You're in charge of the WWE TV/PPV themes, what would they be?


The 1 that believes in Jinder Mahal
Imagine your in charge of the WWE themes for its shows, what would you make the themes be.

My list-

Raw- Light it Up- Rev Theory(used as WM24 theme, perfect because it will light you up for Raw!)

SmackDown- Rise Up- Drowing Pool(old theme, nuff said.)

Superstars- Superstar- Saliva(seems fitting doesn't it?)

NXT- Dark Horses- Switchfoot(used in the last Royal Rumble, fits the show because these rookies are the dark horses and can be the future)

Major PPVs-

SummerSlam(has 2 themes)- Doing Time(Summertime)- Sublime(goes well with the summer feel), Satillete- Rise Against(great modern song IMO)

Royal Rumble(has 2 themes)- Sound of Madness- Shinedown(the sound of madness could be the sound of a new entrant in the RR match), I Will Not Bow- Breaking Benjamin(goes well with long lasting superstars in the RR match)

WrestleMania(has 3 themes)- Shoot to Trill- AC/DC(used in WM25, come on this was a great theme that should return), Memories- Weezer(goes well with making Wrestlemania Moments/Memories), Not Afraid- Eminem(gives variety, and gives off the feeling of not being afraid in the match with millions watching on the grandest stage of them all!)

Tell me what you guys think of my list and feel free to list your own, thank you and as always have a nice day(in FPSRussia accent)
Pay per views have themes that are different every show due to the fact that the band and song are sponsored. People need to make money.

All the stuff you posted is a waste of time and unnecessary use of imagination.

I thought this would be a post about PPV themes, as in Hell In A Cell, TLC, Money In The Bank, etc. If that were the case, then WWE should get rid of those themed ppv's and just have decent matches.

I cringe at the next Hell In A Cell pay per view. Guaranteed to be garbage that is unnecessary to have in a cell.

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