9/11 conspiracy theories


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Now we all remember 9/11 being one of the worst days in recent memory. The day needs no introduction because everyone knows about it. Now, I was on YouTube and stumbuled upon the 9/11 conspiracy theories. These are located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odp1FO0Vmuw&feature=related. There are more under the related video's section. Around 19 in total. These all detail various things that show that the government were behind the attacks, or knew about them. One of their main arguments is the way the buildings fell, the fact that the bottom of the WTC were shattered even though the plane hit the building high up.

Basically, have a look and see what you think. In my opinion, it's bullshit. The fact that they could seriously suggest that the President of a country would mastermind an attack on his own country, killing so many innocent people is rubbish. I refuse to believe it, but refuse to rule it out also, as that would be ignorant. Either way, how do you feel about what they outline?
Conspiracy my ass. I may be only 13, but I remember that day clearly. It was terrible. At school I remember the principal yelling at the teachers not to turn the T.V.'s on, my mom turning the news off (which she never did), and a whole lot of people crying. As I became older, I've learned much, much more about this and I really understand this. I've seen the videos on YouTube and it pisses me off. The president of a country, let alone the U.S., would never allow this to happen. If he had the chance to stop it, he damn sure would have. Regardless of what you think of former President Bush, surely you can't believe these terrible conspiracies. It's flat out rediculous!
Yes, I tend to believe that anyone that thinks that the 9/11 attacks were caused by anyone other then angry pissed off radical Muslims is a complete and total ******. People that honestly believe that Anti-Bush liberal bullshit is beyond mind boggling. What I say, those people have watched too many damn Star Wars movies.

People on one hand want to say how much of an idiot and moron George Bush is, yet if he were able to pull something like this off, he would be the smartest mother that ever walked the earth. People seriously need to quit watching Star Wars movies, realize that George Bush isn't Darth Sidious, and realize that there are a bunch of people in the world that want to kill people of the West simply because you are who you are.

This article is from Popular Mechanics, a popular science and technology magazine. It analyzes the information presented in Loose Change, which is the top 9/11 conspiracy video.

I tend to believe this article. I saw it's finding presented on a History Channel special, and felt that the scientist presenting the facts was honest about their findings. I think that the people who present these theories were Bush haters who looked to blame him for anything they could. There are too many unanswered questions about the motives behind the attacks, and the best way to fill that void is with wild theories with major leaps in logic. The truth is America was attacked by people who want us dead, and no matter what the rest of the world thinks, we will not stop until we bring everyone involved to justice. We owe that to the victims.

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