will probably turn heel again at SOME POINT in his career. However, don't expect it any time soon. He'll turn hell long after he's turned the rein's of top face over to another star like Randy, Evan, or The Miz.

And I have to say I like Cena as a wrestler too. I've said it before and I'll say it again JoMo botches his finisher every time and gets nothing as far as heat from the haters. Meanwhile Cena gets hated on because of something stupid like "Oh Cena's hand weren't locked correctly on the STF!" Seriously people...

Oh and when the haters finally get what they want (ie. Cena out of the Title Picture) they all moan and bitch that Cena is still the center of attention...


You know I wonder how long it takes for the haters to turn their backs on the Miz as a Wrestler too.

Good post. I don't understand the hatred towards Cena either. As much as I don't always buy his gimmick, I think he's deservedly at the top of the pile and has earned it, without being second or third generation and without being best buddies with Triple H from the get go. I mean, there are days when I'm tired of Cena's gimmick, then he goes and does something unexpected and there are times when he cracks me up, just as The Rock used to.

Really, if the fans didn't want him there, everyone would boo him, or there would be a deafening silence when he enters the ring or cuts a promo. The opposite is actually true: when he comes out, the crowd goes wild...and very few professional wrestlers can achieve the kind of reaction that Cena achieves week in, week him or hate him.

Also, as far as I'm concerned, Cena's matches are far more entertaining than The Rock's. The Rock was made to use a very limited arsenal of moves, while Cena at least mixes it up a lot, using power, submission, smashmouth and even mat wrestling.

As much as I often tire of him, I cannot hate Cena and will never get truly sick of him. He is unique and he is where he is because he deserves to be.
You know I "Hate" Cena and do not like his wrestling and am sort've tired of his gimmick but I do cut him some slack as it isn't just him for WWE going pg.He is just a good wrestler to base the whole pg thing on.But for anyone who says he cannot cut a promo is a damn fool.That is one of the reasons he is up there on top.And for not understanding the hate for Cena,neither do I but I still do :lol:
I just rewatched The MiTB PPV. Through out the Championship match were chants of "You can't wrestle!" <clap clap...clapclapclap>. Everyday, I read a thread and someone states Cena can't wrestle, or his promos are bland and stale. Time, to cut the man some slack. NOONE!! And I mean NOONE ever said The Rock's promos were stale, but, you know what, he said just about the same thing week in and out, with just a bit of change per venue or opponent. Yeah, The Rock was edgy and "new". But, would we bash him today for coming out week in and week out and saying "Finally The Rock....".
And, I bet if you watch a Rock're gonna see the same spots. If you watch a HBK match, you'll see the same spots (nip up, corner flippy, etc). If you watch a 'Taker match, you'll see the same spots. So, I sumbit to you IWC, we need to leave the man alone. He is a corporate man, who gives his up his body, his time, and his energy...week in and week out... so we fickle viewers can say he has five moves and his promos are stale. Now, sure it is our perogative to do so...but damn. I say....and I am sure I will take heat for for this... It is time to cut John Cena some slack.

Your thoughts?

Yes the rock cut the same promo a million times but atleast his character changed every now and then. Cena has been the same good guy since 2004. I got sick of it after a year. The only people that don't chant you suck or you can't wrestle are the 5 year olds that for some reason like him.
THANK YOU. Finally someone has the decency to respect the man a little bit. My God, he donates all his time to the WWE and is good as what he does. Sure his character can get a bit boring at times but everyone's does at one point. I will admitt, his promos are all very similiar but they are entertaining. His not a bad wrestler. He has the strength, and is good at submission too. He can also be good at reversals as well. He's one of my favorite preformers. I am hoping for a heel turn though because it will give someone else a chance to be the top-face. Thats just IMO.
Add to that, the guy sells REALLY well....

Are you kidding? When he is receiving moves, he sells them well. A few seconds after he starts his moves, he doesn't sell AT ALL. Remember Wrestlemania 23? If you don't, HBK was working over Cena's leg for about 5 minutes. Cena reverses one move, and starts running around doing sprints into the corner, and his double shoulder blocks. HBK was FURIOUS.

Having said that, I do think he is very OVER bashed. His promos have been much more entertaining of late. Just as the poster of this thread mentioned, ever main event guy has the same few moves in their moveset. So why should we bash Cena for doing what he is told? Watch his Wrestlemania matches. Watch his early matches. He can do alot of stuff, but when it comes to ending the match, atleast he has 2 finishers, unlike many main eventer's with just 1.
Haha this thread is great. Oh wait, sorry I was thinking about a different thread. You know, that one that hasn't been done a thousand times. You see, for every CENA SUX thread, there is a CENA DOESN'T SUCK thread just like this. A "let's give him some credit" thread. A "let's give him some slack" thread. You might be tired of hearing the trolls troll, but I am tired of hearing people like you think you're original in making a thread like this.

Please do not think you are helping the problem. We get it, some people are tired of hearing it. We also get some people just hate Cena. Thank you to those of us who recognize this and NOT make a thread one way or the other.
Cena was just put in a tough spot filling the shoes of the likes of The Rock and Stone Cold. He started off real well with the rapper gimmick and he started to make the company a lot of money. Then around 2005-2006 he became the face of the company for the next few years. If you watch his debut match against kurt angle and his match against hbk you will notice that John Cena DOES NOT lack in ring ability. He can wrestle but WWE doesnt allow him 2 wrestle because WWE would rather him 2 a five knuckle shuffle lol.
I just rewatched The MiTB PPV. Through out the Championship match were chants of "You can't wrestle!" <clap clap...clapclapclap>. Everyday, I read a thread and someone states Cena can't wrestle, or his promos are bland and stale. Time, to cut the man some slack. NOONE!! And I mean NOONE ever said The Rock's promos were stale, but, you know what, he said just about the same thing week in and out, with just a bit of change per venue or opponent. Yeah, The Rock was edgy and "new". But, would we bash him today for coming out week in and week out and saying "Finally The Rock....".
And, I bet if you watch a Rock're gonna see the same spots. If you watch a HBK match, you'll see the same spots (nip up, corner flippy, etc). If you watch a 'Taker match, you'll see the same spots. So, I sumbit to you IWC, we need to leave the man alone. He is a corporate man, who gives his up his body, his time, and his energy...week in and week out... so we fickle viewers can say he has five moves and his promos are stale. Now, sure it is our perogative to do so...but damn. I say....and I am sure I will take heat for for this... It is time to cut John Cena some slack.

Your thoughts?

And, there you have it.

I want to say, first of all... I DID say that The Rock's promos were stale, before he left to start doing movies I was so sick of The Rock's promos

And as for Cena, the problem with his (lack of) wrestling skills is who he is, if he were anything less than the face of the company I would agree with you and say that people are too harsh on him, but when he's given 30-45 minute matches on a PPV where guys like CM Punk only get about 10, I think he owes it to us to step up his game and make thise 30-45 minutes interesting instead of filled with 5 moves on a neverending loop

It's like the saying goes, to whom much is given, much is required.
Haha this thread is great. Oh wait, sorry I was thinking about a different thread. You know, that one that hasn't been done a thousand times. You see, for every CENA SUX thread, there is a CENA DOESN'T SUCK thread just like this. A "let's give him some credit" thread. A "let's give him some slack" thread. You might be tired of hearing the trolls troll, but I am tired of hearing people like you think you're original in making a thread like this.

Please do not think you are helping the problem. We get it, some people are tired of hearing it. We also get some people just hate Cena. Thank you to those of us who recognize this and NOT make a thread one way or the other.

I know the thread has been done...and each time it is...I express my opinion...John Cena gives us what he is able to give us. And, being in my line of work I respect that to the outmost. I am not trying to be original, nor am I trying to change the views of the IWC, I am just venting. I was at WM in Arizona, and Cena got a HUGE pop..he is over with way more than 5 year olds.. it is just easy to bash the guy..and I was expressing my thoughts, that maybe we should look at his positives and stop maginifying the negatives. Yes, his character needs changed, but he has no control, yes his promos are getting stale, but he has no control. I respect the entertainment the man tries to give under the watchful eye of the WWE.

And, there you have it.
I completely agree. He might use the same moves that some fans call "stale", but there's no doubting his in-ring accolades:

1) 7-time WWE Champion
2) 2-time World Heavyweight Champion
3) 3-time United States Champion
4) 2-time World Tag Team Champion
5) 2008 Royal Rumble winner

He also does numerous things for charity and is the first person to volunteer his services when the company does anything associated with the military. I'm sick and tired of hearing it, too.

To every fan that says Cena is stale, I say this:

You're still watching him week in and week out, so until you come up with a better argument against him, I have NO sympathy for you!!!
I just rewatched The MiTB PPV. Through out the Championship match were chants of "You can't wrestle!" <clap clap...clapclapclap>. Everyday, I read a thread and someone states Cena can't wrestle, or his promos are bland and stale. Time, to cut the man some slack. NOONE!! And I mean NOONE ever said The Rock's promos were stale, but, you know what, he said just about the same thing week in and out, with just a bit of change per venue or opponent. Yeah, The Rock was edgy and "new". But, would we bash him today for coming out week in and week out and saying "Finally The Rock....".
And, I bet if you watch a Rock're gonna see the same spots. If you watch a HBK match, you'll see the same spots (nip up, corner flippy, etc). If you watch a 'Taker match, you'll see the same spots. So, I sumbit to you IWC, we need to leave the man alone. He is a corporate man, who gives his up his body, his time, and his energy...week in and week out... so we fickle viewers can say he has five moves and his promos are stale. Now, sure it is our perogative to do so...but damn. I say....and I am sure I will take heat for for this... It is time to cut John Cena some slack.

Your thoughts?

And, there you have it.

Inequities? Are you sure you're using the correct word? Inequity means lack of fairness or justice. You could be thinking of inadequacies which would make a lot more sense in the context you provided.

The only problem that I have with Cena is his gimmick is beyond stale. If he turned heel or just changed it up a bit and, no, putting on dogtags and thinking you're a marine doesn't count as changing it up.

This is the same shit that Hogan went through before he eventually turned heel. Everybody was sick to death of the vanilla Hulkamania bullshit and wanted something new.

He turned heel and formed the nWo. After that occurred, it was cool again to be a fan of Hogan. Cena needs a gimmick change in the worst way and, until that happens, people will shit all over him. One week after a Cena turn, you can guarantee that everybody will be hanging off his jockstrap once again.
people just dont like him because he is the face of the "PG Era"

every now and then you see those people in the front Row of RAW or a PPV wereing those shirts With the word Cena and that right to censor logo over the top, like why would someone go to those lengths? because he has been so successful? what has John done to THOSE people that is so terrible for someone to hate on him so much?
I am sick and tired of all these Cena posts. First of all, this thread has already been talked about. And second, here is what everyone is talking about. It's either: "JOHN CENA IS GONNA TURN HEEL!" or JOHN CENA NEEDS TO TURN HEEL SO THAT RANDY ORTON CAN TAKE HIS PLACE!" or "Cut John Cena some slack" OR "CENA SUCKS!" Seriously, people need to stop creating the same new treads about all of this. If they have a thought about something post it in a thread that has already been done.

Don't take what I said the wrong way though, I actually think John Cena is okay. And I am deffinetly not one of those Cena haters. I don't feel bad for him just because people say "CENA SUCKS!! -clap, clap, clapclapclap!-" He deals with it. And you know that he does because he comes back every Monday and works. He forgets that people even said that stuff about him. Cause I bet you he could care less. He's making millions, has a loving wife, and is the face of a top wrestling company.

I also feel that people should cut him some slack, but this comes with being famous, you can't please everyone. You're gonna have haters and lovers. It's all a part of being a celebrity.
if the people want to tell cena "he cant wrestle" its thier choise (and im glad they do haha). like him or not cena is "the man" that means if he wanted to he could walk up to vince and say tonight im going to do a bodyslam in my match tonight. He doesnt that says he is completly content with only doing 5 to 6 diffrent moves a match.

Its wwe style so yes all the big names are required to hit their signature moves, but its what they do inbetween those spots that help dictate if they "can or cant wrestle" HHH will break out a vertical suplex, or back in the day indian deathlock, everyone else like hbk or the rock would break out a snapmare or bodyslam. Yet cena is punch punch sig, punch punch sig, sig,sig finisher. Everyone brags about how strong cena is, yet he refuses to work in a bodyslam power slam or press slam, "power moves" that would impress and silence a few of those chants. Yes its vince and the agents that say "dont forget the five nuckle shuffle" but its cena who refuses to use his status and power and say "you know what tonight instead of move "A" im gonna do a bodyslam"

His promos are as predictable as his match, he acts like he has rated pg bipolar disorder, he'll talk all serious yo about how he's gonna be a man, AND THEN HE'S SCREAMIN AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS ABOUT NEVER BACKING DOWN!!! Now I dont mind the yelling its what wrestlers do, but he doenst change the order of how he talks or what he says. Nothing he says is original, now if ther are two people one buys this sweet mustang then the other guy goes and buys the exact same mustang maybe just a diffrent color im gonna look up to the first guy to do it, not the copycat (but thats just me).

People say he cant wrestle, authorities tell him how to wrestle but unlike poor santino cena has the backstage power to do what he wants. He cant wrestle but he also choose not to, and is content with the same old thing.

Now this one thing is pure opinion but I think cena should thank brock everyday quitting on vince.
I, personally, absolutely, positively HATE the character Cena has right now. It's kid friendly, on the lesser kid friendly show. BUT, he acts it well. He is paid to do what Vince and creative tell him to do. And he does it to a tee. He is a good wrestler, I know that, and I'll credit him for that. He's great on the mic, and doesn't deserve criticism for his mic skills, just because his character isn't everyones favorite. Cena as an actor, wrestler, and speaker, deserves to be THE absolute #1 guy of the company, the only problem is his sickening (IMO) character.
yeah, yeah,Cena loves wrestling and everything about it blablabalbalablablabla kids loves him blablablablablabla he does charity blabalbalabalalabla. okay that is great indeed. but that Cena's REAL PERSONALITY. I'm a Cena "hater" but I "hate" his character. 5 moves of doom, you can't wrestle etc hasn't born out of nowhere. I mean seriously guys, think about it: how many WRESTLING matches Cena has ONE ON ONE, that are actually classics? and I'm not talking about match that are classics for HIS career, but actually for the wrestling biz. I've got two against HBK at Mania 23 and well every match against Angle.but that is cause both Angle and HBK are such amazing athletes that they can make look good almost anyone. oh and MAYBE against HHH at Mania 22.

plus as someone said before me, you have this guy that makes the 5 knuckle bullshit for 30 mins while you have amazing guys like CM Punk that can make thousands of awesomes move for 5 to 10 mins max! seriously guys the 5 knuckle bs!?:wtf: that is a pathetic move (just like the people's elbow or Hogan's legdrop btw)! I mean FU or indian deathlock? obviously that ain't Cena's fault, but c'mon! at some point he has to show that he knows better moves than the FU!
I don't like Cena, never liked The Crock or The Has Been Kid, Just because you can cut a good promo doesn't mean you can wrestle. I look for the wrestlers and i cheer for the wrestlers, Benoit, Jericho, Eddie, AJ, Joe, Angle. The list goes on and on just because you can talk into a mic doesn't mean they entertain people, In fact aside of Jericho most that are good on the stick actually suck in the ring, 5 moves boom match over it's ridiculous how much attention is given to mic skills and what's worse is wwe pandering to the kids, do kids buy ppv's? Do kids buy merch? No there parents do so lets give us some parents some props for paying for all the PG shit that's out there. All i gotta say is WE WANT BLOOD, and every cage match or hardcore match that you throw out there without it makes me want to turn the T.V. off.
You know there have been a lot of talks that John Cena will be turning heel very soon and it can happen at Summerslam. Myself and a few peeps have been having this discussion a lot as of late.

Many have told me if John Cena turns heel that many fans will stop buying his merchandise and that the WWE will lose a lot of money. How so? I mean it isn't like the WWE will big amounts if Cena turned heel. One person should not determine how much money the WWE will make and besides what business is it of anyone to judge that Cena turning heel that the WWE will lose a lot money.

If Cena does turn heel soon it will not come as a complete shock OMG Cena just turned heel type of thing. You see WWE makes their storylines so obvious for a while now and you can easily predict what is going to happen next. This is not good on the WWE's part.

You see back on 1996 I believe when Hogan turned and joined the NWO that was a OMG moment WOW! I'm in total shock and when Stone Cold turned heel at Wrestlemania 17 in 2001 was another OMG WOW! moment.

Cena turning heel will not be total shocker to me because it's so obvious that the WWE always screw up their writing. Always!

My main problem with Cena has always been that it seems like when nobody else is available they just put the title on him. With that being said there is no doubt he is the biggest superstar in the WWE. He isn't the best wrestler, although he has had some great matches over the years. Cena is the anchor, he is what makes sure the WWE stays afloat. Other people have moments and in turn become the man for awhile, but Cena is the one constant.

I'm the biggest fan of a character change for Cena though, and I honestly believe that a Cena heel turn would change a lot of the minds that doubt him. Cena will go down as one of the greatest ever and he will at the same time never be fully accepted. Remember a time when the Hulkster wasn't getting the same love that he had been, a few months later the NWO was born and Hogans legacy was cemented. I truly hope that this will be the case for Cena.
Look Cena is THE top guy at the moment but isn't unanimous in popularity. That's good. It makes for very electric environments that are fun to watch and be a part of, and Cena is the only person I know who can draw two very distinct reactions from the same crowd.

Maybe I'm not Cena's biggest fan but I do know that he is an awesome mic-piece.
His character and the PG era have inhibited his skills.
Otherwise he is one of the funniest, wittiest mic-pieces in the E.

You people think The Miz is awesome??!
Put him in a verbal duel with old school Cena, and he will be ripped apart in minutes.
As far as his wrestling abilities go, he's ok.
I mean if every one was a technical mastermind (that the IWC adore) it would be boring TV.
He's got his own style, it's a little slow so it just passes as average.

And by the way
Everyone has their 5 moves of doom

Everyone does the same thing again and again, maybe with the exception of Jericho, who is always reinventing himself, in looks or in adding more moves to his arsenal.
people just dont like him because he is the face of the "PG Era"

every now and then you see those people in the front Row of RAW or a PPV wereing those shirts With the word Cena and that right to censor logo over the top, like why would someone go to those lengths? because he has been so successful? what has John done to THOSE people that is so terrible for someone to hate on him so much?

I think that's a big part of the problem. I also think the PG era puts many constraints on what Cena can and cannot do. WWE have also marketed him towards the younger fans, which isn't Cena's fault. To blame Cena himself and say that he sucks because of it is ridiculous. Remember, this is the same guy who was an awesome heel a few years ago, back when he was feuding with Brock Lesnar and Eddie Guererro. I reject the notion that he is boring too....he can be highly entertaining, especially the whole beating Batista by using tape (I thought that was hilarious myself). If/when the heel turn happens, I bet that many of you will be singing a very different tune.
I agree that Cena deserves more credit than he receives from the majority of the IWC. But at the same time I can see why he does get hated on. His promos are Cheesey and yes he does pander to the crowd too much. But surely thats creatives fault and not his?

Also has many have said most main eventers have a limited moveset because its sports entertainment not "wrestling" anymore. So in a PG era the 5 knuckle shuffle is alot more entertaining to the target audience than a chain of mat wrestling etc.

Cena works his ass for the WWE inside and outside the ring and even if his character isn't your cup of tea, he deserves credit for the job he does. A mighty fine job at that

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