Your theme music


Excellence of Execution
You're a wrestler. What theme music do you come out to?

A couple things to keep in mind. Just because a song is your favorite, doesn't make it a good theme song. Not only that, your theme song has to fit your character, so playing an evil foreigner character and coming out to the Ballad of the Green Berets probably wouldn't be a good match.

So give a basic description of your character, and your theme music. If you would like, post a Youtube link/video to the song.
I'm a wrestler. My gimmick is "The Anti-Underdog" Jameson Stafford, an underdog who refuses to believe-or wrestle like-he is an underdog. Kinda like the Hurricane, except not a comedy gimmick. A serious one. My theme is Tears Don't Fall by Bullet For My Valentine except I edited it myself. The beginning is radio static, and then you hear through the static a clip of Arcturus Mengsk's inaguration speech from the game Starcraft in which it says "...the tides of an unwinnable war are upon us." It then cuts to a shortened version of the opening guitar, into the opening scream of "Let's go!" Then it skips the first verse and right into the screaming chorus, the singing chorus, and eventually the third verse. It's choreographed quite well and gets me and the audience pumped every time.
wow everyone here likes-scratch that loves disturbed gimmick would probably something like undertaker's,dark yet no soul taking.and more talkative so i would come out to Indestructible-Disturbed xD
My "if there ever was a chance that I could get off my fat ass, get in shape, and learn how to wrestle" Gimmick is the Psychotic Angel, a man who beleives he is sent form god, as his mind slowly unravles. My entrance theme "Coming Undone" by Korn
My gimmick would circle around an individual who is emotionally detached and enjoys taking pleasure in creating havoc/chaos around him. An individual who is unpredictable and completely untrustworthy yet could easily wrap you around his finger after a little convincing.

The gimmick is directly inspired by Brian Pillman but would be done in such a way where it doesn't appear as a B-List rip off.

On a side note I consider Pillman's gimmick perhaps the greatest/most under appreciated in modern day wrestling history.

My theme would be Alice In Chains - Frogs
I have an inspired choice, but I'm sure I'll be ripped to shit about it.

300 Lbs - Have Love Will Travel Blues Revue.

Basically my gimmick would simply be myself. A confident 300 + pounder who is just out to have fun and be himself but can kick some ass when it comes down to it. And this song totally conveys that. Its been covered about million times, this isn't the original version, but I like the way they do it. Its actually Dan Akyroyd and Jim Belushi who perform it. And while Jim's not nearly as good as his brother John in any aspect, I do like the way this sing is done a lot.

So, that's my choice...sorry if its not metal enough...
I personally would go with a gimmick of someone who believes that the fans pay their money purely to see someone get the crap kicked out of them. So, on occassion i'd come through the crowd during a promo or a match and just batter a random superstar with a weapon, and then when the crowd boo me, i'd be all like 'hey, this what you wanted isn't it?' except i don't discriminate between heels or faces, wrestlers or other tv personalities. Hell, i'd even batter my tag partner regardless of whether we were a great team or not, and claim that no one is exempt from the bloodlust of the fans. I'd even do a segment where i throw in footage of me going to FCW and battering a trainee, kinda like Taker did to David Flair once.

Anyway, the character would do what it wanted. I've always envisioned the charcter being undefeated for simply ages, either throwing titles away because he simply doesn't care about them, or losing in triple threat matches but not being the one to get pinned. I'd also hope to win the RR, by coming out in the single digits positions and then doing commentary for the WHOLE match, and then get in after the 2nd to last guy was eliminated and throw him out, a la Vince McMahon, except anyone who tried to throw me in the ring would get a chair in the face, and they'd get thrown in themselves.

My catchpharse would be something along the lines of:- "And once again, i stand before you to provide exactly what you the bloodsucking leeches we call fans, paid you're hard earned money to see. Pure, unadulterated, 100%, GUARANTEED (and then in a metal vocal style) BLOOD! SWEAT! AND TEARS! so that the fans can interact with the character.

As for theme music, i'd want to use 'Born Again Anarchist' by Soulfly to reflect the attitude of the character, or 'Ghost of Perdition' by Opeth, because it has a small piano introduction, which would be followed by a pyro and then kicks straight into the song. That way, people know it's me coming and then the song gives the impression that all hell follows me wherever i go..
My gimmick would be that of the cocky somewhat idiotic face or heel for that matter.

The song would have to be Your the best - By Joe Esposito, you know the one from Karate Kid.
I would be an Englishman, not like William Regal or Dave Taylor, or even like the British Bulldog, I would be a tweener, kind of like an English Chris Benoit and my music would be....

Londons Calling by the Clash
Good fucking god, WTF is up with everyone using Disturbed?, they seriously are not that great, really they aren't, in fact they havn't put out a full album of good shit since The Sickness, and people have apperently only heard two danm songs off that album, and they are tweo of the most overplayed songs I have heard since Nirvana released Teen Spirit, here's an idea how about we come up with something a little more original people, me I would probably use Machine Heads The Blood, The Sweat, and The Tears, I'd probably an Austin Aries type character (his ROH stuff)

Superstar by Lupe Fiasco

It's exciting and starts quickly(directly into the chorus to be precise). It has this feel about it that in my opinion could be electrifying with the right wrestler.


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