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Zach Gowen...was it worth it?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night durring a discussion with my friend he mentioned the old Mattitude entrance. which brought me to remember the only time I had ever seen that entrance. Smackdown Shannon Moore v. Zach Gowen. I rewatched that match last night, and while Gowen was impressive, I came to the realiation that a one-legged wrestler can only do so much.

My friend made a comment that he laughed when Gowen was pushed down the stairs by Brock Lesnar. Does that make him a bad person or was Gowen a joke, the Colin Delany before there was a Colin Delany. Was his tenure in the WWE all that important? So was it worth it, should he have ever stepped into a SD ring, or was just a joke that grew old to fast?
I dont think it was a joke, Zach was involved in some major story lines with Hogan, Piper and McMahon. Ive have his match with McMahon on DVD from Vengeance 2003 I believe. It was actually pretty good these two went over twenty minutes in a straight match. He did get sympathy from the fans and it was good heat for his opponents like Lesnar. I dont think it got old it just wasnt believable to have a amputee who is 150 lbs going over top talent like Big show and Matt Hardy. You have to respect Zach but I dont think he's not going to make it in the big leagues.
Zach Gowan will always be a Juggalo wrestler, or small indy feds, he couldn't even make it TNA. So I doubt WWE will ever bring him back on board, that and he apparently very bad attitude from working with Hogan, Piper and McMahon. He got a air of scumbag entitlement, because he was brought in and immediately put into storylines with three of biggest, most well known names in wrestling. He gave guys a bad rub in the lockerroom and didn't fit in. Plus as good as he is, he doesn't have the size to be a major player in the WWE or TNA and I don't how his attitude is now, but if it is still what it was in WWE last time, no way will he be a big player... but yes I do think it was worth it for him, it got him noticed, that's for sure. Without the WWE, Zach wouldn't even be were he is today.
How can a guy with an amputee be proud of a career in the biggest promotion of his profession, where he was a comedy act. The fans were not laughing with him, they were laughing at him. I would be embarresed if I was him. If he had gotten a proper push, as a legit character, he would have been put over more successful. The fact that he was only 150 pounds made it so he probably would never have made it in the WWE if he was two legged. The only reason he ever had a WWE career is because he had one leg.
The general thing of it is, Matt Hardy was right in what he said during their storyline. Zach Gowen is nothing more and nothing less, than a simple 'Novelty Act'.

Now don't get me wrong. I seen someone (I believe right above me) talk about how he didn't get how anyone could be proud of making a career out of being a Pro Wrestler when you only have one leg, but you see that's kinda naive on the basis that it's claiming if you only have one leg, you can't do it.. well, Gowen is living proof you indeed can do it. Whether you get anywhere beyond being a circus act is another story though.

If I'm Zach Gowen, joke or not, I'm happy that I've done something that a lot of people haven't done.. and that's wrestle in a W.W.E. ring, even on a couple of their Pay per views. I give the kid all the respect in the world, but at the same time.. I feel ZERO sympathy for him in how they used him.

Anyone who feels sympathy over how they used him, obviously doesn't realize that Gowen allowed himself to be used, in order to "be used". Plain and simple, Gowen wanted to be there any way possible. So YES, I respect and admire him for living his dream. NO, I don't feel any remorse or sympathy for him, for being used as a joke or them mocking him being a cripple. (no offense, but Gowen allowed it to happen, plain and simple)
i think gowen doesnt regret a thing
he wrestled with legends and some of the best in the buisness
he was in a storyline with hulk hogan!
he was on ppvs and on tv everyweek
i think he was used pretty much the only way he couldve been used(back then)
i wish they wouldve kept him around tho
they couldve used him again

and you gotta remember he only has one leg. he cant hop around on that thing forever. he even said it hurts to wrestle without the fake leg but he does it anyway. he cant have a in ring career as long as most guys so he had to make the best of it.

he'll end up in the HOF thats for sure. itll be a while but eventually hell end up in there
he'll end up in the HOF thats for sure. itll be a while but eventually hell end up in there


no way, no freakin' way.

Was it worth it for Gowen? Yeah, probably, getting that kind of exposure is always great.

For WWE, nope. Total waste of time. He was essentially a prop for the Hogan/McMahon fued, and a reason for people to use the 'one legged man in an ass kicking contest' line again.
I don't think he should regret a thing. I'm really proud of him, first for having the courage and determination to wrestle Vince McMahon of all people in the biggest and most well known sports entertainment company in the world. I'm also proud of him for having the balls to have a go in WWE knowing tha he has a prosthetic leg. That proves that if you're really passionate about something, you won't let anything stop you. <---- (yeah that was cheesy, I know. But being somewhat crippled myself...(mentally crippled. I have some minor mental issues) I can relate to what Zach is going thru) I don't know if he'd make it to the big leagues again, but in my opinion, never say never. I think he could make it to the big leagues again if he was determined enough. I did feel somewhat sympathetic for him at first, when he first showed up and he was being flat out bullied by Brock on Smackdown, but as he progressed, I think he kept getting better and more courageous. I'm really proud of him and I admire him for his passion and dedication. Was it worth it for Zach....ABSOLUTELY!!!!!
It was probably the biggest thing to happen in his life. Can anyone say they wouldn't take an opportunity like that, even if it was as a joke competitor, or maybe a jobber?

That being said, he was never going to be taken seriously. Not in the WWE. He had one leg, you don't see much more. Well, to be fair, there wasn't much more to see. If he had 2 legs, and by some miracle he got the spot, he wouldn't even have been booed. There would just have been silence. He weighs, what? 169 lb? He was tiny. And he was bland. Perfect for the indy circuit. Nothing when it comes to the big time.
Congrats to the guy. I'm happy he was able to get a job and WWE was good enough to give him a run in a feud involving Hulk Hogan. For any kid that's got to be a big deal.

As far as his future HOF induction goes...Well I think that poster needs to lay off the crack for a little while. Being in a feud with Hogan doesn't make you a legend. If so, a lot of people would be in there, but in the ring the guy was awful.

Wow...he had a kick and could do a moonsault. No charisma, no strength, nothing. I appreciate the fact he has one leg and as I say, I respect him for trying, but wrestling wise, the guy didn't have a snowball's chance in hell (I had to resist another analogy Vince used in their feud)
People remember Zach Gowan. So I think his short run was a success. He got to hang around with Piper, Hogan & Vince McMahon, it was quite a little run. Really good even. There was only so much you could do with him. But for a couple of months the push he had was pretty good. He sure moved a lot faster, and did more flying than Rey Mysterio. All with a leg missing.

Yeah he was a freak show. But this is wrestling so he's no different than the midget, tall indian guy, inbred hillbillies etc.

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