Zombie Apocalypse!!!1

Hardcore Heathen

Future Legend
After a Discussion with a Few Close Friends we are still undecided on what do if there was a Zombie Apocalypse. One Involved Treadmills lol.
So Heres my Question. What would be Your Plan if there Was a Zombie Apocalypse? All guns Blazing? Camp out with Food? Run?
There are just a Few Rules for this
1. It must be Original.
2. In Detail Would be Highly Appreciated.
3. You need to Explain stuff E.G. Getting a Boat you would need to Explain how you got it.
Fire Away! Im going to Enjoy Reading your Ideas :)
After a Discussion with a Few Close Friends we are still undecided on what do if there was a Zombie Apocalypse. One Involved Treadmills lol.
So Heres my Question. What would be Your Plan if there Was a Zombie Apocalypse? All guns Blazing? Camp out with Food? Run?
There are just a Few Rules for this
1. It must be Original.
2. In Detail Would be Highly Appreciated.
3. You need to Explain stuff E.G. Getting a Boat you would need to Explain how you got it.
Fire Away! Im going to Enjoy Reading your Ideas :)

ooooh ooooh I like it. I will need to find my modern d20 campaign setting, I created a zombie apocalypse game a few years back. Be back shortly.
After a Discussion with a Few Close Friends we are still undecided on what do if there was a Zombie Apocalypse. One Involved Treadmills lol.
So Heres my Question. What would be Your Plan if there Was a Zombie Apocalypse? All guns Blazing? Camp out with Food? Run?
There are just a Few Rules for this
1. It must be Original.
2. In Detail Would be Highly Appreciated.
3. You need to Explain stuff E.G. Getting a Boat you would need to Explain how you got it.
Fire Away! Im going to Enjoy Reading your Ideas :)

Hm, the first thing I'd do is move outta the cities. Second, find a walmart and stay there for every 2 days and find another Walmart keep a stash up M20's and Shotguns with me. A 44 magnum handcuffed to my wrist that is fully loaded with some more in my pockets at all time and an army knife if things really get bad. I'd alternate between Walmarts and military bases until I reach sea and I'll head out into open water looking for any island and ready for a fuckin' fight. I think I'd survive. Also, you can join me if you like but you're on your own in terms of escaping. You slow down you're a decoy, simple as that.

...On second thought I might just go to a nuke silo and wipe the fuckers out.
I'd like to think that WHEN the Zombies break out, I'd be more into using melee weapons. Why? Because it's a nice way to prove you're a bad ass. I mean sure, if there's too many, I wouldn't hesitate to use an Automatic Shotty or even an AK... but if it's me against like just two or three then I'm going in swinging with a baseball bat.

As for "safety zones" and stuff... I like to believe that a lot of the safe places will be around the small mom and pop shops/restaurants... I mean if a Zombie Apocalypse breaks out, why would you want to be in a mall or a walmart where a majority of people are at anyway... those said people who will probably become the zombies.

Also, I'd make a notion to find every remaining bag of Taco Doritos and a lot of Cherry Fanta to replenish myself. OH! And I'd find a secondary shooter as well as someone who's handy with medical work. I'd hate to break out with a deadly virus while being chased by zombies. OH! and one last thing... BRING ON THE TIG OLE BITTIES.
I would surround my house with outward facing treadmills.........i should be fine.
I would power it using all the multileads in my house(i have plenty) its not like i have to worry about electricity bills during the zombie apocalypse.

That should last me a good week or 2 untill local power supplies start to suffer.

If that fails well ive been hunting a good few times so im not bad with a gun.
Just keep using cars that have enough fuel(there will be plenty) and basically stock up on supplies in each town when possible.

I would also make sure to follow all the rules jessie Eisinberg's character mentions in the movie zombieland a lot of them actually made sense. :shrug:
These are notes based on that campaign that i ran for my friends. My spelling is horrible, I know.


Our in game Zombie Apocalypse was set in 2016. All of these things in the story, they were based on their dice rolls, it's Not something, I just made up.

May 5th the virus spread from Groom Lake Nevada to neighboring states. All branches of armed services were called in to
Make an impenetrable barrier around the infected states. Nevada Arizona and most of California were considered lost to
The infection. Mexico was gone.

On May 16th, the Government started issuing curfews. My 4 main characters, all living in and around Lake Cascade, Idaho.
Took their wives/girlfriends and kids to an island in Cascade Lake.
They often went camping and fishing on this island. They knew it very well.


The island isn't very big, but they weren't looking to live luxioursly. Just survive.
It was about 500 meters wide, and about 590 meters long. Plenty of room for them, and others if others decide to join.

Initially they set up tents amongst the trees.

They had enough food amongst the 4 homes that they brought with them, to survive for 3 weeks. The Island had a spring
With fresh clean water, only about 40 meters from the camp area. The folks around the area, who fished from the island
In addition, camped on the island often, had also set up a watershed right along the spring. The shed had solar powered reverse
Osmosis water treatment system. If people didn't trust the spring water, they could run it through the big steel tubs, 2 of
Them that held 100 gallons each.


The news networks, those that still tried to put out news 24/7 reported that all available National Guard, Reserves, and
Otherwise, military personnel from Idaho had left to the front lines. Idaho had about 1,192 police officers left to defend the
Infrastructure and resources in Idaho.

The people used this to their advantage. 3 of the guys had Trucks/SUV's. 2 of those guys had cargo trailers. They work in
The home construction business. They had 8x10 foot enclosed trailers. They drove the 3 trucks/suv's with the 2 trailers
First to the National Guard Armory: 212 North Kings Road Nampa, ID.

It wasn't very difficult to get what they came for. A few cuts of chain link fences, pad locks, and some heavy sledge
hammers later, they got into a warehouse where weapons were stored. These are weapons that haven't even been used
yet, new "in the box". The smallest guy in the group, who also happens to be the guy who didn't know squat about guns
was put as the watchman. But they didn't sweat too much, there were about 16 cops for the whole Armory.

Franky, Jim, and Paul each served in the National Guard, that's where they met. So they went for the weapons they were
familiar with. 8 M16A4's, and 14 M4A1's. Paul who was a self made body builder took a little something special just for him,
the M60E3. he prefered it over the M249, he felt it gave him more feedback and let him control the fire better.

They ran back and forth to the trailers and loaded them up with the guns first. Then they hauled as much 5.56 ammo as
they could. Paul did alot of hauling.

They estimated they got about 14,000 rounds of 5.56. And Paul hauled about 6,500 7.62x51 rounds for the M60E3.

They were going to get the hell out of dodge, when they thought about Warren, the small guy on watch duty. And the
women and kids back at the island. They have never fired handguns, let alone assault rifles. But they need to learn how to
protect themselves. Frank ran to grab Warren, and they ran back to the warehouse one more time. The guys stood around
and just went for it, they grabbed 10 shotguns, all the same make and model, Remington 870. They found a huge duffle
bag, and stuffed it full 12 gauge buck shot and slug shells.

They grabbed 10 Beretta M9's. But they couldn't find too many boxes with bullets. They found about 120 rounds.

They knew they had spent too much time here already, and they ran as fast as the big duffle bag, shotguns, and handguns
would let them. One trailer was completely full, the Ram 2500 even had a hard time pulling all the weight. They raced off as
far as they could from the armory.

Paul who drove the Ram 2500 headed back towards the island.

The last 3 guys decided they needed more, they knew about the US Army Research Institute at 1910 University Drive
Boise, ID. Unfortunately when they pulled up they saw the police were in presense, too much to risk any probing into the

They went to the Idaho National Guard fascility, 350 North Milwaukee Street Boise, ID. As they expected it was pretty
barren, they were startled when two police cars drove by them, but they seemed to be occupied with something else.
They found a part of the highway that a had a deep grassy median, and drove their trucks into there.

They got out, and started sneaking towards a section of fence. Then Jim noticed a plume of smoke beginning to rise about
180 meters ahead. Something was on fire, the cops and base perssonel ran towards it. The guys cut the fence, bent a few
poles for easy access and ran to the first garage bay. Nothing but a few beaten up humvees. They run to the next garage
bay, there are plastic wrapped crates all over the garage. They pop them open, the ones on top first. They find rifle
scopes, in boxes. One box had army green binoculars, and camel water packs. Frank finds a few bags, they take 8
binoculars, 6 rifle scopes, 4 camel water packs. Frank drops the bags as he sees a big black metal tool chest, it's on wheels.
He opens it up, jackpot, it's overflowing with every imaginable wrench, screw driver, clasp, drill bits, levels, tape
measurers, pliers, utility knives, and so on. He starts opening up the cabinets on the wall, he finds about 40 rolls of green
duct tape, he stuffs all the tape in a large 40 gallon garbage bag. Another cabinet has a nice rack of stailess steel
flashlights, 8 of them, he takes them all.

The other guys rummage around as well, they find flares and flare guns, pocket knives, whole cartons of match books,
zippo lighters, electrical tape, rolls of electrical wire. They shoved so much stuff into thir bags that they could hardly stand
upright to carry it all. But they really didn't hurry, the fire was making noise, it might have been an ammunition warehouse
that was on fire, and the staff was busy trying to control it. Frank not only carried two huge bags, but rolled the tool box
on wheels to the median where their trucks were. They packed the trailer nearly half full. They backed out of the deep
median and drove off.

The guys realized they didn't have everything they needed, but they needed to head back to the island and start ferrying
the goods.

They arrived at the boat docks, and Paul was busy loading the pontoon boat with supplies. He waved them in as he heard
them coming. It seemed like Paul was a machine that never stopped working.

Now that all 4 guys were here, they loaded one pontoon boat, and started loading the smaller bass fishing boat. After 4
trips everything was on the island. The women and children were safe.

For the next 5-6 days everything was queit. The radio they had with them was a turn crank radio, and they listened to the
reports as often as they would come up. The quarantine zone was holding in some parts, but New Mexico had fallen to the
virus, mostly from the influx of zombies running from Mexico. The Western and Southern parts of Texas were gone too.

Everyday on schedule calls rang out on the radio for volunteers to join the armed forces.

The guys kjnew the propoganda machine went into full swing when the radio announced that 13 million people joined the
military in the first 2 days. The guys knew that recruitment didn't work that fast and efficiently. But the radio did say bus
loads of volunteers armed with shotguns and hunting rifles were driving down to the lines of protectiion to support the

In fact from their island, using their binoculars they could see 3 coach buses by the high school loading up with young and
old men, holding rifles.

They figured these were single men, or those who had nothing to lose. Family men certainly would not just up and leave
their whole lives behind.

Either way, these four guys and their families were staying put.

They thought it was rather strange that nobody else seeked the shelter of the island. They were still all alone. But they
didn't spend too much time thinking about it. They needed supplies.

The lake was deep on the side where they crossed by boat to the mainland, drop offs of 40 feet at points, and it had an
ample supply of fish. The kids spent most of the day fishing. But the women didn't let them spend the time without studies,
they had with them math and english books, some biology and chemistry books. They had a couple bags of books from the
public library.

In that week sinse the guys came back from their haul, they taught their wives and girlfriends how to handle shotguns and
pistols. They had a little target practice setup, for now they just needed them to be able to hit something from about 20-
35 feet away. And they were getting pretty capable of aiming their shots.

It was time to go on land again, they needed fuel, food, and other supplies.

The guys each took an M4, 5-6 magazines each, and handguns with a few clips. They went to shore on their bass boat.
They went to town, talked to the sheriff, he reported to them that International Science Community was supposedly
experimenting a vaccine on hundreds of captured zombies, and something has been changing some zombies into faster,
bigger, and more muscular monsters. He showed them a couple newspapers where it's told that some of these
monstroscities are taking 5-8 shots to the head and neck, and somehow their skull structure has thickened to absorb the
punishment and they keep running. The vaccines they have tested so far only seem to slow down the zombies a little bit,
but their hunger for human flesh remains the same.

They found out about the men and boys who went off to the front lines. 18 have already been killed. The sheriff was
honest with them, he told them that that "13 million" number was really more like 3.8 million. But he says the government
is thinking of implementing a draft. He said protests are growing, but the front lines are growing thinner. He said in
another 2-3 days busses are going to start coming and taking young men, whether they want to go or not. They need to
meet a quota of 25 million men, 18 to 28 years old.

He took them to his office, locked the doors, and told the guys that the home depot in the next town over was closed, it
was boarded up, locked down, and vacant for 6 days now. He told them to go through the truck bay, he said that a few
well placed shots on the hinges will pop off the big boards. He told them flat out "Get as much supplies as you need, plan
for 3 or more months."

The guys went back to the docks and got all the trucks and trailers, and went looking for trouble. Some of the
neighberhoods were working together to put up walls, of anything they had, plywood, junk, trees, cars. They had blocked
off some streets and made it difficult to get to the Home Depot, but they go tthere eventually. It seems that they weren't
the only ones who knew about the abandoned home depot, there were people running in and out throwing stuff into
trucks, trunks, bags. The guys went ot the back, and the doors were already open, they drove up the ramps with their
trucks and went "window shopping" through home depot, through the windows of their trucks. They each had an
assignment, they needed tools, nails, wood, metal, everything.

Needless to say some of the aisles were looking pretty barren, people had already looted most of what they needed. It
was hard searching through junk that was thrown all over the floors. They found the aisle with nails and screws, by their
estimates they scrounged up about 60 containers of nails, that's about 20,000 nails. 20+ containers of screws of various
types. They got axes, shovels, hand tools, gardening supplies, post diggers. They got 2x4's, metal rods, wall hooks,
hammers, hand crank drills, more hand tools.

They got rolls of wire, lightbulbs, and other small odds and ends. They drove slowly through the asiles, people would
scatter mostly when they saw the trucks coming, others recognized the trucks, waved and wished the fellas good luck.

While driving past the employees lounge door, Frank saw a metal door that was bolted shut with steel plates. He stopped
the truck with a sqeul of the wheels. He radiod the other trucks, they drove to him, knocking over many shelves and
displays. They saw right away that Frank was standing next to a steel plated door.

Jim backed his truck up to the door, opened the trunk door, and pulled out the steel rope from his winch. They looped it
around the door handle and in between the steel plates and door, and were able to pull it the door off it's hinges along
with all the steel plates. Inside was the jackpot, generators, chainsaws, various other goodies that run on electricity.

They blocked the entrance with one of the trailers, and put the skinny guy on guard duty. They loaded 3 generators into
the trailer, 4 chainsaws, 6 sets of cordless chargable drill sets, 1 generator welder, and lots of long extention cords. They
took two sattelite dishes and receievers, radio antennas, and one TV that was hanging on the wall of the room. They found
6 folding metal chairs and 2 folding card tables, they took that into another trailer. After 20 minutes of loading and
keeping busy, there were a few gunshots that rang out from the main store. Skinny yelled to them and said it was time to
go. They locked up the trailers, got in the trucks and burned through the aisles of the home depot and exited out the back.
As they exited, they saw large groups of people fighting outside, grabbing at each others things, they paid no attention,
and kept on driving.

They took a few back roads and found themselves driving past a row of strip malls, there were actually some cop cars
parked in front, the officers were holding assault rifles.

Jim radiod the guys and said to park down the street from the strip mall and wait there and guard the cargo while he goes
to talk to the officers. They really didn't question him too much, but they insisted they he take a handgun and at least 2
clips with him. He did. He tucked the gun in behind his belt on his back. He smiled and went towards the strip mall. When he
was within 50 meters of the police, he raised his hands and yelled "Moose is that you?". A familiar voice returned the call
"Jim you old sunnovabittch! How the hell are you??" Jim yelled "Can I come closer?" "Yeah get over here".

Jim walked over to Moose, he knew Moose from high school, they played football together. "Moose, I thought I recognized
you when I drove by. Whats the situation around here?" Moose took Jim over to the furthest cop car and told him, "Look
Jim, we have looters everywhere, the governor told us to set up a road block up here, but we don't have the man power
to stop cars, so we just setup a little outpost here in the parking lot, what are you doing here?"

"Well Moose, to be honest, I was driving this way to get to the sporting goods store behind you, I need a couple of things."
Moose turned around and looked at the strip mall, there it was Mikes Fishing and Hunting. he smiled, and walked over to his
fellow cops, he whispered something to them, nobody said anything in argument. Moose walked over to Jim, he said "Jim,
go ahead and head into the store, grab whatever you need. Jim gave Moose a hug and ran to the store. He pulled a
shopping cart from the front, and started throwing supplies in. Here's what he grabbed: 4 spools of 10 pound fishing line,
hundreds of packets of hooks, weights, 40-50 different lures. 10 different reels, and 8 fishing poles, nets, 2 spear guns
that were hanging on the walls. His shopping cart was overflowing, he rolled it out of the store, waved to Moose, and ran
with his shopping cart to the trucks. They loaded everything in. And got on their way.

They made it back to the docks. But the bass boat was gone, who would have taken it? It wasn't on the lake, they saw no
signs of it. They radiod the women on island, and one of the wives piloted the pontoon boat to the docks. she made it
without problems, they made a few trips loading and unloading all the new goodies. After 3 trips everything was on land.
In the two weeks since then the guys made a few more trips inland to get deisel, and food. But mostly they were set for
the long haul.

24 days after their home depot raid, they heard on the radio that the armed forces surrounding texas were gaining
ground, using flame throwers and bombs to bomb their way closer to Mexico. However, nothing was.
@CaptainInsano Thats what my Friend Said to the Letter!!
@RussianBear007 Man that is Dedication although i would find an Apartment Complex Room Easier to Defend, easy for Fellow Survivors to find you (write room number and put at the front) but harder for Zombies to find you. But an Island is Great!
I would camp out in my apartment with plenty of food from walmart (assuming walmart wouldn't be full of zombies yet when I went shopping for food when the warnings of zombies were announced) and remain here ready to do battle. I've seen enough zombie films and played enough zombie video games to know that all sorts of random objects end up becoming great weapons in dealing with the zombies if they attack you because virtually anything can become a weapon given the necessary circumstances. Unfortunately this isn't like certain video games where you can just cast a health restoring spell to kill them in one shot, but I do have a large assortment of random objects in my apartment that could be used by my allies as weapons. Me you ask? I have a katana, a real one. Long story short it was a prop I inherited from a movie with some friends from college, we had swordfights with real swords that the guy directing it had ordered and I inherited the one my character used. It would see plenty of use by me in a real life zombie apocalypse situation.
I'd try to isolate myself in the least populated area. Sounds like solid idea to me. How would I distinguish what areas are more concentrated than others? Probably just observe. And then I'd go to where I think the least concentrated area would be and shut myself off. So, I can't get into specifics as it varies by what geographical location I'd be stationed at.
Shooting guns has always been fun to me and shooting living objects in a justified way such as zombies would be awesome. I would get myself a gun from anywhere I can and go totally trigger happy. If I would be so unfortunate to run out of ammunition, I would use whatever melee I have or use the gun itself to knock out every zombie that closes by. If I'm lucky, I'll succeed and if not, I'll get eaten up! My vantage point would be a balcony at third level of an apartment or something like that, by the way.

And RussianBear007, that's an amazingly huge post and true dedication to the topic, too bad barely anyone can bother reading it. Hell, I'm too lazy to even read the first part above that map.

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