You're View on Moon landings?


This seems to be an interesting topic as of late when talking to people from school and such. It seems that many people think we (America) should return to the moon. When I ask why people think that, the most common answer is " To find a new place for humans to live and populate" Which is fair enough, when I talk to people who are older, generally around the age of 40 or above, they seem to put it off and say that it's not needed. After hearing many people's opinion on the matter, I would like to know what you guys think, Do you think America should return to the moon? If so why? What for? For how long? If not why not?
I don't know why you're so interested in the Moon. They don't have any prisons you can be transfered to there, silly boy.
When I ask why people think that, the most common answer is " To find a new place for humans to live and populate" Which is fair enough

That makes no sense what so ever, we need to find a new place for humans to live and populate so lets go to a place that does not have oxygen, water, or anyway of growing crops, seriously who the fuck could possibly think that's a good reason to return to the moon?!?!?
Well, there's a broader sense to it. If we did go to the moon, we could build colonies there and have oxygen pumped in and recycled, we already have that technology just not the money.
Not if we build Domes and such...

What the fuck bullshit sci fi flick did you pull this shit out of, it would never fucking work, THERE IS NO FUCKING OXYGEN ON THE MOON, HENCE WHY THERE ARE NO LIVING LIFE FORMS OF ANY KIND THERE, unless you develop some sort of Genesis Device living on the fucking moon will never happen
Yea dude, making the moon into a livable planet would be hard as shit, I doubt we have the kind of technology to pull it off at the moment.

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