2011 Elimination Chamber - The Miz (c) vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler - WWE Championship

Hardly the sort of match a world champion should be having in the lead up to his biggest match of the year. It should be a fun little match, but The Miz should really be given something more substantial.

I agree with Jake here. This just makes The Miz look like even less of a champion.

& Why? Just to give Jerry a match at Mania? Theres plenty of other ways to get that accomplished. Out of all the superstars VKM has to choose from, to give a title shot to...he picks Jerry f'n Lawler? REALLY? Im sure Morrison, Truth, Henry, Kingston, Show, Regal, & even Masters are loving watching this happen. Even a injured Christian must be thinkin: "WTF" ritenow!

I think its a garbage decision- but well see how things end up in the long run. Im sure theres a "bigger purpose" here potentially. But as of now: consider me 99% unimpressed!
I couldn't believe King won the match last night. I thought he had ZERO chance of winning this last night. The TLC match on Raw a while ago was pretty damn entertaining, and I'm looking forward to this match.

I've enjoyed the heated segments/promos between Miz, Lawler, and Cole. Jerry Lawler has been in the spotlight for the past couple of months, and I think King will win the Title here. Lawler has come so far in these past couple of months. Lawler is in the middle of his last run, and I do think the old man will be able to pull of a shocker. Lawler could always lose the WWE Championship before Wrestlemania, because we still have plenty of time left before the big show. Cole could play a part in this match, but I still think King will find a way to win.

Last year we all thought John Cena would be heading into Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion after the Raw Elimination Chamber match, but Vince McMahon and Batista changed everything. And who would've known HBK was hiding underneath the Chamber during the WHC match? This pay per view should be full of surprises, and I can't wait to see this match.
This is brilliant in so many ways, both in the decision and the execution of it.

They foreshadowed the win all night with subtle hints without shoving it down our throats. DiBiase coming out trying to "take Kings spot", with King refusing, noting that it was his "final chance" at a Wrestlemania moment, and Cole continuously noting how selfish King was for not stepping aside for a younger Superstar were great moments where they foreshadowed the win without making it completely obvious.

Lawler vs Miz is a great match for the EC for a few reasons. First, they've been feuding in a minor fashion on Raw, so it makes sense in that way. Secondly, the Elimination Chamber is the feature match of the PPV, much like the Royal Rumble is for its respective PPV. So it doesnt have to be a marquee matchup, in fact, its better that it's not. The Chamber, the match that sells the PPV, will feature the marquee names. And third, and most importantly, it should quiet the critics who say Miz hasn't gotten a clean win as champion. He doesn; need it, but he'll get the clean win everyone says he needs to "validate" his first championship run.

It will be a good match for what it is. Lawler is a great storyteller in the ring, and has never relied on athleticism, even when he was in his 20's. In fact, he doesn't move much slower in the ring then he did 40 years ago. Having wrestled each other so frequently lately, they have good chemistry together. This match will be less about athleticism and more about storytelling and Miz has shown he can carry the athletic portion when these two wrestle. Miz wins this, cleanly.
I agree with Jake here. This just makes The Miz look like even less of a champion.

How does it make Miz look like less of a champion? He didnt pick his opponent like Sheamus did Zach Ryder, did he?
& Why? Just to give Jerry a match at Mania? Theres plenty of other ways to get that accomplished. Out of all the superstars VKM has to heythis happen. Even a injured Christian must be thinkin: "WTF" ritenow!

Because the Elimination Chamber sells the show, not the title match here. By going back to the original formula they used in having the Contender's matches be inside the chamber, they don't need Miz/Lawler to sell the PPV.The actual chamber does that. It also gives Miz the opportunity at the "clean" victory that so many of you have been calling for since he became champion, even if it's a garbage argument. Third, it puts the star power in the Chamber, rather then having one of them senselessly challenge Miz before Wrestlemania. Finally, these two have wrestled each other frequently, and have good chemistry together. I expect nothing diffferent here. A good, not great match.

I thi
nk its a garbage decision- but well see how things end up in the long run. Im sure theres a "bigger purpose" here potentially. But as of now: consider me 99% unimpressed!

Why does there have to be a bigger purpose for you to be impressed? I just gave you a crapload of reasons why this is a good decision. You don't have to be impressed, this isn't the match that will be selling the show, it's the Chambers. It's not as if this will headline the show.
The Miz vs. Jerry The King Lawler at EC probably won't be a technical masterpiece but it'll wind up telling a great story just as all their past encounters have. The WWE isn't going to put the WWE Championship on Jerry Lawler and having him face The Miz at EC will allow the WWE to protect its top names on Raw from suffering a defeat against Miz. Lawler can afford to lose to The Miz and there's no danger in his stock dropping. Then, they can use this match as a jumping off point for Lawler to possibly have a match against Michael Cole, Alex Riley or maybe the both of them. Lawler gets his WM moment, The Miz heads into WM as WWE Champion and the other members of the Raw Rumble match are protected from a needless loss to Miz at Elimination Chamber. I'm sorry but I see no real downside to this.

Over the course of much of 2010, one complaint/concern I've had is that there aren't a lot of huge names on the WWE roster that can currently help get young talent over, that the younger talent has basically carried themselves. Well, Jerry Lawler is a huge name in wrestling. The man is a legend, former AWA World Heavyweight Champion, multiple time WCCW World Heavyweight Champion and with a total of more than 140 different championship reigns, Lawler has won more titles than anyone. The WWE has used Lawler to help establish The Miz as a cocky, cowardly heel champion and that's what they're continuing to do. Lawler has helped Miz get over as WWE Champion.

I know that there are lots among the IWC that have gotten in their head that heel champions are supposed to be a cross between Rambo and Bruce Lee for some reason. Most of the best heels in wrestling history have played roles similar to what Miz currently is. Even if WWE wanted Miz to be that type of heel, do you honestly believe that anyone would go for it? The Miz isn't 7 feet tall, he's not 300+ pounds of rippling, hulking muscle.
this pissed me off beyond belief. dont get me wrong i respect the hell out of jerry lawler and he does deserve a wrestlemania match. but who really thinks hes going to beat the miz? why the hell did they not let morrison win this match? he gets great pops, did terrific in the royal rumble and the raw rumbler, he's proven he can hang in the mainevent with his feud with sheamus and his match against miz a few weeks ago. why would they not give us a preview of a great feud to come. instead we get lawler? and we all know cole is going to interfere, cause jerry to lose, and set up something between king/cole for mania. but why would u give up a great match b/w miz and morrison for a match involving lawler? i dont understand it. could they make the miz look anymore undeserving. he's going to need to cheat to beat an old man, TWICE!!! wwe really fucked this one up in my eyes

Right because giving Jerry Lawler isn't an option. Because Jerry Lawler hasn't proven himself to be a worthy draw for the WWE. Because giving the Miz the WWE title heading into mania makes a lot more sense than giving the belt to Lawler who can easily lose it at Mania and then retire. Jerry's been one of the most loyal people in the WWE and he's always had the ability to pull off great matches. So what if he gets the belt between now and Mania... It's not like it's impossible for them to make it a triple threat match at Mania...

Anyway, as anyone can probably tell by now, I'm routing for Jerry Lawler. That doesn't mean I'm saying Miz won't win, nor am I saying he will... I don't pretend to know how something is going to happen without having any insight to the backstage politics other than the RUMORS I read on the website... Jerry Lawler's been around the WWE for a very long time, and I'm not mistaken he's the longest on camera personnel that there is at the moment. Plus, Mania's in his territory... territory that he's been selling out with indy bookings recently... so that's more people who will more than likely be at mania.

And forgive me for saying that after the TLC match, I do believe that IF Jerry gets the title, we will see one of the best transitional title reigns to date.
So here is how I think it is going to play out. I think this will all play off the word King. Jerry 'The King' Lawler. King Sheamus. And HHH, the King of Kings.

Sheamus says he is the rightful King and that Lawler doesn't deserve to go to EC. (They were the last two in the ring at Raw RR.) Sheamus challenges Lawler for his spot at EC. Lawler accepts and wins.

Next week Sheamus tries again. And fails again. All the while Cole is on Sheamus' side. Sheamus then takes Lawler out before EC causing Lawler to be "unable to wrestle"

Come EC day, the match is about to start, Sheamus walks out says that he is the King who will take Lawlers place at EC. However, Lawler interrupts saying he has found some on to replace him. Another KIng, the King of Kings. Out comes HHH.

HHH and Miz wrestle, for the title. Part way through, when HHH is about to win Sheamus runs in and attacks HHH. DQ for Miz. Sheamus continues to attack HHH, Lawler runs into save him. Cole steps in and takes out Lawler. Cole and Sheamus stand tall in the middle of the ring.

This sets up for WM with Cole V Lawler while continuing the Sheamus + HHH fued that I believe will come into play again.
It was clear Lawler would win the Raw Rumble because his participation was the main story of that Raw and Cole was going on and on about him having no chance.

I prefer the chamber match to be a #1 contenders match for the belt not being chased by the Rumble winner, and Lawler works well with Miz as Miz is not meant to be credible, nor is there any way to make someone so limited in the ring credible.

Lawler knows how to work face and is still a solid hand in the ring, I expect this to be a short and reasonablematch that is mainly being used to set up Lawler's Mania match with Cole & Riley.
i new it was gonna be the king right away. when the GM said the reamining 6 will be fighting in the EC for a title shot and i new right there, that the king would win the raw rumble. There would be no chance in He!! the king would step inside a chamber. He would get destroyed. Miz/King @ EC, well we all know whos gonna come out on top. very predictable, and a very poorly storyline. I think the Miz can do great things in the WWE but having everyone interfere in his title matches is just an insult to him. i feel bad for the miz. wwe eeF'd this one up!!!!! and if cole/riley interfere in the match, i will lose all hope in the wwe. CAN THE MIZ WIN ONE MATCH THAT IS CLEAN!?? PLEASE WWE MAKE IT HAPPEN! cause the miz is really that awwwwwwesome!
im trying to think outside the box a little everyone is 100% certain Miz will win but there are many ideas floating around about how the most popular idea seems to be Cole interfeering in some capacity whether that be as a ref or not remains to be seen.

As i said though im trying to think outside the box and what if the WWE throws a cruve ball and somehow, someway King wins the title maybe with Cena's interfeerance, now im not for 1 second sugggesting King is going to main event WM27 King can easily drop the title back to Miz the following night on Raw due to Cole setting up a Colve v King match at WM and allowing the WWE to further the Cena/Miz story?
This match is very interesting in my opinion.
I think Lawler will be able to win the match and become wwe champion one more time,but he will lose the title before Wrestlemania.
anyways,it would be awesome if Lawler defeated The Miz.I hate the Miz and I don't think he deserves to be champion.
Maybe Alex Riley will interfere in the match,causing the miz to retain the title.

If Lawler wins,and if he must defend the title at Wrestlmania.I think he will face John Cena or Randy Orton,and it would be very good to see this match.
I have two preliminary guesses, so here they are.

Jerry Lawler wins the WWE Championship and while he's celebrating, Michael Cole comes in and attacks him. The Miz and Alex Riley join the beatdown and the GM sound goes off. Michael Cole smuggly strolls over to the GM laptop and announces himself as the anonymous GM. It was him all along. As his first action as GM, he reverses the decision of the WWE Championship match and strips Lawler of the title; proclaiming The Miz STILL the WWE Champion.

This then goes on to set up the first ever Announcer vs. Announcer match at WrestleMania 27.

Jerry Lawler beats The Miz at Elimination Chamber and The Miz wins his title back cleanly the next night on Raw and claims his match at the PPV a complete fluke, playing off his heel character, giving him more heat. With any luck, that might actually make The Miz look like a good draw.

There's the obvious aswell though where Miz just wins anyway.

Saying that though, it'd be real nice to see Lawler win his first ever WWE Championship. I'm hoping WWE do it.
they actually are gunna make miz look believable as a shitty champ you know like he doesnt even look like a real champ as it is so ya im praying for lawler to win this just so the miz goes back to where he belongs the mid card or hell make him job id like that even better
Can I be part of the cool crowd and say I predicted either JoMo or King to win? No not on here. I text Thriller, but he got back to me late and I told him my prediction after it happened. Oh boy did I get off track right from the start.

KING VS. MIZ!!! I'm excited for it. I couldn't give a shit if it won't be a technical masterpiece or even a match of the year candidate. It's a match between the cocky young champ, and the crafty veteran. King's got tricks up his sleeve, so the crowd will be jizzing over the fact that he has Miz down for the three, only the ref won't be around to count it, either got bumped or Riley distraction leading to Cole's interference. I'm on the side that is guessing a Miz victory due to outside interference from Cole. It would all set up so perfectly for Mania.
Jerry the king should win with a distarction from cena after he wins the elimnation chamber and this can start the fured with the miz and cena and should lose it a week after jerry won it form a distraticon from cole attacking the king and miz should win and then should face cena that would be tight
It would be pretty cool if they had King win this match (due to ARiley trying to interfere, missing King, and clocking Miz) so that he can claim he won a WWE title. There's been guys in the past that have won the WWE title as more of a "thank you for everything you've done for us" type of thing than a "can carry the ball" for us thing, and frankly for everything King has done in his time in the WWE he deserves to have it once.

You can then have King on the next night's Raw talking about how it's such a dream come true that he's going to Main Event a Wrestlemania, only to have the Anon GM declare that there will be a rematch that night on Raw. Cole interferes (setting up King/Cole at WM) and Miz regains the title.

With this chain of events, we're in the same spot as we would be if Miz wins at EC in regards to WM storylines (Miz/Cena, Cole/King). The added bonuses are:

1. King gets to have a WWE title to his name - even if it's a less than 24 hour one, it'd still be meaningful for all he's done for the WWE

2. You can add another seed to the eventual Alex Riley break away from Miz

3. It continues the "beatable champion" booking the Miz has received thus far

4. It "shocks the world" at Wrestlemania when Miz retains vs Cena cleanly, cementing Miz as a main event player for the foreseeable future.
Always been a fan off lawler on and off the announce table, ive met him a couple times and he just seems like an all around great guy. Im not huge on the story(but thats mostly cause of michael cole!) and id love to see the king maybe even win the wwe title. Also i think its switches things up for the EC ppv cause we had two title shot chambers, then two chambers for the titles and now we have one of each. But i just cant see lawler winning the title this close to mania, especailly with miz and cena and angle and some form of a lawler and cole match.
Prediction:The Miz
It would be pretty cool if they had King win this match (due to ARiley trying to interfere, missing King, and clocking Miz) so that he can claim he won a WWE title. There's been guys in the past that have won the WWE title as more of a "thank you for everything you've done for us" type of thing than a "can carry the ball" for us thing, and frankly for everything King has done in his time in the WWE he deserves to have it once.

You can then have King on the next night's Raw talking about how it's such a dream come true that he's going to Main Event a Wrestlemania, only to have the Anon GM declare that there will be a rematch that night on Raw. Cole interferes (setting up King/Cole at WM) and Miz regains the title.

With this chain of events, we're in the same spot as we would be if Miz wins at EC in regards to WM storylines (Miz/Cena, Cole/King). The added bonuses are:

1. King gets to have a WWE title to his name - even if it's a less than 24 hour one, it'd still be meaningful for all he's done for the WWE

2. You can add another seed to the eventual Alex Riley break away from Miz

3. It continues the "beatable champion" booking the Miz has received thus far

4. It "shocks the world" at Wrestlemania when Miz retains vs Cena cleanly, cementing Miz as a main event player for the foreseeable future.

I love it! They should totally do this. It's a legit way for Lawler to win, adds to the Lawler/Cole thing huge, and Miz is entitled to a rematch anyway. In regards to #4, even if Miz beats Lawler @ EC, I think they'd be messing up big time if they have Cena vanquish Miz @ WM just like he does to all his other foes.
I would mark the fuck out if Jerry actually wins this and the title. ( I don't care if he loses it the next night/ gets it taken off him seeing he isn't officially on the roster as a wrestler or something)This should be an ok match, people where saying in their last match that the Miz carried Jerry but I feel it was the other way around. I would love to see Jerry finally win the big one, if they can do it for others, they can do it for Jerry before he retires.

But I see cole or somebdoy interfering again setting a match for wrestlemania, so King at least gets the match he deserves.
I would like to see Jerry win the Title at EC and maybe have him resign the belt the next night on Raw, setting up some kind of Unification of Titles at WM. Because we all know if King wins the WWE championship at EC (which I am fine with), he wont be in the main event at WM.
I'm not really digging this. Other guys who are not passed there prime should face Miz.
Although I know they are just doing this to keep the title on Miz and they don't want another vs Orton match.
I think this is very smart booking by WWE. To the nerds on the internet that just love the Miz they look at it as a weak champion needing help to beat a 60 year old man. To the rest of the wrestling fans (ya know, the other 90%) it's The Miz beating up an old timer and getting major heat.

This is the Miz's character people, get used to it. He's not Sheamus who can bully you in the ring or HHH who is usually better than everyone else. he's the Miz. He's bland and pretty boring in the ring. His arrogance and mic work is what makes him great. He's going to ruin the King's "last chance" to go to Wrestlemania, that's a great story right there.

I see a really well designed back and forth match here. Matbe not one for the history books, but a lot of near falls for King creating oooo's and ahhhh's from the crowd and a lot of kick out from King making people think he can really win.

I don't see King winning though. It really would devalue the title just a bit and Vince doesn't do that. I'm hoping for a clean win here but I do see Cole interfering, maybe putting Miz's foot on the ropes or something, I just don't want him to be a proven distraction that gives Miz the win.

How about this:

Cole quickly gets up from the table after a middle rope fist drop from King, puts Miz's foot on the ropes and runs back. King doesn't know it happens. Miz hits SCF and gets the win, after he leaves, King is getting an ovation from the crowd when he sees the replay on the tron and sees Cole's interference. The look on Cole's face would be priceless, he's becoming a very good heel. king snaps, attacks Cole and we all think he is now fired.

On Raw, GM chimes in saying he can't blame King for what he did and he announces that the King will get one more match, at WM, against Michael Cole. The added bonus of making Cole make this announcement himself is brilliant.
At Elimination Chamber as you know we gonna have a WWE Championship Match between The Miz and Jerry Lawler, and this match-up makes me laugh, hard!

Well, The Miz is very good as an entertainer and he is even remotely good on the ring, so I have no problem with him being champion, he deserves it. But seriously what's up with Jerry Lawler main-eventing PPVs?

I am not a big fan of Jerry Lawler, but I know he was a great wrestler, one of the best heels of all time when he was on his prime, but right now this is pathetic. He is hurting The Miz a lot, this is way worse than Punk vs. JBL or Jack Swagger being buried on SmackDown when he was the World Heavyweight Champion. And as a fan it doesn't make any sense at all, Jerry Lawler is 61, well you can say that Ric Flair is 61 too, but Ric Flair could work a good match even if he was 91. Lawler has passed his prime a long time ago, 15 to 20 years ago.

So you have at Elimination Chamber a 61 years old commentator, former wrestler, fighting against the WWE Champion, who should be the most important guy on the roster, and there are fans that believe that Lawler can win this and lose it the next night...

And damn, it doesn't make sene. So Lawler has been a commentator for what? As far as I can remember, since the 90's, and now suddenly, when he is 61 years old he remembered that he wants to be WWE Champion because he never was, so why didn't he tried to be WWE Champion before? Why does he have to do it now, and why does he have it do in a way that hurts The Miz a lot.

And by the way, Lawler won't get anything out of this. Even if he becomes champion for a night only or for a week, 15/20 years from now no one will care if he was WWE Champion, people will think about the great career he had before that. It's like giving Ric Flair another world championship, he doesn't it need, he is already stablished as one of the greats of all time.

I would prefer to see Orton vs. Miz again, even if The Miz had to lose his title, let's say at Royal Rumble, so he could regain it at Elimination Chamber. But this, it's plain pathetic, The Miz deserves and as everyone on the roster to be treated with respect. Guess what? John Cena didn't have to fight no former wrestlers to get where he is. Sure, Orton fought legends, but he squashed them, The Miz is seen as somebody that can barely beat Jerry Lawler, so by Wrestlemania, if he is champion I would think by the same logic that John Cena or whoever wins the Elimination Chamber would squash him...

So, I'm the only one offended by this storyline? Or I am the only that thinks The Miz is being buried right now?
I probably think you're the only one thinking that. They've done this on multiple occasions throughout wrestling history. It doesn't mean you're "getting buried". One really good instance I can remember is John Bradshaw Layfield on Smackdown! He was to face Spike Dudley for the WWE championship, in what would be a squash, but Spike almost won. Granted we all knew Spike wouldn't win, but these things happen to set up other storylines or feuds, especially this close to Wrestlemania. This is definitely a set up for Jerry Lawler's match at Wrestlemania, whether it be against Michael Cole, or someone else. Do you honestly think Jerry is gonna win? If Jerry won, I could understand being upset, but in no way is he going to win, unless some drastic change in booking happens. This is also a good learning experience for the Miz, to be in there with a legend like Jerry. Also if I'm correct, Jerry from 2006-2007 was beating regulars in matches for the ECW gimmick. If you're truly offended by this, I'm sorry, but there's absolutely no reason to be. While rare, this is a great way to set up other future events and storylines.
I think this has to do more with Jerry Lawler than the Miz. Maybe the Miz is the first champion without a real ego to give Jerry Lawler a chance at the title, despite his age or the fact he's past his prime. Maybe he's leaving the business soon and this is his send off. I personally think Miz is going to hold onto this title for awhile and this is just a small blip on the radar.

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