Your worst Wrestlemania ever?


Prof Ulti at work as usual....
So, whats your worst Wrestlemania ever? Mine has to be Wrestlemania IX. Absolutely mockery of a PPV let alone a Wrestlemania! I mean when the Match of the night is Shawn Michaels vs Tatanka, it really says something about the event. Below is my review of it and see if you agree!


0-20%- Even TNA put on better things than this!

21-40%- Don't even talk about this crap!

41-49%- UGH! This is not good enough from WWE

50-60%- Average event

61-70%- Good event.

71-80%- Great, should definately watch it!

81-90%- Spectacular!

91%+ - Your not a wrestling fan if you haven't seen this yet!

Shawn Michaels vs Tatanka- Decent match with some good in-ring moves by both competitors. Michaels plays a perfect heel in this match and we get a glimpse of what Tatanka could really do in WWE. RATING: 7/10

Steiner Brothers vs The Headshrinkers- Build up to this match was decent and I was quite excited, turns out the match however was very, very poor quality. RATING: 5/10

Doink the clown vs Crush- Why the fuck did these two get 8 minutes of ring time? This is probably the biggest question to be asked about wrestlemania ever. OMG words cannot describe this piece of monkey crap. RATING: 1/10 (Thats being very generous)

Razor Ramon vs Bob Buckland- A good show of old school wrestling and mat wrestling. Could have gone on for a bit longer but overall of a decent quality. RATING: 6/10

Money Inc vs The Mega-maniacs- OK so the Hulkster is not in the main event for wrestlemania for once and gets put in a tag team match where he dominates everyone he faces. OK match, its watchable but just laugh as money inc pretty much get dominated by one person. RATING: 5/10

Mr. Perfect vs Lex Luger- Lex Luger has a pretty good physique but wasn't such a good wrestler this match proved. However this match had Mr. Perfect who ended up carrying this match and turned it from very bad to OK. RATING: 5/10

Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez- OMG! Probably Undertaker's worst Wrestlemania match and his worst of his career. Total Carwreck. Only thing good about this were the entrances! RATING: 2/10

Yokozuna vs Bret Hart- Quite surprisingly this match is decent as the 500 pound Yoko can actually wrestle and move around the ring. Had some entertaining spots and some OK wrestling. RATING: 6/10

Bret needs some assisstance after the match, but don't send a doctor, or a trainer, no,no,no, send the HULKSTER afterall he is the chosen one. What a piece of shit finish which totally overlooks Yokozuna's reign and win. Apparently Hogan refused to work at this show unless he won the Title. Talk about having a ego..

One positive I'd like to point out is that the atmosphere was second to none and it has some great entrances. Sadly the Good things end right there.


Going by the rating its a 'UGH this is not good enough from WWE' and actually thats being very generous. Overall its a big dissappointment and a very bad excuse for a Wrestlemania. I'd say only 4 matches are watchable, all the others are either bad or utter shit.

So, whats your worst Wrestlemania?
For me it was Wrestlemania XI in a landslide. I really can't think of a single memorable moment in this. The Main Event was a joke, Bigelow and LT had no business headlining the biggest show of the year. HBK vs. Diesel was nothing special, probably HBK's worst Wrestlemania match in my opinion but it was probably still the match of the night but that's not saying much. Backlund vs. Hart wasnt anything special either it could have been better but they only got 9 minutes to work with. So when your two biggest stars HBK and Hart both have sub par(by their standards) matches at Wrestlemania and a football player headlines the event something is wrong. Besides the match quality the whole show lacked that Wrestlemania feel. When you watch it you never really feel like you're watching a Wrestlemania.
Although Wrestlemania 9 and 11 were pretty bad I’m going to go with Wrestlemania 20.

This event was built up for over a year and provided one boring match after another. Let’s go down the line shall we?

John Cena vs. the Big Show
The only reason this match is watch able is because the crowd is so into it.

RVD and Booker T vs. Cade and Mark Jindrak vs the Dudley Boyz vs La Resistance

Ugh who cares who won this match good god it was bad no big spots and made me fall asleep.

Christian vs. Chris Jericho.

Could have been a good match but it seemed like they were trying to hard to choreograph it thus resulting in a botchy match with a dumb ending involving Trish Stratus.

Evolution vs. the Rock n Sock.

So why bring the Rock back only for him to lose? I get it that they wanted Evolution to go over so they were able to have more credibility but bringing back the Rock to have them lose cleanly was dumb. Should have been a typical heel cheating win.


Playboy evening gown match.


Too Cool vs. Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs. The Basham Brothers vs. the APA

This match was decent at best but another fatal 4 way tag match? Why?

Victoria vs. Molly Hollly
Typical womens match and it ended with Molly getting her head shaved. I guess that’s kinda cool…


Goldberg vs. Lesnar

See I actually love this match because its so bad. It’s a train wreck and you cant turn away.


Eddie vs. Kurt Angle

The best match on the card with a clever ending. Cool to see Eddie retain as well.

Undertaker vs. Kane

The best thing about this match was the entrance by the Undertaker. Their Wrestlemania 14 match was miles better.

HHH vs. HBK vs. Benoit.

This is the most over hyped match by smarks I can ever think of. It is BORING and SLOW and Triple H doesn’t look like he cared about making benoit look good. A cool moment for the murderer but other than that I found myself fast forwarding a lot of it.


Overall this PPV gets a D

There may have been other Wrestlemanias that had worse cards but this one was hyped up for so long and failed so bad it has to be my worst Wrestlemania.
How about Wrestlemania 12? Does ANYONE remember any match on the card, except for HBK vs. Bret Hart? If you can give me at least one, much less two other matches on the card, then I know you cheated by looking it up.

As for the main-event...bor-ing. It was a 25 minute match that they had to stretch to fill for 60+ minutes. It, maybe more than any other match at Wrestlemania, is a "let's fast forward" match.

Wrestlemania 12 has to be up there.
Mania 12 is poor, but the Hollywood Backlot Brawl was surprisingly enjoyable. Undertaker vs. Diesel was a lot better than to be expected and I enjoyed The Warrior squash immensely.

That gives it an advantage over WrestleMania 9. The best thing about that show was the set design.
How about Wrestlemania 12? Does ANYONE remember any match on the card, except for HBK vs. Bret Hart? If you can give me at least one, much less two other matches on the card, then I know you cheated by looking it up.

As for the main-event...bor-ing. It was a 25 minute match that they had to stretch to fill for 60+ minutes. It, maybe more than any other match at Wrestlemania, is a "let's fast forward" match.

Wrestlemania 12 has to be up there.

Wasn't Ultimate Warrior v. HHH one of them?

One of my worst was Wrestlemania 21. Batista/HHH was good not great. JBL/Cena was a 10-minute borefest and don't get me started on Big Show/Akebono. The only passable match was Orton/Taker and I believe Orton should have won that one so he can justify any sort of claim of being the "Legend Killer"
Wasn't Ultimate Warrior v. HHH one of them?
The fact you are not sure proves my point. Jake just has a penchant for appreciating terribleness, so he doesn't count.

One of my worst was Wrestlemania 21. Batista/HHH was good not great. JBL/Cena was a 10-minute borefest and don't get me started on Big Show/Akebono. The only passable match was Orton/Taker and I believe Orton should have won that one so he can justify any sort of claim of being the "Legend Killer"
It also had HBK vs. Angle, the original (and best) Money in the Bank match, and Rey vs. Eddie was watchable.
Wasn't Ultimate Warrior v. HHH one of them?

One of my worst was Wrestlemania 21. Batista/HHH was good not great. JBL/Cena was a 10-minute borefest and don't get me started on Big Show/Akebono. The only passable match was Orton/Taker and I believe Orton should have won that one so he can justify any sort of claim of being the "Legend Killer"

OMG, how could you leave out one of the best matches of this century: Angle vs Shawn. That match was a classic and I personally love it so much. Just wish Angle was still in WWE but thats for another thread.
For me, it was wrestlemania 2000 (16) for obvious reason. The fact is that outside of WRestlemania 8, this was the worst card for a wrestlemania ever. From the hardcore championship battle royal all the way to the joke of a main event that was the fatal four way elimanation match, nothing made me want to remember this event. The only bright spot of the whole card was that triple threat ladder match so that saying something when a match featuring the Dudleys is the best match of the card.

The main event was really awful and the main problem was the whole Mcmahon in each corner thing they had going and the ending didn'T work either because you could see it coming a mile away that vince would turn on the Rock to help HHH retain. Also i know that wrestlemania 16 was in the year 2000 but why would you call it wrestlemania 2000 instead of 16, that didn'T make sense either.
wrestlemania 9 was just brutal. poor mr. perfect had to lose to the unmovable object lex luger. razor ramon came from battling bret hart for the world title to fighting bob backlund (jobber at the time) ? yokozuna vs. bret...meh...undertaker beats giant gonzalez by dq?! shawn michaels and tatanka was boring. doink and crush. this wrestlemania sucked.

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