Your thoughts on the WWE commentary team?


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Last night was the first night that I really noticed how much I dislike the commentary team on WWE PPV's.

In case you didn't know, the Fastlane team was made up of JBL, Michael Cole and Jerry The King Lawler; as has become the norm. Supposedly the best commentary team that the WWE has to offer? If that's the state of affairs then I feel very sorry for the WWE.

Last night, like I said, was the first time that I actually rolled my eyes at some of the things being said. Let me see if I can think of a few off the top of my head... Oh yeah, how about the three guys arguing about how Barrett had avoided Ambrose like the plague, and then following it up with an argument about how using the term "plague" was still acceptable because their was a massive plague ongoing in the world. Uh, seriously?!

Or how about Michael Cole misinterpreting Frodo for Fredo earlier in the night when JBL was talking about The Godfather? And then going on to extend the metaphor further by talking about The Hobbit? Jesus Christ. And that's not to mention the way they covered for all of the obvious mistakes with covers and slippy finishes. It really was cringe worthy stuff.

Like I said, I don't usually complain about commentary but last night was amongst the worst chemistry I have seen for a WWE team in a long time. I get that they have a little more freedom now but there needs to be better chemistry and understanding. And if these three guys can't do that, then maybe it is time to start looking at others who can.

Agree or disagree?
Michael Cole is fine as the straight man who is there to plug WWE events, PPVs, social media and TV shows whilst trying to draw actual commentary out of Lawler and JBL. The team falls down so often because those two are incapable of calling matches, telling us a story about what's happening in the ring and are more interested in putting themselves over, JBL especially.

Ditch Lawler and JBL and get in two guys who can do their jobs better (i.e. not Booker) but keep Cole.
Depending on the match, I've found they can be very good or flat out terrible. If it's a main event match or if it's something involving John Cena, they treat things very seriously. You don't have them cracking jokes at each other, you don't have Jerry Lawler telling jokes that wouldn't have been funny a hundred years ago, etc. The sort of settings I mentioned they tend to treat as a big deal, but not so much with the rest of what's going on.

WWE's commentary team has been weak for a while overall, it's not something new. If you want a commentary team that keeps the focus on the matches while consistently putting over the wrestlers involved while hyping the product, watch NXT. Not that they don't sorta joke around a little bit, but it never overshadows what's going on inside the ring and they never try to take the viewers' attention away from the match to listen to them engage in a prolonged argument over something. As with various things concerning the main roster and NXT, NXT's commentary teams are essentially polar opposite to what we see from the main roster.
Horrible. Cole is a dick but he does his job reasonably. JBL has his moments but often his commentary for big moments is forced & awkward. Lawler just needs to retire; his jokes are poor, his chemistry with Cole & JBL is crumbling & he adds nothing to commentary anymore. Additionally, I can't help but be annoyed by how far his tongue goes up Cena's arse during his matches.

I can easily see Young, Graves & Saxton doing a good job on commentary in the future though if they're moved from the analysis desk.
I don't know what was wrong with Lawler last night but he was just bad, like get of my TV bad. Since they moved him over to SD he's become worse, and it all felt out of sync for some reason.

Cole is good and can call a decent match without the two idiots beside him. JBL I used to like, but his sell by date has gone by and so should he. Lawler is as I said a write off, and he and we would be happier if he just rode off into the sunset.

I would get rid of Booker as well, Jesus he looked like a librarian last night, what's up with that? And I won't even mention the arms waving around, Graves did that for me.
Commentary plays a huge part in why people are going against what WWE is doing. The commentary is completely disconnected from the product. They treat everyone apart from the authority, Cena and Reigns as a joke. They mock and laugh at Bryan who is their top face. They mock and laugh at The Ascention who are supposedly getting a monster tag team push. When lower/midcard wrestlers are having the match there is 0 commentary about what is going on in the ring or why those two people are wrestling. Whenever there is a woman in the ring or near the ring, the only topic of discussion is Total Divas.

Now, is this because the 3 stooges are full of themselves or because of the Irishman in their ear who has a fetish for beating people over the head with a new keyword every week.. its hard to tell. But I don't think changing the team will change anything about the way commentary is done.

PS. If Jim Ross was still on commentary, do you think he would have gotten Reigns more over with the fans with the few PPV matches that he has had so far?
The 3 man team is a good concept, but they don't use it properly.
WWE should go back to two men, keep it basic. Cole does the play by play and plugs. JBL as color commentary, putting over the storylines.
King really needs to retire, or maybe make him a manager or backstage worker if they want to keep him around.
It depends. All three at their best are very good. At their worst, unbearable but I suppose it's like that with most things. Overall, I cope with their commentary. I get they are getting fed a lot of things. I understand there are loads of topics to promote other than just the in-ring stuff.

Cole might not be the greatest at calling the action but he is better then most give him credit for. Indeed, all his other promotional stuff is outstanding. It makes him one of the best the WWE have ever had.

JBL can be good when he wants to. Sometimes he just rambles on when the point is right there to be made. Same with Lawler and I feel they should debate a little more often. For example, JBL was talking about Barrett/Rooney - fine. That makes sense but couldn't Lawler mention that BNB wasn't focused or taking Ambrose lightly. Rather than speaking for the sake of it. The thing is, they both do it on occasion.

I like these three as a team and I'm glad it's not every Monday. I really like Saxton and I feel he could be a great commentator in the future - particularly as a heel. Booker is Booker.
I have said this time and time again! Jerry Lawler used and I mean used to be really good at his job.. So good in fact you really wanted to smack him because he was so disrespectful to the faces,and to Good ol JR constantly making fun of him.. But he used to call one helluva of a match together with JR those were the good ol days...

Cole is really good at calling matches but you need the good guy/bad guy angle and its hard to tell who that is on the announcing team is. Lawler really should just retire and ride off into the sunset he has lost his passion along time ago.. Cole is fine if you bring on William Regal next to him im sure that would be an interesting pair,i think those two would work well together..

I guess it depends on the match or whatever they should treat each match the same but they dont.. They tell cornball jokes and it takes away from the importance of the match . Just because Cena is not in the Match for example doesn't mean you cant give it your all.

Its just a terrible pairing IMO! Lawler needs to go Period, Cole and Regal on MNR and Cole and Saxton on Smackdown be my preference! JBL is just going down the tubes
Last night was the first night that I really noticed how much I dislike the commentary team on WWE PPV's.

In case you didn't know, the Fastlane team was made up of JBL, Michael Cole and Jerry The King Lawler; as has become the norm. Supposedly the best commentary team that the WWE has to offer? If that's the state of affairs then I feel very sorry for the WWE.

Last night, like I said, was the first time that I actually rolled my eyes at some of the things being said. Let me see if I can think of a few off the top of my head... Oh yeah, how about the three guys arguing about how Barrett had avoided Ambrose like the plague, and then following it up with an argument about how using the term "plague" was still acceptable because their was a massive plague ongoing in the world. Uh, seriously?!

Or how about Michael Cole misinterpreting Frodo for Fredo earlier in the night when JBL was talking about The Godfather? And then going on to extend the metaphor further by talking about The Hobbit? Jesus Christ. And that's not to mention the way they covered for all of the obvious mistakes with covers and slippy finishes. It really was cringe worthy stuff.

Like I said, I don't usually complain about commentary but last night was amongst the worst chemistry I have seen for a WWE team in a long time. I get that they have a little more freedom now but there needs to be better chemistry and understanding. And if these three guys can't do that, then maybe it is time to start looking at others who can.

Agree or disagree?

Oh oh oh hold on you forgot to add something as well!!! JBL called Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Eric Rowan as a "Bunch of ******s"

Seriously?? Where the hell they're going with this Commentery team? I see JBL as a humanoid form of Grumpy Cat although The cat sounds more funnier!

WWE's commentary team has been weak for a while overall, it's not something new. If you want a commentary team that keeps the focus on the matches while consistently putting over the wrestlers involved while hyping the product, watch NXT. Not that they don't sorta joke around a little bit, but it never overshadows what's going on inside the ring and they never try to take the viewers' attention away from the match to listen to them engage in a prolonged argument over something. As with various things concerning the main roster and NXT, NXT's commentary teams are essentially polar opposite to what we see from the main roster.

NXT's announce team sucks just as hard as the main roster's, albeit for different reasons. Sure they don't sit around making ridiculous jokes but they more than compensate for that by constantly talking over one another and never knowing when to shut the fuck up for a second to let a moment breathe.

Graves is decent, Albert and that other guy suck.

Oh oh oh hold on you forgot to add something as well!!! JBL called Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Eric Rowan as a "Bunch of ******s"

You're lying. He called them rejects. If he would have called them ******s, he'd be unemployed right now.
They're quite terrible and somehow outdated in their commentary styles. Both Vampiro/Striker on LU or whoever comments that new NJPW american tv show (I cannot remember their names, but the commentary they do is quite great) offer a type of commentary much more fitting to "modern age" wrestling.

On WWE we have Jarry "that one uncle that thinks he is the most funny guy in the world" Lawler (which hopefully now has been relegated to smackdown), the blandest annoying guy on earth in the form of Micheal Cole, Botcher T whom is able to speak only in botched lines or complete no-sense, and finally JBL, whom admittedly would be a pretty good heel commentator if only he gave a shit about the show.

Honestly I really hope at some point they'll have Renee Young to replace Booker, she was quite good in NXT.
They're okay. I wish Paul Heyman or Joey Styles could be Cole's right hand man. They were great on commentary. King is awkward and JBL he's okay.
The commentary is the possibly the worst it's ever been. Lawler comes across as older & even more out of touch than Vince. It usually seems like he is confused or lost his place & is just trying to find a lull so he can finally say something, which he very rarely adds any importance or meaning when he does speak. JBL can be absolute gold on the mic when he has no limitations & can just say whatever he wants. Too bad it's the exact opposite situation when it comes to WWE commentary. He seems ridiculously over-produced, makes far too many "random" references that don't seem to connect with anyone & he's WAY too focused on being the big baddie of the announce table, turning almost everything he says into an argument between the announcers. The entire table doesn't seem to understand the difference between witty banter & arguing. Instead of working together as a team like Gorilla & Heenan, all they do is disagree, contradict the other 2 & then start yelling over each other.

& what really sucks is that WWE is producing them this way. Michael Cole is actually very good at his job, usually triple or quadruple-tasking at any given time & still spewing out all the garbage he's told to. Someone backstage (probably VKM or Kevin Dunn) is clearly telling them not to call wrestling holds & to only talk about the one or two main programs going on at that time, even if another match is going on.

Commentary is literally just white noise at this point. The show & the commentary are completely disconnected from each other. Either your watching the action & just happen to hear some guys squawking about semi-WWE related things in the background or your listening to a really crappy wrestling related podcast while wrestling just happens to be on TV.
I can't stand Micheal Cole. Hated him from day one and how he rose to be the "voice of the current WWE" baffles me. He literally adds nothing to the broadcast other than obnoxious and annoying repetitive banter. It's so scripted it hurts.

In a lot of ways it reminds me of how they handle wrestlers now too. They just want everything to be so scripted and unnatural. I mean not only is seeing the same shitty match week after week on RAW bad enough but I have to listen to that weasel tell me "That's vintage so and so" over and and over again. Yiiiiiikies.

Lawler has run his course but he's a legend and I won't bad mouth him. Ever since he went "face" he's been pretty unbearable and that was like...shit...more than a decade ago.

I happen to like JBL and I think if he had a great lead partner he'd fit in fine as a heelish announcer/color guy.
Booker T is the only one who I think is outright terrible. He keeps jumbling words and making nonsensical observations. Cole and JBL try too hard to play the face and heel commentator roles and both end up looking like idiots at time. JBL's attempts at comedy can be annoying. King just looks bored. Saxton doesn't stand out.
I just can't take it anymore. Anytime I listen to the commentary, it drives me nuts. They never talk about the action, and it's horrendous. And Booker T is far worse than Jerry Lawler, and Jerry hasn't been good since WWE went PG. Anyone remember last week when JBL named off brothers who fought including The Funks, The Briscos, and the Steiners, and Booker T was like, "Yeah but they weren't brothers. Well, the Funks were..." So the Brisco Borthers and the Steiner Brothers, according to Booker T, aren't brothers?

It' so obvious that they are fed every line they say from Vince and Kevin Dunn, and they aren't allowed to talk about the in ring action. By not talking about what's going on in the ring, it causes a distraction and a disconnect with the product, and it just sounds terrible. Did the announcers talk about deflate gate before the Super Bowl? Sure. Did they talk about it when Tom Brady was in the middle of a play? NO! Do Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg talk about drug policies or other outside news as fighters make their way to the octagon? Maybe. But do they talk about unrelated crap while the guys are fighting? Again, NO! They talk about what is actually going on. Professional commentators are supposed to talk about what is happening on the screen so that the story being told is enhanced for the viewer. If we wanted to hear irrelevant or stupid comments, or crappy dated jokes, we'd talk to our friends.

I give the commentators all the credit in the world. They do the best they can with what they're given. Hell, Cole, JBL, Lawler, and even Byron Saxton can all be great (Not Booker T, he doesn't know logic or the english language), but they're not allowed to do what they would normally do, and it comes off like crap. It's not the commentators fault. They're just doing what they're told. But if the commentators don't talk about the people in the ring, then the viewers won't think the people in the ring are important. And then nobody on the roster gets over because nobody is important. And that's when we have a whole new problem.
The best announcer WWE had is now at Lucha Underground: Matt Striker. Look, you do not need the nonsense that the modern day Stooges offer the public. Just tell the story by calling the match. Solie did not need to throw around the BS that gets thrown around. Why should the stooges? Bring back Striker, let him call solo. We'd be all better off, and get better calls as well.
From watching so many of the Attitude Era PPVs over the last week or so, watching Fast Lane with my buddy last night just highlighted how awful the commentary team is these days. The difference in quality between 2000 and today is unbelievable. There must have been literally 20-300 occasions during the show when one of us turned to the other and brought up how the announcers weren't even talking about the match.

There was no calling of moves, no storytelling, no getting the performers over. Half the time the commentary team were just chatting between themselves quietly, showing little or no interest in what was going on in the ring. It was pathetic. Having seen how good Jerry Lawler was at the turn of the century compared to now is shocking- it's like he just doesn't care any more. JBL was good when he first became an announcer, how he's just as bad as King. Even Michael Cole, who used to be pretty good- has now become awful.

They showed no excitement at all during the show. I miss the days of JR overselling everything, making you believe that you were watching something life changing happening in the ring. Imagine his reaction to Sting coming down to the ring, and agreeing to fight Triple H at WrestleMania. Ross would have emphasised about how it was something that no-one believed was possible- the ICON finally stepping foot into a WWE ring, MYYY GAAADDDD I CAAAN'T BELIEVE IT KING!! It made you care. Instead we got a half-assed job from the trio of idiots WWE have now. The commentary during the Fast Lane PPV made me hate what I was watching.

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