Your WCW/WWE/ECW dream match


Pre-Show Stalwart
Back in the good ole days there were a lot matches fans dreamed about occurring between wrestlers from the big 3 promotions.

Sting vs. HBK
I have to say that I would be more enamored with this match had it occurred then a Sting vs Taker match. Their charisma, and wrestling style would have made for a great dream match.

Sandman vs. Austin
Similar gimmicks, would have loved to see the smash styles go up against one another in the late 90s.
DX: HBK, HHH, X Pac, New Age Outlaws vs nWo: Hogan, Hall, Nash, Giant, Steiner

-in the War Games cage

Kurt Angle vs Bret hart in their prime

-submission match

Rock vs HBK

McMahon vs Bischoff, proper match with a proper build

-WWF/WCW lumberjack match

....fuck ECW
Didn't Austin and Sandman have a rivalry in ECW?

Ditto on the Sting vs. HBK match

Would've liked to see The Rock vs. Kevin Nash or Scott Hall as Razor Ramon. Austin vs. Cena would be an awesome match. Kurt Angle vs. Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose vs. Cactus Jack in a hardcore match. So many great dream matches.
Back in the glory days I'd have a fun little card made up of unique dream matches. I'll give you a 10 match card that could be fun:

1.) Taka Michinoku vs Rey Mysterio vs Tajiri - Cruiserweight title on the line
2.) Harlem Heat vs Dudley Boyz - Tag Titles
3.) The Rock vs Juventud Guerrera - Just for fun
4.) Brock Lesnar vs Tazz - Suplexes galore
5.) Steiner Brothers vs Hardy Boyz - Another great tag match
6.) RVD vs Randy Savage - for some reason this could be a fun match
7.) Steve Austin vs DDP - Diamond Cutter vs Stunner, I always wanted to see it
8.) Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle - A dream technical matchup
9.) Raven vs Mankind - Could be a cool hardcore match
10.) Shawn Michaels vs Sting - Everybody's dream
1, Steve Austin vs Hollywood Hogan around 1997/98 where Austin was a top face of WWE and Hogan was a top heel of WCW would of been my top dream match.
2, Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart Wrestling wise this would be one of the best matches of all time combined with the storyline of the Hitmans heel anti USA character against the face Angle representing USA I would love to have seen this match.
3, Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair in a world title vs world title match at wrestlemania 8, I know this match went on to occur several times afterwards but at the time when Flair first came into the WWF as the real world champion and Hulk Hogan being the current world champion I remember as a kid being so excited at the likely prospect of this match happening only for it not to happen with Hogan having one of the worst wrestlemania main events with Sid justice and Ric Flair facing Randy Savage instead, Any other time of Flair and Savage would of been a dream match but ended up only disapointing that it wasn't Hogan/Flair at the biggest event of the year, I think Wrestlemania 8 had the potential to be the biggest Wrestlemania of all time had that match have happened.
4, Sting vs Bret Hart I know this also happened but it ended up disapointing and never got used right in WCW.
5, Daniel Bryan vs Eddie Guerrero Another great wrestling match
There's so many. If I could I'd so some kind of WWF/WCW/nWo super card as follows:

- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Goldberg - WWF Champion vs WCW Champion

- D-X (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, New Age Outlaws) vs n.W.o. (Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Syxx) - War Games or Survivor Series Elimination Match

- Team WWF (The Rock, Undertaker, Mankind, Kane) vs Team WCW (Ric Flair, Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T) - War Games or Survivor Series Elimination Match

- Bret "Hitman" Hart vs Kurt Angle

But of course, there are so many dream matches we haven't seen. any of the following would be amazing:
- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Sting
- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hollywood Hogan
- Undertaker vs Sting
- Bret "Hitman" Hart vs Randy "Macho Man" Savage
- Shawn Michaels vs Randy "Macho Man" Savage
Ultimate Dream Matches:

Stone Cold vs Goldberg

The Rock vs HBK

Brock Lesnar vs ECW Taz

Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle

Sting vs Undertaker

Stone Cold vs Hollywood Hogan
I also agree with the HBK and Sting match but HBK would have to be his heel ways in like 1996-1998 for the match to be it's best. The feud would be good and the matches would be unreal.

Rock n Sock Connection vs NWO (Hall and Nash): Would of been just like Hogan v Rock at Mania, just something that would be so massive.

DDP vs Kurt Angle: The match might not be the greatest but I am a huge fan of both and think it would still be very good to watch.

Lesnar vs Sting: The monster himself vs the icon. Would be so interesting to see how this played out.

Sting vs Undertaker: Nothing needs to be said. I also would've loved Sting to vs Kane as well.

Jeff Hardy vs Juventud Guerrera: Loved Juvie in his WCW days. Put this in a gimmick match like a ladder or hardcore match, omg..
There was a thread very similar to this talking about "Dream Matches" posted in the General Wrestling Discussion section recently, that for some reason hasn't provoked any discussion, so I'll re-post my answer from that thread here.

When you start looking at wrestlers from all through history, there are so many matches that could never have happened, yet we know they would have been classic battles. I've thought about it, and here is a list of 20 matches I would have loved to have witnessed, (I'm sure if I thought longer about it, there would be changes but I'd be very happy with these)- they are in no order

1. Kurt Angle vs Daniel Bryan
Two techical geniuses would give us an amazng match- I'd want this to be an Iron Man match.

2. Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart
Arguably the finest technical wrestlers of all time, it's such a shame Hart was retiring around the time Kurt came onto the scene.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Goldberg
A dream match for Attitude Era fans, the faces of WWE and WCW colliding!

4. Chris Benoit vs Daniel Bryan
This would be hard-hitting technical war with 2 submission specialists. 2/3 falls would have been perfect.

5. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan
In 2002 we got Rock v Hulk but Austin and Hogan never happened, I'd loved to have seen it.

6. Undertaker vs Raven
Raven was wasted in WWE, I always thought he should have been the stalker of 'Taker's wife, not DDP. The mind games would have been great to see. I would have wanted to see a HIAC war between these two.

7. Sting vs Undertaker
One of the THE dream matches, and even though Sting is finally with WWE now, i think it's unlikely to ever take place. It's a massive shame he didnt come over after WCW folded in 2001.

8. Rey Mysterio vs AJ Styles
Probably the best high flyers of their generation, with them being in different companies we didnt eversget to see them face ech other- it would have been incredible when Rey was in his prime.

9. Owen Hart vs Chris Jericho
Y2J has said Owen would have been a dream match for him, but sadly Hart tragically passed away before they could face each other. A ladder match between the two would have been incredible.

10. Sting vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
Another Attitude Era dream match, that unfortunately never happened due to Sting and Austin being with different companies, but again it's a match that could have happened had Sting joined WWE in 2001.

11. Kevin Nash & Scott Hall vs Triple H and Shawn Michaels
The nWo vs D-Generation X...WOW. What a match this would have been if all were in their primes. Unfortunately, when the nwo came to WWE, HBK was still out of action and Hall was way past his best, so we never saw the match.

12. Bret Hart & Owen Hart vs Hardy Boyz
The high flyers vs the technical masters- this would have been a showstealer.

13. The Eliminators vs Hardy Boyz
I would have loved to have seen Saturn/Kronus as a team in WWE, and there would have been no-one better for them to face than WWE's most extreme tag-team.

14. Taz vs Samoa Joe
The Human Suplex Machine vs The Samoan Submission Machine- this would have been brutal!

15. Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Raven
The 2 masters of the DDT face off in a hardcore match, and the promos leading up to this match would have been some of the best of all time.

16. CM Punk vs Scott Hall
Mr Straight Edge against "Last Call" Scott Hall- I'd expect Punk to tear Hall apart on the mic, but take a beating in the ring.

17. Jeff Hardy vs Sabu
A TLC match between two of the industrys biggest dare-devil risk takers would have been unbelievable in their primes. A career-shortener for sure!

18. The Rock vs Shawn Michaels
It's a shame that the dislike these two had for each other at the time prevented this from happening during Michaels' second WWE run. A huge moneymaking match that never happened!

19. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Brock Lesnar
I've heard it was Austin who refused to do the job for Brock in his initial WWE run as The Next Big Thing", robbing fans of a classic match up.

20. Mike Awesome vs Triple H
Awesome was criminally underused in WWE, he should have been a top star and working with The Game in his prime would have been the way to make him a star. this would have been a bloody war for sure.
List of matches but more so for the programs built around them.

Ultimate Warrior vs. Sting. Time Frame late ‘80s/early ‘90s. Two incredible characters of the time in high positions representing their respective companies. Maybe up the game and have the match take place while UW was rocking the IC and Sting w/the US strap.

Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair. Time Frame WMVIII. To have the ability to travel back in time and witness this block buster they totally whiffed on. Damn the political game for preventing this showdown from happening at the time.

Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin for the WWF Championship. Time Frame 1998-2000. A remotely healthy and obviously living Pillman could have been on fire at this point and the perfect rival for the face of the company in Austin. There was a rich history, an unbelievable chemistry and endless possibilities for the future.

Shane Douglas vs. Ric Flair. Time Frame up for debate but this war has to happen in the Original ECW. There are/were many in the business that despise the Nature Boy but Douglas’s rants always seemed to garner the most heat. I can just imagine Douglas dropping one of his F-Bomb filled fits and the place blowing up when Flair’s music hits. This would have been major for ECW.

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