A Spark For TNA

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Occasional Pre-Show
To be honest I haven't been a big TNA fan ever since Russo took over the book. For a while TNA was an attractive alternative to WWE featuring great matches with the likes of AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle (early), Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, Austin Aries, etc. And they had a very solid tag division as well as a great knockouts' division. Then they started trying to be like WWE a little bit too much and it has led to me watching WWE rather than a cheap rip off of WWE which TNA has turned into.

However, I want TNA to succeed. Competition is good for professional wrestling. When 2 companies are going at full force we get to see a better TV show no matter who we are watching. Hogan to TNA is big. But the way TNA has played it out has failed. There was no drama, no conflict, no angle, no storyline to it. Hogan and Bischoff pretty much came in and cut an hour worth of promos about how things are gonna chance and how TNA is going to be bigger and better than WWE. The way I see it, why spend your 3 hour show talking about what you are going to do. Why not just go out there, do it and make everyone happy?

But something good could come out of this. TNA needs a spark, something to make the fans want to tune into their show every week. Redoing the nWo storyline will not do that. The fans have already seen this play out 15 years ago. What TNA in my opinion needs to do is run with the little momentum that the last show has created. Put Hulk Hogan in the middle with Eric Bischoff. Then look at the roster and think about who would like to see these 2 with the ball in their hand and who would absolutely despise it.


AJ Styles - Gets his push, continues to be in the main event and put on great matches.
Kurt Angle - Despises Jeff Jarrett from a real life perspective and would rather see Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff in charge.
Sting - is a big supporter of AJ Styles and wants whats best for TNA, a huge fan favorite.
Matt Morgan - Is an up and coming superstar. Hogan said TNA is gonna be all about the young guys and he is one of them.
Nasty Boys - Hulk's trucker-looking buddies.


Jeff Jarrett - He is not in charge anymore.
Vince Russo - Despises Hogan and Bischoff.
Mick Foley - Doesn't feel like he is being shown the respect he deserves.
Daniels - Thinks that TNA has sold out by putting Hogan in charge and straying away from its' roots.
Team 3D - Feel threatened that the young guys will take their spot and think that they deserve more respect.
Rhino - He is with Team 3D and has already expressed his displeasure with TNA management on TV.
Bobby Lashley - Pretty obvious after the promo his wife cut on Impact.

So with this in mind we have a realistic angle forming. On one side we have people that are happy with Hulk Hogan and feel like he is going to take TNA to the top. And on the other we have people who either despise Hogan for personal reasons, are jealous of his power, or feel that TNA is selling out. So this is how I build the feud from this moment on:

Week 1: Impact

Jeff Jarrett comes out to the ring and berets Hogan. He pretty much talks about how TNA is turning for the worse with Hogan in charge and that he will kill the company that he has started 7 years ago before watching Hulk Hogan run it into the ground. Vince Russo then comes out and tells Jarrett how he absolutely agrees with him and that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have no business running a wrestling company and as far as he is concerned that he quits as a booker (drawing a pop from the crowd) and will support Jarrett in any way he can. At this point Hulk Hogan comes out and pretty much tells them both that if they don't like it here they can get out and has the security escort them.

Later that night we see Mick Foley trying to get in the arena but the security isn't letting him do so.

A backstage segment of the beaten down Nasty Boys is shown up. Everyone still wonders who is doing all of this.

In the main event we have Kurt Angle and AJ Styles teaming up against Daniels and Desmond Wolfe. The match ends with Angle/Styles winning after Daniels walks out on Wolfe. After the match Daniels cuts a promo at the top of the ramp about how he is sick of being in TNA and how he is disgusted at what the company has turned into. He quits as well. At this point Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley make their way through the crowd and into the ring. They start fighting with Angle and Styles. Daniels joins in overwhelming the faces. Russo comes down as well and the 4 of them raise hands in the middle of the ring. Hulk Hogan comes out to the stage and announces that at the bragging rights there will be a 6 man tag match: Kurt Angle, AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe Vs Daniels, Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett.

Week 2: TNA Genesis PPV

Vince Russo comes out during the first match of the night interrupting joining the announce team. He says that he will be calling the matches with them tonight and asks Hogan to dare and stop him.

There is a tag team championship match going on. British Invasion Vs Beer Money. The match ends in no contest once the Team 3D/Rhino show up and take both teams out. They bring the tables out Rhyno gores British Invasion through the 2 tables set up at the opposite ends of the ring. Team 3D hit 3D through the table on James Storm and toprope double team powerbomb Rhoode through the 4th table. Then they reveal how they have been the ones taking out all the tag teams during the last several weeks and how Rhino played possum to make the others think it wasn't them. Then they cut a promo about how TNA is not giving them any respect and how they will destroy anyone who gets in their way including Hulk Hogan. Vince Russo praises them from the announcer position.

Hogan, Nash, Hall and Waltman are seen discussing the main event backstage. Hogan asks the other 3 if they have his back and they nod.

Main Event is Jarrett/Foley/Daniels Vs Styles/Angle/Wolfe. Hulk Hogan comes out and announces that match is going to be no disqualifications. Team Styles is dominating the match until Team 3D and Rhyno interfere. It becomes a 6 on 3 beat down. Vince Russo joins in as well making it 7 on 3. Hogan, Nash, Hall and Waltman make their way down the ramp. They get in the ring and a big stare down ensues. Hogan then turns around into a big right hand from Nash. Everyone in the ring starts beating Hogan down as AJ/Angle/Wolfe are laid out. Hogan does a blade job selling it. Nash then cuts a promo telling Hogan how his time has passed and that he is not welcome in TNA. Jarrett takes the mic as Hall/Nash sit Hogan up and hold him back that soon TNA, just like the Hulkomania, will be dead. Then he spits in Hogan's face. The crowd at this point should be going crazy with boos.

Week 3: Impact

Eric Bischoff is backstage with TNA roster telling them how this is their company and that they are not going to allow a bunch of has beens, bullies and degenerates to take it away from them. Pretty much a motivational speech trying to rally the roster behind himself and Hogan.

Jeff Jarrett, Vince Russo, Mick Foley, Nash, Hall, Waltman, Daniels, Team 3D and Rhino all come out to the ring. They are pretty much trying to get across that after what they did to Hogan he is never going to be seen again and how they are the ones running the things now. And if anyone tries to stop them they will do to them what they did to Hogan. Then they announce their newest addition and according to them the next TNA World Champion, Samoa Joe.

During the night this new clique is bullying pretty much everyone from announcers, to wrestlers to people working backstage.

Bobby Lashley comes out with his wife once again saying how TNA hasn't granted him his release yet and that he not happy about it. Vince Russo comes out and tries to negotiate with Lashley by kissing his ass. He offers him more money. Lashley doesn't seem too interested. Russo offers him to pick his own work schedule. Still not interested. Then he offers him a guarantee that he will never have to see Hulk Hogan again. Lashley nods and walks away.

Sean Waltman wins the TNA X-Division championship in a 4 way match after Nash and Hall take out everyone else in the match.

In the main event we have AJ Styles going 1 on 1 with Chris Daniels. Styles wins in a 15 minute match after hitting the Styles clash. Samoa Joe makes his way out and attacks AJ. Daniels regains his composure and it becomes a 2 on 1 beat down. Kurt Angle runs out making the save. Hall, Nash, Waltman, Team 3D and Rhino make their way out and turn this into a 8 on 2 beatdown. Hernandez, Morgan, Wolfe, and Beer/Money come out evening up the odds. Lashley hits the ring and and starts hitting all the good guys drawing a chorus of boos from the crowd. And then Hulk Hogan makes his way out helping the good guys prevail. All of the bad guys get knocked out of the ring. We see a shot of Jarrett, Foley and Russo pissed off backstage. And then we see a shot of Sting looking down from the rafters.

Anyway, if you have patience of an angel and have read all of this you know where this one would be going. And in my opinion it would be a great, realistic way to pull the TNA fans back into watching the show. And it would result in some interesting match-ups on PPV.
Wow. Impressive post. It's pretty cool that you too the time to write all that but I find myself disagreeing with you on this one. Truthfully I don't watch tna much, it's never hooked me which makes me ideal for responding to your thread as it's about hooking new viewers right?

I think it sounds too much like the main event mafia storyline and the nwo storyline combined. It's about getting the younger guys over but in all reality your idea has hogan as the centre of attention all day long, not something I'd tune in to see. Hogan can't get too involved in a storyline in my opinion because as it is a wrestling show, any feud he is involved with would have to culminate in him stepping in the ring... No thanks. I don't deny that they should go down the power struggle route but I don't think the whole roster getting involved would work (see nwo vs wcw). Maybe 1 or 2 representatives from each side to do their bidding, the main event scene has to feature the best in ring competitors involved in feuds and storylines away from the likes of hogan, bischoff, jarrett and foley. Hardy/Angle, styles/hardy, Morgan/angle, Wolfe/styles. All these possible main events are what might draw me, but the most important thing that would keep me from turning the channel after 30 mins of impact is organisation. Storylines have to make sense, have a beginning a middle and an end and the show has to feel like it's progressing from week to week building to the ppv, that's not the vibe I get when I rarely tune in to tna.
I agree that this has the potential for an interesting storyline but it does sound to much like NwO for me.
This was a great group and idea dont get me wrong but there are too many members of this new NwO.
As in wcw there were too many like nearly every week they had someone new joining,as a result off this there was alot of great talent underused and therefore released.
I see you have not mentioned mcmg or lethal consequinces or alot ofthe x division for that matter,which leaves me to believe they wont have many matches or tv time as a result of plugging/selling the power struggle feud.
wcw lost alot of great talent because of this feud and im afraid the same thing would happen to tna if this group goes to large.
This feud is also a rip off of Vince Mcmahons idea of him trying to kill his company because ric flair was co-owner ironically bringing in the NwO.
Speaking of flair where does he come in,in this whole angle and new signing jeff hardy and the rest of the world elite as Homicide is having an amazing push and is playing the heel role very well.
Dont get me wrong dude it is a very good storyline as good as any writer in either company could put together and the layout was very good its just the dejavu feeling with this 1 been there done that didnt work out in the end.
Personally, I also think this sounds an awful lot like the NWO storylines once Bischoff got involved. I have a feeling thought that this may be where we are headed with the current writers involved. Or at least an Angle of Foley and Jarrett vs. Hogan and his vision.

I don't know if anyoned noticed or not, but Joe definitely said something to AJ after his match. We may be seeing a Joe vs AJ feud in the very near future.
I personally think one thing TNA could do would be to re-introduce the Global Championship. One idea might be for Bischoff/Hogan to come down and tell Eric Young that not defending his Global Championship is not what the new TNA is all about. As they have stated numerous times, everyone in TNA has to put up or get out. So in interest of that declaration, Bischoff/Hogan are changing the name of the belt to the TNA World Television Title.

EY can keep the belt as long as he can keep winning. The one catch on the TV Title is that it must be defended every week on Impact in an 15 min time-limit match.

I would then put Young up against the likes of Shelley, Sabin, Roode, Daniels, Morgan, Pope, Wolfe, or Hernandez. I would have the belt around the waist of a Mid-Card wrestler on the verge of getting a main event push. This would emphasize the wrestling portion of the program as well as give TV time to the young guys who need it. Also, it would allow the fans to have "Championship Matches" on TV with the possibility of it actually changing hands on Impact.

Down the road, you could have natural storylines about a wrestler who holds on to the belt a record number of weeks, heels who keep finding ways to cheat to victory, or even change the belt frequently over a few weeks to have a cloudy contender situation leading to four-ways or battle royals.
Actually I have been thinking pretty much the same thing. Hogan and Bischoff kept saying "It's going to be different this time!" And the look on Hogans face at the end of 1/4 Impact, I think they're going to take it to a NWO (Hall, Nash, Waltman, maybe some of MEM) vs Hogan, Bischoff & TNA.
I like the story, but that's exactly what the fans don't want. They want the wrestlers involved in stories and great matches. The power struggle has been done enough. The fans have already begun to resent the Jarrett/Hogan story already so I doubt we'll be seeing much of it.
i dont think this would be the best tna could do with hogan and everyone else they have its kind of well to much like nwo and wcw like others have said and there was no mention of flair joining with the faces or heels its a good idea but to many people in the group maybe have hall nash and Waltman stay with hogan and have the others make there own group as heels trying to take over tna and hogan hall nash waltman saying they are there to save tna and helping younger talent get over and beat some heels then at lockdown have the leathal lockdown with 5 from each group and have the groups led by Vince Russo and hulk hogan and the winning team taking control of tna have foley put up his shares and carter putting up her presidency and Vince Russo putting up his positions as head writer or something similar
I understand the posts that say this mirrors nWo a lot. And every time Hall and nash together get involved into any kind of a group it will do so. However, 1 thing I think TNA and the wrestling world could capitalize from is a well known hatred in between Russo/Jarrett and Hogan/Bischoff. And guys like AJ Styles, Daniels and Samoa Joe could get a big rub from this and not only establish themselves as the top names in TNA but the top names in the world of pro wrestling.

One thing that has always seemed to draw the fans into the show is making the show itself appear real. And the heat in between Hogan and Russo is as real as it gets. If done right, it is something that could elevate TNA as a company big time.
This is sadly the crap hogan/bischoff are going to keep feedin us reason being they know absoultley no different, hence why i stick with wwe because although they do a lot of the same old crap 2 they have an edge to there storylines, whereas hogan/bischoff will stick to what they no best, they will try make money like they did before, and i'm not stupid enough to fall for it again
Great ideas, watch their booking team steal it of u lol.

In all, the whole TNA is king crap is a lil lame and it did nothing for me. Why Bischoff has any power what so ever makes no sense. Its like he just came in and is king of the world.

Hopefully TNA take this somewhere, because I do enjoy there show more than WWE and I want them to succeed.
I agree with Daniels TNA you sold out! the show may become edgier and more interesting(for 3 months tops once people realize the NWO is washed up) but the quality of the wrestling will surely suffer. i like team 3d but
Team 3D vs The Nasty Boys i do not like.
Beer Money FTW!
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