A Missed Opportunity?

i dont like the way vince said u lose your fired. other then that this storyline is going great. they keep mentioning hogan and turner, why dont vince jus come out and say, i dont wanna risk punk pulling an alundra blaze and going to new japan or roh and dropping the biggest prize in wrestling history in the trash like is was garbage. can u imagine how that would look now that roh has a tv deal? now that ive heard cena is hurt, i believe he will lose and be "fired" and we get a new montrial screwjob with the m.i.t.b. winner cashing in and destroying punk and keeping the title with the E jus like kane did last year. thats presuming punk actually is leaving. there is so many ways this storyline can play out and thats the fun part is we dont know which way it will go and the only guarantee is that the end result will piss off half the internet world and make people screw that vince fucked up and dropped the ball.
Am I the only one that thinks the WWE missed an opportunity on this CM Punk angle with tonight's episode of RAW? This angle has been the hottest thing in professional wrestling in over a year, and has created much more buzz than even the Nexus achieved during its debut. Here in Canada, right after the promo, major sports TV stations (excluding TSN) were even reporting on it or quoting it and radio stations were using quotes from it as well. This angle had everyone talking.

First of all, you're a fucking idiot, I just wanted to make sure I got that out of the way my neighbor in the "Great White North". Such rhetoric and typical "smarkish" bitching about hoe WWE continued this angle just shows everyone that you were born with a cunt between your legs.

Now, I'm wondering if anyone sees things the way I see it. John Cena's promo at the beginning of the show was very well done. I don't like Cena, never have and I hate his superman gimmick more than I hate TNA.

Stick to the script asshole, no one cares about your simile ridden bullshit rhetoric. *YAWN* you just had to find a way to get TNA into the topic even though they have nothing to do with the Punk-Cena feud.

but his promo tonight was the best promo I've seen from him ever personally. But aside from him mentioning CM Punk, do you think it would have been more effective for the angle if the WWE refused to acknowledge the existence of CM Punk in any way? No video package. No Punk photos. No mention from the announcers. Confiscate all the CM Punk signs. (They do it for Zack Ryder, why not take Punk signs?) Let Cena say his thing, and that's it.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..... that is how boring your post is, just letting you know that right now. I think WWE is doing just fine with this angle, sorry that you are not on board with the majority, shithead.

But here is where I personally think the WWE messed up big time and really failed to make this angle the hottest thing pro-wrestling has seen in the last 15 years. Maybe I'm the only one, but wouldn't it have been bone chilling if when Cena handed over the WWE Championship to Vince McMahon that nothing else was said? He hands over the championship, and leaves. Leaves the WWE as well. Making it a "If Cena loses he's fired" match really takes away from the mystique of the match. Now, if we refer back to the past of the WWE, chances are extremely high that Cena wins this match with the mere mention of his career being on the line. The only thing that could have been worse is a "Cena Goes To Smackdown" match. To me, it really puts a dent into the entire atmosphere of this angle by adding the stipulation. If he would have handed over the championship, tossed his mic and just left with no music or theatrics it really would have put the entire "WWE Universe" into a further panic.

It's by no means a perfect angle, but I've watched wrestling long enough to know that the "Great Organization Up North" is not perfect and will from time to time make some really stupid mistakes in capitalizing on its momentum in an angle. Could this be the case as you are suggesting right now? Maybe, and if it is boo hoo...WWE in your eyes made a "boo boo". I bet you are in denial like the cunt troll mark that you are there BarbedWire Ropes.

Again, this is coming from a user who likes to attack other people's taste in their wrestling viewing within your signature. So I guess I should return the favor to you then asshole. And like I had told you...I will continue to do it as long as you keep a quote from me in your signature. Sound good?
But you don't like WWE, so why are you watching it!

He's just making an observation, I don't get where he says that he hates or dislikes WWE at all. He's just giving an honest opinion, his right to do.

Wait, I'm not a TNA mark.

No, you're the next worst thing, a WWE mark. Bottom line, I find nothing wrong with the CM Punk vs John Cena storyline, I've a good mind that Punk's promo from last week and the in ring meeting with Cena and Vince will work very effectively for the forthcoming Money In The Bank PPV. And sorry to break this to you, but there's nothing unpredictable about the MITB PPV there sport, what's going to happen is that from both brands someone is going to win the birefcase and then choose to cash it in on a vulnerable champion and win the title. Yeah, like that's never happened before, right? Who the fuck are you trying to kid? These pay per views with the cute names that showcase gimmick matches (Elimination Chamber, Hell In The Cell, and Money In The Bank are so predictable that you don't need to be Nostradumbass to know what's going to happen at either of the three.)

I think WWE's smart enough to pull something like that off, they don't have a complete idiot "booker" from New York who's only claim to fame is making a making a movie star a champion, booking their show. WWE just doesn't need to be over the top all the time becuase there's clearly no competition to even remotely threaten them. WWE usually alway's has a very interesting summer angle to keep fan's interested during the summer, this could be the seed's of it.

I can sort of say you're right on this but only by a smidge, that "idiot booker" from New York bless his erroneous soul for making some REALLY BAD booking decisions, yes seeing this idiot booker win the WCW Title and that aforementioned actor was pretty sad, however when this "idiot booker" left the WWF, you can't seriously think everything that happened in the company afterwards was completely good all the time? When the organization became WWE a couple years later, are you seriously going to tell me that storylines like "Katie Vick" were better than anything in WCW's dying days?

I'll tell you what I'd rather watch David Arquette win the WCW Title 10 times over than ever see Triple H with a flesh colored suit wearing a Kane mask and uttering "I completely screwed your brains out" all while inside a casket making love to a mannequin doubling as a dead body. Yeah, if you were posting on these forums back then I'm sure your sig would probably say "WWE - Where Necrophilia Matters". I think I'll pass....

So, your pulling the classic, "if it was in TNA you would hate it," logic that only a TNA fan can think of. Well, Cena would've turned face/heel 6 times so people would'nt probably care about this storyline.

Like the OP, BarbedWireRopes, I've read enough of your bullshit posts to get the gist of most of your stupidity Please get over yourself, the poster who called your ass out has got a GREAT POINT towards you, if this was a TNA storyline you'd probably find a way to find something wrong with it. Anyone with the verbiage "Wrestling Still Matters" next to a WWE logo in their signature has never and will never have a solid leg to stand on in an argument. Yes, WWE still employs in ring action and you'd be a fool to not call that wrestling, but WWE wants to manipulate its audience into not considering what they see to be wrestling nor call its performers wrestlers, which they are. So how could you with any logic even bother trying to argue with anyone on this forum about what any organization not called WWE does? Puh-freaking-leez....

I'm sorry but my passion for what used to be called the WWWF/WWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation and World Wrestling Federation in long form just in case you didn't know) has started to dissipate and flat-line much like your credibility goes in any of your posts.

Sorry to put it to ya like that kid, but seeing how WWE is a joke of its former self, is as easy as well...1...2...3! HA!
I agree with SirJoseOle, why did you even bring TNA into this? What would that achieve? Since you're doing it, I will briefly when I say that I prefer TNA since the last almost 2 years to WWE but I've tuned into last week's Rawpeat as well as last night's show to see how this goes down until the ppv solely based on the strength of this angle.

Punk cut a great promo, Cena cut yet another fairly lame one that had some truths in it and then his confrontation with Vince was cheesy but still decent to watch because of this Punk thing.

How would Cena handing over the title and not explaining why benefit? Sure, you could leave it on that cliffhanger but explaining why he wasn't happy and giving the belt to Vince worked better than your way would've.

Also, yes Cena could win but as I've been saying for the past week, chances are in his hometown Punk will become champion only to lose immediately to a MITB winner so that he can still beat the most hated face in decades but not walk away as champion.

That could potentially see Cena having to run through Vince's anger at losing to Punk in the first place while the new champ and Alberto battle - possibly in triple threat matches involving Cena - from Summerslam onwards to give the belt a break from being around Cena's waist while also keeping him in the spotlight before he wins it back in time to defend against The Rock (although who says Cena will actually be champ come WM28? Logic says he will but we still have a long while to go)
The only thing that could have been worse is a "Cena Goes To Smackdown" match.

I appreciate the irony of that statement: it implies that being sent to Smackdown is a punishment. As if a Mother said to her 8-year-old son: "If you don't do your homework, your Father and I will send you to Smackdown!":blush:

I don't see last night's show as a missed opportunity, though. The program represents the best of Creative's efforts at keeping us guessing. Just when there are tons of people on this forum complaining that we never get anything new from WWE, here comes Punk-Cena-McMahon.

Even as we're sure that Vince's threat to fire Cena if he loses means that he'll win, we can't be sure. Yes, my presumption is that the company doesn't want Punk to take the title and leave the company, making it impossible for the WWE belt to be defended for however many months Punk plans to take off.

Of course, that presumes Punk isn't leaving for good. A lot of folks are going with the idea that Punk is just taking a vacation before his new contract kicks in......but we're not even sure of that, are we? Personally, I'd like to think that his new contract is already signed, allowing him to be paid while he takes his sabbatical....... but who really knows?

After all, if Punk wins the belt, it pretty much ensures he'll be back, right? I don't see the logic of having him win and quit WWE, only to have Vince vacate the title and announce a tournament to find a new champion. That would be a major letdown and make us wonder why they started the program at all.

It's a brilliant program and I wouldn't want it any other way than the way they're doing it.
For some reason I feel as if reading some of the OP's posts has made my IQ drop significantly. I enjoyed Raw and I am enjoying how this storyline is being played out. But I thought it would have been kind of cool if Punk did not get the title shot but he is put into the MiTB match. Then again that would not have been as creative as what Vince announced. I am looking forward to seeing what happens. It would be cool if Punk won then Vince comes out and fires Cena but he has convinced whoever won the MiTB to cash it in(Jack Swagger :)) and BAM!
This thread is full of moronic statements. Let us have a look at them:

Moronic Statement 1: The show was not about Punk. Cena came in and made it all about himself.

Yeah right. Cena's opening promo had nothing to do with Punk. The final tussle between Vince and Cena had nothing to do with Punk. The fucking triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the WWE title had nothing to do with Punk. Wonder why smarks are considered idiots?

Almost 75 pecent of the show was a reaction to Punk's promo. Everyone interpreted it differently. Someone saw it as a threat and took the easy way out( VKM), someone saw it as a challenge( Cena) while others viewed it as an opportunity( Truth, Del Rio and even Miz). Cena also saw VKM's actions as an overreaction. The mere amout of emotions on display alone made this show very good.

As for Cena making the show about himself, I ask you this. Cena defended the rights that a WWE superstar should have. Someone needed to question it. Is there a better person than Cena for that job? Cena might be a face and Punk might be a heel but the question Cena posed today goes beyond the alignment of the superstars. That is the person Cena is, he will stand up for what is wrong even if it is done against someone he does not like. He is the ultimate role model for the kids. He showed that in such situations one must rise above personal prejudices.

In any case we already know what Punk intends to do. I do not think that the WWE can build any further for that. Punk leaving with the title is still the biggest threat to the WWE, not Cena losing his job.

Moronic Statement 2: Punk looked weak because of sitting tight after getting suspended and not showing up on Raw like a badass.

Aren't some of you the same guys that blasted Cena for doing the same thing? So if Cena does it it's wrong but it is okay if Punk does the same.

This made the angle look more real than anything else. It also goes along with Punk's character. It does not matter to him if he leaves the WWE now, so why should he come back. Winning the title would have been a nice bonus for him but now he is so much fed up, perhaps even more so by WWE silencing him on the last show that it does not make much of a difference to him.

Moronic Statement 3: The angle is boring because Cena never loses " You're fired" matches.

Cena obviously did not lose to Barrett last year at HIAC, did he? Of course he came back but that is only because Barrett had no other choice as Cena was tormenting him.

This situation is different. Cena cannot torment Punk into getting himself back into the WWE because Punk will have nothing to do with the WWE by then. Cena has lost to Punk, he has lost "You're fired" matches. On top of that Cena does not perform all that well in front of a rabid Anti-Cena crowd as witnessed in Cena vs RVD ONS 2006. Cena stands to lose, the WWE stands to lose while Punk even if he loses, loses nothing much.

This is where you have to remove your smarky "Cena never loses" glasses. Because it is not true. The WWE have done the best possible job in building this up. Cena is definately looking vulnerable.
In my opinion what would have made last night better and give extra anticipation for next week would have been Cena giving Vince the title and walking out.....End of broadcast.

It would have left everybody questioning what this means for Cena, the title, Punk, the fans etc and then open next week with Cena promo about his pride and he will not defend a title the has been belittled by the companies own chairman and he says goodbye to the fans and makes out that he is leaving. Later that night Vince comes out and says that he wants to see John Cena as he is going to give him an Ultimatum.

This point (6 days before MITB) is where the bombshell should have been dropped that Cena will be fired if he loses to Punk in my opinion. It would have given Cena some time off to rest as he is injured at the moment, It adds real mystery and question about what will happen with the title match at MITB which finally gets resolved the monday before.

Where else can they possibly go with this angle now that Punk has been reinstated (but for "none televised events") Cena now knows he HAS to win.

Im not bashing how it has gone so far because it still has people questioning what will happen at MITB but it could have had more drama and questions to it.
In my opinion what would have made last night better and give extra anticipation for next week would have been Cena giving Vince the title and walking out.....End of broadcast.

It would have left everybody questioning what this means for Cena, the title, Punk, the fans etc and then open next week with Cena promo about his pride and he will not defend a title the has been belittled by the companies own chairman and he says goodbye to the fans and makes out that he is leaving. Later that night Vince comes out and says that he wants to see John Cena as he is going to give him an Ultimatum.

This point (6 days before MITB) is where the bombshell should have been dropped that Cena will be fired if he loses to Punk in my opinion. It would have given Cena some time off to rest as he is injured at the moment, It adds real mystery and question about what will happen with the title match at MITB which finally gets resolved the monday before.

Where else can they possibly go with this angle now that Punk has been reinstated (but for "none televised events") Cena now knows he HAS to win.

Im not bashing how it has gone so far because it still has people questioning what will happen at MITB but it could have had more drama and questions to it.

I whole-heartily agree, that would've been an awesome way to end RAW last night.

But, I think WWE just wanted to get the "your fired" stipualtion out there beucase next week could play more of the story, also add's more the the discussion.

Next week should be fun.
exactly...cheesy character at its best. Worst thing is that I did actually saw it coming. No heat against the guy that cost him the match last week, no heat against the guy who called him as good of an ass kisser as Hogan. Nope, he is the big defender of his freedom of speech now..the show is focus on bringing Punk back, inadvertently painting him as some sort of hero...all leading to yet another rehash of the "cena you`re fired" stipulation with the guy already in next year`s wrestlemania main event, something pointed as an issue just last week by Punk. Whatever..it`s one thing to be a face but another thing to be a dull over the top 2d character.
Still this is still the feud of the year and that match will still be one of the most anticipated one of the year but I am not a fan of what they did on the last edition of Raw.

Thats why people cant stand Cena. They just had one of the most shocking endings to Raw and they follow it up this. Cena needs to grow some balls. Shoot back at Punk. Tell him to tell Vince that Punk is a whiney douche and he wants to beat the crap out of him. Instead, it turns into Superhero Cena so admirable, willing to risk his own pampered career for Punk's "freedom of speech".

I agree, its still a very anticipated match but really no thanks to Cena. Punks promo and finding out what happens to Punk is what really made this match.
Seriously? What face would come out and say "Good! I'm glad you suspended Punk! He criticized me and you, so instead of kicking his ass, I'm going to fight somebody else. Thanks, Vince!"

I take it you've never seen a worked shoot before. The whole premis of the worked shoot is this guy went off the rails, this guy went off the script and this guy went into business for himself. Granted they fucked it up from the get go(Or rather gave it that McMahon touch) they could have still salvaged it. They didn't. They buried it and once again tried to get Cena over with the IWC and adult fans by putting all the spotlight on him.

The reality is logic dictates Cena had not have said anything. No vignettes of the "shoot" should have been aired(I mean CM Punk is suspended for going off script and shooting yet you're airing the promo every few minutes?) at all. It should have been Michael Cole now breaking character in a deeper voice simply stating "there was an incident last week on Raw and Phil Brooks who performs as C.M. Punk has been suspended from the WWE. Vince McMahon will be out NEXT to issue an apology to the fans."

Boom, Vince comes out and cuts a promo. Last week there was an incident, yadda yadda, the WWE doesn't condone such actions, Phillip Brooks has been suspended until further notice, again we apologize, blah blah blah, we will be having a #1 contenders match for the PPV and you will get your moneys worth.

Later on here comes CM Punk through the crowd to a front row seat he purchased himself wearing an ROH or NJPW t-shirt. We briefly see it but they try to ignore Punk who keeps raising hell during a match, one thing leads to another, out comes Cena dressed out of character, the camera pans to Cena who goes after Punk but security holds them back and keeps Punk behind the barricade, Cena jumps into the ring and cuts his own worked shoot(if he can) on Punk, Vince comes back out, heated words are exchanged among the three, cut to black. Then announce via WWE.con and on next weeks show Punk has agreed to put up a $100,000 bond guaranteeing he won't take the belt to ROH or NWJP in the event he wins it and McMahon has lifted the suspension for one night only.

Or since Punk "went off script" last week Vince and security could have came out in the middle of it as Cena stopped kayfabing a rib injury in the ring and took off up the ramp after Punk.

It doesn't make sense for you that Cena doesn't want to be known for kissing Vince's ass? That he'd rather do the real "face" thing and stand up for what's right?

In what fucking galaxy is it the "right thing to do" for the FACE OF THE COMPANY(literally) to come out and defend the guy who supposedly just went off script on the previous Raw and trashed the entire company that Cena represents?

Cena IS the WWE, Vince made sure of that a long time ago. Punk "went off script" and called Cena an asskisser then trashed the product Cena represents. Only in WWE faboy world does it make sense for Thug Opie to come out and go "aww golly gee paw, C.M. Punk has the right to trash me and this company, it's his freedom of speech(even though you waive freedom of speech when you're contractually obligated to perform a character and are being paid to follow corporate guidelines in the workplace), shucks Mr. McMahon can't we give Mr. Punk his job back? It sure would be swell to perform this contest of respect at the PPV."

Unbelievable, a worked shoot geared towards 5 year olds. I truly have seen it all in the Wrestling sports "entertainment" business now. The only thing left for Vince to do is have them do the one armed buddy hug up the ramp after the match. Well that and have Lil' Jimmy knock out Punk with cotton candy costing him the match.

If you want to believe that they fucked this up, cool, but at least they didn't go the TNA route and just make the entire thing so convoluted that you don't know what's going on.

1: TNA has nothing to do with, stop deflecting.

2: TNA wouldn't have fucked this up to the level Vince McMahon did, to quote his theme song "no chance in hell heck." But nice try. Btw, who gave a failed actor a run as World Champ again? Who was it that built up an entertaining heel for over a month only to job him to a fucking cup of water? Who was it that just took a very good worked shoot and turned it into the face of their franchise lobbying for the mega heel to golly gee, get his job back pawpaw? Answer: It isn't TNA.

3: Notice how last week even TNA fans were excited over the Punk promo and thought it was good? Yeah, someone who is a TNA fan bashing it has ZERO to do with TNA, it has to do with the WWE taking a good thing and fucking it up. We're not bashing it because it is the WWE(we'll leave that to you WWE fanboys who can't admit anything good about the competition), we're bashing it because we actually invested ourselves into seeing where it would go and enjoying part one. We're pissed it was flushed down the toilet and we're not going to sit here smiling while fed shit just because it's the WWE, like a few people in this thread.

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