AJ Styles: Destined to be TNA's new Jobber?

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yes i agree i hate seein aj as christians lackey as he helped bulid tna n has been der from day 1 wer christian came from wwe along wit all da rejects,if nethng i thnk dat da wwe rejects shud be helping to get the tna originals over cuz for half them they be retiring in a few years,n id love to see an aj christin feud would be sum great matches
neep i agree with you on everything except 1, I do not look at Christian Cage as a WWE reject. Given that his in ring abilities are not that great his mic skills are EXTREMELY good. When he cuts promos they are so believable weather he is heel or face(better as heel though). If you watch impact and you tell me that the skits with AJ and Tomko aren't funny then you have no sense of humor(or a really bad one). And yes i know TNA is about the wrestling to most people(me included) but having guys who can cut good promos is very good and i still wish Cage was the still the champ as it is more entertaining to watch him gloat about himself then Kurt.
AJ has really grown into his role as Christian lacky and gained much needed charisma along with being the star of all tag team matches involving him and Cage.So I believe he will break away and will come out of his association with Cage as and all round better character which will give him an advantage in the future and hopefully he will be world champion again soon.No one in TNA is better than him and he will Rise to the top again.
i agree magic i didnt mean christian was a reject he da only former wwe guy who i like,iv always loved his promos since his wwe days,n i thnk da skits are funny but i thnk aj styles to important to tna to be used dis way,shuda made wat i meant bt christian clearer sorry man,n they needa get da titles away from angle or itl ruin tna havin 1 person hold them all,back to aj i thnk christian will win the title at sum stage n if he does thats wen they shud have aj turn on him would be a great storyline n sum great matches
I don't like the direction TNA is taking with Styles. He has good talent, he has some charisma, and he could pull off a believable match. i think he should have been the tna champ by now, and probably feuding with angle or at least in a three way feud with angle and joe. TNA really needs to fix things, i have really thought on some occasions that i could run TNA better even though i know that i dont have any prior business experience.
i wouldnt call him a jobber just yet. hes just being a lackie right now taking orders from christian cage. he was a former 3x world champ, and one of the greatest x divisions stars. hes bound to be a champion again one day
Fierce...I'm not sure if you meant it how I'm interpreting it but Aj can put on more then just a believable match, they are usually great matches but other than that i agree and i feel the same way about being able to run TNA sometimes without the experience in the buis, but it's probably cause we are just fans and as a fan you can see what would be better from are perspective and that of someone doing it for a living
i really hope not. been watching TNA since it's inception and have recently been rewatching some A.J. matches on youtube. his ring moniker is right on the money simply phenomenal! he needs to get away from cage one way or another!!!!!
I may be a bit biased seeing as AJ Styles is pretty much my favorite wrestler in all of TNA, but I have not been happy with his treatment for a long time.

You see, sure AJ Styles is over, but guess what, Eugene, Doink the Clown, and the Repo Man were all over at one point and time. Just because a talent is over, doesn't exactly mean the crowd is going to take them seriously. Of course a great deal of AJ's fanbase are those that remember him from TNA's earlier days where he was put over through his athletic skill moreso than any comedic persona. I have to wonder though if perhaps all those who are new to TNA may see AJ as being a joke, or a laughing stoke. His skits with Christian Cage were indeed funny, but there's other, more effective ways to build a heel than having him look like a dumb ass every week.

Don't get me wrong, expansion of character is a good thing. AJ Styles has long been in need of a personality, but I honestly think this is the wrong type of personality to develop. TNA knows the fans love his actions in the ring so why not base his persona on his ring abilities? Why not simply mold him into a cocky midcard heel? It's simple, but over a thousand times more suiting than the klutz gimmick he has been given. Someone with as much talent as AJ Styles should not be reduced to pushing such a joke of a gimmick every week and should be treated seriously as should all other X-Division contenders.
I myself have sometimes hated the new AJ but you gotta give credit where it's due...the Coalition is hilarious and you know this will set up AJ/Cage which can be feud of the year when they do it.
well guys aj styles is phenominal any way u put it....u call him a jobber while i call him a 5 time tag champion as of 2 nights ago. if any1 said hes a jobber you are wrong. he had no character, he sure as hell got one now. i love christian, tomko, and styles...greatest promos in the biz, and all are talented and now aj has charisma.
Aj just won the tag team championship with Tomko so I dont think AJ is destined to be a jobber. People need to realize that he can stay in the title picture forever cuz it would be a bore(cena anyone?). I think he will be back on top again but right now will have a good championship run.
I hope not, AJ Styles is easily the best high-flyer in all of wrestling today. If you watch both of his 'Phenomenal: Best of...' DVDs, you will see why he is such a great in-ring performer and why he should definitely never be a jobber.
I hate to say it but TNA is blowing what couldve been a great thing. A great company. They dont get it. We turn to TNA to get away from all the normal same ol crap of the WWE. We want to see LAX, Fallen Angel, AJ, XXX, Joe, Rhoode, and all of the other TNA originals perform and main event. With chances at the Title. Now the Womens divison? Thats just gonna take time away from the X Division which in my opinion really carries TNA and is what makes it so diffrent and awsome to watch. Ive never seen 2 hours more wasted than what TNA wastes. Daniels, Kaz, Black Machismo and other great superstars are passed up for WWE rejects, besides Angle and Christian and Rhino. Junior Fatu and Nash are a complete JOKE! One cant get any fatter and untalented and one is TOO OLD! And enough with the wanna be WWE storylines, JUST WRESTLE ALREADY Im just completely dissapointed in TNA. When I first started watching there show 2 years ago, I was amazed and automatically hooked. But theyve gone away from what makes them great and amazin. The deal with spike and Jim Cornette running the show, along with WWE rejects and wasting time on matches with Eric Young and some others that dont deserve it, is really killing TNA!
I hope we see AJ turn on Christian after he has a nice run with the tag titles with Tomko. Although AJ's character is funny, I think TNA should be capitalizing on what a star he could be. I dont think TNA are burrying Styles but I think he could be so much more. If in 3 months time Styles turns face and fueds with Christian then ill be looking forward to it.
pretty much .. he's gone from being the biggest name in tna history to the sorriest sumbitch on their roster.. im not much of an tna fan but when i did watch i watched a.j styles .. in all honestly if wwe wanted they would and should pick him up. cause he could be one of the biggest stars in wwe history. but thats only a wish of mine . ever since the aquition of guys like christian, sting, kurt angle, and maybe booker t . he's going to become a shadow of the former champion he used to be, he now plays second fiddle to a candy ass wrestler who couldn't make it any more in the wwe and his flunky,, it's sad to watch , wwe may not have the best programming any more but i mean damn at least they dont bury their former stars in bull shit storylines with bullshit or mid-card wrestlers who could never go any where... so if any T.N.A wrestlers ever do read this board get the hell out of there

lol, at that, the WWE would bury Styles, how many of his moves are on there banned move list? And Christian is good, he's not great but he's good and he's one of the best heels right now and had to great matches with Joe in one week. I AJ went to WWE he would be a combination of Jeff Hardy and Paul London there and would not be aloud to do the Shooting Styles(spring board shooting star press) or the fosbury flop, or his senton flip, or every other move he has with the exception of an armbar. AJ will be back at the top soon, even TNA's website had an artivcle on how they have him acting lately so I'm pretty sure that soon he'll feud with cage to end the coalition.
pretty much .. he's gone from being the biggest name in tna history to the sorriest sumbitch on their roster.. im not much of an tna fan but when i did watch i watched a.j styles .. in all honestly if wwe wanted they would and should pick him up. cause he could be one of the biggest stars in wwe history. but thats only a wish of mine . ever since the aquition of guys like christian, sting, kurt angle, and maybe booker t . he's going to become a shadow of the former champion he used to be, he now plays second fiddle to a candy ass wrestler who couldn't make it any more in the wwe and his flunky,, it's sad to watch , wwe may not have the best programming any more but i mean damn at least they dont bury their former stars in bull shit storylines with bullshit or mid-card wrestlers who could never go any where... so if any T.N.A wrestlers ever do read this board get the hell out of there


It is sad what there doing with Styles but there does look like there is a glimpse of hope because it appears to me that Him and Tomko might be leaving the coalition. Hopefully Styles gets a huge push after that. Also If Cena is the champ then Christian should have been 34 time WWE champ. And for Booker T i agree i think he's washed up and TNA Does not need him!

As for WWE not burying there own stars what exactly do you mean by that? Chris Benoit went from climbing to the top from 99-2004 and became World Heavy Weight Champion to jobbing to Orton at summerslam then he was thrown back to mid card and they didn't care for him anymore. Oh and how about Eddie stuck in a crappy storyline where he kidnaps Rey Mysterio's kid or whatever the heak that was.. lol that was horrible.

Oh and would they use Styles right? Heak no! WWE would make him job to Cena 6 times in a row to show fans he sucks in WWE and he's a cruserweight type wrestler only.. All of his moves would be banned and to top it off he would be a jobber anyways lol. Look at London and Kendrick... yea enough said..

For real...top shelf in TNA is the former 3rd string of the WWE...which company looks better?

I think they need to push the x-division stars instead of repeatedly tryin to "give them the rub" that they don't need.

But hey: we all know that
but thing is X division on its own will not compete with fans the need the deep heavywieght division to gain support yeah X division is amazing but its not enough at all. AJ i dont think is becoming next jobber i just think they are pushing him back hes been on top in TNA for years its time for other people to shine and beside hes one half of the tag team champs!
THe thing is the X-Division can carry a company as it did when TNA was first starting out and up until the end of the joe/styles/daniels feud then AJ and joe left for the heavyweight division with daniels not far behind and all you had as an over guy was sabin and petey williams(who has since been buried). So they developed jay lethal into the black machismo to feud with sabin and brought daniels back to the x-division. but the thing is thatall there top guys are doing something else outside of the x-division, sabin and shelley focusing on tag team as is triple x. kazarian and stykes both have heavyweight pushes right now, once they get more stars in the x-division it will be back to its glory.
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