Recent content by The_Natural85

  1. T

    Is Otunga Growing On You Guys?

    Otunga is growing on me he is getting better in the ring and on the Mic and he gets a good amount of tv time and he beat santino on SD so that's good
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    **MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    I enjoyed it i don't like seeing monster heel tear through everybody its boring this was pretty fun to watch i don't care if any of u hate it
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    [Official] All Zack Ryder Discussion (DO NOT SPAM!)

    Your Hatin on zack ryder are your serious bro he's good in the ring good on the mic the fans love home and he got him self noticed by making YouTube videos
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    Why Does Everyone Love Drew McIntyre?

    Drew is boring he's a jobbers I never like him he's average he has been winning on superstars and he won the dark match before tlc he is the chosen jobber
  5. T

    Zack Ryder is the *NEW* WWE United States Champion - Keep It Here

    I'm glad sack won its about time he has worked so hard to get where he is and now he is the us champ and ziggler can move on to the main event now but ryder won wwwyki
  6. T

    When Did You Start Liking CM Punk?

    I started liking punk when he turned heel against Jeff hardy and when he started on ecw but I'm a bigger fan of cm punk then I was back then
  7. T

    2012 - How Would You Build Trent Barreta?

    Nice Trent barretta thread and he could be a high flyer that jumps off ladders and puts his body on the line he would be over with the fans he just needs the right feud
  8. T

    Which Raw Superstar Has WWE Mishandled The Most?

    I think its Alex riley he has not done anything since his feud with miz he was awesome on nxt season 2 he had the best Mic skills now he's always on superstars
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    Hunico, Epico and Primo's stable

    I really like this new stable of epico hunico and primo and that backstabber codebreaker swanton finsher was cool and its a about time primo gets some tv but I don't like the fact they look like Mexican america they should just wear their ring gear
  10. T

    Zack Ryder Will Be The New Jeff Hardy

    Ryder will not be like Jeff hardy I mean ryder is great but Jeff hardy was a main eventer and sadly zack ryder is not but I hope ryder becomes a huge star but not like Jeff hardy
  11. T

    Am I The Only One Liking Mason Ryan?

    I like mason Ryan he's improving in the ring he has a pretty good move set and he's improving on the Mic I would like to see him feud with ziggler or swagger and I like him better as a face and he could use a hair cut
  12. T

    Anyone Else Catch the Shot Tazz Took at Michael Cole?

    Yeah I heard that I was like did he say vintage Madison rayne it might have been a shot at Cole but it could've just came out but either way I thought it was funny tba always takes shots at wwe
  13. T

    Mason Ryan RETURNS

    Good to see him back and he has been a face for a few weeks now and i like his finisher but I wonder where he goes from here as a mid card face
  14. T

    Mark Henry's Entrance Music

    His theme song fits him perfect somebody's gonna get they was kicked and thats what mark Henry does kick ass and its not a jobber theme cuz jobbers don't kick ass Lol
  15. T

    Booker T Possibly Returning To The Ring???

    i wouldn't mind seeing booker return to the ring and I would like to see him feud with rhodes since his bag boys are always giving him paper bags and Rhodes could say something like I'm the ic champ and im not in your face five