Your thoughts on Ihsenbergs comments regarding Guerrero and Benoit?


Getting Noticed By Management
(I know Eddie/Benoit talks have been had before, but this is regarding the RECENT comments made by a host on Chair Shot Reality that he took a lot of heat for by many fans. If a thread regarding this has already been made I issue my sincere apologies I just had not seen one, must have slipped my eye.)

Sorry if I spelled his name incorrectly. However, I do know that his first name is Josh and he is one of the two hosts on the show "Chair Shot Reality". If you some how have never seen it, please do, it's a pretty good show and something that we don't have on cable TV.

Anyway, Josh said that he's tired of people saying "Benoit and Eddie should be treated with more respect etc, etc." I could get into detail about what he said but I'd rather you hear it yourself. This is the link:

This is really tough and I understand with many people it can be emotional. I myself have never been really emotionally attached to a wrestler, but that's not saying if one died that I wouldn't feel bad. Of course I would. These guys risk their bodies to entertain the fans. I respect that and everyone on the rosters.

With that said, I respect the wrestler Chris Benoit, the person though, no. He was a tremendous athlete and a true pleasure in the ring. I believe Chris's father said that if he never entered the WWE that he wouldn't have done what he did. Either way, you can't blame the WWE. This is a disgusting situation and I'm going to have to agree with the WWE here that they want nothing to do with him. They are in PG-Mode right now and here's a guy that killed his family. No matter HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, the bottom line is that the man ended a psycho-path and did a terrible, terrible thing. Moving on and just not talking about him for the WWE is what should be done. They are a business, and businesses have to make tough decisions. I will always respect the in-ring ability that Benoit had but that's where it stops.

As for Eddie, drugs isn't the same as killing a family. Eddie was a great entertainer. He was awesome in the ring and just a great guy to have in the business. Funny, always laughing, and yet still put on great matches at the same time. Rarely do you see guys who can do that now. Jericho, Punk and Edge are the three that come to mind, I honestly can't think of too many others. Miz may some day have the in-ring ability that those 3 + Eddie have/had. But the bottom line is that it's rare. I'm not saying Eddie's promos were as good as Jericho's or Punk's but lets face it, he was an entertainer! The car, the taunts, everything. I specifically remember the 2005 Royal Rumble - he was hilarious in that.

So my feelings on Eddie is that he should be remembered and commemorated. He's not a murderer, he's just a guy that made a mistake many people do and that is enter the addiction of drugs. In Benoit's case, I don't care what he was on, he was a monster to commit such crimes.

I'm not trying to offend people, but maybe getting some stirred emotions will lead this to being a good thread, despite it probably being done before awhile ago. Like I said, if this has already been done (regarding Josh's statements), I apologize.
Josh Isenberg is completely totally 100% rite Beniot isn't a good person 4 wat he done and he shouldn't be celebrated 4 it it really would be best if people just forgot bout him and maybe in 10-15 years that will happen

Now Eddie was always 1 of my favorites he was funny and very talented in the ring but i hav no emotional tie 2 him he was just somebody i watched on tv and i liked his character now i dont like it he is dead but honestly it didnt bother me 2 the point where i cried and was upset for a few weeks i just didnt know the guy.

Even with wat Beniot did he was an excellent wrestler and it would be nice if we could just remember the wrestler but the majority of people will only remember him 4 killing his wife and child and then himself.

So yes I agree with wat Isenberg said he had every rite 2 say it
Ok for one these two clowns should not be taken seriously, theyre a couple of wwe marks, how these two fucktards got their own crappy show is beyond me. This ****** talks about how he had no gimmick and how he didnt want to improve himself, he didnt need one, he was a master in the ring.

Secondly, i loved benoit and eddie's work in the ring, benoit didnt kill me so i really dont care what happened outside of that ring, same goes to eddie, i dont care for what they did off tv, theyre still two of the greatest of all time.

seriously these two area a bunch of ******s
I think the reason for most of the flaming he got from fans was due to the fact of how viciously he said it. He really didn't hold back, and his concluding statement about how Eddie/Benoit probably never having the titles if Goldberg and Lesnar didn't quit is low but hey, made you think didn't it? Made you probably think "wow, he's probably right" no matter how your heart feels.

I agree with you about not having an emotional tie with Eddie so it wasn't much of an impact on my life. Don't get me wrong, I feel terrible that someone died and at such a young age with such talent. Don't doubt that! I'm just saying that I had no real emotional tie so I can't really relate to those who did.
Ok for one these two clowns should not be taken seriously, theyre a couple of wwe marks, how these two fucktards got their own crappy show is beyond me. This ****** talks about how he had no gimmick and how he didnt want to improve himself, he didnt need one, he was a master in the ring.

Secondly, i loved benoit and eddie's work in the ring, benoit didnt kill me so i really dont care what happened outside of that ring, same goes to eddie, i dont care for what they did off tv, theyre still two of the greatest of all time.

seriously these two area a bunch of ******s

I agree with this guy, that stupid show is pointless. Who cares what they think. What Benoit did was terrible, but I'm not a dumbass that wants to remember what he did in his personel life, same goes with Eddie. All I know is, there both spectacular wrestlers, that shook the ground of pro wrestling. I don't give a rat's butt what they did in their personel lives, because I only watched them wrestle. Those idiots who run that stupid show aren't smarter then an average fan. Though I do agree what Benoit did was terrible, but honestly, why mention it? It was that terrible, I barely mention Benoit as it is, WWE is smart to not mention Benoit, but I don't like to get into their life outside wrestling. But I'm glad Eddie is still getting good reception, Eg. Kaval and Big Show still mention him.
Ok for one these two clowns should not be taken seriously, theyre a couple of wwe marks, how these two fucktards got their own crappy show is beyond me. This ****** talks about how he had no gimmick and how he didnt want to improve himself, he didnt need one, he was a master in the ring.

Secondly, i loved benoit and eddie's work in the ring, benoit didnt kill me so i really dont care what happened outside of that ring, same goes to eddie, i dont care for what they did off tv, theyre still two of the greatest of all time.

seriously these two area a bunch of ******s

What makes you think they are "******s"?

What I'm about to say isn't calling you out, so don't get defensive, it's just my opinion on this show and well... the internet. It's really tough to please a crowd, never mind an internet crowd. I'll never understand, sometimes I wish I could see the guy behind the keyboard making comments on 9/11 videos like "HAHA THIS IS FUNNY" or commenting on news clips about kids committing suicide "THIS KIDS A PUSSY FOR KILLING HIMSELF". I really would love to beat the shit out of people like that. It's trolling, but trolling almost makes it seem like it has no effect outside of the internet. It's so easy to hide behind a keyboard and say really stupid shit. These guys like what they do, and like it or not they got the job. Whether you hate the show or love it, there are tons of viewers and it's not going anywhere. Think about it, if it gets to the point where SOMEONE in the WWE realizes this show, maybe it could lead to small steps and eventually to a channel dedicated to the WWE. Like an ESPN Classic only... WWE Classic. I've read on this board before that Vince had intentions on doing so, maybe this could lead to it? Or something like that. What I'm saying is, this is all we have for any legit video's regarding/re-capping/talking about the WWE and honestly, no matter who they put on this show, there would be tons of kids out there thinking "THESE GUYS SUCK THEY KNOW NOTHING". Because it's easy to mock someone when they are putting themselves and their opinions out there, especially on camera. And quite a few are probably jealous, well, more than quite a few.

I understand that the show isn't really all that special. I mean heck, they use a table cloth to hide the raggedy ass garage set-up table that they are probably using. But I respect them for trying and I still watch the show.
I have to agree with them. Let them rest in peace, despite who they were when alive. It is great to look back and see them wrestle. Both were great technical wrestlers. When I was wrestling before my back/shoulder injury, I tried to wrestle like Benoit. Always went for the Crippler Crossface because it was my favorite submission move, along with Ankle Lock.

When Eddie died, it was a tragedy. It was so unexpected, and he was so close to winning the World Heavyweight Championship (I believe he was going to win it earlier that day. Please correct me if I am mistaken.). It was really a shock and it shook Benoit a lot. Eddie's death contributed to Benoit's, along with steroid use and WWE not taking disciplinary acts. If they noticed his behavior and stopped him from taking steroids, then Benoit may still be with us today.

I say, let them rest in peace. Appreciate their abilities as wrestlers, remember them and respect them as much as you feel, but leave them be.
Ok for one these two clowns should not be taken seriously, theyre a couple of wwe marks, how these two fucktards got their own crappy show is beyond me. This ****** talks about how he had no gimmick and how he didnt want to improve himself, he didnt need one, he was a master in the ring.

Secondly, i loved benoit and eddie's work in the ring, benoit didnt kill me so i really dont care what happened outside of that ring, same goes to eddie, i dont care for what they did off tv, theyre still two of the greatest of all time.

seriously these two area a bunch of ******s

Fuck this word Mark... Fuck that word... Hey guess what WWE is best wrestling promotion going around... TNA FUCKING SUCKS. So yeah people like WWE more because its better... Benoit wrestled for almost 2 decades and he didn't have a gimmick... Guess what he didn't get much crowd reaction either... He wasn't just a guy who could wrestle fairly well but there's a shitload of guys who could do that. He got more attention cause he put his body through that much more but look at the consequences of his actions.. Eddie on the other hand had many off nights where he had shit performances... He worked well half the time and didn't the other half... You say something as stupid as he didn't kill me... What if he killed your family would you be happy then? Benoit killed a child... not only that he killed a mentally disabled child. That is one of the most horrible crimes imaginable... FUCK you if you're gonna take that shit lightly... I hope one day you understand how fucking horrible such an action is. Eddie also killed himself... just not as directly... You think a company should promote people who overdrank and abused drugs as heroes to the general public... They're great role models right... Hey kids follow these guys who abuse painkillers and drugs and you'll die 30 yrs before you should and you may end up killing your whole family... I loved Eddie and Chris when they wrestled.. I cried for both when they died but their actions are in no way condonable and that is the fucking word!
What I'm about to say isn't calling you out, so don't get defensive, it's just my opinion on this show and well... the internet. It's really tough to please a crowd, never mind an internet crowd. I'll never understand, sometimes I wish I could see the guy behind the keyboard making comments on 9/11 videos like "HAHA THIS IS FUNNY" or commenting on news clips about kids committing suicide "THIS KIDS A PUSSY FOR KILLING HIMSELF". I really would love to beat the shit out of people like that. It's trolling, but trolling almost makes it seem like it has no effect outside of the internet. It's so easy to hide behind a keyboard and say really stupid shit. These guys like what they do, and like it or not they got the job. Whether you hate the show or love it, there are tons of viewers and it's not going anywhere. Think about it, if it gets to the point where SOMEONE in the WWE realizes this show, maybe it could lead to small steps and eventually to a channel dedicated to the WWE. Like an ESPN Classic only... WWE Classic. I've read on this board before that Vince had intentions on doing so, maybe this could lead to it? Or something like that. What I'm saying is, this is all we have for any legit video's regarding/re-capping/talking about the WWE and honestly, no matter who they put on this show, there would be tons of kids out there thinking "THESE GUYS SUCK THEY KNOW NOTHING". Because it's easy to mock someone when they are putting themselves and their opinions out there, especially on camera. And quite a few are probably jealous, well, more than quite a few.

I understand that the show isn't really all that special. I mean heck, they use a table cloth to hide the raggedy ass garage set-up table that they are probably using. But I respect them for trying and I still watch the show.

DUDE, I agree with everything you say.....I can actually picture some idiot sittin behind a computer screen saying "HAHA THIS IS FUNNY" over 9/11....The kind of people just because they dont know the person they can laugh cause nearly 3,000 people died....Or in Benoits case, he viciousley murdered his wife and kid then himself...It wasnt like he was a wrestling god as well....If we went a thousand life times and never herd the name Benoit again id be happy..Could you imagine what his wife or son was thinking?and someone cant feel bad for that? now THAT is really sad...I would never wanna live a life like that
Fuck this word Mark... Fuck that word... Hey guess what WWE is best wrestling promotion going around... TNA FUCKING SUCKS. So yeah people like WWE more because its better... Benoit wrestled for almost 2 decades and he didn't have a gimmick... Guess what he didn't get much crowd reaction either... He wasn't just a guy who could wrestle fairly well but there's a shitload of guys who could do that. He got more attention cause he put his body through that much more but look at the consequences of his actions.. Eddie on the other hand had many off nights where he had shit performances... He worked well half the time and didn't the other half... You say something as stupid as he didn't kill me... What if he killed your family would you be happy then? Benoit killed a child... not only that he killed a mentally disabled child. That is one of the most horrible crimes imaginable... FUCK you if you're gonna take that shit lightly... I hope one day you understand how fucking horrible such an action is. Eddie also killed himself... just not as directly... You think a company should promote people who overdrank and abused drugs as heroes to the general public... They're great role models right... Hey kids follow these guys who abuse painkillers and drugs and you'll die 30 yrs before you should and you may end up killing your whole family... I loved Eddie and Chris when they wrestled.. I cried for both when they died but their actions are in no way condonable and that is the fucking word!

Agreed dude, what Benoit did was terrible, Eddie didn't do anything that he should be relinquished for. But you do have to admit that, chair shots in the head people were idiots. Well that one guy was, also I love WWE more then TNA. And what Benoit did was terrible. But before he died, this person on that chair shots show thinks it's right to insult him as a wrestler. This guy directly insulted Benoit and Eddie as wrestlers too. Not just human beings, but as wrestlers. I find that ridiculous. Eddie was great in the mic, and I watched him since ECW. I love Benoit, he didn't have any character, but his wrestling was amazing. The man could do anything in the ring. I watched him since Japan, during his days as The Wild Pegasus. The chair shots guy can criticize for their mistakes, but he thinks he can speak for the fans telling them it's pointless to acknowledge Eddie and Benoit were ever great wrestlers. They did so much for the WWE, more then Goldberg and Lesnar who sold out. I'm not hating on you, but you do have to admit that those guys have no right to say how bad they were as wrestlers, just because what they did in their personal lives.
wait so im being accused of laughing at horrible shit?? like 911? lol

wow you guys are idiots, im sorry if you wanna cry and take shit that doesnt involve you seriously and, want does 911 and other awful things have to do with this. i for one cant forget about what he did in the ring. The reason i called those two idiots on that horrible show marks is because ive seen it before and to them no other wrestling matters but wwe, and not just tna, every single promotion. its quite sad.
With that said, I respect the wrestler Chris Benoit.

Amen brother. I can't stress enough, you can't deny what Benoit did in front of the camera. While WWE is trying to erase it, Benoit is one of the best pro wrestlers of all time. I still think he'd be Hall of Fame worthy. But I'm being a realist when I say I know that's NEVER going to happen. People tend to forget about all the other stuff he did. And people also forget that his brain was damaged to the point that HE probably didn't remember what he did. No I know the murders took a few days and all, but who's to say the dementia he was suffering didn't just "go away" after a moment. What if it lasted a few days, and only after murdering his family he realized what happened and killed himself?

I believe it was on Kevin Kelly's Wrestlezone column where he said Benoit was pro wrestling's OJ Simpson. Same with OJ...while he killed his ex-wife, (I'm sure we all believe that he did that now even if we didn't before.) you have to admit he was an outstanding football player.

I don't want to lay the full blame on WWE for Benoit's condition though. WCW was just as bad, and don't get me started on what he could have suffered in ECW.

The Eddy bashing does kind of make me a bit angry though. Eddy deserved recognition for being one of the best in the world. As did Benoit at the time. And if Chris Jericho can do it, why NOT Eddy? Eddy was just as good as Jericho for most of their careers. Eddy also got over all the problems he had, it's just a shame that the damage to his heart was too much that he still ended up dying young.
It is pathetic that people have to only look at Benoit and Eddies personal lives.
Ok let's analyze Eddies life: He had addictions, he overcame them. He as on PAIN KILLERS due to WWE's hectic work schedule. Eddie had been SOBER, yes SOBER for a LONG time when he passed on. EVERYONE makes mistakes in life. I have and I can promise 100% of people in here have made a mistake. If anyone in here can honestly say they've never smoked, drank or tried some form of drug you are full of s*it. Either that or you literally sit behind a computer screen 24/7/365 and have NO social gatherings what so ever. Eddie had turned his life around yet sadly his mistakes caught up to him. I can't say I had an "emotional attachment" to Eddie however I will admit to shedding tears to his passing and on the nights of his tribute shows. But I do think that part of it is seeing the REAL/TRUE emotions of the WWE superstars brought out extra emotions. Same went for the Owen Hart tribute. Never had an emotional attachment there (as I was pretty damn young) but still, seeing grown men cry was an emotional overload.

As far as Benoit goes..... I'm torn...Here's a man that gave what was it something like 2(can't really remember as I'm too lazy to really sit and think) decades of his life to entertaining fans world wide. For a long time he was a loving husband and a providing father (yes I've heard rumors of there being restraining orders, and abuse accusations or what not) however something tells me some of that was fabricated just to make Benoit look more like a murder.... I can honestly say if WWE had better examinations of their superstars perhaps this tragedy could have been averted. The comments about Lesnar and Goldberg were totally off IMO. I mean you have HHH in the company yet Eddie and Chris both won. Hell Chris beat HHH to win the title so to make those claims is very offensive to me. To essentially negate Benoit/Eddie as World Title contenders just shows the idiocy of certain people.
thats all im saying, dont forget what he did and how he entertained you.

if you really care about what entertainers do in their personal time, spend your life watching tmz, that might make you happy
Are you slow, dude?

What I'm about to say isn't calling you out, so don't get defensive, it's just my opinion on this show and well... the internet.

Am I seeing things or was that at the beginning of the paragraph?

In regards to your other comments, why shouldn't they mostly focus on WWE? I'm sorry to be frank here but quite honestly would you be surprised if there was a massive poll amongst Wrestling fans if they cared about shows other than WWE and over 90% said no? Think about it, they are trying to get more out there and get more known with their show. Why would anyone who wanted to do that go over the minor leagues of wrestling? Does ESPN recap AAA Baseball games? No. They aspire to improve so why talk about shit that MOST fans don't care about?

Most of the PG-Era fans right now are kids (John Cena... hello?). Do you think 12 year old kids even know what ROH stands for? Do you think they give a shit about TNA, a show that their parents probably don't even let them watch because its ******ed with shit like Abyss literally killing RVD and a bunch of old ass men thinking they're the toughest people since Goliath?

They are trying to reach out to the biggest fan base, and they're doing a great job. If you disagree with their OPINIONS, welcome to earth? Don't pick up a newspaper you might cry yourself to sleep with disagreements.

What is really "quite sad" is the fact that people bash these guys for not going over second-rate businesses. EVEN IF THEY DID TALK ABOUT OTHER PROMOTIONS, the people that just hate everything (probably like yourself) would still say THESE GUYS SUCK THAT SHOW IS STUPID IM THE SMARTEST PERSON THERE EVER WAS.
Benoit murdered his wife and son. He lost the right to be recognized. It's not about looking into his personal life. That's a bullshit arguement. However, if any entertainer commits MURDER much less that of thier spouse and child they don't deserve to recieve acolades after the fact. Period. Josh was absolutely right regarding Benoit.
I sort of disagree with his take on Eddie. I don't mind hearing a mention from time to time. It wasn't too long ago and there are still a number of people on the roster who were close him. His death was a tragedy. As mentioned before Guerrero had issues and by all accounts had overcome them and was living a much happier, sober life. He got his family back and elevated his career way past the next level. Eddie still deserves the accolades, he deserves to be remembered. Benoit does not.
I completely agree with gringoloco

Even if Benoit was messed up in the head by means that he had no control over and even if the WWE was a huge part of that, there's still no reason to not convict Benoit of being an absolute monster. He killed his wife and child. The wrestler and entertainer "Chris Benoit" has my respect for his talents and in-ring abilities. However, the man Chris Benoit is a monster and by no reason should be mentioned by a promotion that is trying to paint a GOOD image of itself.
First and foremost, yeah, your right. Now whose right? Well, Josh Isenberg's comments.

I don't really think he said, let's stop respecting these guys, but said, We can't always been giving these guys more respect then what they deserve.

Benoit's family is on TV saying if it wasn't for Wrestling, his son would be still a live. The Eddie died of drugs. What more can you do? You can only make these guys sound like saints for so long.

Yea, they sure did a lot for the business, and so Do L.T. and O.J. for football. One had one of the most controversial trials in US history and the other is being convicted of raped.

Some of the best at what they do, and guess what, people aren't remembering them for their amazing talents, but their awful actions.

Does it suck that this happens, yes, but since they are famous should they be excused?

They are getting good amounts of respect and that's all. No need to bring more into the system. It's harsh, but take at look at what those two deaths caused professional wrestling.

One death, brought the Wellness policy, which is nice... To an extent. Because the WWE didn't want the public to think they are bad people, they started this up, sure they can protect the addicts they have working for them, and help them before problems happen. And it's a nice policy, but these guys chose this life. They want to do this for 20 plus years. If i'm popping pills because of my work, I need to change the work I'm in. I don't blame it for my lifestyle.

Then the other death, stroke a huge blow to Pro Wrestling. From talks of steroids and brain damage. Then death and chaos, then a horrific public image... The entire company had to jump on board to the PG thing to even survive that scandal. Yes, I'm saying Benoit had a huge part with how Wrestling is today. He made wrestlers look like thugs with a thirst for pain and adrenalin. Made the wrestlers look like evil people... This guy really hurt the wrestling industry.

So, I think they are lucky to still receive respect for what they have done. So, there is no need for more respect. Just the Kudos that performers have given them is proper. We can't make a shrine for those two for horrible decisions and actions.
I think the reason for most of the flaming he got from fans was due to the fact of how viciously he said it. He really didn't hold back, and his concluding statement about how Eddie/Benoit probably never having the titles if Goldberg and Lesnar didn't quit is low but hey, made you think didn't it? Made you probably think "wow, he's probably right" no matter how your heart feels.

I agree with you about not having an emotional tie with Eddie so it wasn't much of an impact on my life. Don't get me wrong, I feel terrible that someone died and at such a young age with such talent. Don't doubt that! I'm just saying that I had no real emotional tie so I can't really relate to those who did.

I knida agree with the fucktard. Benoit did need a gimmick, he was always bordering Mid Card to Main Event status. He was never "king of the pile". Yes, he let his wrestling do the talking but he never elevated to that next level. Lets compare him to Kurt Angle, another incredible "wrestler". But Kurt had a gimmick which makes him a polished "all round entertainer" he's done it all. consistently. Benoit didnt do it consistently. Benoit was VERY good but he certainly wasn't a great.

As for Eddie, I was upset he wasn't going to be around WWE anymore, t was atragic event when he died, I felt sad but I managed to get did WWE.

Take off your "wrestling hat" a minute. 1 was a druggy, the other was a murderer.
This is obviously a touchy subject, but it seems that WWE doesn't seem to mind that Stone Cold was arrested for domestic violence. I don't remember the full story, but didn't he beat his wife up? I'm NOT trying to say that hitting someone is as bad as killing someone, but it seems that the WWE should have a blanket policy for something like this.

I know what the difference is, it's that Austin drew money and Benoit didn't (I'm leaving Eddie out of it for now, for the sake of this point). Obviously, what Stone Cold did isn't NEARLY as bad as what Benoit did...but isn't this a little hypocritical? I mean, they even let the guy host Raw a little while back. It's strange how everyone (including the WWE) just let it slide, and all but erased Benoit from it's history.

I wonder what might have happened if Hogan did something crazy in the 1980s? Would WWE erase him from their history books as well, or just let it slide?

I know this whole theory is a bit far-fetched, and I'm not trying to get anyone riled up...I just figured that it could fuel the fire for deeper discussion.
Fuck this word Mark... Fuck that word... Hey guess what WWE is best wrestling promotion going around... TNA FUCKING SUCKS. So yeah people like WWE more because its better... Benoit wrestled for almost 2 decades and he didn't have a gimmick... Guess what he didn't get much crowd reaction either... He wasn't just a guy who could wrestle fairly well but there's a shitload of guys who could do that. He got more attention cause he put his body through that much more but look at the consequences of his actions.. Eddie on the other hand had many off nights where he had shit performances... He worked well half the time and didn't the other half... You say something as stupid as he didn't kill me... What if he killed your family would you be happy then? Benoit killed a child... not only that he killed a mentally disabled child. That is one of the most horrible crimes imaginable... FUCK you if you're gonna take that shit lightly... I hope one day you understand how fucking horrible such an action is. Eddie also killed himself... just not as directly... You think a company should promote people who overdrank and abused drugs as heroes to the general public... They're great role models right... Hey kids follow these guys who abuse painkillers and drugs and you'll die 30 yrs before you should and you may end up killing your whole family... I loved Eddie and Chris when they wrestled.. I cried for both when they died but their actions are in no way condonable and that is the fucking word!
Eddie Guerrero had been sober for about 3-4 years before he passed, at least to my knowledge from what i heard from many different sources...and he found faith in god and everything so to say he is a bad role model is just dumb. Was he a bad role model earlier in his career? yes...but was he a bad influence later in his career no not at all if anything he was an insperation to anyone else who was in the same situation as him and that they can over come it. Plus there were some things mentally wrong with benoit the day that all happend, again i remember hearing it from numerous sources...obviously what he did was horrible but there were some weird circumstances that dont hold him 100% responsible. On topic now, i think Josh's comments were just dumb and i dont agree with basically anything he said maybe a couple of things but what ever, I guess people are entitled to their opinions though they might be dumb
I watch Chair Shot Reality every week and I do enjoy it, Labar and Isenberg do make good points in the things they say, and this is a controversial issue in my opinion but I agree with Josh Isenberg. I never got the whole being emotional over wrestlers deaths, it's tragic and I agree with that, but no one has emotional ties to them yet they take it so personally. Benoit shouldn't be recognized, what he did totally lost my respect for him and I agree with everything that WWE has done in handling that situation. He was great, no denying that, he was a very good wrestler (If not the best wrestler during his prime), I loved Benoit too. As for Eddie, I agree with it to a certain extent, thing is mostly all wrestlers misuse drugs, and Eddie just happened to be the worse one out of that group, but I wouldn't ignore Eddie's story because I think it's a story people can learn from. Eddie took drugs, but was clean for a long time but still passed away from the drug use in the past, but people love Eddie (as do I), he had personality, he was funny, also very good in the ring, and was someone you enjoy watching or hearing about. Eddie's death didn't tarnish his legacy, Benoit's did. Now the only thing I didn't like was that WWE used Eddie Guerrero's death in a storyline, that to me is sick in my opinion, exploiting death for money.
I think the reason for most of the flaming he got from fans was due to the fact of how viciously he said it. He really didn't hold back, and his concluding statement about how Eddie/Benoit probably never having the titles if Goldberg and Lesnar didn't quit is low but hey, made you think didn't it? Made you probably think "wow, he's probably right" no matter how your heart feels.

I agree with you about not having an emotional tie with Eddie so it wasn't much of an impact on my life. Don't get me wrong, I feel terrible that someone died and at such a young age with such talent. Don't doubt that! I'm just saying that I had no real emotional tie so I can't really relate to those who did.

The truth is, it didnt happen like that, goldberg and lesner DID leave for other things, Eddie and Benoit DID hold the titles so that whole "if goldberg and lesner left they wouldnt have had the titles" quote is complete BS.
Welcome to "The Chair Shot Reality" I'm your special guest host this evening Dynasty_Man...Tonight we have a serious topic as opposed to our usually insane banter about "old divas" and what young people we seem to think will never amount to anything due to their lack of skill, simply because we know everything. Labar and Isenberg, the self-proclaimed "World's Greatest Tag Team" are absent this week due to a last minute surgery. It seems on our last episode, Mr. Isenberg lodged his own head directly up his arse. Mr. Labar, is there now on the scene waiting for an up to the minute update when he gets word. As for our show tonight, we have a lovely guest list beginning with "The HonkyTonk man" and a little later we will get that holy grail of interviews when Justin Labar sits down finally with Duke "The Dumpster" Drosey. Rivoting, absolutely rivoting.

Right now, we begin with the Benoit/Eddie saga. The fact that this bottom feeding hack actually had the nerve to state things that are disrespectful to the business itself as well as anyone who ever steps foot in the ring, makes me want to puke. According to "Todd Wisham" he thinks these guys only held the top two titles in the industry because they were a last resort. Hahahahaha...tacky but it gets my point across. Are you f'ing kidding me? Eddie won his World Title from the unbeatable Brock Lesnar while Big Show, Kurt angle, The Undertaker, Kane and Edge waited on the sideline. Yep, thats one hell of a shallow talent pool. Good thinking, hey you might go pretty far in TNA. As for Benoit...yeah its a real shame that they forced him to win that title at Wrestlemania XX, arguably the greatest Wrestlemania of all-time. Oh and those two jobbers he won the World Heavyweight Championship from, uhhh...damn lost their names for a sec...oh yeah Shawn Michaels and Triple H. After 18 years of blood, sweat, politics, tears, surgery's...yeah they reluctantly handed him his "first" major title. I can see that you fail to check your own reality, yet you can actually sit there and break down two Legends of the industry as if you knew them personally. I suppose you should tell that locker room as well that forgetting those two guys is more for the better. It's sad that even some of those guys feel the same way that I do, yet this nimrod in some way knows better than them, you know, the actual wrestlers. Tragedy, yes. Proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, hardly. Until then, NOBODY knows. As for Eddie, the man lived, thats his sin? Wow, I might as well, burn that memoir I was preparing then. The day that you can show me that these guys are not worthy of my memories is the same day that I admit, they these two aren't Legends.
There is no way Eddie Guerrero should be talked about in the same breath is Chris Benoit, except to say that both were pro-wrestlers who died in recent years.

Eddie Guerrero was a family man, a great man who loved his wife and kids and loved the wrestling business. He had his demons, which he mostly overcame and the story of how he managed to fight his way back to the top is truly heart-warming. What happened to him is truly tragic, the steroid use was avoidable but we lost a truly great man and entertainer. I miss Eddie to this day

But Chris Benoit, while admittedly one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, is a man who murdered is own wife and child. Nothing he accomplished in his career can change what he became and how he ended up. Whether it was from drug abuse, a mental breakdown or just being a psycho, we will never know (maybe all 3), but there is no excusing what he did.

To paint both these men with the same brush is a huge insult to Eddie Guerrero and incredibly offensive to me. I am actually angry thinking of how anyone can compare the two and say Eddie does not deserve respect.

I have nothing but respect for Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero, and I wish I could have met the guy at some point, he seemed a really nice guy.

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