Recent content by speelix

  1. S

    Whose going to Summerslam? Thread

    nice first ppv for you :D mine was survivor series when Sid beat hkb for belt. was in MSG
  2. S

    whos the future kennedy or ortan?

    Can't say..I mean I would go with orton since I like him a little more but they aren't only ones that are just future. you forgetting Shelton and Carlito. Great wrestlers. They need to work on mic work... all these guys and they will be the new future
  3. S

    do u think thare will be another punjabi prison match

    Wasn't really bambo anyhow lol its steel painted bamboo color. you could see when camera was circling ring. no way bamboo could hold bigshow and taker at same time lol or kahli when he was on top. which btw I thought was funny cuz he was planned to go over it and he couldn't lmfao...slow big...
  4. S

    What happened to wrestling?

    WWE/F wrestling hasn't been the same/the best it used to be. It all started when Rock and Stone cold left. If you think about it cuz thats when all the great fueds was going on now
  5. S

    All hail King Booker

    well he didn't have to rant but in a way he is right. no disrespect to eddie.(rip) but in a way it is true. Rey wasn't planned to win rumble and win belt. Orton was. I am sure WWE used eddies passing to boost rey cuz it would please fans and it would be a way to show a sign of respect to eddie...
  6. S

    Is the WWE slowly but surely falling apart?

    yeah well at hard justice is supose to be big PPV.. sting is planned to win belt from jarrett. but idk...its hard they need to make more big matches and add another singles title cuz all they got it tag,x and tna belt..they need one more singles title so they can make more matches and more title...
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    All hail King Booker

    Na man you know he really deserves the title...either on raw or smackdown.. is Kane.. man they screwed him giving him belt for like less then 24 hours back when he did his first blood match with stone cold years ago at KOTR. They need to give him the belt before he retires...many backstage feel...
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    Kennedy Number 1 contender

    Not the only future of the company but him and randy orton and a few others like carlito and shelton benjemin(both great atheletes) people like these guys are gonna be the future. To stay on topic though.. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed kenedy for belt...
  9. S

    Is the WWE slowly but surely falling apart?

    What TNA needs to do..right now seeing that WWE is in state it is make a big push up the ladder and do something big...bigger arena..big wrestler idk something big though
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    Kennedy Number 1 contender

    it is said he is very well liked backstage and HHH is a big fan of his character so that could help him get title shot..
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    Kennedy Number 1 contender

    not sure... did you catch when mr Kenneddddddyyyyyyycame out to the ring to do his promo where mic falls from above.. batista attacked him and fans boo'd batista for it? could mr Kenneddddddyyyyyyy become a face? PS: dragon I think they would make him 1# contender but they prolly wont let him...
  12. S

    Is the WWE slowly but surely falling apart?

    Do you guys think WWE is slowly but surely falling apart? EVeryone is getting injured lately..Smackdown roster is running thin recently due to "liver" problems. I doubt it and the so called "drug policy" that certain wrestlers got busted. Also ECW is horrible...they ruined it. Trying to make it...
  13. S

    Who are your wrestlers you respect the msot?

    I respect them all..honestly. Just for fact they work like the entire year..except randy orton just cuz of his crappy attitude thinking he is all that...but I especially gotta give it up to those who preform while injured. Batista, Kurt Angle(broken friggin' neck lol)Undertaker(for being able to...
  14. S

    Best and Worst finishers in WWE history

    Best-Tombstone(taker)Pedigree(HHH) Worst-Samoan Spike(umaga),RKO(ripp off of the diamond cutter),619 or w/e it is that rey does...all old and not really good.
  15. S

    Greatest ring entrance

    undertaker with the american badass thing with the bike was stupid...worst thing they ever did to his character. deadman gimick was and still is the shit..I miss the evil undertaker when he fueded with austin