Your Hilariously Wrong Wrestling Opinions

Mordecai v Undertaker had Wrestlemania draw written all over it

Come to think of it, nearly all my dumbass past predictions were Undertaker involved in some way

Not all, though. In 2005 I thought surely TNA would gain enough momentum (you occasionally heard TNA chants on WWE product back then, plus Angle and Dudleyz crossing over) to really worry WWE and start a second era of Monday night wars
I hope I'm not the only person who thought both Stone Cole Steve Austin and Goldberg were twin brothers. Yes, I thought they were twins years ago.
I thought Chris Hero would more than make it in E; I thought he could be the next Taker.
I thought Drew McIntyre was going to come to my door and carry me away.

When Jeff Hardy was being attacked I thought it was Christian leading to an awesome tag team match at Wrestlemania between the Hardys and Edge and Christian
I thought Tensai was going to be a big deal. As fans stopped chanting "Husky Harris" at Bray Wyatt almost immediately. So much for that.

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