Z True Long Island Story on WWE's Youtube Channel

Dr. Awesome

Occasional Pre-Show
Whats your opinion the announcement on Z true long Island story that it will on WWE's youtube channel next week?

Mine is that
Its a stupid idea because
1. It will lose half of its viewers because of the WWE's restrictions
2. If it does poor then it could put his wwe status at risk
3. It could make Ryder less popular because some fans may feel "sold out"

Now share your opinions
Well I am pissed about it I'm from the UK and we cant watch anything on their youtube channel and I have been watching it from the first episode I think this is a big mistake on the WWEs part as you said half of his fans won't be able tomwatch but I disagree with the sellout point Inthink they kind of forced Zack into doing it plus it might not be as entertaining as he can't take jabs at the WWE like he used to but I just hope something gets sorted for us fans that can't watch their youtube channel
Well I am pissed about it I'm from the UK and we cant watch anything on their youtube channel and I have been watching it from the first episode I think this is a big mistake on the WWEs part as you said half of his fans won't be able tomwatch but I disagree with the sellout point Inthink they kind of forced Zack into doing it plus it might not be as entertaining as he can't take jabs at the WWE like he used to but I just hope something gets sorted for us fans that can't watch their youtube channel
Nor can anybody in most parts of Europe, Asia or the Oceania.

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Anyway, I think this is absolutely terrible. Ryder built his push and latest WWE gimmick/career up from the ground through his show. Sure, he targeted the lowest common denominator, but when he wasn't being used, he was still working on his wrestling entertainment skills and career with wrestling-related activities.

He took WWE media, such as toys, DVDs, shirts, etc, and publicised them. This boosted his own + other WWEshop sales.
(Ryder is among the biggest sellers of WWE merchandise along with John Cena, Rey Mysterio and sorry, mind blank!)
I don't think that this will have a huge effect on the show, unless the WWE is also going to start scripting the show for Zack (as opposed to the way it was done previously). I have a feeling that the show will remain pretty much the same as it always was, and I don't see a lot of fans thinking that Zack "sold out" (or whatever).

I imagine that we'll hardly notice any difference in the show. The only thing that worries me is whether or not the WWE writers (or whatever) will start having to either "approve" the "scripts", or whether the show will be 100% written by WWE creative. The show always seemed like a good mix of written material & improvisation, but Zack probably won't be able to do it that way if WWE creative gets too involved. I doubt that will be the case however. I might be wrong, who knows?
I'd love to tell if there are going to be any differences in what we see but I won't be able to watch as I'm from the UK

Terrible decision but clearly they WWE wanted him to do it and his hand was forced. The Ryder Revolution has stopped now for those not in the US.
To be honest, I think ZTLIS officially jumped the shark a few weeks ago when Zack Ryder was injured and had his best friend fill in. That episode was unwatchable to me and I've never bothered to see it again. I watched every episode religiously up to that point out of habit. But let's be honest, the direction of the show has changed dramatically. When it first started, it was funny plays on words like "trying to get over" and "missing the boat" which was really funny to me. I liked the stuff with his dad and John Morrison too. But for the past few months, 80% of ZTLIS is just replays of stuff I've already seen on Raw. With that being said, I think it's probably a good move because there are probably some fans who only go to wwe.com for their wrestling info, rather than surfing around youtube for it. So now that they are officially connected, WWE.com won't hesitate to advertise it. So I don't mind that. But I think it's too little, too late. They should have done this six months ago because I think it's time to cancel ZTLIS.

I still like Zack Ryder. But I don't watch his show anymore.
it's obviously going to be part of an angle. Ryder has been talking about filming for episode 51 of Z!TLIS. Not sure what's gonna happen tho. Definitely curious.
i thought episode 50 was funny as hell. I like the Big O. He's funny... but yeah it sucks if fans from other parts of the world can't watch. The WWE are fucking Idiots!
I'm sure Zack will post it on his LongIslandIcedZ YouTube channel as well as WWE.com, as I'm sure WWE are well aware of their restrictions in terms of international viewership.

And I agree, Big O needs his own show; get rid of Chi.
I think it's funny that as Zack gets more successful, people are going to bitch about him "selling out." When getting a better spot within the company was his primary goal in the first place.

Of course it's shitty that people in various countries can't watch it anymore, and that WWE may very well water it down to the point where it's not the same Z! TLIS we all knew and loved. Personally, I would be willing to accept that (even if I lived outside the US) in exchange for Ryder maintaining his prominent role on television and possibly getting an even bigger push upon his return. Nothing lasts forever, and if the show accomplished what it set out to accomplish, then I'm good.
I don't Like the idea of wwe's full control. What I arm looking forward to is the likelihood he has a show on the wwe netWork in April!
I am so damn pissed ltley with WWE, they ruined the rumble and now are gonna ruin Z! True Long Island Sotry, because guys like Big O, Micheal Chiapetta and so many other guys will not be feautured anymore because they are not with wwe so will not be promintly featured if at all!
I am not very happy about this turn of events.I feel like this is going to be forced with lots of creative team fillers as opposed to how Zack normally acts. I hope this doesn't end up giving Eve Torres more of an outlet for her horrible acting skills.
His latest episode (although only a clip show) was available in the UK if you read this could you post if it was available in your country could you say and post what country your in
Thanks guys
I think this could end up costing viewers as it is restricted in certain countries. Hopefully the WWE wont see the drop in viewers as people becoming less interested in Zack and stop pushing him.

Also I am from Ireland and can see this as it was asked to post if you could see and from what country. Didn't really like the fact that episode 51 was a clip show of previous shows but it does tie into his injury he is unable to do anything new and since a lot of people may not have seen the older episodes it does help to catch them up.
You can view it on YouTube under 'WWEFanNation' channel. I'm from Australia, subscribed to Zacks LIIZ channel, and he posted it on Facebook this morning under WWEFanNation channel, not his own.

You just can't leave comments. You can up/down vote and watch it though. This week is just a recap, kinda lame.

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