A Three Year Old Rape Victims Compensation

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
THE mum of a girl traumatised by a horrific sex assault at the age of three hit out last night after she won just £9,000 damages.
Police bungled the case and a judge handed out a soft sentence. She said the award from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority is the final insult.

Notorious paedophile Craig Sweeney snatched the tot from her home, vilely abused her as up to 15 fellow sickos watched, then took her on a 120mph terror drive which ended in a crash.

The shattered girl, now six, is still haunted by her ordeal, cries every night and bangs her teddy bear against the wall in despair.

Meanwhile evil Sweeney, 26, could walk free in three years.

The devastated mum still cannot bear to read a medical report listing her daughter’s physical suffering — and fears the mental scars mean she will never see the little girl she once knew again.

She said: “She has more downs than ups. I can see that vacant look in her eyes. I know she’s not a normal six year-old. She’s not like other kids. She’s not too bad with her brothers and her dad but she’s not good with other males.

“I honestly believe Sweeney is with her 24/7. Come the night time, you certainly know he is.

“When she comes home from school, she locks herself in her room for two hours. She’s got a little teddy but she bangs it against the wall — it becomes him.

“I don’t think she’s slept properly since she was taken. She won’t sleep in her bed. You can go to her at four in the morning and just whisper in her ear and she’s up.

“And six out of seven nights she’s whimpering. I would rather she was screaming than that — it’s not a nice sound at all.”

Evil ... Craig Sweeney

Monster Sweeney, who had been freed early from jail for another child sex attack, went to the girl’s Cardiff home in January 2006. While her mum was distracted he threw her into his car.

He took her to a hostel where she was attacked three times as other men looked on. Then he drove her away, stopping twice to commit further attacks. The car crashed 100 miles away in Wiltshire and Sweeney threw her out.

Her parents still do not know the full details of her appalling ordeal.

The mum said: “I caught her drawing rings on the tiles in the bathroom and I asked her what they were. She said they were the ‘Daddies’ and there had been 15 of them in the room at the hostel.”

The mum, who cannot be named to protect the victim, had given cops Sweeney’s name and a description of his car. But they misspelled his name on their computer, so they did not realise the known sex beast had abducted the child.

Then in June 2006 a judge jailed him for life — but said he could apply for parole in just five years.

The girl’s mum, who is pursuing a negligence claim against South Wales Police, said: “There’s been no justice for our baby and for us. From the minute she was abducted everything has gone wrong.

“The police let us down, the court let us down — now this. Our daughter’s ordeal was worth a lousy £9,000.”

She vowed: “If Sweeney comes back to Cardiff, he won’t last two minutes.”

It takes the piss really. While you can say that it's better than nothing. The piss poor sentence of the offender, and the piss taking ammount of compensation makes you ask why you'd even bother going to court. The benefit of the girl being young is that she won't have known was was happening, and can probably move on with her life. But it doesn't excuse it. If It was my child, and she was given 9 grand I'd feel insulted. You can't put a price on something like that. But if you did it would be a hell of a lot more than 9 thousand pounds.
This right here is a prime example of why the court systems in the world scare me to death. Here in America, the same thing would happen. If a guy took a 3 year old and did that to her, he'd be a registered sex offender, probably do less than a year and pay a fine. At the same time though, someone will be in jail for a month or two for possession of a joint. The punishment doesn't fit the crime at all, ever. That girl is likely scarred for life, because one guy did something sick. To him, that was likely the greatest moment of his life. He goes to jail for a bit and pays a little money, but do you honestly think that to him it wasn't worth every dime? If I were the judge this is everything he owns, and a minumum 10 years, no parole, period. To do what he did to someone that doesn't even understand what happened is sick and deserves to be punished at a level that blows this away.
Fucking idiotic. The dirty little bastard is free to get on with his life in 3 years and she'll most likely be haunted for the rest of her life? Seriously, is it only me who thinks rape should carry a life sentence? And I mean life. You die in that cell. It's the only way to make them understand a tiny part of the life sentence they put their victim under. Eurgh. People like that make me feel sick. How could you do that to a child? Especiailly one that young.
Life for rape makes perfect sense to me. What this man did is took away the girl's freedom and choice, not that she'd have known better anyway, and changed her life because of it. To take away anyone of any age's freedom to choose what they do in any regard, sexually or not, is reprehensible. If they did it once, to me odds are they'll do it again. I refuse to believe that when this guy gets out, if he's ever near another child that age he won't try it again, and as I said before, if he got to do it again and was caught, it would be worth every second of it.
That is just sick what that prick did to her. She is going to be scarred for life and I don't see why he thought he could do this to her. What pisses me off the most is that there were 15 others watching. You must be really sick in the head to either watch or do something like to anyone, but doing it to a 3 year old is disgusting. Unless something changes in our law where rapists can go to jail for life, more and more people will do it as they know they will get let off
I hate to read a story like that. It shows how sad things in this world can truely be. I agree with KB that life for rape seems about right to me too but I think that bastard should get his ass beat every 6 hours or so until he finally dies.
That story was just down right sickening. How can someone commit this kind of act? Honestly, this man should die in his cell and never, ever be able to get parole. I'm sorry, but any age to rape someone is bad, but 3 years old?!?!? They can't defend themselves, they don't fully understand what's happening, although the little girl clearly realizes it wasn't right and can't even live without that fear so I think she understands exactly what happened. If that was my child and that monster was released, he wouldn't last 30 seconds before I took matters into my own hands, because clearly the courts can't do the job right. The stupid thing is though, is that if they were to attack that bastard, but not kill him they would probably get a worse punishment. A sick, sick individual and a little girl who may never live her life normally. She didn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve to live in fear, and she doesn't deserve to be in mental and physical trauma every day and night and cry EVERY night. Here's hoping that the little girl and her family heal from this, which may not happen be for a long, long time.
Every time I hear about repeat sex offenders, I think about states like Vermont who will not pass Jessica's Law. Jessica's Law is named after a little girl in Florida who was abducted, raped, and murdered. The law states that anyone who rapes a child under 14 gets 25 years for a first time offense, and then has to wear an electronic tracking ankle bracelet---FOR LIFE.

I think this law is not only fair to rapists, but too nice. This Sweeney guy should get death. There is no reason to keep him alive. He adds nothing to society.

9,000 poundes is ludicrous too. That won't even pay for the lifetime of therapy she may need. She will never be in a healthy relationship with a man, and probably will never want children. Her whole life is destroyed, and this is all she gets. The mother sounds like she's at her wits end, and can do nothing to help.
The only thing that I can say about this, Is that he better run. Anyone and I mean anyone when he gets out should get the right to beat this fuckers ass. The judges to, A fucking 3 year sentance and 9k ? Thats a slap in the damn face to that little girl. The dude needs to be castrated and analy raped for the rest of his life by the biggest dude in the prision he's in. I'm not talking fat, I'm talking dick size here. The biggest one they could fucking find all day everyday. Fucking people like him make me sick.
Every time I hear about repeat sex offenders, I think about states like Vermont who will not pass Jessica's Law. Jessica's Law is named after a little girl in Florida who was abducted, raped, and murdered. The law states that anyone who rapes a child under 14 gets 25 years for a first time offense, and then has to wear an electronic tracking ankle bracelet---FOR LIFE.

They're trying to do a similar thing here in England as an 8 year old called Sarah Payne was killed by a sex offender in 2000 and her mum wants the Government to allow access to the Sex Register so people know if there is a sicko living in their neighbourhood. I think people should know if an offender is living in their neighbourhood as most of the time they get relocated near schools which is just asking for trouble. The main thing that pisses me off about offenders is that they get away with their crime because locking them up is breaching their human rights. What about the damn human rights of the victim. Surely their human rights are more important than the offender's.
this actually made me sick, when the story broke.

The courts simply dont work anymore, any shit like, murder, rape, should be hang, or fried, but what this little girl went through was horrific, the bastard should be tortured until he gives the names of all of his "mates" and then they should all be tortured for as long as humanly possible.

and 9k for that? why not slap the poor kid and laugh at her, everyone involved in the sentencing, and compensation claim, should hang their head's in shame.

If the bastard ever get's out i'd be the first one planning a "dexter" for the sick little piece of scum.

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