Your Perfect Current WWE Superstar


It's Showtime!
I was reading some old SportsIllustrated when I came up to an NBA preview section with a writers creation of FrankinSHAQ. Basically, it was parts of other current great basketball players, put together on one body to make a player better than SHAQ, like their arms, feet and eyes. Got me thinking about what parts of certain wrestlers would you put together to make the perfect wrestler, so I made this thread. Instead of taking body parts like Regals left hand or Batista's arm or Kennedy's mouth, I decided to take certain skills and traits that all make up the Perfect Wrestler.

Mic work
Wrestling style
Move set

If you decide to add another part to your wrestler be my guest. Chose which of these skills/traits you would take from certain wrestlers and explain why. Now the rules 1) you can't use the same wrestler for two different parts, So I can't use Orton for Mic work and Finisher 2) Don't be too unrealistic. This one I don't expect too much problem. Yes we'd all like to see some one with the body of Big Show do Evan Bourne's moves, but that just couldn't happen, so don't chose it. 3) Only use current/active WWE wrestlers that are on any of the three brands. So ya, on to my Perfect Wrestler

Body: Orton
Orton I think has a perfectly sculpted body, not too much muscle and not too small. He could've easily had such successful gimmicks as The Masterpiece (Masters) and the Reflection of Perfection (Mark Jindrak), lucky for him he didn't get the parts
Runner up: Runner up Cena (His shoulders are too big for him, it just looks weird)

Attire: Edge
Wasting another good pick. I perfer pants over tights or singlet and I like the black leather jacket he comes out with. He's also a jeans/t-shirt guy, like me.
Runner up: The Boogey man (My only joke pick)

Entrance: John Morrison
Awesome entrance, I love the slowmo and the music is great.
Runner up: HHH

Charisma: Santino
People will say what they will to this one, the man has his character down to a tee. Santino has buckets full of charisma, and plays it up well on the mic and in the ring. I'm not saying I want my wrestler to act in everyway Santino acts right now. No matter how he was told to play his character, Santino would have it done cause he's just that charismatic, he knows how to respond well to any reaction and it's that kind of charisma I want. It's not the character, it's how he plays it.
Runner up: Jeff Hardy

Mic work: Chris Jericho
The man is a god on the mic and I could watch him talk circles around everybody for hours.
Runner up: Kennedy Kennedy

Wrestling Style: Jeff Hardy
The man is very innovative, and I love the daredevil nature in him.
Runner up: Edge

Move Set: Evan Bourne
I know, I'm a kid with a crush for this man's unbelievable moves and shootingstar press. Quick pins, high flying moves, enbarasses opponents and wows the crowd.
Runner up: Shawn Micheals (I'm a fan of predictable moves, and I just love Micheal's set, punch, punch, Manhatten drop, punch, reverse Irishwhip, elbow, nipup, elbow, set up finisher, lol)

Finisher: Kennedy
I don't know, I just like it, it's quick like a Stunner and set up like Rockbottom only backwards. They were the two biggest stars of the late 90's early 00's. Therefore, it's a kool move, and I had to get Kennedy on here.
Runner up: Orton
Body = Orton / Shelton
They have basically the same physique. Muscular, but not too big. Lean, but not too small. I'd have picked Morrison, but I had to choose him for something else.

Attire = Zack Ryder
Not the purple pants with the silver boots! Lol. What he was wearing during the last episode of Smackdown was sort of a hybrid between something that HBK, Jericho, Morrison, and Edge would wear.

Entrance = Morrison / Kennedy
This has to tie for me, as I dislike one half of it and like half of it for both. I'm a big fan of Morrison's slow-mo, but I really don't like his arm swinging. Then, Kennedy, I dislike how he starts off, but I love the mic introduction that he does. So ideally, I'd make it so they start off with slow-mo, and then introduce themselves, I guess haha.

Charisma = John Cena
I'd have picked Jericho, but I gave him the lower category. Santino gets an honorable mention, but he's only charismatic as a comedic character, not in all situations in general. So by default, I have to give it to Cena, as I couldn't pick some people twice. Love the guy, hate the guy, you have to admit that if you combined his charisma with all the other aspects here (like a different wrestling style) he'd be very entertaining.

Mic work = Jericho
Honorable mention goes to JBL. Jericho just does it with such ease.

Wrestling style = HBK
He's simply the best. He can be both a high-flyer and a technical wrestler, can pull a great match out of damn near anybody, and keeps adding moves to his repertoire despite his age.

Move set = Jamie Noble
This guy potentially knows damn near every move out there, supposedly, so I'm picking him on the basis that he knows it all, not on the basis of "what we see week to week", cause what we see isn't particularly impressive.

Finisher = Orton's RKO / Hardy's Twist of Fate
I'd have put the Stunner in here or Sweet Chin Music, but Austin is inactive and HBK was already chosen, so I have to go with the next two best options closest to the stunner. I'd prefer RKO over the ToF, but this covers my grounds if you pick Orton over Shelton for the physique.

Oddly enough, I couldn't fit Edge or Undertaker in here, and they're two of my top 5 favorite wrestlers.
Wow, sweet thread. But then again, it's it's basically really bad in comparison to your earlier threads :p err, so yeah. Oh yeah, just for argument's sake, I won't include anyone twice. The Rock is a cert for first in at least two categories, but I wanna be flexible with my choices.


#1: Randy Orton

Yeah, do I feel awkward answering this? Yes. Either way, Orton has reached that perfect gray area between ripped and a regular body size. It's that good and suits his style perfectly as he has the muscle to perform feats of strength but the sleekness to pull of fast moves. Not many can do that.

#2: Hardcore Holly

Say what you want about Bob Holly, he has an impressive physique for a 45 year old. Anyway, I like it. It fits his brawling style to a tee. It's the kind I'd want to aim for should I ever get off my ass and start working out. It's also in that gray area.


#1: Bret Hart

Trust me, the Hitman is the only man ever to make pink a colour you could fear. Anyway, it just fit him perfectly, covered up his pretty normal physique so as to not make that an obstacle for him in a world where being ripped was what it was all about. It was just sleek and everyone who can not lessen their masculinity by wearing pink deserves an award in my book.

#2: Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam's "traditional" wrestling costume is like a second skin to the man, allowing perfect movement and control at all times. Couple that with some awesome designs and patterns and you've got an awesome attire right there. My favourite's his black/green one from the old days.


#1: Mr. Kennedy

What can I say? The LEAST big talent Ken Kennedy has is his entrance. And it just so happens to be my favourite entrance ever. From out of nowhere comes a cry of "KENNEDY!" and the man himself appears. He walks to the ring, grabs a microphone and damn near brings you back to the days of the Rock, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels - in short, the mic gods. How can you NOT mark out and scream KENNEDY together with him? Just freakin' supernatural.

#2: Kane

No, I'm not talking about the crap that he has now, I'm talking the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. When Kane wore a mask. Haunting organ chords would sound and a fiery inferno would appear on the 'Tron. And then would come the pyro. God, what pyro. Nothing got me amped up like a loud explosion and fire effects. Then the masked man would saunter to the ring without saying a word. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you define an awesome entrance. Not even Taker at his best could trump that.


#1: The Rock

Could it be anyone else? The Rock defines charisma in professional wrestling. Everything he ever did oozed of that pure, natural (or should I say unnatural?) charisma. I don't seriously need to explain this do I? Just watch a goddamn promo. We miss you Rock.

#2: Steve Austin

Stone Cold has a completely different type of charisma than the Rock; that of a no-frills, rebellious badass redneck that would kill your mama for a beer, but no less powerful than Rocky's. And he damn well makes you believe that he'd come out of that TV and kick your ass if necessary. Pure, unadulterated wild charisma. Just SO damn intense.

Mic work

#1: Mick Foley

Mick Foley was never a great wrestler. But one of the things he indeed were was a born mic man. Every single promo he's cut oozes of passion for his character and the business, and it makes you really believe it is a crazed, deranged masked freak talking to you, or a hippie with disco music still livin' the flower child dreams of the '60s. Hell, even as regular Mick Foley he gives more of himself than anyone else ever in the business. Just watch the damn Edge/Mick Foley promo from a couple of months back. Screw you for making him leave, Vince.

#2: Edge

Speaking of Edge, here he is. The "Rated-R Superstar" was a pretty average player throughout his earlier years, but once he started THE heel turn, he turned into a completely different guy on the stick. He started to put more heart and soul into his promos, and has since grown to be a freakin' mic natural. He can play the heel character to a goddamn TEE. If I were a mark, I'd totally believe he was a deranged evil despicable bastard. Hell, listen to the crowd, I think they would agree. He can play so many moods and never falter. Just damn magic.

Wrestling style

#1: Dean Malenko

Believe the damn hype, the "Ice Man" Dean Malenko had one of the sickest, most fluent wrestling styles I've ever seen. He went from one of his alleged 1,000 holds (too bad Jericho beat his record >.<) to another like a damn artist. He could do jiu-jitsu, college wrestling, pretty much everything and created his own unique style. As wrestling talent and finesse goes, Deano Machino is pretty much the guy to beat. And I think it'll stay that way for a long, long time!

#2: Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels can do pretty much everything that gravity allows him to do. Submission wrestling, high flying and some power moves. He's utilized his relatively small size to full advantage. And he always gives his all. And hell, it feels as fresh and new every time I see it. I could never tire of seeing him wrestle. It just suited the man himself like a damn glove.

Move set

#1: Kurt Angle

I'm not a big fan of Angle as a person, but as a wrestler, the man could do it all. And he'd come up with a new innovative way to do it every time. As a performer, he's top notch and his move set seemed to be an endless horn of plenty. I swear I saw something new almost every time, and if not that, at least 10+ impressive moves during a match, something today's main eventers struggle a hell of a lot with.

#2: Evan Bourne

Bourne is a freakin' magician. He could well be the best high flyer the world has ever seen. Even Rey Mysterio in his prime couldn't do better. Every time he's out there, he makes my jaw drop with another Godlike high flying move. Sure, it may be spotty, but Jesus is it ever entertaining and awe-inspiring! I wonder how many moves he knows...but soon enough, WWE will typeset his moveset and we will have a limited Bourne...or maybe not? I truly believe Bourne is enough of a professional pull off all the moves without much danger. Either way, I've never seen a more unique style than Bourne.


#1: F-5

Everyone knows that I do not like Brock Lesnar. But you can't say that the F-5 is not one of the most damn powerful, dangerous-looking moves ever created. Every time, I was thinking "Shit, he was that close to breaking his nose." It could just crush anyone, anywhere. The closest WWE have ever come to a UFC-style finisher.

#2: Spear

As much as it's over-used these days, the Spear is one of the most dangerous moves of all time. It can come from out of nowhere and end the match. And it was damn perfected by the aforementioned Edge. Not a dangerous bump to take, but it looks powerful nonetheless. How much gold has this move not won? Of course, the Gore is somewhat better, but it's generally a same thing so...

Oh, I just realized you used only current roster guys, so was that your entire point. Either way, I typed out this long-ass bitch and I ain't gonna delete it. Take it or leave it. But you could have clarified it...oh well, maybe I can do a current one later. I loved the thread dude, thumbs up!
(From the Current 3 WWE Rosters I assume this thread is about?)

John Morrison - His body is just wow, I mean I'm a guy but I probably would tap that - It doesn't look too much at all, and for pure body I think he has it.

Edge - Very few other people dress as well as he does on a consistent basis, I love like all of his Tee-Shirts. The Miz is a close 2nd

The Undertaker - I mean seriously, this is THE stand out entrance in the WWE, Triple H is the only one who even comes close to having one as good IMO, simple yet perfect for the wrestler it is on, there are many good entrances but this one is legendary

The Miz - So hard to distinguish Charisma and Mic Work, but I think the Miz has that effortless something about him that makes him quite pleasing to listen to (I know many dislike him, but I genuinely like him). I love both Miz and Morrison, they have a streak of arrogance that I can sometimes be accused of, and that's why I warm to them - John Morrison has superb wrestling ability, but without Miz as the senior mouthpiece of the duo, they would not be as good.

Mic work
Jeeeeawn Cena - People like him, People dislike him, but everyone has an opinion about him, the John Cena that John Cena created is all because of what he has portrayed to us, when he speaks people listen, and he has been doing it for a good few years now. Chris Jericho is pretty good aswell, but not quite as good as Jeeeeawn.

Wrestling style

Chris Jericho - I'll give Jericho one at last, he could have had a few, but I feel this is one where he is very good. I always liked technical wrestlers, or those who could add an element of technical style to their wrestling, Angle, Benoit, Eddie have all moved on, and so had Jericho for a while, he is not a complete submission wrestler but he can turn that side of his game on and off, there are several layers to his style, which is often the key for those who are not 300 pounds and 7" tall.

Move set
William Regal - If the move exists Regal has probably done it, he has never really shone in the WWE, but his talent is undoubtable, perhaps he knows too many moves for his own good (needs a real finisher), but there is no doubting that his moveset is more expansive than all on the roster. Evan Bourne is amazing, but there arent THAT many moves in it, as amazing as he is.

Finisher - RKO, the most amazing "WTH where, wha?!" move ever, FACT. Looks strong, but also seems very effortless and easy to pull of. Moves like the Pedigree and Tombstone are more powerful, but require more build up to them - so the RKO edges it for me.
Alright then, let's see what we got...

Shelton Benjamin: He's cut and he isn't too big like Roid-tista. Hacksaw came in at a close second.

Jeff Hardy: The crazy hair, t-shirts, body paint/tatoos, and sleeves do it for me. He may look crazy, but it's cool to me. Big Daddy V would've came in second place, had he not been released. Let's face it, he had great boobs and we are glad he showed 'em off.

Undertaker: It's just too epic. The fog and lighting effects give it a special feel that just gives you goosebumps, plus, the druids are nice touch every now and then. I went to Backlash earlier this year and when Taker came out, it just reeked of awesomeness.

Chris Jericho: What can I say, he's good at pretty much anything. I wish The Rock was still in WWE (or any wrestling promotion period) because then he'd be up here. In second place was SD's number one announcer. INDEED!

Mic Work
Randy Orton: His mic skills have been getting better and better, and now I actually enjoy his promos. The opening promo he had on RAW a couple of weeks back was great. Great Khali would've gotten this, but he sucks.

Wrestling Style
Shawn Michaels: Even though he's gotten up there in age, he can still put on a great match. His repertoire contains a good mix up everything; basic grappling moves, some submissions, a few elbow drops and moonsaults here and there.

Move Set
Edge: This was tough choice for me because I wanted to pick Taker, but I couldn't since I picked him for the Entrance portion. Edge has a number of good signature and finishing maneuvers, which include the Spear, Edgecution, Edge-O-Matic, the Con-Chair-to, and many more. If only Christian was still around, then the con-chair-to would be complete. :(

D'Lo Brown's finishers (the Lo Down and Sky High): There's too many to choose from on the WWE roster, but I easily settled on D'Lo. I just really like the Lo Down and Sky High, and this two moves are the reason that I continuosly use him on WWF No Mercy (greatest wrestling game ever). D'Lo is the man, nuff said. Honorable menton to: the Walls of Jericho and the Swanton Bomb.
Body: John Morrison: While Morrison isn't exactly the biggest built guy, I think the course of time has proven you don't need to be 300+ lbs. to be a World Heavyweight Champion. In the meantime, Morrison has arguably the best built body in wrestling as far as structure goes.

Attire: Edge: I can't say anything that has Army-like Camo is appealing to me, but the reason I picked Edge is because of the multiple outfits he's worn. A few Superstars over the course of history have constantly changed outfits. (keeping the same style/look, but adding different colors)

I think in order to get over with your look, you need to sometimes change up what you're wearing in the way of color. Eric Bischoff was right about not being able to do anything with black trunks and boots. And not everyone can have Steve Austin-like charisma or mic skills, so that's why you need to have the ability to shine through your attire. (Shawn Michaels came close, but was better served elsewhere)

Entrance: Hulk Hogan: This was the hardest thing for me to decide upon, but when I thought long and hard about it.. I had to go with the one entrance that instantly got EVERYBODY (practically) around the arena, not to mention the world, to pop like crazy.

Hulk Hogan and the "Real American" music are like Biscuits and Gravy. (;) ask Jesse and Festus) Or water and air, even. It's just hard to seperate the two. Now as far as the reason I picked this, I think it's a given. Whenever that music hits, it gets INSTANT reaction. (Just ask Patterson and Brisco :lmao:)

Charisma: The Rock: If it wasn't for using him in the Entrance section, Hogan would've worked greatly here too.. but I went with the guy that comes in a close second to him, charisma wise.

The Rock isn't "the most electrifying man in sports entertainment" for nothing. Just like Hogan, the Rock was amazingly loved and begged for by the fans. As Rocky Maivia the guy was flat out pathetic, but as The Rock he just captured something that made everyone wanting more.

Mic work: Chris Jericho: As much as Jericho is good on the mic, he's definately no where near the best. Unfortunately I was running out of ideas and I intentionally did NOT use Steve Austin, because in building the "best" wrestler I don't think a guy who just trash talks constantly would be considered the "best" on the mic.

Trash talking isn't considered great mic skills. I can trash talk, are you going to give me a World Championship? I doubt it.

The one thing Jericho, especially as a heel, can do though.. is make you hate him more. The current H.B.K./Jericho storyline is pure example of that. He's went from being almost a joke of a return, to the best heel on the "A-Show". My "perfect wrestler" is arguably going to be heel, and he's going to have the cockiness and attitude that Jericho has.

Wrestling style: Shawn Michaels: Outside of maybe D.D.P.'s work-ethic, I don't know of anyone else who does as much as Shawn Michaels to try and give the fans everything he has.

I would've possibly selected A.J. Styles, but I didn't know if I could use T.N.A. wrestlers (that weren't former W.W.F/E. guys) the fact is though, this is still the best option for the spot. Shawn Michaels can wrestle with anyone from Rey Mysterio, to the Great Khali and he'll make the match the best it can be.

Move set: Kurt Angle: I wasn't completely sure about this. I didn't know if it was asking me what Wrestler has the best move-set available, or what wrestler could basically do anything. I went with Kurt Angle because I wasn't completely sure.

I went with Angle because I know Angle can mix it up. He can bring it down and mat wrestle, he can compete with high-fliers and speed wrestle, and he can even brawl with the best of them. Angle is the best "pure wrestler" in the entire business, bar-none, so why wouldn't you want him to be the guy with the move-set?

Finisher: Randy Orton/D.D.P.: The last question isn't always the easiest. Personally, I'm favored to the Superkick.. but since H.B.K. is taken, and I'm not using anyone else's.. I have to go with the next finisher that can come from out of literally NOWHERE.

I put Orton/D.D.P. because they both used the cutter. If I could choose, I'd rather pick D.D.P. because he literally hit it out of any where. From jumping off the top rope, to connecting from the top rope. Bouncing off the ropes, reversing practically anything, especially Suplex's, and just randomly hitting it when he's merely being picked up off the ground.

The cutter might not be the strongest move, but it's great for what it's used for.. and that's surprising your opponent long enough to keep them down for a 3 count. (most of the time)
Im going to use current WWE wrestlers, just to make it a bit easier on myself

Ted DiBiase - i think he does just have the right look about him, there were other wrestlers in consideration, but i want to use them in other catergories

im not a fan of short shorts so im in agreement with other posters on here and im going with Edge, i like the trenchcoat and trousers combo

For this one im going to go a bit left field and go with MVP, he has fitting music and i like the inflatable tunnel, if i wasn't going to use Jericho in another place, i would have his entrance here

HHH does have some kind of aura around him and can get crowds going with just 1 mouthful of water so hes my choice here, and hes my pick just ahead of Cena

Mic work
Chris Jericho as he has shown, his mic work can keep a feud going all by himself, so he has to be the logical choice here

Wrestling style
This was probably the toughest choice for me because move set and wrestling style go hand in hand for me, but im going to pick William Regal, he always looks to have an intensity about him and looks like he wrestles stiff

Move set
I'm gonna go with a guy that has almost everything, and that's shelton benjamin, he wouldn't look out of place doing submissions or power moves

Finisher no.1 I would want my primary finisher to be one that can get the crowd going, and that is hbk's sweet chin music, there aren't many other finishers that the fans will cheer for more
Finisher no.2 This would be my impact finisher and that will have to be Ortons RKO, simply because it can happen at anytime

Body - CM Punk

A strange one I know. I'm not really a fan of the muscle bound Adonis look, because I think nine times out of ten it makes people look unnatural and a bit steroid tastic. I think Punk looks like he works out and like a fit person, but he doesn't look over the top.

Attire - John Morrison

I don't like shorts and I like Morrison's bottoms quite a lot. They are interesting and a bit different. I would have chosen Jericho before the image change.

Entrance - HBK

I like the way his entrance suits his character well, and it works the crowd up fantastically. I think Taker has the best entrance in the WWE, but it doesn't really work unless you have the Undertaker coming out to it. It's perfect for him, but it would be stupid on anyone else.

Charisma - Edge

Edge's ability to get a reaction from the crowd that is genuine rather than being hated for being bad, is unparalleled. The boos for Edge are louder than the cheers for pretty much everyone, so I'm going with him.

Mic work - Jericho

Jericho has recently made a superb heel turn, most of which was created by his mic work. It is unrivalled in the WWE at the moment, and he has proven that he isn't just a stand up.

Wrestling style - Rey Mysterio

I'm a bit of a spot monkey junkie, so I'm going to say Rey. I just find Lucha Libre inherently interesting and fun to watch. The only problem is, it looks stupid against the Big Show.

Move set - Evan Bourne

If I've gone for a Lucha Libre style, I have to go with a high flyer for the move set. Bourne has gotten over with the crowd in about 2 months, while absolutely no-one cares about ortiz who started a week later. The reason for that is simply down to Bourne's entertaining moves.

Finisher - Trouble in Paradise

As muh as I like Bourne and Mysterio, I think that a finisher needs to be fast, and needs to be able to be pulled out of thin air, or on someone who doesn't expect it. That isn't going to happen with a 619, so I'm going for this. Again, I've picked it to suit the wrestler overall, not because its the best finisher in the WWE.
This one has to go to Shelton Benjamin, he's got the right sized body for his height, not overly roided out, but he is big enough to be believable.

I've always liked masked wrestlers, plus the looser pants are better than the spandex, so this one is with Rey. Although his best outfit would have to be the things he wore against Eddie Guerrero at Halloween Havoc in '97.

Edge's old entrance with Rob Zombie blasting through the speakers was always my favorite entrance, he just seemed to be more into it back then. A close second would have to go to Goldberg when he was wrestling, with the pyro just raining on him.

This one will go to Ric Flair, even though he isn't with the WWE now, he's always had something that made me like him, even though he wasn't the greatest wrestler later on in years, his charisma made him the "kiss-stealing, wheeling, dealing, jet-flying, limousine-riding son-of-a-gun” that kept me watching him week after week, an incredibly close second of course has to go to "THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT" The Rock, for obvious reasons.

Mic work
Chris Jericho, the man that is in my opinion, the greatest man on the mic in all of the WWE today, he's been good since interrupting The Rock, to Save Us Jericho, even now; he truly gets people to absolutely love him, or hate every fiber of his being, one of the most important thing in a mic man.

Wrestling style
I like Jeff Hardy's style, he isn't the cleanest, but he makes him and his opponent look great, although I think the Swanton is getting a little dated, he should prolly do the Twist of Fate, the stunner version that he used in TNA more.

Move set
I'm gonna have to go with Evan Bourne on this, I've always been a sucker for smaller wrestlers with a fast paced set of high flying moves.

This one was tough, I like the RKO by how fast it is preformed and the Drive-By Kick (the modified shining wizard one) because it looks pretty painful; but my favorite move is actually the Elevated Double Chicken Wing Facebuster thing that Beth Phoenix does, if done by a different person it could be a pretty great looking move.
Body: I'd have to go with someone like Shelton Benjamin. He just has a great natural athletic build that lets him be really versatile.

Attire: Probably C.M. Punk. I'm from Chicago, and I love his tights with the Chicago flag on the bottom.

Entrance: I'd use Edge's old entrance when he used to come in through the crowd, and I'd use Mark Henry's current theme song. I just think it would be so cool to come through the crowd with "Some body's Gonna Get Their Ass Whipped" playing. That should put the thought in the crowd's head that someone is getting hurt, and hurt bad!!!

Charisma: Really, everyone would love to be as charismatic as The Rock!!! He parlayed his in-ring charisma into being a successful movie star!!!

Mic Skills: I'd probably be a mixture of Chris Jericho and Taz. Just a cocky S.O.B. that wants to fuck you up!!!

Move Set: Again, Shelton Benjamin. He's a guy that can mat wrestle, he can fly if he needs to, he's just great in the ring.

Finisher: I would want my finisher to be a submission move. Something like either a mixture of the Crippler Crossface. Which I've been put in, and that shit hurts like a mofo. Or The Anaconda Vice that C.M. Punk used to do in the ring. To me a finisher followed by a pin his too quick, and it isn't humiliating enough!!! There's nothing more humiliating a wrestler can do to another one than to make them submit!!! When Triple H submitted to the Crippler Crossface at the end of WM 20. Everywhere he went for that entire Spring and into the Summer the entire crowd would chant "You Tapped Out". Basically, 15,000 people telling him that you're a pussy for 4 months!!! That's what I'd want people to do to my opponents. I'd want them to feel embarrassed.
Body: The British Bulldog, A powerful, muscular build. He may have got it through one too many steroids but his look was great. DH Smith is blessed with a similar build. Runners up for this one are Randy Orton (who I want to use somewhere else) and Ted Dibiase who master the void between being toned and strong without being too big.

Attire Randy Savage. Randy Savage's attire was good because it was so individual, Macho Madness etc. NO one else would ever pull of such a varied melting pot or wackiness and make it work but some how Savage did, from the bright colours to the tassles he some how made the 8 year old girls push bike look seem amazing! Runners up for this are Stone Cold Steve Austin, a vest, how simple and yet how brilliant...which leads me too...

Entrance SMASH! The Texas Rattlesnake, out comes this mean S.O.B who just strolls to the ring, focused, ready, passionate... And the fans lap it up, you don't need theatrics of fireworks and you don't need to take five minutes like Triple H. Just walk through the curtain and do your thing.

Charisma Hulk Hogan. This man had charisma in droves. This mans charisma MADE the wrestling that we know and love (for the most part) today. Wether it be hulking up r even as the man who stabbed the fans in his back, the man who was above wrestling Hollywood Hogan, he has charisma in droveeees.

Mic work Chris Jericho, he can do everything on the Mic, play the heel, play the face and not just that he can play these roles in a variety of ways. The Cocky interupting heel he debuted as or the Evil and calculated man he is today. Runners up include the Rock and the chilling Jake Roberts in his hey-day.

Wrestling style: Chris Benoit, Technical, to the point, incredible to watch, he takes the style of one of the all time greats Tom Billington and just adds and adds to it. He pulls of the flying headbutt with such intensity, you literally never knew what he was going to do next, RIP.

Move set Kurt Angle, fast, quick, technical and lets not forget he has one of the best moonsaults I have ever seen. There is a reason he is one of the all time greats. He takes his amateur moves and makes them look deadly... his series with benoit was breath taking.

Finisher So many to choose from, I'm tempted to go with something simple like Jake Roberts and the DDT, but I'm going to go with Bret Harts sharpshooter, it looks good and it adds an exciting finish to any match.
I decided to take certain skills and traits that all make up the Perfect Wrestler.

Mic work
Wrestling style
Move set

If you decide to add another part to your wrestler be my guest. Chose which of these skills/traits you would take from certain wrestlers and explain why. Now the rules 1) you can't use the same wrestler for two different parts, So I can't use Orton for Mic work and Finisher 2) Don't be too unrealistic. This one I don't expect too much problem. Yes we'd all like to see some one with the body of Big Show do Evan Bourne's moves, but that just couldn't happen, so don't chose it. 3) Only use current/active WWE wrestlers that are on any of the three brands.

Ok, I've cleaned up the rules again, so I just want to reclarify the rules above, this particular thread is for current WWE stars only. So wrestlers that are currently on either of the three threads can be in your perfect wrestler design. Since a few people have included past wrestlers, me thinks I should make a thread to create your own all-time perfect wrestler. This will be created in the general discussion thread. This thread you are reading right now will simply serve as making your own perfect wrestlers from the current active ones.
I will add a few more options here as. I know that I never post but I do read about 4 times a week. Using only current superstars will be hard to do, and after reading the other opinions I will try to use some originality as well. So here we go:

Body: Also being a man I think Randy Orton has a perfect body, but a lot have chosen him so I will pick someone else and his name is Ricky Ortiz. At 6'3 or 6'4 and 245-255 Ortiz is buff but not super huge and has size to be in the main event.

Tattoos: Randy Orton. I don't have any tats but if I did they would look like Orton's.

Hair/Facial Hair:paul Birchill. Not too long, but loing enough that when he gets it going can look like a wild man with hair in the face.

Attire: Cody Rhodes. I don't want to focus on what is being worn, but what the wrestler can do. If I'm too focused on the attire it takes away from the match. Rhoses is very basic in the ring. Out of the ring he wears jeans/t-shirt, but could also also look fine dressed up.

Entrance: I would say the Undertaker but that only fits his gimmick. No one else could pull that off. So I will say the entrance that when seeing live is the most powerful entrance I have witnessed. You know something is about to happen, you know there's intensity, and you know someone is getting their ass kicked. Batista.

Charisma: Elijah Burke. This guy always makes me pay attention. I wish he was on tv more now but still. He talks during matches, has a spot on, does great mic work, tells great stories in the ring, and he sells! A lot of people can't sell for anything but Burke makes his opponents look great as well. This guy has it and I wish creative would see that. Burke can be a major heel or face in the years to come.

Mic Work: JBL. A lot of people will disagree with this. But no matter what he says I feel that he means it. He also doesn't just use that same insults, it seems that he does his homework on his opponents and always says something that is specific to them. Yes he says the money thing over and over, but all wrestlers use their catch phrases and gimmicks in their promos.

Wrestling Style: M.V.P. You might not always like what he's doing but he makes you watch and pay attention. He can be serious or joke around. He fits his character perfectly from signing his area code (305) during his entrance, to calling 20 second timeouts while outside of the ring. He walks with a swagger and shows off his money just like a typical athlete. He's great on the mic and he's getting way better at telling stories in the ring. He can work a ground game, do power moves, or wrestle a fast paced match. He works to his strengths and doesn't try things that he cannot do. I just wish he would win more.

Move Set: Gregory Helms. His move set is huge, even though a lot of it has been limited by wwe (Vertibreaker anyone?). He can fly around with the cruiserweights or wrestle a bigger guy. He has some power moves for a little man as well. runner ups go to Jamie Noble and William Regal because as mentioned, they can d oeverything.

Finisher: Liontamer Chris Jericho. No not the watered-down Boston Crab of today, but the knee in the back, legs vertical, neck twisted Lion Tamer of old. It looked like an opponent could not escape, could not crawl to the ropes, and it hurt like hell. If this doesn't count because he doesn't do it like this anymore, then it would be Sliced Bread #2 (or The Kendrick as it has been renamed).
Body:John Cena. He has so much strength and everything, but he could still do dropkicks and stuff if needed. I think he has the perfect wrestling body.

Attire: I'd have to say Shawn Micheals. I really like those pants he wears, and their better then those gay tights half the wrestlers wear.

Entrance: Triple H. I love the whole concept of spitting the water and looking like a fuckin badass while doing it.

Charisma: Edge. I love this guys charisma. He has the best Charisma by far out of everyone in the WWE. I think it would be a better place if more were like Edge.

Mic work: Chris Jericho. I would say Edge but I already used it so i'll choose the second best in Jericho.

Wrestling style: Evan Bourne. I love high flying people and Evan does it the best in WWE.

Move set: Jeff Hardy. I love every move he does and i'd want my perfect star to do them.

Finisher: Bobby Lashley. I know he doesn't wrestle anymore, but i've never seen a finisher better then that dominator he did when he first came. It is an easy decision for me with the finishers.
Body: Ted DiBiase. Well built big shoulders not to big but just about right. Since the day he debuted i always thought his body was perfect for wrestling. Compared to cody i can actually believe ted can do damage i can take him seriously. Runner up Cena.

Attire: Shawn Michaels. Im not big on his new looser pants with the black on them. I like his old school tights he wore in the 90's with bright red hearts combined with his sunglasses and his cross earirngs it looked kick ass.

Entrance: MVP. The song is alright the blimp is a great addition goes with his character perfectly. But the best part is when he does his pose once he comes out of the blimp and the pyros go off. The best variation of it is his Wresltemania 23 entrance hands down in my opinion best entrance of all time.

Charisma: John Cena. As soon as his song hits i can a already feel his presence then once he comes out its just electrifying in my opinion. And i love when he gets on the mic and builds up his upcoming ppv match actually makes me wanna see it.

Mic Work: Chris Jericho. If there is anyone that knows how to use a MIC its Chris Jericho. He can make you love him or hate him faster then anybody i have seen in wrestling. Does not matter if he plays heel or face he can use a mic with both greatly.

Wrestling Style: William Regal. I have always enjoyed watching regal wrestle. Very aggressive and very technical to me he has always put on decent matches.

Move Set: Chavo Guerrero. I would have said Eddie Guerrero but since this is current WWE wrestlers i will go with the closest there is. But i do like the gory bomb more then the frog splash.

Finisher: Randy Orton. In my opinion The Rko is hands down the best finisher there is. Quick,deadly,and effective can be done almost from anywhere. I also enjoy his kick to the head quick and deadly and he sells it so well you can see intent in his eyes to kick your head off.
Body: Hulk Hogan

Steroids or not, Hogan was and still is ripped. 6'5 and about 300 pounds, all muscle in the heyday, Hulk Hogan ate his vitamins and said his prayers. A beast in all respects. A man who scoop slams Andre the Giant has to have some incredible power behind him. Plus, he looked pretty damn good.

Attire: John Cena

I loves me a man who wrestles in jeans. There's just something cool about it. I really like the general look of someone wrestling in street clothes, and it fuels Cena's gimmick really well. Not everyone should do it, it would kill the originality, but it's good stuff.

Entrance: Vince McMahon

Damn it, I wanted Hogan for this one, but I had to pick his body above this. In all respect to Hogan, "Real American" is the most awesome wrestling entrance song ever. "No Chance in Hell", however, is a great one, and the aura around Vince when he makes his entrance is palpable. Vince has one of the best entrances around.

Charisma/Mic Work: The Rock

Decided to roll this two together as I can't separate them. There's no denying the Rock is among the funniest, most entertaining men in wrestling history (or history in general) and his promos were always unique and amusing, if not outright brilliance. A man of many catchphrases, but also able to deliver a meaty promo, the Rock is the most charismatic wrestler of all time.

Wrestling Style: Edge

Edge at his best can be among the hardest of the hardcore. He has uses for tables, ladders, and chairs like he has a cookbook at home with recipes. Absolutely brilliant and innovative in a variety of hardcore matches, and can carry that hardcore style over into regular matches by performing some great moves with his own body. But in the hardcore matches, Edge becomes a sick, twisted, and brilliant wrestler.

Move Set: The Undertaker

The Undertaker will rip you apart. He is cold and metholodical and has a variety of great set up moves, Snake Eyes, Old School, the ring apron leg drop. Furthermore, he can innovate like no other. He can brawl with you, he can mat wrestle with you, he can make you tap out, or he can dive over the top rope. No man is as versatile or as deadly as the Undertaker.

Finisher: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Bret Hart was a close and painful second here, but I have to appreciate the suddenness of a Stunner. It can be set up for or come from nowhere, and the result is always the same: you lose. It's an iconic and now legendary move, and is deadly in all respects.

If I can choose an additional submission finisher, however, the Sharpshooter goes to it. Perhaps there are more technically painful submissions (a triangle choke or gogoplata is probably more real), few moves are as steeped in history as the Sharpshooter. One of the most famous submission attacks in wrestling ever, and involved in numerous historical incidents.
Body = Morrison
This guy's ripped. Not big compared to most others, but the guy's body is flawless.

Attire = Micke James (when she wore skirts)
I'm a sucker for legs. And she's got awesome legs.

Entrance = JBL
Only for the sole purpose that the rest of my family/friends hate him. His music sounds like a superhero's theme, but instead, it's a supervillians theme. When I hear his music hit, I can just see the aggrivation build in other peoples faces. It's delightful.

Charisma = Jeff Hardy
The guy's always got the crowd behind him. He's just a great guy to cheer for, and an easy guy to like. If you don't pay attention to his out-of-ring screw ups, at least.

Mic work = Santino

Wrestling style = Randy Orton
Tall, lanky, and an incredible in ring psyche. Yeah, he can be slow at times, but when he starts his circling the opponent stomps, hits someone with his inverted backbreaker, or nails someone with his DDT, it's hard to not enjoy it. Not to mention the RKO's and the punts.

Move set = Undertaker
Body slams. Leg drops on the ring apron. Old school walk the rope. Running dive clothesline thing. Gogoplata. Chokeslam. Tombstone Piledriver. Last Ride. The guy covers every professional wrestling style I can think of, save for Jeff Hardy esque high-risk.

Finisher = Shooting Star Press
Evan Bourne makes every match he participates in worth watching for this move alone. Adding in all of his other talent, his matches make me giddy. Watching this move just gives me goosebumps. He pulls it off absolutely perfectly.
Body: Randy Orton. His body is just.....Perfect lol. It's not to slim, not too muscular, he's tall....just perfect. Very well built.

Attire: Edge: I love how he changes up the colors every now and then. My favorite from him so far is the red, grey, and white, camo attire.

Entrance: Batista. I love how he comes out hyping up the crowd and then shoots his imaginary machine with the pyros sounding off in the backround.

Charisma: Edge. This was a hard one because there are a few people who came to mind when it comes to charisma, but I had to go with my boy Edge. He has some of the most animated facial expressions I've ever seen from a wrestler.

Mic Work: This one goes to Edge once again. When he talks on the mic he demands attention and he gets it.

Wrestling Style: Randy Orton: Excluding the numerous rest holds, I love his style. I think it's very well paced and I love the fact that he can be very agressive.

Move Set: Shelton Benjamin. I like how he can just about adapt to any environment he is placed in. Whether it's high flying or Technical wrestling he can do it.

Finisher: RKO.You can hit it in just about every angle and position.
I really had to think about this for a while...

BODY -Jeff/Matt Hardy. Either Hardy isn't a favorite for any other category, but both of them have the build to do high flying moves as well as wrestling movesets. The best of both worlds, if you will.

ATTIRE -Edge. The trenchcoat and the long pants/tights is perfect for a match. At the same time, he has an assortment of street clothes. Again, he is the total package that is best in this category. Unfortunately, that means I can't pick him again.

ENTRANCE -Triple H. The music, the walk, the water. It is everything that gets your blood boiling and ready to go. If I could break it down, I'd really take a more generic entrance with Santino's theme, but for overall I'd pick Triple H.

CHARISMA -John Cena. Cena embodies the WWE right now. He always gets you into the matchup, and combined with Triple H's entrance, he could have you pumped before the bell like none other. It all stems from his work ethic, which is showed to us in the current promos. He loves this business, and he makes it evident.

MIC WORK -The Brian Kendrick/Jericho. I'm leaning toward Jericho, as I've seen much more of his mic skills, but some of the promos cut by TBK were amazing. Either one of them, or some combination, would be perfect for a face or a heel. I'll consider them both picked, as it is a coin flip for me.

WRESTLING STYLE -Shawn Michaels. His style is perfect for the body type of the Hardy's. He has access to any submissions and aerial moves, and has good mat skills as well. I don't want his moveset though, as I hate the chops, but his style gives lots of range for whatever moveset picked.

MOVE SET -Undertaker. I know that the power moves would be limited on this body, but I'd be more interested in the striking, grappling, and submissions than the power set. This guy could be fast and have an amazing offensive arsenal, which is exactly what I'm going for.

FINISHER -The RKO. My favorite finisher in the past decade. It has everything this guy needs. Speed, suprise, and setup. All three of these things make this the perfect finisher, as no real power is needed, and I've built a smaller guy than most other people. It looks devestating though, which is just what it needs to do.

So, I've built a decent heavyweight guy that has good wrestling skills and is capable of good spots as well as mat wrestling. He makes it look good on the mic as well as in the ring, and can finish matches quickly or go an hour. Definately should find this guy, LOL...
Body - Armando Estrada. I know this one sounds weird but take a look at the guy, not his face either, we're talking strictly body. This guy is ripped, he's not too bulky either but he's big enough to do some serious damage to bigger or smaller guys. Just the right size.

Attire - I have to go with JTG on this one. I like the Jackets, and Yankees hats, the Jeans with a rolled up leg or both rolled up, and the timberland's. It's street but still good to wrestle in because of the freedom of movement.

Entrance - What a tough one. I can't make up my mind really. I guess I'd have to go with MVP or Chris Jericho's music, with Batista's pyro's, and Randy Orton's moves from a while back where he comes out and raises his arms, and does it is the ring too.

Charisma - Probably I'd have to go with John Cena only because I am saving someone else for later. But, John Cena get's a huge reaction good or bad no matter what, and people listen when he talks.

Mic work - Kennedy, without question. Talk Loud right??? I love listening to Kennedy speak, he's hilarious, and he can make someone look absolutely stupid, or he can be as serious as a heart attack, and no matter what he does a good job on the mic.

Wrestling style/Move-set - These two are essentially the same so I am combining them. A wrestling style is what determines your move-set. Either way, I would have to go with Randy Orton on this one. I love the high angle drop kick, I don't think anyone does it better than him. I like that crazy backbreaker he does where he's got his arm around their throat and drops down. I love the head kick, it doesn't get much dirtier or devastating than that. His all around move-set is pretty sufficient against any opponent.

Finisher - It was hard to save this one for last but without any question....Triple H. The Pedigree it's like the worst thing I think you could do to someone. I mean seriously, your slamming them face first into the canvas with all your weight. The move would actually be called a double underhook facebuster but The Pedigree is good enough for me. I would have picked Triple H for mic skills, charisma, move-set, and body, but you could only use the same person once so I had to be more creative. I know I know, I'm a Triple H fanboy whatever. The Game is the Man, Period.
My Perfect Current WWE Superstar would look a little weird, but here it is...

Body: John Morrison.
This guy is very close to having a freaking 8-pack. You people pick wrestlers, like Orton and Cena when they can't hold a candle to Morrison, though I am much bigger fans of Cena & Orton and absolutely despise Morrison. Despite that, his physique is the best ever since Chris Masters.

Attire: Shawn Michaels.
HBK no longer wheres the attire that I have grown to love, but the attire he has had over the past decade or so was very, very cool and my perfect wrestler would definitely be caught wearing those chaps.

Entrance: Undertaker.
When you hear the first toll of the bell in the beginning of Undertaker's theme song, the whole crowd goes nuts. Undertaker has been my favorite wrestler since the beginning and he has to be in atleast one of my categories.

Charisma: John Cena.
Cena has improved every single year that he has been in the WWE. That is exactly the reason Cena has had so many pushes in his career which is why not many people in the history of the WWE could match charisma with Cena.

Mic Skills: Santino Marella.
I bet that nobody who saw Santino Marella's debut in WWE would ever think that he would ever amount to much in the WWE. Though Santino's move set is not too great, he makes up for it in his mic skills.

Move Set: Shelton Benjamin.
This man could get in the ring with pretty much anybody and you are almost guaranteed that you will get a match of a lifetime. I think it's a shame that Shelton is so underrated as I think he is a very good asset to WWE.

Finisher: Randy Orton.
My #1 favorite finisher besides the ''Last Ride'', which barely ever finishes a match would definitely have to be the RKO. My favorite type of finisher is one that can come at any angle at any time and the RKO is really the finisher that tops the list.
Body: Kizarny
I know people are going to pissed but Kizarny has the right build for just about any style. He has a crazy look in his eyes like he could snap at any moment and kill you.

Attire: Rey Mysterio
I love his mask and colors epecially his black and white attire. It's flashy and fit's his style.

Entrance: Boogeyman
I am dead seriuos about boogeyman his entrance helps get is chilling and frightful. Which is exsctly what an entrance should do it sets the mood for a wrestler. With Oddities by Insane Clown Posse.

Charisma: Hulk Hogan
He was great at getting the audience on his side he made WWF/E a house hold Item for the whole family and no one has matched that in history.

Mic Skills: Early Cena
When Cena did his raps to insult his opponents it got everyone to Love him or Hate him depnding on who he was insulting, have you heard his rap against Christian when he was the first draft pick to raw. It was priceless.

Moveset: Charlie Haas
He can do a variety of wrestling styles from Hulk Hogan to Khali to Beth Pheonix. Let's see Shelton benjamen try a Khali move.

Finisher: Gogoplatta
The gogoplatta is the best submission move ever used in WWE whenever it's applied the match is over how many submisions do you know that can win a first blood match all the time (STFU wiht a chain doesn't count)

I wouldn't bother trying to combine a load of current talent to make an uber talent i'd just have to go with the One Man Dynasty, Randy Orton.

His mic skills have improved dramatically since his injury, he's got a number of innovative moves like his backbreaker, his gutwrench where he then just falls back and executes a neckbreaker on the way down (granted he rarely ever uses that unless he's wrestling cruiserweights), and his DDT on the ropes. He's got a finisher that literally can come at any point from any angle. If he didn't do the 'hunting' pose before hand it would be a lot better.

He does look a little gangly, but his style of wrestling compensates for that very well. He's not doing loads of suplexes or powerslams that look unbelievable for a guy of his stature.

Once he joined Evolution, i was pretty much sold on the guy and he could very well become the equivalent of HHH once HHH decides to hang up his boots.

I must say i do prefer the waterfall of sparks and 'Burning In My Light' for his entrace as opposed to no sparks and his current music. His new music has taken some getting used to i have to say
Body: Randy Orton, his body is tall lean but really toned and muscular. I mean look at his quads there massive and it looks badass
Attire: Edge, when hes not wrestling or just delivering promos he looks like a rockstar. He looks sharp without having to wear a suit like the Evolution did
Entrance: HHH, sure it may seem a bit dragged out sometimes but i remember WM22 when he came down looking like connan the destroyer and i was like *drool* it was amazing.
Song: CM Punk, his song just makes you get pumped up like yer lets get it on. Its fast loud and suits him as well
Pyro: i liked randy ortons raindrops pyro how like it fell from the roof that was mad
Charisma: The rock, not much needs to be said
Mic Work: again The Rock, probably holds some of the greatest momenta in promo history and when he was feuding with austin it was just a match made in heaven
Wrestling Style: Jeff Hardy, he throw caution to the wind and does stuff ive never seen done before but the best bit is he doesnt care which is amazing and what could beat a swanton off a ladder
Move Set: even though he's not in WWE probably Kurt Angle he can nail any move and his matches with hbk were some of if not he best ive ever seen
Finisher: the Gogoplata i dont know what it does but if it can make people bleed i like it
Body-John Morrison I think he fits well into this category. Not to big and muscular, but obviously strong and well-built.

Attire-Edge I like the look of him. This is mostly for the trench coat during the entrance, makes him look pretty cool. I might have choose Morrison but, well, the body is better than the clothes.

Entrance-Jeff Hardy Just the excitement he brings to the ring. He gets the crowd moving like crazy, so this works.

Charisma-Chris Jericho The guy is the best of the best in charisma, from his current heelish gimmick to the fun, happy Jericho from a year ago. The intensity in his voice is enough. Jericho has so much charisma when he talks, it's got to be him.

Mic-Triple H Say what you will about the man, he can talk his way through any situation and he's seen them all. It helps that he's friggen hilarious. My favourite promos are Triple H promos where he just destroys his opponent with words alone.

Wrestling Style-Shelton Benjamin He doesn't have the mic skill to make it, but Shelton Benjamin is an amazing wrestler. The man is fast, strong and a great wrestler.

Move Set-Shawn Micheals HBK has a collection of great moves from his flying elbow to the atomic drops and, of course, the kip up. He has used the exact same moves for years, but there's a reason: it works.

Finisher-Randy Orton Both the RKO and the punt. RKO is an awesome move that can come fast and out of nowhere and seems to fit with the other stuff I put. Punt is just a bitch move that would hurt like hell.

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