Your Hilariously Wrong Wrestling Opinions

Was thoroughly convinced that some rookie jackass with a terrible white rapper gimmick would end up future endeavored within a year. Such a shit gimmick couldnt possibly last.

15 world titles later...Never saw that one turning out how it did.

Wait. God I hope that doesnt mean Mojo Rawley will be around for another decade. Somebody please tell me that wont happen.
I can normally be pretty good at backing the right horse, with regards to the OP I saw through DiBiase on day one. CM Punk on the other hand, I thought he'd just be a fad in WWECW and die out after that, pretty big blot on my record there.
I thought CM Punk leaving was a work until Wrestlemania when I thought he'd jump the barricade and help Bryan win. Once that didn't happen I knew him leaving was real.
I thought The Miz had the potential to be a smarmy, top-level heel who would drift in and out of the main event for years.

I thought Ryder could have been a staple of WWE's upper midcard.
I seriously thought the Horsemen were secretly invading the WWF in 1989. When Barry Windham showed up, Tully, Arn and JJ were already there and I was waiting for a big moment when they came out as a group and started tearing shit up. A PWI story sold me on it.

I also thought Superclash III would re-invigorate the AWA and would close the gap between them and the WWF/NWA.
I thought Stevie Richards would interrupt the live sex show in full RTC garb.
When I first saw CM Punk at RAW and even when he captured MiTB at Wrestlemania I thought: WWE is crazy, this guy is going nowhere and they are willing to give him championship run.
I thought that the trio known as The Machines were comprised of Giant Baba, Jumbo Tsuruta and Genichiro Tenryu. I cried when I learned that they were really Andre, Blackjack Mulligan and Bill Eadie (I was five).

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