3 overrated, 3 underrated


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Pick three wrestlers in both categories. Note: This is only opinion, let's engage in a friendly, honest and clean debate.

1.) Dolph Ziggler: The more I watch the guy, the more I understand why the people backstage wants someone to talk for him. He's not terrible or bad, but he's just so bland and generic; he has the mic skills where you'll dwell in the midcard for years.

2.) The Miz: Here's a wrestler where I just don't see why people love him; he's bad in the ring(has the most generic, dated moveset in wrestling right now). His promos have been the same for years(come out and talk trash about the town and their team, iconic locations, etc.). A "new look" that any male wrestlers can get, but for some odd reason, it makes The Miz look more badass.... yeah, badass for a Nick Jr. cartoon.

3.) AJ Lee: As time went on, it became noticeable that AJ's mic skills is terrible. Half the time, it's looks as if she forgotten what she has to say and or overacts so bad that Claire Lynch is telling her to work on her acting. She's cute and gotten herself over, but her being the focal point of a WWE title match was a bad, bad, bad idea and her having this much airtime is slowly exposing her flaws.

1.) Kofi Kingston: A wrestler who's been toiling the midcard since his feud with Orton. I do think he's better on the mic than peole give him credit for, underrated for his wrestling skills since we view him as this spot monkey and is still over with the crowd in some form(I do feel that a heel turn would be the best for him when he breaks up with R-Truth).

2.) Layla: When she comes out, the crowd is dead, trust me i'm with you guys on this, but she's ab better wrestler than she's given credit for. She's can talk pretty decently and can be appealing when she's given the chance, but the audience hasn't taken to her since her return.

3.) Tensai: A very good big man wrestler that was given such an old, dated gimmick. Matt bloom's work in Japan was very good and deserves viewing if you haven't seen it. His slow, pacing style didn't get over, not he's wrestling a more aggresive, faster pace that I've seen of him from Japan. his can get over, but the audience just won't buy into it, because they know it's Albert who's wrestling.

1. Cody Rhodes - An excellent character actor and worker, but doesn't have a lot of memorable moves. He will be a future star one day, but I feel that the guy was rushed into programs with main eventers last year simply because Creative were too lazy to elevate any face wrestlers up to HIS level.


1. Zack Ryder. As stated earlier, he can't hang with the big boys. However, he isn't supposed to. He's fine as a midcarder. I feel that Ryder is a special case in that his limited skills and ability is his appeal. He's average at best, but people cheer for the guy simply because of his passion and his will to succeed despite sucking hard and knowing it. While it's true that he can't hang with the big boys, his real problem is that Creative are too lazy to push any other midcarders for HIM to feud with.

2. Alberto Del Rio. The guy gets a lot of flack for supposedly being "boring". But the guy is the most charismatic guy on the roster. He just suffers from a lack of good material.

3. Alex Riley. He's decent in the ring, and hardly the "dangerous botch machine injury risk" that his detractors have claimed he is. The guy is damn good when it comes to selling and psychology. And for a guy of his size and build, he's pretty quick, and can do some pretty decent aerial maneuvers as well. While his look is generic, his charisma and amazing connection with the fans makes up for it. He should embrace his "vanilla" appearance and be pushed as a Stone Cold Steve Austin "back to basics" type and let his intense high energy moveset do the talking for him. Have him hang around guys like Santino, Ryder, Curtis, Bateman, etc. and feud with guys like Kane/Bryan and play the "straight man" to everyone around him.

1. Cody Rhodes -There's really nothing special about him. His matches are a snoozefeast and mic skills are very lacking. All he really has going for him is his lineage.

2. Randy Orton- Still after all these years I don't get why he made it over soo many others who didn't. His mic skills are horrendous and his matches about as boring as watching pain dry. He's the poster boy for why the Wellness Policy in the WWE is BS!

3. Shemaus- Probably the most overrated of my three. He's got less moves then Cena, terrible on the mic, and had he not been friends with HHH, would probably still be a mid-carder.


1. Jack Swagger- He's been the product of terrible booking and unfortunately his speech impediment holds him back a bit on the mic. If he got repackaged or masked as a new wrestler, he would be great.

2. Justin Gabriel- He suffers from being smaller and not very good on a mic. His in-ring skills are great.

3. Zack Ryder- Easily the biggest underrated guy on the WWE roster. He's super over and not bad in the ring. For whatever reason the WWE doesn't want to push him.

1. Rey Misterio: He was great years ago but now he's a shell of his former self. He's an injury risk and he's just not that entertaining anymore.

2. Randy Orton: He's not good on the mic and his matches are pretty boring. I don't see what people see in him. He's never impressed me.

3. Sheamus: He's another guy who isn't good on the mic and puts on boring matches. I feel like I've given him enough chances to impress me and he hasn't done it. There's really nothing I can say about him except my nephews like him. I don't know why that is.


1. Sin Cara: Yeah I know. He botches a lot. Get over it. He isn't wrestling his own style and isn't working with people that can adapt. When neither side is adapting botches are bound to happen. However he is actually a good wrestler and is entertaining.

2. Jack Swagger: He's big and powerful and can actually wrestle. Sadly he's hindered by a head that doesn't quite fit his body and a lisp. I hope when they bring him back he just runs through people and at the least has a good mid card title run. He has potential and can possibly make it back to the top.

3. (Tie) Trent Barretta/Curt Hawkins: Both of these guys can go in the ring and put on exciting matches. They had a decent feud on Superstars. If WWE were to put them on Raw or Smackdown they could have good matches with other mid card talent or even run a program against each other since I'm sure most people never saw it on Superstars.
Overrated :

CM Punk : Mediocre in the ring,mediocre on the mic and he isn't "Best in the World" in anyway.

Dolph Ziggler : Oversells moves,botches in the ring and anybody who has to mention the fact that he is a "heel" to get over as a heel is pathetic.

Underrated :

Christian : Christian is a great wrestler who always puts on great matches and is great on the mic. WWE misues him so much. He was better in TNA.

Tensai : He is a good heavyweight wrestler but if he would have returned to WWE as Albert it would have been much better as fans won't chant Albert in his matches.

1. Sheamus- Great look, soild in the ring and confident on the microphone. Why is he overrated? He has failed to make any of his PPV matches a must see match. As the world heavyweight champion people should WANT to pay to see you compete. To be honest, theres been more than one occasion I've turned the channel because of Sheamus

2. Zack Ryder- I commend him for getting himself over on his own accord. However, I've grown to find him annoying. I think his gimmick has gone stale. He's a servicable midcarder because there is still a portion of the audience that has stuck with him but as far as in-ring and mic skills, there are plenty of guys better.

3. Del Rio- Good wrestler, thats it. He's been given EVERY opportunity to succeed and get over yet he still hasnt. I think its time to pull the plug.


1.Alex Riley- I really think he has the look of a potential main even heel. The cocky jock is so easy to hate and I think he could pull it off if given the chance. The intensity he showed against the Miz was awesome (no pun intended) and that should have been his launching point

2. Kofi Kingston- No need to explain this really. I dont like to beat dead horses

3. Mark Henry- What he did in his championship run last year has been completely forgotten and it shouldnt be. The guy was dominating in a way that was believable and scary. It left people wondering who was gonna beat this guy. Not many guys go over a decade in the business w/o winning the big one and then go on to do it. Mark Henry did just that, and for that he should not be forgotten and hopefully he can be a force upon his return
Overrated :

Cody Rhodes : I just don't see what the hype is about, the guy is average in every way. Average WWE look, average in the ring and average of the mic. I don't think he is terrible at all, he is one of the youngest on the roster in his position and one day might be a decent WWE champ. Just to me he doesn't show anything special about him.

Dolph Ziggler : I feel ambivalent over Zigzag Man. When in the ring selling, he reminds me of great talents of yesteryear like Ted Dibiase, Mr.Perfect and early 90's HBK and WHEN I don't fast forward his matches he often surprises me with some decent spots and chain wrestling. But when I hear his music and he comes out with Vickie it makes me lose interest in the show I'm watching. I don't know if it's his look or his crap mic skills or whether it's Vickie but the dude makes me skip to the next segment most of the time. He is the heel version of this fellow.......

Kofi Kingston : Has an even more stale gimmick than Ol' John Boy and has altered his moveset and mannerisms even less. Somehow flies under the radar of most haters as he isn't in Cena's position high up the card. I'm just sick of the same stuff off him for years. Stale, Stale, Stale!!


John Cena : I'll be quick here. Watch an old tape of the WWF from 1995 kids, that's what WWE would be like nowadays without Cena. :)

Michael McGillicutty : This dude has all the charisma of his father and is well on his way to being the in ring general Curt was. It's criminal WWE has not given him his real name and pushed him. Heel or face would work. He is getting cheered on NXT as a heel and gets chants of 'Joe,joe,joe,joe!' Listen to the universe WWE!

Johnny Curtis : Good worker with a varied moveset and is great at playing a sleazy perverted heel. Has a lot of charisma and deserves better than being forgotten about.

1.) John Cena - 5 Moves of Doom. Fruity Pebbles. Fake White Rapper a decade too late. His Stupid Smirk. His poor acting "skills". Making Championships into "Bling". Pick from the list of reasons, whatever way you spin it the man simply bores me, isn't compelling or entertaining, & the fact that he is such a "crucial" part of the show that they give refunds when he isn't there is LAUGHABLE!

2.) The Great Khali - He is a former World Champion, that's already more than he should have obtained. Also while I get he is an attraction, I question the often used arguement that he "bring viewers & sales from India".

3.) Sheamus - Arse. Fella. It's a Shameful thing laudndfglkjerjlkjg. Brogue...Brogue...Brogue. Basically just a Irish Cena that is somehow more bland on the mic. Atleast he is a solid wrestler and decent performer. He has just recieved too much, too fast & has already gotten stale.

Honorable Mention - Ryback - He is VERY close to being overrated since he started working with Miz & possibly Punk now. But he also just squashed Primo on Smackdown(where he belongs) so I'm not sure yet.


1.) Damien Sandow - This man should be our Intercontinental Champion & deserves to be feuding with the likes of the Miz, not Ryback. I could see Sandow in the World Title match at Mania 29, EASY! While Rhodes Scholars is cool, It might just end up holding him back.

2.) Daniel Bryan - Most of you might say, "HUH?!?! He is a champion, in the current spotlight, & is leading a division." But he has also been delegated to a tag team, which is usually never a step up. Not to mention, besides Lesnar, Punk, & Heyman, Bryan has been the most polarizing figure in WWE since Wrestlemania 28. While I'm glad he is getting exposure, I'm suprised WWE didn't capatalize more on him as a singles star & as a legitimate World Champion. He is only underrated because he should be tied for the #1 guy in the company yet guys like Orton & Sheamus get put above him, not to mention Cena(see above).

3.) Zack Ryder - While I think he needs a good amount of work before he becomes a world champion, he is very entertaining & as over as any other faces like Brodus or Santino. He deserves to be a featured mid-carder atleast, not some jobber.

Honorable Mention - Alberto Del Rio - Another tricky one because he was overrated when he first arrived on the scene, but not only has he become the best straight heel in WWE today but with better booking could be one of, if not thee best thing going on Smackdown.

Michael McGillicutty - He isn't his father & honestly isn't that much of a stand out to me but is solid evertime I see him perform. He not only has potential for the future, but is a solid enough performer to put on Smackdown more regularly & let him start developing.

John Cena : I'll be quick here. Watch an old tape of the WWF from 1995 kids, that's what WWE would be like nowadays without Cena.
Not just to argue but how does this prove your point of Cena being underrated?!?! The only thing that was lacking in 95 was the big stage, camera technology, pyro, etc. I would kill for Cena to go away & things to be like 1995 WWF.
Overrated :

Michael McGillicutty : This dude has all the charisma of his father and is well on his way to being the in ring general Curt was. It's criminal WWE has not given him his real name and pushed him. Heel or face would work. He is getting cheered on NXT as a heel and gets chants of 'Joe,joe,joe,joe!' Listen to the universe WWE!

- Joe, no doubt about it is underrated but, giving him his mom's surname to start off with is a good move, not a bad move. If they pushed him straight after his Nexus run for example, he would have fallen flat on his face. Not because of any fault of his own but, because he is still inexperienced. Look at him in NXT now and compare it even with him a few months ago and you'll see how much he's improving. When he comes back to the main roster full-time they'll probably give him his dad's name again so he can have that push as a real singles star. But, anyway it is probably better to wait and have him do the Hennig name proud than fall into obscurity whilst using it or turn it into a joke. To loosely quote from William Regal on NXT commentary "Micheal McGuillicutty is the best star out
there, who just doesn't know it yet."


1) Randy Orton: - I watched the documentary on him the other day and it only served to reinforce how over-rated and over-hyped he is. The way they gushed about him just didn't tally to the guy I see in the ring. He reached his level very young and unlike a CM Punk has been satisfied to be behind Cena, Orton seemed to just accept it and coast.

2) The Undertaker - I'll get pelters for this, but for much of his career he was not anywhere near the best on the roster, that he improved at all is of no thanks to Vince. he was booked with so many lumps of uselessness such as Gonzales, Bundy, Kama that he was able to grow as a worker is pretty miraculous. But he did and for a time he was as good as anyone. Today Taker CAN pull out a good match once a year, but that's all he does, one maybe two matches tops. For the praise/kudos he gets in return, it's a far from equal trade. The main reason I think he is over-rated is because he is booked to be this phenom that "never dies" but the amount work he produces doesn't always justify it. Yes he has a good match once a year, but to me that WWE still needs that match from him to sell Mania is terrible. I for one would rather see Taker now "become" human to reflect his age, let us see that human side for the last few matches, show some emotion, lose at Mania. If he does that, I'll change my mind.

3) Dolph Ziggler - Overselling is not a crime, but in his case it's annoying. I would much rather he worked on his almost absent mic skills than ragdoll every time. For someone who is touted "the next guy" he is more "the next Billy Gunn" to me, someone who could have...but didn't because they relied on tricks and gimmicks rather than hard work.

Underrated -

1) Drew McIntryre - He's taken his time but he is very nearly ready for the big push. Some would say WWE have treated him poorly, but by the same token, he is still in a job, still on TV regularly and hasn't to date been saddled with a lame repackage ala Kerwin White. While I think the Encore idea is a bit misguided, I don't see it lasting long and Drew becoming the face to feud with Cesaro and later Orton.

2) Tensai - The gimmick is horrible and the reason for his problems... but this guy is the same guy who as Giant Bernard tore up Japan. They pushed him big at the start but then he could only ever go down the card. I would hope if the All Japan deal is real that he is on the first plane over and comes back in his better gimmick. For a big man worker he is solid can work with guys of all sizes and has that menace that few of the heels have at the moment.

3) Ted DiBiase - I don't really pretend to understand why WWE doesn't view Ted as highly as Cody because he really is extremely talented in the ring. The only real difference is that Rhodes got that nose injury, which he was able to use for a gimmick. They immediately saddled Ted with the "rich kid" gimmick and it's totally against his character - this is the guy who nearly joined the priesthood! In the ring Ted has improved, he has the charisma and the popularity to make it IF they just let him be himself. He reminds me most of "The Ringmaster", he just needs one moment and it could turn for him like that.
Dolph Ziggler- He is good but I think we will see his down fall once he wins the title. He is no where near the "#HEEL". I think he is only going as far as he is because there is less star power then there was before.

Ryback- I like him but i think he will get boring really really quickly. I think he will be hot for another year and then he will fall off.

ADR- He can wrestle...thats it. Nothing else Nothing more

John Cena- I think once we step back from his career and he is done I think he will seem waaay better than what people give him credit for.

Big Show - I find myself often bored when Big Show makes appearances, whether it's on the mic or in a match. I think I'd prefer if he did more power moves, like powerbombs or fallaway slams. The WMD is boring.

Alberto Del Rio - Del Rio is a great wrestler but I find his character to be sort of played out already. I want to blame creative because I bet he could be a lot better.

Brodus Clay - Boring moveset, lame on the mic and I'm tired of watching the kiddies dance. He needs to offer more as a Superstar, but I think I'd rather he just disappear.


Zack Ryder - He should have been utilized better. Why not give him a small program on Superstars to boost the show's profile, or make him an NXT announcer? there's so many things WWE could have done with him, and they missed the boat because his popularity has waned.

Darren Young - Glad to see the Primetime Players gain steam, but I wanted to point out that fans often consider Tiitus to be the stronger of the 2. I like both guys about the same, Young shouldn't be overlooked as a potential future singles star.

Tensai - I was sad to see his gimmick fall flat on its debut as I liked it. I prefer this sort of character to what they've done with "Prince Albert" in the past. Tensai should get a US or IC title run soon.
Man there's too many to really limit to 3 each but, I'll do my best....
These are the opinions of me, I, the Jacdnwarrior and do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the people who created this site or this forum. I, the Jacdnwarrior, care nothing for your agreement so disagree if you like, I care not.

Over rated


He has improved greatly in the ring and he has become a lot more comfortable in the ring, but he still has a little further to go to improve. The truth is, not every one is cut to be the face of the company or tv program. I think he is more interesting as a heel than a face. His inring work is okay to good, not great and there are better all around performers who should be in the position he's in right now.

Randy Orton

Better in the ring than Sheamus, but like Sheamus, he seems better as a heel. He isn't worth listening to on the mike and I find the constant pushing of him, and his ridiculous nicknames he gets to be a desperate to make him more interesting than he really his.

Wade Barrett

I'm sorry but I have no idea what the hell is the deal with this guy. He has an accent and he was part of an interesting, yet brief, feud as leader of Nexus. Other than that he is boring as hell and his finishers are just boring to watch. I never understand why people go crazy for him, because there isn't anything exciting about his work in the ring or his work on the mike.



People get lost in the crap run he has going on with this character but the truth is, this guy is better than the storyline and booking he's been getting from the WWE. He is quite agile for his size but his return has been botched from the time he returned.

R Truth

When you consider he was part of a very interesting team called Awesome Truth, had a part in a tag match vs two of the biggest stars in the history of the wrestling business (match wasn't so good, I have to admit), I would have thought it would have helped him at least be in the midcard title picture or challenging for the WOrld title (he doesn't have to win just get matches now and again). Awesome truth ended too soon, and did so without them winning the tag titles, then the breakup, which should have led to a great feud fizzles out too soon. That was such a bad booking job by WWE. Truth can do aerial moves and work on the mat yet he's been saddled with a tag team run (glad they he and Kofi got the titles,but still) and both Kingston and he could be more.

Jack Swagger

He had a horrible world heavyweight title run, that's undeniable. The guy can work and is quite solid in the ring. His on mike work needs some vast improvement but he does have the tools to be more than a performer who used to be a champion or in Ziggler's shadow.
Curt Hawkins- I don't understand why he isn't a big star, from his work on nXt he has great mic and ring skills.

Double M- Also known as Mr. Perfect's son, but I not even going to try to spell his name, has improved greatly since his time on nXt season 2, as seen by his matches and promos with Tyson Kidd... on nXt.

Tyson Kidd- I think the only thing holding him back is his mic skills, if he improves on that he could be a big star.

Brodus Clay- At first I like the funkasaurus gimmick but it has gotten old fast.

Mark Henry- I have never liked Mark Henry... ever not when he debuted, not during the hall of pain, he sucks.

Rey Mysterio- Its time to hang up the boots, he can't compete the same as he used to.
Over Rated

AJ Lee - I get it, she's good... but she's nowhere near greatness. She's had a nice thing going for a few months and of course, WWE over exposed her and made her this annoying GM. Admittedly, I could watch her in a referee uniform every match and not have a problem... but her as GM or this Victoria/Mickie Jame character has got to go.

Damien Sandow - No... just no. He's not entertaining at all and sticking Cody Rhodes with him is just appalling.

Seth Rollins - Before anybody starts saying "You didn't watch him in ROH" let me stop you right there and correct you. I've been watching Black since he was in IWA Mid-South. I love what this guy can do, I love that he's NXT Champion... but he's NOT the next big thing in wrestling. He's an awesome competitor, and I loved him in Age of the Fall. I loved him in the later days as the ROH World Champion. And I even love him in NXT right now, he's one of my favorites. But just because he's a favorite of mine, it doesn't mean I have to blindly put faith and say "he's ready now" when he's really not.

Honorable Mention: Richie Steamboat.


Heath Slater - I strongly believe that WWE gave him the wrong gimmick. If they had given him a pure technician style gimmick then he could be something. Although with the new Encore stable, it shows that WWE has interest and I'm ready to see what it is.

Evan Bourne - He's not back from injury, but I don't care. People always cast off Bourne as a jobber, and that's ashame. Bourne can bring excitement to crowds and even be a stellar kick start to the new Cruiserweight division if WWE's still contemplating such idea.

Kofi Kingston -


This was it, the moment that Kofi should've been a major star in WWE. WWE had done everything to put Kofi over as a top face, and they gave him a feud with one of the top heel at the time. Unfortunately, Kofi got regulated to...


1) Undertaker- To me Undertaker is a guy who has gotten over simply due to the fact he just never loses. I don't buy him as a tough guy when he is in his biker gimmick, and I don't buy him as indestructable as his undead character. Basically his matches now are him taking 5 finishers then coming back to win. His last encounters with both Shawn and Hunter ended with them essentially coming to grips with the fact that they can not beat him and then they give him one last act of defiance in the form of a slap and suck it gesture respectively. Just because the guy suicide dives out of the ring once a year, does not make him this godly in ring performer. The guy is just lame, but I'm sure we will be treated again this year with seeing a smoked out biker guy with buckets of eyeliner go over a more deserving superstar after taking 18 finishers and being stabbed in the ring.

2) CM Punk- The second I heard this guy say " I might not smoke, and I might not drink, but I can kick your a**", I immediately hated him. After watching him now for a couple years after that remark, he has done nothing to change my mind. His in ring ability is sub-par, he does have some ability on the mic but the best in the world, let's start a revolution against cena stuff is lame. I will admit that I like the stuff with Heyman, but anything with Paul is good for the most part. Their shared high five was one of my all time favorite moments. But overall the guy is just an average wrestler, with decent mic skills.

3) Sheamus- Nothing good is offered up when you watch a match with Sheamus. He has zero abilty on any level mic, ring etc. We are supposed to buy his bicycle kick as this devasting move, yet when it was used by A-Train it was no were near as effective. Seeing him do it on Tensai was great.

HM: Ryback, Kofi


1) Randy Orton- The second Shawn retired Randy became the best in ring performer they have. The kid is a purebred, it is like watching art in motion when he gets going. He is just seamless in his execution, and as smooth as any wrestler has been. He has a plethora of moves, sure he has some chain moves. But so does every wrestler ever, really no flaws in ring for him. On the mic he is average, but when he is "entertaining" such as when he kissed stephanie or when he is punting people it's great. His downside is everything he does when the camera is off. He has matured a great deal from what he once was, but he is still having problems. I really hope he gets it under control because it would make me sick to see him wrestle any were else. Also I think some of his old actions are still afffecting him, such as some of the old guard still not willing to put him over. To this day he still has not beat Triple H clean in a regular match which is just disgusting.

I can't say I'm surprised by many of the responses. Whenever someone is in the midst of a big push or is among the top guys of the company, people come out of the woodwork to label them as "overrated", yet many of these fans are often the same ones that were clamoring these wrestlers to be pushed. Also, as usual, these threads are often about wrestlers that you like or dislike rather than who is actually in a spot above or below their actual abilities. Again, just because WWE might not be doing with these wrestlers exactly what you think they shouldn't doesn't mean they're overrated or underrated. So I'm just going to list a handful of guys that I'm into and some that I'm not. I'm not going to try and say that they don't deserve the spots that they've had or pushes they've gotten.

The Great Khali - Khali is possibly the least talented wrestler ever signed to the WWE roster. It truly is mind boggling how terrible he is. The only reason he ever got such a huge push, one that ultimately wound up with him having a month long reign as World Heavyweight Champion, is because of his freakish size & look. I have seen sooooo many big men who seemed mediocre before I actually watched Khali that look like a million bucks in comparison.

Sin Cara - If any single wrestler over the past decade that's come to WWE has failed to live up to his hype, it's Sin Cara. Sin Cara, known as Mistico in Mexico, is probably the biggest wrestling star in Mexico of this past decade. Since coming to WWE, I have to say that I haven't seen what makes the guy a star. If all it really takes to be a star in Mexico is to wear a flashy outfit, do a few flips and do a hundred variations of the hurricanrana; then I can see why he made it down there. Since coming to WWE, I just haven't been hugely impressed. Once you get past a few fancy moves, whenever he's not botching the crap out of them, then you don't really have much. His current role as a tag partner to Rey Mysterio is the best role for him as he's got somebody to look after him and pick up the slack.

Batista - Batista is someone that I never really saw the huge appeal in, quite frankly. Batista is someone that had a tremendous physique but not really all that much of anything else in my eyes. For the VAST majority of his career, he was about as one dimensional as it gets. Every now and then, Batista would wind up in matches against someone that could truly carry him to damn good matches. When it was up to him to carry the feud & matches however, I just never saw it. Batista is someone that was very over with fans, so the guy made money for WWE. I give him that. Just because I didn't like the guy doesn't mean he wasn't good for WWE.

Jack Swagger - Of the few guys in WWE that I think could have a strong possibility of being truly underrated, Swagger is among them. Swagger is someone that I don't personally believe has been used tremendously well in WWE. I'm not saying that he should be the face of the company, but I do believe he's better than how he's been used for the majority of his career. It's easy to roll your eyes at Swagger much of the time, I've done it myself more than once. However, whenever I see Swagger work a match that's actually competetive, I'm reminded of just how good he actually is inside the ring. I'm not saying that he could be a full time main eventer, but he's FAR too talented to be the highest profile jobber in WWE. I'm hoping that WWE does something with him when he returns. After this time off, it's a good chance to start out fresh.

Kofi Kingston - I've always felt that there was untapped potential in Kofi Kingston. We've seen Kofi put on some great matches and he can always be counted on for good, high quality wrestling matches that have a lot of energy. Kofi's shortcomings have always lied in his character as it's fairly one dimensional. I think we saw glimpses of greatness in Kofi during his feud with Randy Orton a few years back. Kofi has the potential to be more than a happy, smiling & energetic babyface, at least in my eyes. I'd like to see him given a chance to show that if nothing else. Character changes, probably changes in his look would have to come about to really drive things home. Again, I'm not saying that Kofi could be the face of the company, but I do believe he could be a top star in WWE if he's given the chance.

Kane - In my opinion, Kane is someone that hasn't gotten enough credit during his career. As with the others I've listed, I'm not saying that Kane could've been the face of WWE, but he's definitely someone that's never gotten credit for consistent high quality work for the last 15 years. Sure Kane has been stuck with some dud feuds here and there, damn near everybody has. But Kane has been a quality fixture in the mid-card & upper mid-card scene for much of his career. He's helped make a lot of guys look good in interesting feuds featuring quality wrestling matches for much of his career. In my opinion, his run as World Heavyweight Champion in the summer of 2010 is really when Kane showed just how good he can be. His promos during the time he was looking for whoever put his brother in a "vegetative state" were solid gold. The storyline in and of itself wasn't executed all that smoothly, but Kane was so damn good in his role that he was able to make up for that. Kane is someone that's done very well in almost every role he's played in WWE. Some have gone over better than others, but he's always put in 100%.

1. Alberto Del Rio - just plain boring
2. Sin Cara - i cringe every time he is on tv
3. John Cena - the one who yells into the microphone


1. Kofi Kingston - has been good on mic when given chance, great worker
2. Dolph Ziggler - I want to hear him talk more, great worker
3. John Cena - the one who doesn't yell into the microphone

Tyson Kidd- This guy can go. He puts on a very entertaining match in my book and with some extra tv time he could be in a much better spot. The WWE has to see something in him since they kept him around this long without something significant to do. This recent pairing with Gabriel is nice, but I feel something more could be done. If the WWE ever decides to pull the trigger on the cruiserweight division again- he could be a big part of that. I think with a bit of mic time and something solid to focus on he can be a very solid mid card champ.

William Regal- Not very many people remember him for anything but his comedy skits; except some older fans like myself. This guy is one of the last great mat wrestlers. He is still in pretty decent shape and I would think that he could be used a bit more in the ring. He could have some very good matches with a few of the newer guys like Cesaro or could have a hand in guiding Sandow to push him further. He is fantastic as a heel and he always makes an impression when he is on televison. Great guy to have around but he is just a side-note when it comes to most fans.


ADR- How many times do you get chances at the title\ME matches before WWE just gives up on you? Whatever the number the WWE may be close with Del Rio. He has his moments in the ring but they are very few and far between for me. He just simply doesnt live up to the hype and likely never will. What a great heel gimmick that just falls flat when it comes to him. You know something is wrong when your personal ring announcer gets a better reaction than you.

Honestly I would like to see him try and court Vickie. Each week he spends tons of money buying lavish gifts for her and even buys himself one of the titles. Then, the money runs out. His cards decline, he starts shopping at the dollar store, etc. That would be hilarious. Vickie could flirt with other guys and he challenges them 'for money' to keep her around and buy her stuff. They could cheat together to win matches all the way to the bank, literally. He could even try to sell his belt. Just an idea, but it works more for me than his current state in the company.

Ted Dibiase Jr- He has all the things that should help you become big in this business (family history, athletic, good gimmicks, etc) but he lacks a very big piece to the puzzle. Personality. He has none. Nothing he does\says I care about in the least. Even in Legacy he was the 3rd wheel. Scream 'Fortunate Sons' all day if you want to, I still wont care. He is a good example of someone getting a spot just because your dad was great. He is nothing special in the ring and crap on the mic. No reason he should have a spot on the roster.

John Cena: All these years and people still hate him for no reason. The chant battles that fans get into are entertaining but does Cena really suck? Of course not. By this point people are so conditioned to automatically hating anything Cena does that they don’t realize how good he actually is.

Big Show: I get it. People on the internet don’t like big guys. The IWC thinks big guys are boring just because they wrestle a power style instead of chain wrestling. If you put your personal preferences aside you will see Big Show does not suck. He is consistently one of the better talkers in WWE and does well as either a heel or a face. He wrestles a style that suits his character. A giant should move slowly and rely on power. You can say you prefer a different style but that doesn’t mean Big Show sucks at what he does.

Alberto Del Rio: He has everything you want but it’s never good enough. ADR oozes confidence and has the look of a star. He has natural charisma and little mannerisms such as his smirk and his wink add to his character. His music fits his gimmick perfectly and lets you know someone important has arrived. A lot of people wish managers would come back. ADR has one. He is good on the mic and in the ring and just looks like a champion. But CM Punk said he was boring in one promo so it must be true.


Dolph Ziggler: I don’t dislike Ziggler but he is overrated on this forum. The way people talk about him you’d think he was the love child of Ricky Steamboat and Curt Hennig. He’s good but I don’t think he’s as great as people think. He still has a tendency to rush through his matches just to hit certain spots instead of taking the time to tell a story and draw the viewer in. The potential is there but he’s got a way to go.

Trent Barreta: It may seem strange that I’m calling someone who barely gets on tv overrated but I think it’s true. It’s not so much Barreta specifically but he’s a good representation. People have a tendency to want something simply because they don’t have it. Over the years I’ve seen people sing the praises of bland mediocre talent that are supposedly being held back. It’s like their taking some kind of stand by pulling for the no name. I guarantee if guys like Trent Barreta, Curt Hawkins, or Tyson Kidd started getting pushed on tv people would stop caring about them within a couple weeks.

Zack Ryder: I don’t see what is so special about this guy. He’s mildly entertaining but nothing extraordinary. I don’t know why people can’t accept that he is a comedy filler. You may find his Long Island Ice Z gimmick funny but do you really see something like that as a main event. He’s fine in his role in the mid card and should consider himself lucky if he is able to challenge for a US title.
1) Sheamus
This guy. Is so. Boring. He has NO personality. I would rather be annoyed by somebody (hello, AJ) than bored to numbness like with him. It feels like the WWE is trying to shove somebody into becoming Cena II and they chose the most boring guy on the roster to do it. Sheamus makes me wish Bobby Lashley never left so WWE would have given HIM the Cena II push instead of Sheamus. At least Lashley's entrance music was better.
2) Miz
Thank you, OP, for mentioning how he always has to insult the local teams. I have been annoyed with that since 2009 and he's still doing it. I thought he was much, much better on WWECW. He's declined majorly in recent years, and I haven't enjoyed anything by him since Miz and Morrison/The Dirt Sheet.
3) Nobody is as bad as the first two. I am not exactly an Orton fan but I disagree with the people calling him overrated. He's one of the only draws in the company right now. And I still think ADR has potential, God help me.


1) Alex Riley
Good God if they actually push this guy I will start watching SmackDown again. He is the one and only recently debuted wrestler who has potential to break away from the other carbon copies. In my opinion of course.
2) Christian
Over with fans, charismatic, can wrestle... you know what that means ... better job him out to hell.
Batista - Batista is someone that I never really saw the huge appeal in, quite frankly. Batista is someone that had a tremendous physique but not really all that much of anything else in my eyes. For the VAST majority of his career, he was about as one dimensional as it gets. Every now and then, Batista would wind up in matches against someone that could truly carry him to damn good matches. When it was up to him to carry the feud & matches however, I just never saw it. Batista is someone that was very over with fans, so the guy made money for WWE. I give him that. Just because I didn't like the guy doesn't mean he wasn't good for WWE.

I know Batista gets bashed a lot but he carried SmackDown for years. And it was actually watchable when he was carrying it, which can't be said for the current SmackDown. And because of that he is not overrated(IMO). I agree with every word you said about Khali though.

Cody Rhodes: My personal favorite currently but he's a tad bit overrated. Average look, in-ring and mic skills. Pretty sure he's come this far this quickly because of who his father is and not because of himself. I'm sure he'll be a star in the future but not yet.

Sheamus: He's basically the redheaded version of what everyone claims Cena is but much, much worse. 'Nuff said.

AJ Lee: Her 15 minutes are up and she's become quite boring now. She looks like a little boy, can't talk and most of the time looks out of place; has no idea what she's even doing. Creative must've been smoking crack when they came up with the idea of making her GM.

HM: Ziggler, 'Taker, CM Punk, Mysterio, Seth Rollins


John Cena: You don't have to like the guy; I sure as hell don't but he's a very solid worker and works harder than pretty much anyone in the company right now. Gets way too much heat over the hole "Five moves of doom" thing but here's a newsflash, everyone in the main even does it. Suck it up.
Randy Orton: Pretty much the top talent WWE has at this time. As Bret Hart said, the best technician in the current world of wrestling. His character has become stale over the years and being (face) his slow, methodical pace doesn't really work anyway but denying his talent is inexcusable.
Antonio Cesaro: This may be biased because he's my favorite wrestler of this generation. He has a great look, mic skills and is a monster in the ring. Honestly the only thing making him look bad is the crummy Rugby gimmick they stuck him with; and why the hell is he speaking five languages?

HM: Tensai, Swagger, Kanye, Henry, Big Show

It seems as if a lot of times people cling too greatly to their personal opinions on whether or not they like someone. For example, I personally dislike HBK. Always have, always will. Doesn't mean I'll ever discredit him for being one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

Alberto Del Rio- Annoying, wish he's stop saying the same thing.

Randy Orton- His moveset consist of a Dropkick, Powerslam, Clothesline, Backbreaker, RKO, Punt Kick. He's better than that.

Big Show- I like Show, but I can't remember the last time he had a good match.

Honorable Mentions
Wade Barett
Brodus Clay


David Otunga- Great on the mic and I think he's ok as far as ring skill goes, not as bad as people make him out to be.

Alex Riley- He's good on the microphone, just look at his NXT days and good wrestler in my opinion.

Yoshi Tatsu- Just look at his match with Shelton Benjamin.

Honorable Mentions
Kofi Kingston
Drew McIntyre
Ezekiel Jackson
Justin Gabriel
Zach Ryder
Jinder Mahal

- CM Punk - He has good content, apart from that, he is very bland and very boring to watch. He for sure does not look like a champion.

- Antonio Cesaro - Overpushed. He only had 4 matches to have a shot at the US Title and he doesn't even have a personality.

- Brodus Clay - I can't even find a reason for this guy to have a job. I really can't.

Honorable Mentions:
Tyler Black aka Seth Rollins
Daniel Bryan


- Randy Orton - Hands down the best athele the WWE has. Sells perfectly everything, his facial expressions are the best the business has ever seen and just because he rarely talks (taking the bs interviews) doesn't mean he is a bad talker. For me he can deliver an amazing promo whenever he wants or the WWE feels necessary.

- Christian - Seriously, if CM Punk can be a main eventer I can't find a reason for this guy to not be on my TV. He's probably one of my favorites, good wrestler, good talker and he surely does not need any shoot to get over. Push Christian please.

- John Cena - I also can't find a reason to bash Cena's work. He has poor content, but he delivers that shit like nobody else. I challenge CM Punk to actually deliver the same content in a better way. Example, when Cena was shooting on The Rock he was one of the best talkers, sometime after that he was defending his pride and people went on to say "ahh he's shit". Learn the difference between good talker and bad content.

Honorable Mentions:
The Miz
Cody Rhodes
Drew McIntyre
Alex Riley

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