Ziggler and Vickie or Ziggler and Eve.


Dark Match Winner
I was thinking that Dolph needs to drop Vickie and upgrade with Eve.

Eve is getting tons of heat and transcends the lame diva division. my idea would be Dolph dumping Vickie to get with Eve.

Dolph and Eve are career driven and care about themselves. They can start off with a strong business relationship, but after a few months make them have a dysfunctional relationship that starts effecting Dolphs matches.

Eve can start complaining that Dolph didnt buy her the right color car and become the annoying girlfriend. Dolph can be p-whipped and try really hard to satisfy a woman that cant be satisfied.

I can see a scenario where Eve is the Divas champ and Dolph becomes the WWE champ and be WWE's power couple.

You like the idea or should he just stay with Vickie or go it alone.
I actually think the time is right for Ziggler to go it alone. His mic skills have really improved to the point where I feel hes one of the best, hes pretty sharp and charismatic and he is at the point now ehere I feel Vickie is actually holding him back.

Having said that I think your completely right when you say Eve should manage an up and coming heel with the heat she's getting. I would actually pair her up for Swagger and work the same angle your talking about on Smackdown. She is exactly what he needs a good heat drawing mouth piece, I think Swagger cold actually pull of the bumbling jock boyfriend role quite well and I don't think him and Vickie have ever really clicked she hasn't done much at all for him. I'm not quite sure about him becoming a world champion again but Eve could certainly properl him into the permanent upper mid-card on SD if utilised correctly.
I actually could see Eve hooking up with Bryan as both are self serving users, and Bryan ditching girl next door AJ for Eve will get both more heat and AJ more crowd support, everyone wins.
I'm leaning more towards TPC777's idea. I think it's time for Ziggler to fly solo, I personally think it's been time for a little while now. Ziggler is a much more developed on screen character that's shown to have good mic skills, can flat out kill inside the ring and is drawing very respectable heat on his own. It's true that Dolph & Vickie have made a good team and being paired with Vickie has helped Dolph out tremendously, so it might be a case of the WWE just not wanting to give up on a good thing right now. I just think they've gone as far as they can with them, Vickie has more than done what WWE hoped she'd be able to do with Dolph and he doesn't really "need" her anymore.

I will say the idea of Ziggler & Eve getting together at some sort of shallow, materialistic power couple does sound like it'd have promise. It looked as though WWE was going to go this route with Ted DiBiase and Maryse initially, but it seems they just lost interest in DiBiase. Ziggler, however, is a far better overall talent than DiBiase so I could at least see them putting a real effort into this. As part of a storyline, Eve could come to the realization that she tried to move too high & too fast when it comes to John Cena. Ziggler is obviously an up & comer, someone I think will win an MITB match at the MITB ppv this summer, and is a potential "opportunity" for Eve to move up. Ziggler's a nice looking guy, very athletic, seems extremely shallow & materialistic and ambitious so he could be the type of guy Eve wants to hook up with to move up in the world. As for Eve's part, she comes off as a true low life golddigger that sees nothing wrong with using people, and she's incredibly hot. On top of that, she's actually gotten pretty good in the ring and is drawing great heat in record time. These two do have all the tools for a shallow power couple looking to just take over. I'd at least be interested in seeing how it played out, but it's not exactly something that Ziggler needs or has to have anymore.
I kinda agree with this, granted no women on the roster gets more heat then Vickie and Dolph needs someone like that by his side just for the simple that that the WWE wants him to be heel, and if they let him loose and be on his own with no manager then the crowds will more then likely cheer him. Cause in my opinion he is one of the best wrestlers the company has and the crowd can tell because his matches are so good, and they are going to respond positively to that esp if Vickie isnt there...But if there had to be a replacement then Eve would make a good decision or the best one you could make if you were to dump the old broad
i agree with those who think ziggler should go solo, havin a woman backing you up can only carry a superstar so far before a transition is needed (think HBK and sherri martel), i beleive dolph has the ability to go from midcarder to main-eventer but he needs to drop the female manager first
Pretty awesome idea, but not really sure if it would ultimately help him much. Dolph needs to get better on the mic and fast. He's little more than a heel Morrison right now, and Vicki--like it or not--draws incredible heat with that whole 'excuse me' deal. Eve is outrageously hot, and has done well with this whole Ryder Cena angle, but her brief couple appearances as heel have not seemed to really go over well. Maybe you could tweak it a little and have Ziggler start seeing Eve but still be managed by Vicki and just have all kinds of drama surrounding Ziggler. Throw Swagger in there and you practically have a mini-stable all ready to go, though I'm not sure they're big on stables these days, but it might really be a good way to get some of these guys the last bit of the way over and into the main event level.
i agree with those who think ziggler should go solo, havin a woman backing you up can only carry a superstar so far before a transition is needed (think HBK and sherri martel), i beleive dolph has the ability to go from midcarder to main-eventer but he needs to drop the female manager first

yeah people only look at that when they talk about how far a women manger can take you, but remember, sherri was macho mans manager when he was heel, she was ted dibiases manager. Look at miss elizabeth. She was macho mans manager. You can have a manager when your on top. Michaels had one, flair had one, its just a matter of does the heel manager get you more heat. If they do keep em. And she definitely gets him more heat.
Yeah that's the last thing Ziggler needs is to dump Vickie! He'd REALLY get no fan reaction then. Eve would get him a reaction in the short term BUT not give him the same heat Vickie does.
I'd like to see Ziggles go out on his own. No woman by his side. There's no reason now. Vickie got him the heat he needed and kept him out of career purgatory. She did her job and should move on. As for Eve... there's nothing there and nothing should be there. She shouldn't be around Ziggles because its a step back for both. Eve was dealing with Cena a couple weeks ago... Just a thought there...

So I say Dolph should really go out on his own. No female to talk for him. No female to accompany him. He is egocentric in character and should really reverberate that with no female presence ringside as its not needed.

(its muddled... but made sense in my head)
I like this idea a lot. Dolph Ziggler has the personality to carry this off well. Does Eve? Her acting in the Cena/Kane/Ryder soap opera was ATROCIOUS. She was the worst part of those segments by far, and it's not like Cena or Ryder were exactly putting on a clinic. Eve's heel turn on RAW amounted to little more than coldly reciting a character profile. If Eve can make this character work, a Dolph/Eve pairing could be dynamite. But I have my doubts.

Agree that Vickie's gone as far as she can. What does she even do anymore, beside introduce Dolph and get in a token interference here and there? Vickie's no longer a nuclear heat magnet like she was two years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the heat followed Dolph and not Vickie when they inevitably split. I wouldn't even rule out a Vicki face turn.
Interesting...But in all honesty I think Zigglers ready to be on his own. Eve can be more of a fit for Daniel Bryon i think. He could dump AJ for her, furthering his heel turn
Eve's been doing a solid job as of late and has made an excellent transition into her heel persona. With that said, I would much rather Dolph be paired up with Vickie rather than Eve. While Eve has been doing a great job, she's better off solo. The WWE has tried just about every way to get the divas over and the ever dying Diva's division can certainly use Eve's heel heat to establish some credible faces like Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox or even Tamina. With Kharma returning sometime in the near future, feed Eve to her. While Eve doesn't really have the wrestling ability to compete with Kharma, Eve can certainly bring her some amazing crowd reaction. If anything, let Eve continue to prosper as a solo diva until she's needed. Right now, if Dolph needs any manager, it is best if Vickie remains in his corner. He's just about done cooking, why change the ingredients now?
I absoutley thing ziggles should fly solo!! He has that egocentric persona about him. Cocky,arrogant,smug and really good in the ring. He doesnt IMO need vickie or eve to help him out to me his character is right on the tip of just breaking out into full fledge superstar WHC!! He is right there. Ziggles has the stuff the vickie angle will end eventually and when that does IMO Ziggles will break out
Eve and Ziggler would be the WWE 2nd equivalent of the Beautiful People
We are so pretty and awesome. Flawless!!!!!

but as others said Ziggler should go solo, Vickie and Jack was a good idea but it's just pointless now, Swagger is going nowhere fast and Vickie has lost whatever she had.

Ziggler's just too good to be overlooked anymore.
I could however see Eve and Ziggler teaming up kinda like the Triple H and Stephanie in both helping each other get to there respective world titles and forming a relationship
noone care seriously believe Ziggler and Vickie would ever be a reality or for that matter Vickie and anyone, she has no stroke anymore

Maybe Ziggler and McGuillicutty form an alliance. Ziggler looks and wrestles like Mr Perfect, McGuillicutty is Henning's son and looks like him in his manuerisms and in the face.
the Perfect Alliance. Ziggler goes for the world title and McGuillicutty for the IC or US title :)
I made an off-hand comment while watching Smackdown that Eve could be a heel of the same caliber Lita was, and the idea of pairing her with Ziggler is genius. I could see the two becoming the PG Era's version of Edge and Lita, but of course in their own style.

I think they'd both benefit from a partnership like that, especially if they were booked as dominant equals/ a power couple, and getting Ziggler away from Vickie might be a good thing.
I think that Dolph forming an onscreen relationship with Eve at this point would be a great idea. Eve is generating an enormous amount of heel heat. The fans hate her for how she treated Ryder, it's working. She's the most relevant she has ever been in her career and the divas division has a top heel. Granted, she might not get the same levels of heel heat as Vickie, but I've been saying for quite a while now that Ziggler no longer needs her. It's time. Ziggler should ditch Vickie and form a relationship with Eve instead.

This is a good opportunity for WWE to move Ziggler away from Vickie so that she can help Swagger instead. As long as the three of them remain a stable, Swagger will continue to be an afterthought. Ziggler could benefit from striking out away from Vickie. If he forms a relationship with Eve then he can still use a female heel in his corner to generate more heat and get help winning matches. Eve as Divas Champion in the future while helping Ziggler win his matches when he becomes WWE Champion would be an idea path for WWE to look into. We get a new power couple in Eve/Ziggler while Vickie can help Swagger. I think it would be a great idea and needs to happen due to how it could benefit several people at once.
I'm on the side of the people saying they would prefer him alone. I think he has come along good enough to get to talk on the mic himself and draw heat from the crowd. Vickie can just manage Swagger because he is horrible on the mic.
I dont see the need for him to dump Vickie right now. I think when they are ready to try him as a babyface thats when he dumps Vickie.
The problem with his promos are it just feels like he reading off a telepromter. And his voice kind of hurts his promos. He's got a girly/nerdy voice.

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