Your thoughts on Invitationals?


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I was just thinking, what would happen if WWE brought back the invitationals each week for a certain title(US or IC)? I think its a great way for on Superstars and other midcarders to show there stuff against the champ and maybe earn a future title shot. I mean, Cena started out in an Angle Invitational. Look where he is now.

Your thoughts on invitationals?
I think the invitational should come back. Mainly it works for a heel and a heel only as it is to assure the crowd that he can beat anyone. But for the invitational to work, the person must be either approaching monster heel, physically dominated or pushed in a way that it would always seem his opponents have the odds stacked against him. Look at Chris Master, his Master Lock challenge got him over to a point that no one can break it but he was constantly put against physically weak opponents in the eye of WWE. With Angle it was to prove himself as the best period.

Someone that can pull this off would have to either be insanely gifted, physically dominant or just that damn good. I could imagine CM Punk inviting ppl out to prove him wrong about his straight edge but that would only get so far. Dolph Ziggler seems to be getting that type of push as he is getting the rub from WWE so is Alberto Del Rio. The Miz is also capable of doing this. I think a great storyline would be The Miz talks about how he is a great champion and he can beat anyone anyday, any week. The RAW GM asks if the Miz is a man of his word and A RY gets him riled up and the Miz agrees. Next thing everyweek, The Miz will define his WWE Title against unknown opponents from both Raw and Smackdown. This builds credibility and it can prove Miz to be more credible as everyone would tune in everyweek to see who the Miz loses his championship to. The only thing that would Suffer is PPV but with the current landscape and how Miz won on live TV, the WWE shouldnt care ;)

All in all, i say bring back the invitational for those who need the credibility.
i think it would be cool if Ziggler held invitationals every week for his Intercontinental Championship. I gotta say, ziggler is very good in the ring:lmao:
I was thinking about Ziggler when i wrote this. Put him against Drew Mc, Big Zeke, Primo, YOshi, and let them show what they have. Even Daniel Bryan could do a lot here. I mean Db vs Dz at Bragging Rights was an excellent match.
Instead of for the title, what about an invitational like Kurt Angles. It would give a certain superstar something to do every week. When Jericho comes back let him do the, " Chris Jericho's hypocrite invitational. " If someone beats him then they get so much money. He could keep it going for a few months and even have them on pay per views too. He wouldn't face any big guys though, he could just have guys like chavo, primo, yoshi, Ryder, etc... job to him every week and then at a pay per view, let a fan answer the invitational, like Santino did and of course it would be a kayfabe fan. Maybe they could hhave someone from FCW be brought up and beat him. The fcw superstar would play the fan and would instantly get over by beatin Jericho. Hmmmm maybe that guy could be, oh I don't know.... Seth Rollins! It would bring Tyler Black up and help him get over. WHo wouldn't want to see him feud with Jericho?'re doing it wrong. The 'invitational' accomplishes nothing to help the guy doing it. It's a device to get a new guy over by beating it. As noted in the original post, the Angle invitational was a device to get Cena over. The Masterlock Challenge got Masters over as a midcarder, but the big payoff was when it was broken. A guy like Ziggles or Daniel Bryan Danielson has nothing to gain from it, because thats not how they work. Remember how we got Santino...and what happened to Umaga after.

TNA has been using this one over the last few years. Awesome Kong did it to get Taylor Wilde over, with a cash prize for 'volunteers'. And right now Double-J's Double-M A Challenge is purely a device to build up to the impending return of Kurt Angle.
I think an Invitational would be great, especially for a Del Rio, or Ziggler. Ziggler can have an invitational for his hair. If anyone could be him, he will shave his head. It's a classic angle, and always works.

Good way for some young guys to a name for themselves. Especially with a Ziggler or a Del Rio. I mean Del Rio can give one of his cars away to the winner. Hell, Angle's Invite got Eugene over... EUGENE DAMN IT!

Sheamus could do it as well. It can give his crown to winner. Invitationals work!

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