Your Match order for Wrestlemania 24


Rather than speculate as to what the actual match order will be at the biggest show of the year I'd like to hear what you guys and girls think the match order should be. Here is mine.

1. ECW title battle royal. -I'd rather see this than MITB because I think that will be a great match and would like that saved for later in the show. Plus having a bunch of wrestlers at once start off a PPV would get the crowd into it right away.

2. Batista vs. Umaga- Have two upper level card guys bring some star power to the show.

3. Finlay vs. JBL. Time for some comedy as I'm sure Hornswaggle will be involved in this matchup.

4. MITB ladder match. After some comedy time for some great high flying action.

5. Playboy bunny match. - A quick match and gives the crows a small break before the next big match.

6. Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather. -With the diva match being short this will give enough time for video packages, entrances and buildup.

7. ECW World title match. Pushing this match to later in the show would help give the title a little more credibility.

8. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels. This could be the start of "Now FOLLOW THAT!" Emotional moment I'm sure after Ric can't respond to multiple sweet chin musics and has to retire.

9. World Title Match - Edge vs. The Undertaker. I would love for this to go on right before the WWE title match. It would give the three men in the triple threat match more motivation to say the Raw main event was better than the SD! one.

10. WWE title match - HHH vs Orton vs Cena. This is the obvious choice to close the show. While many in the IWC may think that Edge/Taker will be a better match RAW is the A brand and more fans watch that than smackdown and will be more into it.

Thats my dream order what's yours?

Well first thing, they said on ECW that the title match would immediately follow the Battle Royal, so you should alter your match order accordingly.

But here is my ideal order of matches:

1. Batista vs. Umaga, I like this being first because Batista is really over and this will probably be a solid opener, also it's good to open the show with a face winning which Batista will likely do.

2. ECW Battle Royal/Title Match, I don't see this being a big part of the show, that's why I put it here.

3. Belfast Brawl: After a match that people won't really care about, give them a war that will get them going again, this one should see lots of blood and run-ins.

4. Mayweather vs. Big Show, this one will probably be really drawn out and slow, so lump it between some exciting matches.

5. Money in the Bank, get the pace back up after the Show/Floyd ordeal.

6. Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair, this one could be flipped with the Taker/Edge match but I see them in these 2 slots.

7. WHC Edge vs. Taker, keep the crowd up after what will probably be a technical masterpiece in HBK/Flair. Also, see a face win a match.

8. BunnyMania, filler before the main event, let everyone go to the bathroom and pay one last visit to the vendor before the main event.

9. WWE Title Orton vs. Cena vs. HHH, this will be the main event and it's the biggest draw, this is what I would have as my main event, all of these guys are so incredibly over it's unbelievable.
This is the way I hope to see it, but I personally think the Triple Threat will be last.

1. MITB- It would be solid as the opener. Anywhere else it would sort of get lost.

2. Finlay vs JBL- WWE dropped the ball with this one. Could be an entertianing brawl, but should definately be toward the top of the card.

3. Batista vs Umaga- This match really doesn't have much going for it. Neither one has been the top guy on their brand for a while now.

4. Battle Royal- Needed to break up the singles bouts. I think Kane will more than likely win, though he shouldn't.

5. ECW Championship Chavo vs Kane- Should be a short match since its ECW and this is Wrestlemania.

6. Playboy Bunny Match- Piss break for the fans before the big four matches.

7. HBK vs Flair- I could see this match being further up in the card since its the lowest of the main draws on the card. Moving it up would enable WWE to give it more time if the fans are hot, which they more than likely would be, and cut the Playboy Bunny match down.

8. WWE Championship- HHH vs John Cena vs Randy Orton- Should be a fairly long match. Even if this one comes on first, which it won't, it will more than likely end up being longer than Taker vs Edge.

9. Floyd Mayweather vs The Big Show- This match will be far more hype than anything. Putting it here will keep the casual fans interested in the show rather than not caring as much once Mayweather leaves.

10. World Heavyweight Championship- Edge vs The Undertaker- I hope this match ends Wrestlemania but it won't. I think it will be swapped with the Triple Threat. On the bright side if they do it that way, the casual fans may be turned on by the Taker Edge match, rather than put to sleep by HHH/Cena/Orton. If Taker vs Edge come first, they can just tune the WWE Title match out.
Like this:

1. Big Show vs. Mayweather: Please, please, PLEASE get it over with EARLY! This Match is going to suck, we all know it, I would rather have it as a Dark Match.

2. BunnyMania: Again, get it over fast. Don't really need it.

3. Raw vs. Smackdown: Start the real Matchs with this. They could start the night off with some good spots, then the weird ending they are planning, Could be a good way to start the Big One off.

4. Belfest Brawl: Good way to get some hardcore into the mix.

5. 24Man Battle Royal/ 6. ECW Title Match: WWE wont give ECW that much time, so the match won't be that great, but the Battle Royal might be.

7. Money in the Bank: This would be a great way to hype up the crowd, and get ready for the Main Events.

8. WWE Title Match: I don't think this match will be good, but it is a Main Event, so it should get a top spot.

9. World Heavyweight Title Match: I think this will be Match of the Night, But I would give the main evet spot to........

10. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels: Ric Flair should get the respect of the Main Event, If he is going to retire, He should get the top spot. Plus, I think this will be the second match of the night.
1. Money In the Bank Match: This should be the opener simply because you need something to get the crowd going right off the back and there isn'T alot of match that can do this.

2. Finlay vs JBL: Since this would be the complete opposite of the first match, it would make sense to have it second.

3. 24 man battle royal for a ECW Title match: This is simply because since the title match is suppose to be right after this match and that the title pretty much means nothing anymore, why not put that in the beginning to get rid of it.

4. ECW title match: reason stated above.

5. Shawn Micheals Vs Ric Flair: This should be a great match so putting it in the middle of the card makes sense.

6. World Championship MAtch: Undertaker vs Edge: we got to have one of the two major title match in the middle of the card and since i don't see HHH be in the middle of the card i would put this one there.

7. Batista vs Umaga: Perfect place to put this match, again that give the fans a chance to regroup for the rest of the night.

8. Floyd MAyweather vs Big show: This is one of the three big match on the card so we got to space them up and since Floyd is a big celebrity,i wouldn't put him at the bottom of the card.

9. Bunnymania luberjack match: Maria and Candice vs Beth Phoenix and melina: Simply put, this is where these match have been put the last couple of year so why not continued with the tradition.

10. WWE Championship match: John Cena Vs HHH vs Randy Orton: While not my favorite match on the card, i don'T mind putting this match at the end because i know that these 3 guy can deliver and might be a good main event.
1.Battle royale,Kane will likely win and i no that alot of ppl want him 2 get a push so all those ppl that want that will get wat they want, good way 2 start off.

2.umaga vs batista, it didnt get that much hype so it won get far on the card,since batisa gets over with the crowd it will keep the fans happy

3.Belfast brawl,now since ppl r happy its time 2 get brutal and bloody. i think 1 thing will happen in the match that will make ppl go lik OMG!

4.ECW title match,after 2 matches its time 4 the title 2 b on the line.who ever wins rather its dreamer or kane the ending will rather hv chavo cheating or make the battle royale winner win. in the bank, this match will b filled with OMG moments and alot of high flyin moves since morrison,kennedy,shelton aND CARLITO R IN IT SHOULD B A GOOD MATCH

6.bunnymania,after a few good matches its time 2 get a shit break or a piss break.u no wat ever u can do besides watch it.

7.May wether vs bigshow, after u cum bak from takin a piss ur gonna witness the biggest vs he best,ur gonna see %) cent and mayweather hv a special entrance than big show ill hv a normal entrance then u will see rey mysterio returnin and see a back and forth match.

8.edge vs taker,1 of the best matches on the card and will see taker picck up he vic and see him hold is 6th world title. ill expect the crowd 2 get very loud wen taker wins just lik last year.

9.ric flair vs shawn micheals,i would vs pu the whc title after this is it wuznt flairs(best) last match.i mean these ppl r the bestwrestlers ever. this will steal the show.

10.triple threat match, its prety obvios y this is here and i mean wen is raw not the main event?
1.Battle Royal-Kane wins
2.Kane vs. chavo-Chavo wins
3.Money in the bank-Mr. Kennedy wins
4.Batista vs. Umaga-Batista wins
5.Finlay vs. JBL-Finlay wins(this will steal the show)
6.Floyd Mayweather vs. Big Show-Floyd Mayweather wins
7.Edge vs. Undertaker-Undertaker wins
8.Ric Flair vs. HBK-Flair wins
9.BunnyMania-who cares who wins
10.HHH vs. Cena vs. Ortan-Cena wins(of course)
10. Money in the Bank Ladder Match - Mr. Kennedy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk vs. MVP vs. John Morrison vs. Carlito vs. ???

This will begin the build-up of the winner cashing it in. It should talked about all night.

9. Belfast Brawl - Finlay vs. J.B.L.

Get Finlay and JBL over with. Should be a fun and vicious match. I doubt there will be blood since it's so early.

8. 24 Man Battle Royale - 24 superstars

Have the winner of the battle royale compete for the ECW championship immediately following.

7. ECW Championship: Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Winner of Battle Royale

Should be the beginning of a night of surprises.

6. RAW vs. Smackdown: Umaga vs. Batista

Two brawlers that could either bore the crowd or excite them. Based on Umaga's offensive style, I'd go with the latter.

5. Playboy Bunny Match: Candice and Maria vs. Melina and Beth Phoenix

T & A spot.

4. WWE Championship Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton (c) vs. HHH vs. John Cena

Except for WM 23, HHH has been the last night of the night since after WM 20. No matter what belt he has or is going after, he's the last thing you'll see on your TV. If I had it my way, I'd put it just before Big Show\Mayweather because I'd have the Money in the Bank winner cash, preferably a heel like MVP or Kennedy, cash in and win the WWE title right afterwards. This way the crowd will be shocked and the night won't end with a heel holding up the belt.

3. Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather

A hype match that will have Mayweather fans tuning to watch what happens. If they put the retirement match immediately afterwards, it might keep some people around to the end.

2. Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair

Two Showstopping legends get their curtain call on the next-to-last match on the card. It'll be a sad time for those involved, but the next match will pick everyone's spirits up.

1. World Heavyweight Title: Edge (c) vs. The Undertaker

Ironic, isn't it? This DESERVES to be the last match of the night. Two hard workers in a match that has been anticipated for 3/4 of a year. Let this be the payoff to an amazing feud.
Shakes head. There is already a Wrestle Mania thread.

I'm so going to make the [Official] Who Enters The Ring First WrestleMania XXIV Thread. Nobody else do it. It's mine.

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