Your Mark Out Moment!


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
So in this thread I dont want to hear about a moment that made you mark out, i want you to create a moment that'll make you mark out. The only rules i have to this is you cannot alter the past, however you can make whatever future you so please to make you mark!

Ill start with mine:

1 year from now the Shield has reunited as heels and their going through a "we're the future" storyline and attacking all the older stars, Henry, show, kane, goldust etc. Triple H gets tired of them ruining and interrupting his show and calls for the unstoppable john cena.. The Shield DESTROYS John Cena who is now out of action. A couple Raws later the shield is attacking a random star..heath slater.. Triple comes to the stage and says hes found backup in a couple old friends.

Out comes THE ROCK and STONECOLD.. The shield show absolutely no respect, roman reigns picks up slater..stares The Rock down..ROCK BOTTOM from Reigns to Slater, he throws Slater to Ambrose, Ambrose picks up Slater and stares down Stone Cold and STUNNER from Ambrose to slater and thrown over to Seth who stares down HHH and points to the 3 of them and Pedigrees Slater to the mat.

In my scenario they all adopt these finishing moves as a symbol of passing the torch and essentially setting up a huge 6-man tag. but just the moment of the Shield hitting those finishers would be my mark out moment.

Set the scenario and lets see what would make you mark out the most!
For me, Rusev would catch fire again on his own. The Bulgarian Brute has built his mind to match his strength. He doesn't go to the whole Russian anti-american thing, but he does make a point of dissing America for not being able to take him down completely. He goes on another hot streak of tearing through guys for months and months, meanwhile something happens in the US title picture that makes the title vacant around Mania. Rusev puts his name in the hat immediately saying he wants to conquer America for good and that he'll fight anyone of America's champions for the soul of the country.

Mania comes and Rusev is ready and waiting in the ring for whatever sad sap America has sent for him to slaughter.

Horns hit. Not Cena's horns, the horns of the only Olympic Gold Medalist in pro wrestling. KURT ANGLE has come to defend America's honor! Dallas pops something fierce, raining "YOU SUCK!" chants for the first time in nearly a decade as the 6 time WWE World champion comes to face the greatest threat to America.

they go about 20 minutes but this time Rusev finds a way to best Angle and does indeed conquer America by winning his second United States Championship.
That right there is not Mark out but its called Crack overdose..

My markout moment would be:

1) Kurt Angle returning to the WWE maybe at Royal rumble..

2) A John Cena heel turn anytime...

3) CM Punk returning to the WWE..

4) Dean Ambrose winning the WWE championship...
If CM Punk ever returned to WWE I would probably scream like a teenage girl at a One Direction concert
CM Punk returning to WWE to MainEvent Wrestlemania against The Great One could be very interesting to watch! I would mark the fuck out if that happened!! Especially if The Rock taps out to Anaconda Vise!!


Harley Race returns, and is managed by Bruno Sammartino! They challenge New Day to a staring contest on the grounds that all parties agree to a paternity test to determine who fathered the special guest referee Hornswoggle. The ring will be adjacent to another ring of which a massive battle royal will be occurring. Elimination from the battle royal will involve producing a giddy limerick on the fly that impresses Tom Cruise, Paula Deen, Butterbean and Mike Tyson. Daniel Bryan, Kane and Sasha Banks will be tasked with choosing an equal amount of team-mates and will rock paper scissors their way into a head start for a bean bag race to a publishing office. Vader, serving as superintendent, will solicit advice from his panel consisting of Duke the Dumpster Droese, The Ding Dongs and The Time Splitters in an effort to decide which limerick should be plagiarized. The winning entry will be snail mailed to the research and development offices of Ex-lax as a means of developing a more potent cure for lack of diarrhea, which after being developed will be administered as suppositories to the winner of a fatal fourway between The Big Show, Bastian Booger, The Blacktop Bully and Tom Brandi. The resulting shart will be sprayed onto canvas, and will be judged by a panel consisting of Brian Christopher, Wolfie D and The Muckey Brothers regarding which judge the image most resembles. The winner of that contest will go on to headline WrestleMania in a two out of three karaoke contest where the winner was able to guess the most absent lyrics. Their opponent will be determined by pitting Nick Dinsmore vs Miguel Perez Jr. in a backhair contest.
My markout moment would be:

1) Kurt Angle returning to the WWE maybe at Royal rumble..

2) A John Cena heel turn anytime...

3) CM Punk returning to the WWE..

Those three instantly came to my head aswell
But i will add and set the scene....

Its the raw after WM 33 and the WWE World heavyweight champion lets say a heel John Cena has been laid out in the middle of the ring with 3 spears by a cheated out main event opponent Roman Reigns who then heads to the back, then the crowd chant the name, We wait with baited breaths to see if he coming out and the then the sirens sound *nee-naw nee-naw <--- If you didnt know what sirens sounded like :shrug: )


Cesaro heads down to the ring with the money in the bank briefcase in his hands and cashes it in. After the an intense battle where Cena wont give up (typical :suspic:) Cesaro finally hits the Neutraliser and 1, 2, 3 ......Mark out moment ensues
I know this is an extreme long shot, but I would pop so hard for Joel Gertner to introduce The Dudleyz one more time. The Quintessential Stud Muffin never made it to WWE (that I'm aware of) but his intros were hilarious and they were so over the top that I'm pretty sure he'd get any crowd riled up. It would be fun to see Bubba & Devon combat the New Day's shenanigans with some old school shenanigans of their own.

Jeff Hardy returning to the WWE would probably be my mark out moment especially Hardy returning by himself as a singles guy, Jeff Hardy then afterwards challenging the WWE World Heavyweight Champion whoever it is to a match and actually receiving a title match
Really any substantial return will get a mark out moment for the most part. Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, even Carlito at his point... Also any debut to the main roster or NXT from guys like Finn, Samoa Joe, Sami Zayn or debuts from guys like Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, etc will cause for a mark out moment to some extent.

I'd love to see a surprise Finn Balor heel turn with the guys from Bullet Club jumping over to WWE/NXT to get his back. (never gonna happen)

A solid John Cena heel turn coming out of nowhere would be epic mark out moment.

Sting going face to face with Undertaker (no match needed, just the one interaction)

Triple H and Rock one last match

Lita and Trish returning to face current divas at Wrestlemania

Thats all I got for now but mainly for me Mark Out moments are something that either bring up nostalgia or something that surprises the audience

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