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Achilles is a Greek hero, the central protaganist of the Illiad, and one of Ancient Greek’s greatest warriors. He is remembered for his feats of heroism, courage, nobleness, and his prowess in battle. Much of his tale is forgotten by modern pop culture, and what Achilles is perhaps most remembered for is that his only weakness in battle was his heel.

The legend of Achilles was created by a dispute amongst the gods as both Zeus and Poseidon pursued the nymph Thetis in hopes of wedding her and having a child. However, Prometheus warned the gods of a prophecy that the son of Thetis would be greater than his father, and both gods withdrew from their pursuit of Thetis. The nymph would eventually be wed to a Greek king, and to protect her son from harm Thetis dipped Achilles in the River Styx, a river that would grant Achilles invulnerability. However, the magical water did not wash over Achilles’ heel, which was being held by Thetis, thus leaving Achilles with one glaring weakness.

Achilles would live up to his mother’s expectations and became a powerful Greek warrior. He conquered many kingdoms that were enemies of Greece, and was the leader of the Greek’s battles in the Trojan War.

Achilles is one of Ancient Greece’s most famous and powerful characters and promises to be a real threat to any of his opponents in the BattleZone. Between his fighting ability, bravery, and his very small weakness, Achilles promises to be an interesting competitor.

  • Near invulnerability- Achilles was dipped in the River Styx by his mother, and the water that washed over him granted Achilles invulnerability. However, there was one area of his body that wasn’t protected, and that was his ankle, which was being held by Achilles’ mother.

  • Battle prowess- Achilles is a powerful soldier with expertise in swords, spears, shields, and bows. He is extremely proficient with all of these weapons in both an offensive and defensive capacity.
  • Peak physical condition- From years of training Achilles has managed to achieve peak physical condition. He is stronger, faster, and more agile than the average human.

  • Weaponry- Achilles has a bronze-headed spear, a sword, and a bow with arrows at his disposal. He is extremely proficient with all of them.
  • Achilles’ armor- Achilles’ shield is a beautiful construct from the god Hephaestus, the god of technology and smithing. Hephaestus is also responsible for crafting Achilles’ armor after his companion loses it in a battle against Hector. It’s safe to assume that this armor is extremely durable since it is crafted by the god of armor crafting.

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