Recent content by ROFLCOPTERftw3

  1. R

    Who is the Best on the Mic in TNA?

    There is a lot to choose from, I mean you have Daniels, Mr Anderson, Sting, Hogan, Storm and more. But I think that Bully really is the best. The guy turned face in a heartbeat and the crowd ate it up like crazy. And before that when he was a heel he gave some of the best promos. Bully Ray...
  2. R

    Impact Wrestlings Home Grown Stars.

    Roode can do it all. Without a doubt, this guy is a solid main eventer. At first I didn't understand why do people think he's so great, but when he turned heel and won the belt, GOD DAMN... I got it! He is awesome. One of the best heels in the bussiness today. Storm turned out to be better that...
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    TNA TV Title

    Am I the only one getting bored of Devon as the TV champ? I would like to see anyone else as the TV champ (anyone but Robbie E or Garrett :D). Devons title run has been pretty long and I think it's time for a new TV Champ.
  4. R

    What To Do With Jeff Hardy?

    What they are doing now completely satisfies me. They are keeping him in the main event picture but they are not giving him the world title. He will probably get the title later down the road, I think somewhere around Bound For Glory.
  5. R

    TNA is More Action-Packed Than WWE

    It's named Total Nonstop Action for a reason! ;D But in all seriousness, WWE's in ring product ir really lacking speed and unpredictability. When I watch Raw most of the time Im bored as hell. And remember WWE is still PG!
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    I'm Happy For Hardy

    As long as he's not showing up drunk/high he is doing alright for me. He can live his life however he wants. But seeing some abs insted of a beer belly is nice.
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    An Objective Look at Garett Bischoff

    It's too early to tell if has what it takes to ''make it''. I want to see him wrestle couple full matches and then juge him.
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    Magnus + Joe = Serious Potential?

    Im not sure if this will last long because Joe just won the tournament that was going on TNA Explosion so he will get a world title shot at the Maximum iMPACT Tour or something and Magnus as been added to the Ring Ka King roster.
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    Eric Young

    Im happy with his role in TNA. They should keep him doing the comedy. I mean he is not THE funniest guy in the world but he's doing allright. I don't want to see him holding any of the titles but a match with EY once in a while will put a smile on my face.
  10. R

    My favorite wrestlers TNA history

    My favorites would have to be Aj Styles Jeff Hardy Raven Bobby Roode Alex Shelly Chris Sabin Amazing Red Matt Morgan James Storm Kurt Angle Mr Anderson
  11. R

    What's the Purpose of the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Title's?

    I think that Knockout tag titles can make a faction look stronger, such as Mexican America and they can give someone like Tara and Tessmacher who can't realy fit in the main title picture something to do.