5-Star/Perfect Matches


King Of The Ring
After watching Benoit/Angle today from the Royal Rumble in 2003, I checked out Dave Meltzer's list of five star matches. And between 1997 and 2011, there were none. I'm not one to quibble over half a star here and there, but there are several matches(from WWE) off the top of my head that I would rate at 5 stars.
Just off the top of my head:

Summerslam 1998: Rock vs. HHH(Ladder match)
Wm 17: TLC
WM 17: Steve Austin vs The Rock
Summerslam 2002: Angle vs. Mysterio
Summerslam 2002:: HBK vs. HHH(Street Fight)
No Mercy 2002: Angle/Benoit vs. Edge/Mysterio
Royal Rumble 2003: Benoit vs. Angle
WM 21: Angle vs. HBK
WM 25: HBK vs. Undertaker
Perhaps I'm being too generous, but those nine make up, for me, perfect or near-perfect matches.

Are there any glaring ommisions between 97' and 2011? Any I'm way off base here with?
Wrestling is subjective, and just because Meltzer doesn't rate it 5 stars doesn't mean it isn't fantastic.

By the same token, just because he rates something 5 stars doesn't necessarily mean it will be to your tastes.

Especially if you don't like Misawa in the Tokyo Dome.

Benoit/HHH/HBK is the best triple threat match ever done in my opinion, edging out Unbreakable 2005. But it didn't get the rating. And that's fine, because its one mans opinion.

In my opinion, Kenny Omega vs Yoshihiko is a 5 star match too.
Those 9 are good LSN.

I'd put Brock vs Angle at WM 19 there too. And if we're talking recent times, and fuck you if you don't agree, Brock vs Cena at Extreme Rules.

That is STILL the best 1 month feud + match I have seen in recent memory.
Summerslam 2002 maybe one of the most enthralling PPVs ever.

RVD vs Benoit, Angle vs Mysterio, hell even Taker/Test was good.

EDITZ: 3 stages of hell Austin Vs HHH, on that list.
I've been watching it today. It really does rock.

I had to search high and low, some years ago, to download that PPV.

But I did, and its in the collection.

You may also enjoy a Survivor Series 2002 rerun. Ever hear of a 5 star PPV? There's one.
Savage/Steamboat WM III.

It is, undoubtably, but doesn't fall within the 97-2011 time-frame.

Benoit/HHH/HBK is the best triple threat match ever done in my opinion, edging out Unbreakable 2005. But it didn't get the rating. And that's fine, because its one mans opinion.

It's funny, I was just talking about this match with someone yesterday on here, yet I completely forgot about it. Absolutely agree, amazing match.

Wrestling is subjective, and just because Meltzer doesn't rate it 5 stars doesn't mean it isn't fantastic.

By the same token, just because he rates something 5 stars doesn't necessarily mean it will be to your tastes.
The other site I check out from time-to-time is PWTorch, Wade Keller's site, and only the Taker/HBK WM 25 match, the Benoit/HHH/HBK WM 21 match, and the No Mercy tag match make his list, if I recall correctly.
Especially if you don't like Misawa in the Tokyo Dome.
I appreciate Misawa and his contributions to wrestling, but his style and the Puro style from NJPW that Meltzer drools over isn't my cup of tea, at least regularly.

In my opinion, Kenny Omega vs Yoshihiko is a 5 star match too.

I really loved this match as well. I was surprised Omega only got a cup of coffee back in the mid-2000's with WWE.

I'd put Brock vs Angle at WM 19 there too. And if we're talking recent times, and fuck you if you don't agree, Brock vs Cena at Extreme Rules.

I can't argue with either of these. I loved the Lesnar/Cena match personally, and felt it was the MOTY in 2012, at least within WWE. It was so different from any other match in the company that year, but different was a good thing in this case.

As for Brock vs. Angle, The botch hurt it slightly, but Angle did such a darn good job of improvising that it didn't affect it significantly.
I'd put HHH vs. Cactus in the street fight rematch on there.

Why does I always forget this match? For sentimental reasons, Foley's match on Raw where he won his first WWF title is my favorite, as it was the match that cemented me as a wrestling fan. But this was his best. Completely agree here too.

3 stages of hell Austin Vs HHH, on that list.

My only complaint from this match is that is was, like today's cage matches, escape or pinfall. Make this one escape only and I think it could have been greater then it already was. These two beat the tar out of each other, certainly one could have done so to the point the other couldn't prevent him from walking out.
I don't care if it was on Smackdown....Eddie/Edge No DQ is 5 star to me.

That was awesome.

Am I the only one who loved Taker vs Batista at Cyber Sunday? Austin was such a brilliant dynamic in that and all but the match itself was great as well.
Summerslam 2002 maybe one of the most enthralling PPVs ever.

RVD vs Benoit, Angle vs Mysterio, hell even Taker/Test was good.

EDITZ: 3 stages of hell Austin Vs HHH, on that list.

That was excellent indeed. Benoit was ace at trying to wear down RVD who genuinely looked pleased to have got through the match.

I didn't understand why Stephanie was laughing afterwards when the IC title went toRaw though.
Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. This shit is hard, you know? Trying to think of the best matches ever off the top of your head. I'll see if I can't be a gent and post some matches that aren't already in this thread:

  • Bret Hart versus Steve Austin, WrestleMania 13 (what the fuck is wrong with you people?)
  • Rob Van Dam versus Jeff Hardy, InVasion 2001
  • AJ Styles versus Samoa Joe versus Christopher Daniels, Unbreakable 2005
  • CM Punk versus John Cena, Money in the Bank 2011

I also thought about sneaking a Christian/Orton match onto there - probably their one at Over The Limit. Still, two matches from one company in the same year seems like overkill, doesn't it?
  • Bret Hart versus Steve Austin, WrestleMania 13 (what the fuck is wrong with you people?)
  • Rob Van Dam versus Jeff Hardy, InVasion 2001
  • AJ Styles versus Samoa Joe versus Christopher Daniels, Unbreakable 2005
  • CM Punk versus John Cena, Money in the Bank 2011

Sam, thats one IS five stars. Which always made me uncomfortable, because when I watched it after being out of wrestling for a year, all I could see was Punk falling on his arse and Cena calling spots through a megaphone.

Also, anyone that didn't watch G1 Climax last night, find your local bootlegger and grab a betamax or Laserdisc copy of it.


Have you expanded the discussion to 5 star events?

Wrestlemania X-7 has like....Test vs Eddie Guerrero, but the event itself is still 5 stars.
That was excellent indeed. Benoit was ace at trying to wear down RVD who genuinely looked pleased to have got through the match.

I didn't understand why Stephanie was laughing afterwards when the IC title went toRaw though.

Well because Bischoff gloated that the IC strap was now on Raw. Benoit jumped ship the next SD I think, along with Brock defecting to SD.

Hence the great Doink the Clown impression by Steph.
Well because Bischoff gloated that the IC strap was now on Raw. Benoit jumped ship the next SD I think, along with Brock defecting to SD.

Hence the great Doink the Clown impression by Steph.

Eddie and Benoit had jumped before the PPV though, so RVD winning the belt kept it off of Smackdown. I expected some kind of explanation as the PPV rolled on but I don't think one was ever given.
Oh ye my bad. She laughed coz Brock won and took the title to SD. Although come to think of it thats a huge gape in kayfabe as she basically said "Fuck you I get the main strap on my show" before the title match.

Take that as you will then.
Brock lost to Big Show that night, but they were both already on Smackdown I believe.

Maybe she was just being crazy for no reason :shrug:
Brock lost to Big Show that night, but they were both already on Smackdown I believe.

Maybe she was just being crazy for no reason :shrug:

Wait what the fuck?! Thats Survivor Series mate. I'm talking about SSLam 02. RVD/Benoit, Brock/Rock for the strap.
Nice weekend, I've been watching Mock The Week reruns when Frankie Boyle was on.

I know you didn't ask I just wanted to tell someone.

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