Your Main Event of Summerslam?


Gone. For. Good.
So Seth Rollins Vs. Finn Balor is scheduled to happen at Summerslam for WWE Universal Championship while Dean Ambrose Vs. Dolph Ziggler is scheduled for WWE World Championship. There's another big match in form of Brock Lesnar Vs. Randy Orton.

Most probably, Lesnar-Orton match would main event Summerslam. But what I am asking is:

"Which match is the real main event for you regardless of what WWE makes it to be?"

For me, it's Rollins-Balor match. Just because it is for the inaugral WWE Universal Championship. I am most interested in this match because it could go either damn way.

Brock/Orton I guess. It's the only match I'm completely invested in on the card other than Reigns/Rusev. Balor/Rollins should be a fun match but I really don't care very much who wins it. I've never been a huge Balor mark and while I love Rollins' work, we've been there and done that already. A heel Rollins with Steph on his side is just a rehash of his last run with no HHH and a smaller roster to work with.
The main event is and always has been the match that draws the most people to the event and that is undoubtedly Brock vs. Orton as it's the only match on the card that has 2 guys that can actually be considered draws (outside of Cena vs. Styles). I'm with you in the sense I'm much more interested in Balor vs. Rollins but that is not the reason your average person is going to be watching this event.

Take my house for instance, I watch more special events and PPV's than I do Raw or Smackdown, mostly I just cherry pick what I like from those shows and don't bother with the rest and it's only PPV's I watch. My dad, uncle and friends however very rarely watch wrestling, if they do it's only PPV events and it's only when there is a match like Brock vs. Orton that they could be watching, even if they can't make it the FIRST thing they always ask me is "who won the Lesnar match?", if Lesnar isn't fighting I won't be asked anything. It's not that they can't enjoy a Rollins vs. Balor when they see it but the only reason they will be seeing that match in the 1st place is because Brock vs. Orton is going to be on the same event, without that match the rest is completely foreign to them. Finn is an awesome example in this because he's only been on regular WWE programming for a grand total of 2 weeks, most people who watch Raw don't watch NXT so they really know nothing about Finn Balor except what they've seen over the last 14 days, they aren't even aware of the Demon yet. Sure, guys like me and you know about that but your average person doesn't so they don't care.

Pretty much anywhere I am, whether it's work, studio or home it's a well known fact I am the wrestling guy, to this day the only match I've been asked about for Summerslam is the Brock vs. Orton match and that's been from quite a few people at this point (omit the few I talk to at work that are also wrestling fans), from that and just simple logic I can't imagine any match being the main event except for that match despite if it goes on last or not.
I think Lesnar/Orton will headline the event, but for me the main event is Ambrose/Ziggler, no question about it. Ambrose still has a long way to go before I can accept him as a permanent main eventer, but he and Ziggler should be an awesome match, and it's for a legitimate title. Rollins/Balor is another guy I'm not sold on as a permanent main eventer against a rookie for a brand-new title. That's a midcard match to me.
Seth Rollins VS Finn Balor SHOULD be The Main Event of the show. Even though all the buzz is on Orton vs Brock, Seth vs Balor is going to steal the show. Everyone knows it so why not make the best match of the show on last?

Cena vs A.J
Brock vs Orton (Co Main Event)
Seth vs Finn (Main Event)

Ambrose vs Ziggler for the first ever WWE Championship match featured on the pre-show..... (I'm hating. Ignore my hate .)
Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton is the biggest match on the card no doubt about it. It's a dream match, both names are well known, both are mainstream attraction and it's the money-making match.

You think Balor vs Rollins is deserving of a main event spot at the second biggest show of the year? Hell no. Balor just made it to the main roster and one reason WWE went with Balor vs Rollins is because they are able to do it, since Brock vs Orton and Styles vs Cena automatically can sell the event.

So for me, it should be Lesnar vs Orton.
While Brock Lesnar & Randy Orton is a Match I have wanted to see for a long time and am looking forward to I wouldn't mind seeing Seth Rollins & Finn Balor go on last. I know some people are just scoffing at the idea but with a New Title being introduced on the RAW side I think it would be important to close with that.

Either way the top 4 Matches are all Main Event worthy and Summerslam this year is pretty stacked.
Im going to get killed for this but dean vs ziggler should main event. They just had this story line of how smackdown beat raw and took the most prized possession to smackdown. Not having it main event in favor of the new universal title would just kill everything they were trying to do with making the shows seem equal. Its the truth.
Lesnar vs. Orton. It has had a great and simple story, and it's been a dream matchup for years.

I don't have much interest in the World Title matches. Balor and Ziggler aren't credible contenders for any PPV, let alone the 2nd biggest of the year.
Im going to get killed for this but dean vs ziggler should main event. They just had this story line of how smackdown beat raw and took the most prized possession to smackdown. Not having it main event in favor of the new universal title would just kill everything they were trying to do with making the shows seem equal. Its the truth.

In an ideal world, given that the Brand Split has just started, it is important to not make either brand look superior going into the first dual-brand PPV of the Brand Split era. Thus, it is quite logical that since Brock vs Orton is the only crossover match on the card, and given it is between two of the bigger names on either roster, it should most definitely headline the PPV.
So Seth Rollins Vs. Finn Balor is scheduled to happen at Summerslam for WWE Universal Championship while Dean Ambrose Vs. Dolph Ziggler is scheduled for WWE World Championship. There's another big match in form of Brock Lesnar Vs. Randy Orton.

Most probably, Lesnar-Orton match would main event Summerslam. But what I am asking is:

"Which match is the real main event for you regardless of what WWE makes it to be?"

For me, it's Rollins-Balor match. Just because it is for the inaugral WWE Universal Championship. I am most interested in this match because it could go either damn way.


I'd go with Balor/Rollins since Brock got in trouble in UFC. They can't cross promote the match at UFC 202 which would have drew a lot more eyes going into Summerslam.
On one hand, you have a match for the "richest" prize in this industry, the WWE World Championship. If you are a traditionalist, this is the Main Event.

On the other hand, you have a match to determine the first ever WWE Universal Champion. If you want to see the WWE move forward into the future, this is the Main Event.

On the third hand (wait, what), you have a match featuring one of the best from Raw vs. one of the best from Smackdown. If you are a casual fan, this is the Main Event.

When it comes to Main Events of Pay Per Views, I always picked the WWE World Championship Title match to close the show. Now, with the Brand Extension, and how "Universal" sounds bigger than "World", I'm just not sure which image should be the last thing you see at the end of the biggest event of the Summer. Maybe they should break out the old WCW World War 3 setup and have 3 rings, one with the Raw logo, one with the Smackdown logo, and one with the WWE logo, and have them all go at the same time.
Can someone explain to me how Finn Balor isn't a credible World Title contender? I have seen this in a couple places including here and it just irks me to no end. The guy has competed all over the world in high profile Matches before coming to the WWE and headlined NXT for almost a year. How does that not qualify him to headline Summerslam? Don't people clamor for new stars all the time? Well here's one and yet its still not good enough.
Can someone explain to me how Finn Balor isn't a credible World Title contender? I have seen this in a couple places including here and it just irks me to no end. The guy has competed all over the world in high profile Matches before coming to the WWE and headlined NXT for almost a year. How does that not qualify him to headline Summerslam? Don't people clamor for new stars all the time? Well here's one and yet its still not good enough.

You're forgetting that a lot of the places he's competed, many of the fans in WWE have never seen any of those shows or promotions. Most fans, especially casuals, don't go looking up wrestling matches on the internet.

Also consider NXT. Let's just say a typical Raw draws approximately 3 million viewers. Well the WWE Network has approximately 1.5 million subscribers. Even if every subscriber watched NXT, which I guarantee you they don't, that's still only half of the regular viewers.

And before you say that WWE should push how he's competed all over the world before, it still wouldn't get the people who don't know him invested.
Well its not hard to learn or find some of the places he's competed in. This isn't the Tape trading days where's it impossible to find some of it.

I just think its ridiculous to say he isn't credible enough.
I'm most interested in Orton/Lesnar. Not the result, just the action/brutality. Not to mention there is a part of me that fantasizes that this turns in to a total shoot and they have to legitimately pull Lesnar off of Orton.

That being said I expect Rollins/Demon to go on last to safely appease and send the Brooklyn smark crowd home satisfied.

Predicted match order:
Enzo/Cass v KO/Jericho
Cena v Styles
Rusev v Reigns
Orton v Lesnar
New Day v Club
Banks v Flair
Ambrose v Ziggler
Rollins v Demon

I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but this alone makes me think these shows are too f'ing long.
Well its not hard to learn or find some of the places he's competed in.

Most fans, especially casuals, don't go looking up wrestling matches on the internet.

Not sure I could've been any clearer. It's even more ironic you can't get that considering your name.

Anyway, to keep this post non-spam, any PPV with Lesnar on it means he's almost certainly the main event. That said, against Randy Orton, that won't guarantee it this time around.
Not sure I could've been any clearer. It's even more ironic you can't get that considering your name.

Anyway, to keep this post non-spam, any PPV with Lesnar on it means he's almost certainly the main event. That said, against Randy Orton, that won't guarantee it this time around.

Right so you know I don't watch any other Wrestling (ROH) just based on my name. Nice job.

Anyway all Im saying is it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to close with Seth & Finn especially with a New Belt being introduced.
Out of the 4 big matches announces for summerslam, I actually most excited by the cena vs aj styles match so for me that's the main event of the show. The reason I more interested by this one is because this is the first time that aj will face cena without the club to help him and since the first one was awesome, I'm just wondering what will they do the top themselves. After that ziggler vs ambrose would be the more interesting, followed by lesnar and orton and finally rollins vs balor since they really didn't do anything to get me excited about this match and I still see balor as a mid card that is below rollins status.
Brock vs Orton will very likely be the main event, but Cena/Styles and Rollins/Balor will be far better matches. I am not sure how Ziggler/Ambrose will hold up but that could be a good match as well.
I wouldn't put Lesnar/Orton on last. The crowd probably won't even be that hot for it. I'd even expect some boring chants during it.

While Cena/Styles has the highest chance of totally stealing the show, it's not quite important enough to go on last. I just hope that the two world title matches are able to follow what these guys put on.

So what do we do with the two world title matches. Neither are huge matches. On the one hand, I'm of the opinion that the WWE title should always go on last, regardless of what brand it's on. And since Ambrose is very likely to walk out with his title, it would make for a nice close to the show. However, if Wyatt gets involved in the match or aftermath, that's a weird way to close out Summerslam.

With Rollins and Finn going on last, they run the risk of devaluing the WWE title by having the brand new Universal title be the main event. Yet that New York crowd will be waiting for the Demon all night, and they will be red hot when he arrives. And they'll be hot for Rollins as well. You can't say the same about the WWE title match. At least, not about Dolph Ziggler specifically, anyway.

So I say you put the WWE title on last if Wyatt doesn't get involved. If he does get involved, close the show with Balor winning the title.
If Lesnar/Orton doesn't go on last, I'd personally pick the Universal Title match. You could certainly justify it being a big deal that they debuting a new championship. Plus, no matter who wins, they're going to get cheered. And in the chance that Balor wins, it puts him over big time.
I'm most interested in Orton/Lesnar. Not the result, just the action/brutality. Not to mention there is a part of me that fantasizes that this turns in to a total shoot and they have to legitimately pull Lesnar off of him.

I wasn't totally off here. I'm disappointed with what they gave us but they kind of did what I suggested.

Stop taking my suggestions WWE. I stink at this.
I wasn't totally off here. I'm disappointed with what they gave us but they kind of did what I suggested.

Stop taking my suggestions WWE. I stink at this.

For some reason, that ending seemed to not be what they were actually going for. Legit feels like Brock botched his strikes somehow. I guess WWE won't be too down on it since it will get the WWE Universe to talk about it.
For some reason, that ending seemed to not be what they were actually going for. Legit feels like Brock botched his strikes somehow. I guess WWE won't be too down on it since it will get the WWE Universe to talk about it.

I think it was the match ended right before the 4 hour mark. So yeah I am ok with the match ending like this but it probably meant another match should have closed the show if they were going to give that kind of finish.

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