Your Opinions On Test(Andrew Martin)

WCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Booker T
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (2 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Booker T


Personal Opinion:
I absolutely loved Test;He was a big man and was pretty decent in the ring.He could also work as a bodyguard type as he was in the stable Un-Americans.He also had teams with A-Train,Scott Steiner,Booker T among others.Test never got the push he deserved;I'm not saying that he should've been World Champion but he still should've gotten an occasional main event or two.To think of it,he had the build(after make over),strength,the size etc.A typical wrestler that Vinny Mac loves.I'm surprised that he didn't feud with HHH after he drugged Steph and married her;That could've been a breakout moment for both of 'em.He seemed to be getting a push in ECW but suddenly got released due to a wellness policy suspension.He also had a forgettable run in TNA.



He was pushed heavily in 1999, didn't get over, his push was stopped.

He was pushed heavily in 2002, didn't get over, his push was stopped.

He was pushed heavily in 2006, didn't get over, his push was stopped.

If he was making his debut today he'd be pretty big. But he didn't, so he wasn't.
I agree with you man Test was a solid big man I mean he didn't really ahve a standout gimmick but he did his role and I agree he should've been borderline maineventer but not an actual one and definitely not touched the world title.

He had great music and some sweet moves too, will always remember his match with Eddie at WM 17 where he did some sick tilt a whirl moves and an amazing helicopter bomb. Loved his pumphandle powerslam move too.

I was hoping he'd be the guy to run over Austin (since they said he had blonde hair) but sadly that didn't happen. Would've done wonders for his career!

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