Recent content by J.Watkins84

  1. J

    If you were the GM

    First off let me say, like many others, GM's are fake. The ideas are made by the writers and Board of Directors. Now on to the meat If I was the boss I this what I would do: 1. End the whole Nexus/Cena bull. Its getting old and boring as hell. 2. Restructure the Title System. Have each title...
  2. J

    *MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

    I would love to see the Nexus lead by Kane, it would fill in a lot of open issues, such as the announcers saying no one man can take out Taker when he broke his orbital. And the fact that Nexus attacked Taker on Raw a couple a months ago and then tonight. But I see Taker staying Deadman, and...
  3. J

    Who should put Ryder Over?

    I agree a face turn and face the Miz is what Ryder needs. I mean from what I have seen on NXT, when I watch, the Miz is just doggin' on Ryder. He talks smack about Ryder's rookie being th first eliminated. Ryder needs a face turn, his gimmick could work either way. And Miz does need a good...
  4. J

    To be the man...

    I agree wit Davi323, when they enter the ring they made it, they accomplished a dream for many but reality for few. However, if you look at as when does a superstar become a legend and can say the made it to the top well I can only think of three ways... 1. Mainevent Mania for the WWE/World...
  5. J

    Is WWE actually bad?

    The AE had its time. Now things are focused more on PG. So does that make it bad? No it does not. The only real issue with the WWE since the AE is the predictability. They follow a formula and rehash stories. But as for being bad... Hell No. WWE just needs to create some better feuds and get...
  6. J

    **Merged** Miz MITB contract Discussion - ALL IN HERE

    I have to be honest I am not a fan of Miz, my personal belief is that he will try to cash it in at SS and lose, becoming the first to have ever done that. But I think even if he loses the MITB title shot he will still have made a statement and be in the title picture. If he dosen't cash in a SS...
  7. J

    Do you think we will ever see another Two Man Power Trip Incarnation?

    the closest they could get to a TMPT would be Cena and Orton, but it would still be nowhere near the Austin/Triple H power trip. I mean lets face it the have tried it already with Cena and Orton and even though they got a good reaction from the crowd. The just didn't seem to click. As for the...
  8. J

    Better as 2 shows or 1?

    Even though you make valid points for brand specific PPV. The reality is all the real talent,that is the main eventers, are on Raw and currently stuck in the Nexus bs. I say due away with brand separation all together. I mean one of the main reasons, all be it not the only one, they separated...
  9. J

    What is your Fantasy Stable?

    HBK (co- leader and manager) He is gold on the Mic and at getting the crowd started Triple H (co-leader and WWE Champ) He is the freaking Game and master of Mind Games Randy Orton (Intercontinental Champ) Most likely to turn on everyone Big Show (World Heavyweight Champ) Dwarfs almost everyone...
  10. J

    [Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

    HHH is to me the most logical but Cole could still be it. We don't really know that Vince was talking to someone on the phone. It could be a way to throw people off. And as for the stuff with Bret people have been talking about. He was just a transitional GM. Bret wasn't cut for the job...
  11. J

    Who Do You Think Is The Best Heel Ever ?

    The Best Heel of all time...? Well that's a tough one. Ric Flair is of course the best at getting heat with his underhanded, all be it outdated, tactics and promos, but if you look at today's guys it would be either Edge or Jericho. I mean face it they both can talk smack like no one else and...
  12. J

    Bubba/D-Von split?

    A good example of the out come is what happened when WWE split them up, a year later they left and went independent until joining TNA.
  13. J

    *MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker Injury/Vegetative State & Kane's Search Discussion

    One word... KANE. I see them reusing the old HHH/HBK storyline where HBK got laid out back stage and Hunter started a one man crusade to find the attacker. Weeks later HBK returns and reviles it was Hunter. In this situation they set up for Kane vs Taker if Taker's injuries keep him out too long...
  14. J

    Zack Ryder's Push - Do you enjoy it?

    Ryder will most likely fade away like before. He can't be taken seriously until he ditches the gimmick of he has. He need to be allowed to act more aggressive, maybe get a better outfit and better music. Oh and a real finisher something that screams "Holy Sh*t"
  15. J

    WWE Fatal 4-Way: John Cena (c) v. Sheamus v. Randy Orton v. Edge - WWE Title

    don't count out Evan Bourne he pinned Shamus last week and showed a real mentality to step up. However I would love to Mark Henry in it. He is a face, a power house, and can hold his own with the like of the others, not to mention he almost bet Shamus to qualify. Or Regal he need a run for the...