ALIENS are coming in September 2017!!

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
They write their alien articles like they do with their wrestling ones.

Title: Aliens! Omg something is definitely happening!
Article: *starts off with useless info* then something may or may not be happening.

Title: Is John Cena Dead?
Article: *useless info* then he may or may not be dead. He also might be an alien but we cannot confirm that. Also Undertaker is retiring! Click here for more. *clicks* idk if he is retiring. But we have also heard he is a deadman meaning he may or may not be a man that is dead.
Why cant these things ever be a Last Starfighter situation? Always with the anal probes. You mean none of them need help defending their world from evil alien *****? All these hours of video games gone to waste...
I have to say, I've always loved how the crazy ones are those who believe that somewhere, among the infinite number of stars in the universe, intelligent alien life is (obviously) a real thing. It's especially great when the eye-roll comes from a Christian...

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