A match that genuinely excites you


Occasional Pre-Show
I was playing WWE 2K14 recently and it took me a long time to choose two superstars for a match. It got me thinking: what matches do you honestly find exciting in 2014?

It doesn't have to be a "Once In a Lifetime dream match" - it can be a Wrestlemania main event or an opener on Superstars - but which two competitors currently in WWE at least part-time would you be excited to see square off?

My personal answer is Cesaro vs Brock Lesnar. This would be a very old school wrasslin type feud relying on the strength and toughness of both competitors, and with both being incredibly gifted athletes and stiff workers I have to believe it'd be a beautifully ugly fight.

So which one on one match do you wish you could book?
I'm sure I'll get crucified for this but about the only match possible (based upon your rule kinda) that would really excite me would be Brock Lesnar vs The Rock. I was excited for this match when I thought they would start the build for it the night after Rock lost to Cena (and they probably would have had Rock not got hurt) and id be excited if it occurred next year.
With the proper build Seth Rollins v Daniel Bryan. They both are great wrestlers and the buildup could be great. Seth Rollins could be mad that Bryan is getting shot up to the mainevent after returning from injury. That'd be a dream match
Good question, OP.

For me, I'll get up for anything with a good build. Lower-card to blockbuster dream match, it doesn't make any difference to me - with a proper, good, solid build. Doesn't even have to be new or groundbreaking angles. I just like the suspense of the good,old-fashioned feud.

For example, I was into the Jack Swagger - Rusev deal. I don't give two craps about either one of those guys. I don't mark out for them, but I was intrigued. Then WWE pissed on it. Shocker.

I was into the Steph-Bella deal. Why? We knew that was going to be a train wreck. And the train keeps wreckin'.

But these feuds had build. That's what I want.

THAT is the single greatest aspect (IMHO) of the Attitude Era. It wasn't "Bra and Panties" matches, it wasn't blood or cussing or any of that. I'm an AE mark, to be sure, but THAT is why: WWE was able to draw you into feuds with good storytelling, even if you didn't give two craps about who was involved. And they were able to do it from the top of the card to the bottom.

Any match that builds well, I'm into. I'll get excited about that.

I was so drawn into the Punk-Heyman deal, that Brock was a non-factor to me last year, and I was excited to watch it. And I don't particularly care for either.

I wasn't into the Cena - Brock deal that's currently going on, but I am right now, because of the Cena promos and the Heyman/Brock vignettes. I'm curious to see how Vince will play this hand.

I was all over the Daniel Bryan deal, because I wanted to see it pay off.

As an AE mark, I'm not into any particular people on the current roster, but i will watch. And I can get into any match that has good build. Sadly, these are fewer are farther between than we would like.
I wish Randy Orton hadn't been turned heel and had this disastrous last 13 months, because an Orton vs. Lesnar program for the title would be epic. Needless to say, Big Show and Lesnar slugging it out at the next 2/3 pay-per-views is far from a dream of mine. A nightmare, maybe.
People like daniel bryan need to be ran out of of wrestling. I don't wanna see small guys act like they can take out guys like brock rock triple h
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler. That's the long-term main event feud I want to see in WWE right now. That should be headlining WrestleMania 31, not the most likely scenario and subsequent snorefest of Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns.
I've had the same problem of indecision while playing 2k14.

Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan still has loads of potential left as a main event level fued. They had a few good matches at the start of the year, but I think they've yet to scratch the surface of the chemistry they have together.
The one I am looking forward to is gonna be a little way aways, but I think Adrian Neville getting into the main event picture and some of those matches could be nothing short of spectacular. I can see him working great matches with Bryan, Orton and Bad News Barrett along the way... Not so sure about Ziggler as I can see Zig screwing up but Takeover showed Neville is more than ready and could step up as NXT champion now to the main roster. I would expect he loses at the tapings and begins his "move up" in the next few weeks.
Sami Zayne v Seth Rollins

Apart from being really good in their respectivelly face and heel personas, they're two of the best in ring workers that WWE has. I actually see a feud like this being main event material (even wrestlemania main event material) in 5 or 6 years.
As long as it has the right build, I think the current gimmick of Dean Ambrose vs CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar would be a great triple threat match, especially if you throw in a spot like a double F-5 or a desperation GTS into the Dirty Deeds. Including CM Punk's Neckbreaker-DDT combo would also be great.
I'm not a big fan of Ziggler's live promo work in front of large crowds but his pre-taped stuff is pretty good. Because of this and his ring ability, I think I'd be highly entertained by a Royal Rumble where he outlasts almost everyone and becomes the new 1st contender for the WWE Heavyweight Championship.

I think his endurance and speed would allow him to put on an impressively lengthy and entertaining match. His ability in backstage promos could also do a good job at hyping the importance to him. Any match he's in that "goes the distance" would be fun to watch. That said, if it had to be a one-on-one match, I'd say probably a No-DQ match between Kofi Kingston vs Ziggler for the IC Title. I think they'd pull out all of the stops for that one. Kofi has all the in-ring talent you could ask for and clearly I think Ziggler would bring it for a match of that caliber. Mid card matches usually have the highest potential for me when it comes to entertainment these days. If this were the AE, I'd probably say The Rock vs Triple H for the WWF title in a No Holds Barred match.
As an indie fan currently there's lots of potential match ups that would excite me, any combo of Zayn, Bryan, Neville, Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Kenta, Devitt, Steen would be a great match.

Would love to see Lesnar/Rock, any combo Wyatt/Taker/Sting, another HHH/Rock or Rock/Austin or Rock/HHH would get my inner AE fan marking out.

Even the divas have the matchups if given time to develop a feud and tell a story in the ring. Any 2 of Charlotte, Paige, Natalya, AJ would be superb if given the chance, unlike the current Paige/AJ matches which feel rushed.

As an EDIT: If Punk was to return and Graves was healthy I'd like to see those 2 names added to the top list of wrestlers. Also add in Sara Del Rey to the women's roster and we could see some fantastic matches too!
Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose. Two of my favorite guys right now. And the feud would be kind of interesting. Think about it. How do you get in the head of, and mentally manipulate, someone who's completely insane?
Out of the possibilities with the current "Active Roster", there are a few feuds that would actually excite me quite a bit, if done correctly. One off matches with no back-story is not really my cup of tea,tbh, I appreciate a good one-off Singles match(Cesaro vs Cena for eg.) in the moment, but that isn't one I'd always remember going forward(as it served little purpose storyline-wise or for a push for the 'lesser' Superstar).

Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar: I'd love to see these 2 have a short feud for the title soon enough. Preferably post-NoC, as Randy is seemingly gaining some sort of momentum recently and is starting to become himself again rather than HHH's little B****!

Sheamus/Cesaro vs Rusev: I feel a programme between Rusev and either of the others for the US title would be of great interest, in terms of interaction and matchwise also. Ntm, Rusev's level of heat has meant that whoever is his opponent becomes a Hero to the audience(For Cesaro especially, that would be brilliant as he has the ability to get over as a Babyface on his In-Ring abilities alone,lMO).

Daniel Bryan vs John Cena & Roman Reigns vs Triple H: Anyone who watches knows these match-ups would be of great interest. They just seem like Big Time,lMO.


Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar: Don't think Ambrose should go over Lesnar at all. But I'd love to see Dean's crazy persona go up against Paul Heyman, and how a programme would be done with Brock Lesnar. If done properly, it could be a brilliant short feud to have leading upto the rumoured Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar Mania Showdown,lMO.
Sheamus vs. Brock Lesnar. Lesnar has yet to wrestle a real match with a true powerhouse in the 2 and a half years since he's returned, and Sheamus is really the only power guy on the roster with a large build. Sheamus is also very athletic, a reliable worker, and can perform in the ring. It would definitely be interesting to see what could go down between him and Lesnar.

At this point, a Kenta match vs. any top guy on the roster right now really excites me as well, because if you think about it, the WWE has never been successful at handling "international sensations", especially Japanese wrestlers. If Kenta is handled well and becomes successful, it'll be a first. Kenta is also one of the few wrestlers to ever step foot in the WWE well versed in Puroresu. Kenta vs. Daniel Bryan, Kenta vs. Seth Rollins, Kenta vs. Randy Orton, Kenta vs. Triple H, Kenta vs. John Cena, Kenta vs. Cesaro, Kenta vs. Sami Zayn, Kenta vs. Adrian Neville are all money, hell even Kenta vs. Luke Harper sounds like a smash.
for me, if they build it right (similar to what the E did years ago) but I always look forward to the Elimination Chamber matches, and how brutal they can be, especially when each person in the match has an issue with another (like the one with HBK as ref)...I think it would have been interesting if the WWE did Shield vs Wyatt family at the last EC ppv (see who would have survived or who would have turned on their stablemates to get the win)

As for present day competitors to go in it, I would still like to see Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, and Bray Wyatt in it. I would love to see them do battle in it for the title, as I see all 6 men as deserving of having it, whether it be now, or in the future.
hell even Kenta vs. Luke Harper sounds like a smash.

:lol: Kenta vs. Luke Harper? That's barely a dark match. Kenta needs to prove he can cut it in the big leagues (look at all the hype behind Sin Cara, who amounted to nothing but wasted money). And Luke Harper is one of the worst workers on the roster. He looks good in comparison to Erick Rowan because Rowan may be THE worst worker on the roster. Harper is a typical big guy with a typical big guy moveset. There's nothing special about him whatsoever.
Well one of the great things about 2K14 is all the matches that you'd never see IRL are ones you can book and see how they might play out. That being said, I'm biased but I would love to see HBK in his prime vs. CM Punk. Those two are nearly untouchable in the ring (NEARLY) and a 2 out of 3 falls match between the two would be nothing short of an awesome match. I would also love to see Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle or Daniel Bryan.
Lesnar and Sami Zayn are two guys that intrigue me the most. Lesnar is a part-timer and Zayn is still on NXT and there are good possibilities for both.

Lesnar vs Cesaro/Sheamus are two matches I'd really like to see. Even Bryan, Ambrose and Rollins too. Sheamus is a underrated wrestler for sure and I reckon these two could have a match of a very high quality ranging a few styles. The same applies for Cesaro but that is rather obvious.

I don't think Sami Zayn is necessarily the next big star but he is clearly talented and has a great skill-set. I'd pay good money to watch him wrestle John Cena. Cena would compliment him well and it would be magic. If Orton was on his game then I'd love to see that too. Sheamus, again, would be wonderful.

Lesnar v Cesaro, Lesnar v Sheamus and Cena v Zayn are probably the top three I can think off. Sting v Taker goes without saying.
Luke Harper v. Bray Wyatt. Wyatt has been an overrated brawler since appearing on the main roster, and his lackey is probably the most UNDERRATED guy on the active roster.

I'd love to see Harper smoke Wyatt
Luke Harper v. Bray Wyatt. Wyatt has been an overrated brawler since appearing on the main roster, and his lackey is probably the most UNDERRATED guy on the active roster.

I'd love to see Harper smoke Wyatt

I'd love this match with Erick Rowan as guest referee, with a "Loser is Future Endeavored, Winner is Future Endeavored, and Ref is Future Endeavored" stipulation. The sooner that entire group is released, the better off WWE will be.
I can list many exciting matches out there.

Sting vs Undertaker
Sting vs Bray Wyatt
Bray Wyatt vs Brock Lesnar
Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar
Daniel Bryan vs Brock
Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins
Chris Jericho vs Sting
Charlotte vs AJ Lee
Kallisto vs The Big Show
Adrian Neville vs Daniel Bryan
Tyler Breeze vs Daniel Bryan
Sting vs Daniel Bryan
Roman Reigns vs Bull Dempsey
Mojo Rawley vs a heel Kofi Kingston
Rusev vs Mojo in a competitive match, not like the squash from Takeover.
John Cena vs Tyler Breeze
Randy Orton vs Neville purely for a Red Arrow reversed into RKO

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