Your Perfect Radio Station

CH David

A Jock That Loves Pepsi
Yeah, I'm bringing up another point about broadcasting school and all that good stuff. Now, I put this in the Lounge because it doesn't only incorporate music, but all facets of radio. I did ask KB, and he wasn't entirely sure, so he said put it here.However, if it needs to be moved to the Music section, then for the better.

Now, I am asking this question, because there have been talks about having either a new sports talk on FM frequency in Chicago, or a simulcast from one of the AM frequencies. Personally, I think sports on the FM dial would be awesome, as around here it isn't used in that way other than quick reports, and the quality would be better for the listener compared to AM. But what would be your perfect radio station? What would it encompass? Specific types of music, talk, or news are encouraged to be discussed. And if you don't listen to the radio, please, just go with the thread and tell me what you would want for a radio station to keep you as a listener.

For me, it would be a pretty badass hybrid of sports talk with alternative/hard rock and classic rock. I'm thinking how it would be run, is with sports talk for maybe a half hour or 45 minutes, followed by music for a half hour or 45 minutes. I haven't worked the kinks on this subject, but it is something along those lines. If done correctly, this could be one of the highest drawing stations in a given area for the male demographic, likely between the ages of 18-45.

I said sports talk, and each station has some sort of slant to it. For example, one of the stations around here is more local coverage, however it is severely lacking in Blackhawks talk. The other covers more national news, like ESPN. Now I would tweak the local coverage a little bit. I do prefer the goings on in Chicago sports compared to the rest of the country, however the station would talk about all of Chicago's teams, but, the Blackhawks during the winter would be one of the top stories, as they are only starting to be talked about now, and still fairly low on the scale. I would also need Cubs and Sox fan hosts for the summer debates about each team, and during the winter how each didn't make a correct move or something.

What I am thinking, is in the morning, to get people ready for their day, is a normal 4 hour program, incorporating some sort of mix between the music and sports talk. Maybe a talking segment for 15-20 minutes, followed by 15-20 minutes worth of songs, and so on. Midday would likely be another 4 hour show, only this time, sports talk would go an hour, then a request hour, back to sports, and then one last hour or so of music. Night time, as it would be the sports station, try and get two sets of teams to get their games called on the frequency. As a Sox fan, it would be preferable that the White Sox and Blackhawks were the two teams having their games called on the station. I'm thinking since HD (which is another subject altogether) radio is starting to come in effect in cars now, if both had games going at the same time, they would alternate going onto the first HD frequency after the main frequency each time or something. Such as they do on television here, with say the Sox being on the main channel, and a Cubs game on an affiliate or something. And then at night, after a post game show presumably, we fill the airwaves with overnight music, possibly with a host, or just playing the music.

That would be my perfect radio station. I need to work on how the format would be executed, but the format itself would have me tuned in all the time. What is yours?

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