Your Gimmick Ideas

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Give your own, and opinions of others. For example would they work, would they be shit, woulod it make the wrestler into the next big thing and so on.

With all the green wrestlers that WWE bring up. All the wrestlers that might have potential. But they really need a bit more training. Would this idea work. Make it known when this wrestler debuts that he has all the potential in the world, but he's still learing. Give him a manager that pretty much directs him through each match. He tells him what moves to do, and when to do them. So his gimmick ultimately is pretty real. He's actually learning. But on view for all to see.

I'm unsure weather it would work. It certainly wouldn't with a big tough looking wrestler like Lesnar. But with somebody like Cody Rhoes for example it might. Obviously with his manager shouting out moves, his opponent would know what's coming. But his manager wouldn't shout out everything, so there would still be the element of surprise.
Give your own, and opinions of others. For example would they work, would they be shit, woulod it make the wrestler into the next big thing and so on.

With all the green wrestlers that WWE bring up. All the wrestlers that might have potential. But they really need a bit more training. Would this idea work. Make it known when this wrestler debuts that he has all the potential in the world, but he's still learing. Give him a manager that pretty much directs him through each match. He tells him what moves to do, and when to do them. So his gimmick ultimately is pretty real. He's actually learning. But on view for all to see.

I'm unsure weather it would work. It certainly wouldn't with a big tough looking wrestler like Lesnar. But with somebody like Cody Rhoes for example it might. Obviously with his manager shouting out moves, his opponent would know what's coming. But his manager wouldn't shout out everything, so there would still be the element of surprise.

That might work if there was a manager like Bobby Heenen in the WWE, plus they tried that angle with Terry Taylor as trying to learn to wrestle and it really wasn't over. It would be nice to see, but it wouldn't get the wrestler over as would all just wait to see the guy turn on his manager.

My idea is give a wrestler who has good mic skills and call him The Superstar,almost a tribute to Billy Graham, but mix with a little Roddy Piper. In that the guy is flashy but has the mic skills to get the crowd into hating him. And I even have the perfect line to make the crowd hate the guy.

The guy could come out and say that seeing as the town he is sucks and has no one to look up to, For One Night Only, He would be their Hometown Hero. So at each town, to gain heat, the Ring Announcer would announce the guy from being for the town they are in doing the show. You could sell shirts with "For One Night Only."

Have the guy be HotRod on the mic and talk about everything bad about the town and how that he is for one night only from that town, the people can be great, but for one night only.

Every place the guy goes he could come up with different nicknames like the American Idol, the Canadian Hero, and all other heat trackers. A plus would be if the guy had great ablity in the ring.
That might work if there was a manager like Bobby Heenen in the WWE, plus they tried that angle with Terry Taylor as trying to learn to wrestle and it really wasn't over. It would be nice to see, but it wouldn't get the wrestler over as would all just wait to see the guy turn on his manager.

My idea is give a wrestler who has good mic skills and call him The Superstar,almost a tribute to Billy Graham, but mix with a little Roddy Piper. In that the guy is flashy but has the mic skills to get the crowd into hating him. And I even have the perfect line to make the crowd hate the guy.

The guy could come out and say that seeing as the town he is sucks and has no one to look up to, For One Night Only, He would be their Hometown Hero. So at each town, to gain heat, the Ring Announcer would announce the guy from being for the town they are in doing the show. You could sell shirts with "For One Night Only."

Have the guy be HotRod on the mic and talk about everything bad about the town and how that he is for one night only from that town, the people can be great, but for one night only.

Every place the guy goes he could come up with different nicknames like the American Idol, the Canadian Hero, and all other heat trackers. A plus would be if the guy had great ablity in the ring.

Tis not a terrible idea this, I do remember Al Snow doing a similair sorta thing where "for one night only" he was announced as hailing from Greece or Germany because he was European champion. I think it would be kinda cool to have a guy and legitimately not know where he hailed from, it would also mean if he was from somewhere generic like New York he wouldn't get a babyface pop when he worked there because people would know he does it everywhere. Come to think of it I truly believe this can work, and looking at the Developmental guys I think Colt Cabana might have the charisma to pull something like this off.

Personally I'd like to see a guy come out kinda Lance Storm face, no facial expressions, really serious, boring black tights with "the wrestler" on the back and for that to be his tag name, try and make him be serious as hell, maybe managed by William Regal or something. cut a promo saying how he respects this business and how he respects the fans, but he does his talking in the ring. this combined with solid basic skills and a Randy Orton natural gift for headlocks would get him serious heel heat, he could then get frustrated hiding his emotions and explode on a viscious tear against the mentor who forced him this way, turn face and since the guy's not too good (legit) at being charismatic the fans would accept the slow build of a character for him. I think it would give him more time to develop than to throw a rookie on the main roster to sink or swim!

yes yes, im all about this thread...this post will probably get edited many times as I remember new shit, becuase I come up with ideas all the time...

For goodness sakes, is it so hard to give Shelton Benjamin the Million DOllar man's music, bathe the crowd in green light, and make him an almost MVP type character??? I mean really??? And god, get him off the mic PLEASE. He cant do it. He is terrible. Get him off there. Or at least just have him be cocky, talk about his money, write him some catchphrases. With that sizzle before the bell, coupled with his skills, he can do well. I am certain of this. You could even give him the million dollar championship, and he could carry that, defend it, even stuff money in peoples mouths after matches nd shit, since his finsiher is a knockout blow to the head. He could claim to have the best "bling" in the WWE (his belt) which could lead to a small feud with MVP sometime. Act like this wouldnt be the most entertaining shit ever seen on ECW. I defy you.

I personally really liked the mask gimmick for Haas. not jump around like an assclown with a mask, like they were doing, but just have Haas come out as a masked guy, a blue blazer type in a few months. Maybe even the patriot? It helps his charisma and character, becuase the mask IS his charisma and character.

I think Jake's idea would work well with a monster heel, or at least be more effective that way. I just dont think it would have enough sizzle with someone like Cody Rhodes, as I can see the manager getting frustrated with his charges inabaility to do what he shouts, and interfereing in the match to help them succeed. Eventually the guy gets tired of this, as he feels he can do it on his own, and powerbombs the heel mnager thru a table, or something of the sort. Instant face pop.

I think they shouldve had Kane go crazy when he made "see no evil" in that his character from the movie crossed over into reality, and so he is like that guy. Walks around with the big hook, creepin around, getting seriously demented and scary, taking shit too far in his matches, beating people down and attempting to assualt them with the hook when they are incapacitated.

Have DH Smith and Drew Mcintyre come back, and form a european Faction with Burchill and Katie Lea, and have regal back them, and give them unfair advantages, sorta a European Spirit Squad, as they would also double as henchmen for Regal. This would be a fine way to push all these young talented guys. Have the split come when DH Smith gets fresh with Katie Lea, and Burchill flips over it. Smith becomes a face.
How about a guy who walks to the ring in torn up clothing, looks a little beat up, gets into the ring, fights someone and goes wild on them throwing punches, 180 kicks, chops and all around dirty fighting techniques, finishing off with a leg drop bulldog. He could then cut a promo saying the reason he got so tough was fighting in mosh pits, an atmosphere where you dont know where you are going to get your next breath. He could either go as a heel or a face in this way.
The Gimmick Changer

Basically, you'll have a wrestler go out there, and be like a chamillion. He'll have a different gimmick each week. Some that are new, some that are pointless, and some that have already been done. This wrestler would not make it big, but could give the WWE/TNA ratings. Sure the wrestler (if in WWE) wouldd not be able to steal TNA's gimmicks, because that would be gimmick infrigiment, but he could still use WWE's ideas. After a while he would have to repeat gimmicks he already stole, so he doesn't run out of ideas.

It's a stupid idea, but with todays bookers, it could work.
i have a couple thoughts:

With the wrestler in training gimmick, you wouldnt need a manager good with the mic or anything. you would need a very highly respected superstar to train him (bob & codey). and this to me has the logical ending of teacher vs student.

now roh has larry sweeny whos work with chris hero is great. a tag team champion who turns on his partner with the prospect of money and a singles world title.

it was mentioned before but there is really a need for a monster heel, but right now i would settle for a true heel. right now the top two are edge and orton, who play cowardly heels well, cheating to win and always looking over their shoulder scared of an attack. they are not true heels who win clean but are just so hatted it doesnt matter. now the easiest way to do this would be to turn a top face: Triple H, Cena, Punk, hardy. and i am sure everyone reads about how triple h will turn soon enough. but in my mind a hardy heel turn is more logical and interesting. a guy who is always around and is finally given a little taste of a main event. and make him into someone who will do ANYTHING to get back to that spot. give him a manager who promises to help him do that. in my mind it wouldnt be any of the current managers in wwe. which leads to my dilemma of who could fill that spot.

also in my mind he could also at some point before the turn drop the ic belt. opening that up instead of it just sitting on his waste now doing nothing.

i donno thats just my opinion.

After thinking about it the perfect manager for that situation would probably be flair. a guy who everyone hardy is attacking looked up to who now went behind their back t take them out and also get his final shot at fame.
I think the perfect gimmick would be a cross between Jeff Hardy and 3 count.A guy or tag team could come out with guitars(real ones) every week and could sing a classic or modern rock song to celebrate victories and put on mini-concerts for fans.They would have to have long,dyed hair and be exciting,which would be perfect for Jeff Hardy since that is him in a nutshell,not to mention he has his own band.Give him a Guns N Roses or AC/DC or Def Leppard song for a theme maybe Pour Some Sugar On Me or You Shook Me All Night Long.The music hits,Hardy rises on stage in a flaming circle(like when he was part of the New Brood w/ Matt and Gangrel)with a guitar in hand and walks down the ramp,stopping every now and then to strum the guitar.He slaps hands with the fans and then gets in the ring throws his guitar down and goes wild like always.
Carlito- He's a great heel, but could be even better. Id like to see him repackaged into sort of a "Scarface" type role where he is this great Latin Heel. Not a drug dealer, but someone who is just the best and surrounds himself with the best. Could bring back Jesus for this role. This could also set a Latino Fued with Rey Misterio when he returns.

Kane- Whats his gimmick now? He's a monster or just a big dude? or is he still The Deadman's Brother with the same powers? He def. needs a repackaging. I would put him in a damaged man gimmick. He could come out cutting a promo saying he's tired of being a monster and a freak, and wants to become a man. He could get some new attire, maybe a goatee and a new finishing manuever.

Umaga- Keep the name, the attitude, but change the look and gimmick just a bit. How about a mix of rikishi when he was a heel and Samoa Joe. Could bring in Afa Jr to start a tag team or a stable with Umaga. Put Estrada back as his manager.
Carlito- He's a great heel, but could be even better. Id like to see him repackaged into sort of a "Scarface" type role where he is this great Latin Heel. Not a drug dealer, but someone who is just the best and surrounds himself with the best. Could bring back Jesus for this role. This could also set a Latino Fued with Rey Misterio when he returns.

Kane- Whats his gimmick now? He's a monster or just a big dude? or is he still The Deadman's Brother with the same powers? He def. needs a repackaging. I would put him in a damaged man gimmick. He could come out cutting a promo saying he's tired of being a monster and a freak, and wants to become a man. He could get some new attire, maybe a goatee and a new finishing manuever.

Umaga- Keep the name, the attitude, but change the look and gimmick just a bit. How about a mix of rikishi when he was a heel and Samoa Joe. Could bring in Afa Jr to start a tag team or a stable with Umaga. Put Estrada back as his manager.

I like that idea of him trying to become a man, with the whole goatee angle and all...nice, but I think that Kane needs to tweak his current image. Sticking with the monster gimmick, he should don the mask yet again; possibly the mask that he returned with that had the mouthpiece cut out, but make it black. How this would work is Kane should be involved in a storyline accident that the fans witness, such as having "acid" thrown in his face, or to where he gets scarred up so badly to where he has no choice but to hide his face again. Then, he should return clad in black with the mask, and possibly mixed in red, then just go on a rampage to find the one person or people who did this to him.

Kane should keep the fire as his pyrotechnics, but he should have the fire follow him down the ramp as he makes his way to the ring, sort of like when he debuted. He should have a weapon...possibly the hook from his See no Evil movie, and he should go back to his old entrance music with the drawbar organ sounding off. If he is going to continue to be the Undertaker's brother then they need to start doing stuff with them together again. Team name it.
OMTS : One Man Tribute Show

This is a funny little gimmick I thought up one day.Basically the wrestler uses gimmicks from the past each week.For exmaple in a interview one week,he,d be like Hulk Hogan.He'll have the Hogan Attire and would speak like Hogan.The great thing is this gimmick would have no end,because of the amount of gimmicks you can use.

The Footballer
A wrestler with a backaround of american football comes in.He a big guy and nobody messes with him.In his matches before the bell rings he stares down his oppentent and when the bell rings he takes them down.It could work like a hitman style gimmick.People could employ him and if he dosn't get paid he gets mad.
Okay I have one I just thought of today.You have a kind,loving,face with respect for all the legends.He wrestles clean and is for the fans all the way.But here's the catch:He is 6 foot 6 foot 6 inches and 265 lbs. and if he gets mad about something he snaps and destroys anybody in his sight,sometimes with weapons.I'm not sure who this would work with though but i think it's a good idea.
Anti American - With a twist.

Yes, we have seen anti american. But what about a British Anti american? It would be easy to slate America from a British prospective. Say they are buying our companies, then driving them into the dirt, killing our culture by imnvading us with crappy music and even crappier tv shows(hell, even Raw can be classed as crappy these days). Say the Iraq war was started due to Americas greed for oil(may or not be true). Can slate the fact Americans seem to kill British soldiers a lot. And how theya re cowards for leaving the British to fight thier war. The list is endless.
I always thought of a quiet loner type character. A wrestler who looks mean and dosen't talk much. He hangs out behind the arena or you see him hiding in corners smoking a cigarette. He is neither a heel or a face, but his own man . this gimmick would be kind of like a wolverine character.
I see it hasn't been updated for awhile but this is what we need people getting their ideas heard! Cause WWE sucks and I know we could do a better job at coming up with gimmicks. Some great ideas so far. I thought i'd add a few.
how about this..a wrestling agent! He's been a talent agent to the top stars in the NFL, NBA, MLB etc... and now he wants to make his presence known in the WWE. I'd base his off of Jay Mohr's Character in Jerry McGuire. He wears don johnson Miami Vice suits and uses cheesy catch phrases and hands out his business card to all the different superstars trying to get them to join his stable and promises them great success. I think a McMahon feud would be inevitable as he would try to steal all the talent for his own stable. I think it would be cool to show vignettes of him sitting poolside at some classy resort talking to some wrestler about joining his stable and all the success that would come with it. but they never show the wrestler's face so it adds suspense.
Name: Jerry Little
From: Los Angeles, CA
Catch Phrase(s) with a "Little" advice You can go a long way..Heres my card(Hands out card)
My Name may be little, but I am doing big things!
#1. An anarchist. This guy is just totally psycho, and not in the typical way. He isn't a "monster heel" that is fed jobbers over and over again. He's not a Goldberg or Undertaker type face that destroys everyone in his way but still teams with the faces. This guy is a totally chaotic bastard that attacks EVERYBODY at random times. Of course, you'd need to build him up as someone who is powerful enough to be able to do it without having everyone just jump him later on and beat the piss out of him. But say you have a backstage segment where Grisham is talking to...idk...let's just say Cena. Out of nowhere, this dude pops up and hits Cena in the head with a chair, then walks away. Ten minutes later in the program, there's a match going on...let's just say, Punk vs Orton. Out of nowhere, this dude pops up, throws one of them through a table and clocks the other one with the ring bell, then walks away. This anarchist guy is scheduled for a match against someone...he beats them in the ring...runs to the backstage area, and beats the shit out of Super Crazy. Lol. Good tweener character.

#2. Its probably already been done and I'm just not recalling it, but a face who is addicted to competition. Not necessarily winning, not necessarily being a champion, but a guy who just wants to make sure that he's challenged. If he's put in a match against a heel jobber, he gets mad, because there's no competition. If he's put in a match against a world champion and loses, he's happy that he at least was challenged, and he'll train and study tapes backstage until he can figure out a way to beat that champion. This could be a good gimmick for someone like Shelton Benjamin who has no personality yet.

#3. For a monster heel, combine your efforts of Goldberg, Mankind, and Kane in a way. Have it so this guy's entrance is that several people (dressed in military fatigues or SWAT gear or something) have to wheel him down to the ring in something like what they used in The Silence of the Lambs. They let him go, he destroys the opponent, and then when the match is over, all of the guys have to scramble to figure out a way to get him back in the restraints.

#4. Mick, from the Rocky movies. Rarely ever do people have managers anymore and when they do, its usually just a mouthpiece for a heel that can't speak English (Umaga, Khali, etc). Why not have a manager that actually wants to offer advice and stuff. If his pupil is being attacked after the match, the guy steps into the ring and tries to defend him (despite being knocked on his ass).

#5. Perhaps another good idea for a manager, though a heel, would be a publicist type guy. This guy's interested only in getting the wrestlers that he signs as agents on the highest spots of the ppv card, tries to get places to sponsor the wrestlers in their matches, etc. Tell me this wouldn't work with MVP's character lol.
I registered just because i've had this idea for a while and i think its hilarious. You start off with weeks of promos about how this guy is undefeated. (A repackaged mid-carder would be even better for this) And have him talk about how he will always and forever be undefeated.

After this, in his debut match he gets squashed. After the match he is interviewed and when asked about his claim of being undefeated he totally denies the fact that the match ever happened. And through the next couple weeks have him lose with the same result. And after that couple weeks have him cut a promo saying hes ready to debut and that he will be getting victories against all the best superstars there are.

Except for a little while he will never actually be scheduled for a match. Instead he will come out after matches where the opponent is obliterated,or just jumpings where a guy is laid out he'll cover them, count to 3, and go around claiming he has beaten all the guys that he has covered.

And then to infuriate people more when these guys he has covered want matches. he'll tell them he's already beaten them and they're not in his league. Meanwhile he will still be unbeaten.

Eventually you will have to put him over people. Maybe even in time make him unbeatable to make people even angrier.
My idea was actually an advanced take of Edge's original gimmick, an enigma who wanders the streets. Only my character was a lot more menacing and mysterious.

I call him Sebastian King. He is a dark and mysterious figure, often appearing in ragged type clothing and long black coats. All that is known about him is he is a man of the streets and from what is rumored about him, a powerful kingpin of his own rogue empire. Others who walk in the dark and in the alleys serve him and work for his purposes. There would also be a hint of him being involved in drugs and other criminal endevours.

In the ring, he would be a very brutal but suprisingly agile peformer. Naturally, he would have no regard for his own physical safety in his matches also. As long as his opponent is battered by the end, its all worth it. I also had an idea that these guys would like appear from under the ring, from the crowd or the back and get involved in his matches, without nobody knowing who the hell these people are.
A bit of a twist on a fair few styles.

A maksed straight up wrestler, who takes it hardcore everynow and again. He could make his appearance on the show, coming in from the crowd, he's hooded up nobody really notices him...pushing fans out of the way to get over the barrier. He has a basic lackluster entrance. No fireworks, no movie, serious music. When he wrestles he uses alot of straight up physical moves like kicks, forearms, submissions. Very methodical kind of picking his parts, but also taking a bit of time out to tease the fans, throw in some chairs, rip out the monitors in rage.

eventually he can culminate in a fued where his rage is something that is triggered by people trying to remove his mask, making him excessively angry where everypoint he goes, something is after him.
Then becoming paranoid and alert, eventually he gets the better he goes crazed and brings in a dog collar chokes his opponent over the rope.

you can kind of get where this goes though.
We have this wrestler, let’s call him Bob, who debuts for a particular Impact. In his first match, he decides to forfeit the match since his opponent isn’t that famous. Bob says that he is a legend in this business, while talking about fictitious moments like how he beat Hulk Hogan in Madison Square Garden and being a former NWA World champion. The next week, he gets a bigger opponent and forfeits that one as well. He does this for a couple more weeks, and continues to come up with new stuff about himself. We would also see him backstage talking to LAX and Curry Man, talking about some road stories he had with Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes.

Jim Cornette has enough with Bob and has a talk with him backstage. Before the talk takes place, we see Bob talking on his cellphone: “for the last time Vince, I am way to big for your company”. Click. At some PPV, Cornette makes Bob wrestle Kaz. Bob agrees, under one condition, the match has to billed as “Kaz’s biggest match”. The following week, Bob shows up in the lockerroom shouting “is there a Kaz here?” Bob meets him and tells Kaz not to worry because he’ll take it easy on him. Kaz laughs it off, then leaves. When they have their match, Bob wins it by cheating. After this, Bob demands a shot at the world title to which Cornette responds that he isn’t ready for it yet. Bob says that he either gives him a title shot and he quits TNA. Cornette takes his bluff, and Bob walks out.

For the next few weeks, we see Bob in the audience with different signs, such as “Boycott TNA”, “Impeach Cornette” and “We Want Bob”. Eric Young starts joining his cause by saying that Bob was his idol when he was a kid. On one Impact, Eric would do a sit-in in the ring and demand that Bob come back. Cornette says no and Young would quit as well. If this thing gets over and the fans chant “we want Bob”, they would end up hiring him back because the fans demand it. His new demands would include the said title shot, as well as Traci Brooks as his new valet. TNA could even do something interesting like having a wikipedia style website about Bob in which fans could add different things about this character (like the fictitious stories mentioned above).

At this point, his character could evolve from there. Anytime some legend would show up in TNA, Bob would interact with him, either reminiscing and wanting to renew their feud. And you know there would be a mentor vs protege feud between Eric and Bob.
This gimmick would start with McMahon showing up every week on smack down, a little feud between him and Vicky, during this time HHH and McMahon join forces and HHH gains Vincents trust. A match is made where HHH-Vs-Edge for the title the loser is fired from Smackdown, the match goes back and forth until LeFamily comes out, but this time they help HHH win the title. Edge is fired and in the process we find out HHH has been working for Vicky and during the time he gained McMahons trust he had him sign a document unkowingly giving Vicky ownership of Smackdown, in return she has chosen power over love and guarantees as long as she owns smackdown HHH will be the champion. This will lead to Edge being in the dumps, like he contemplates retirement, but Vince conviences him to join RAW where McMahon mentors him, and it will lead to a huge Main Event at Wrestlemania.
I have been thinking of how Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas have been misused so much lately. It would nice to see The Worlds Greatest Tag Team reform but this time with a slightly different gimick. They come back but half way through their matches they put on masks like the killer bees did. The referee would be oblivious to the fact that Shelton is black and Charlie is white and would always fall for the trick. It may not be a gimick that could last the test of time but they should be able to get a good year to year and a half out of it with a tag title run. The singles matches would be funny too when they did the switch a roo. Let me know if any of you guys like this gimick.
Jericho's character needs to be reinvented, let him continue as a heel but bring his music into the gimmick, let him start acting like a snobby rock star who get's all the chicks. Give him a roadie like the Road Dog character, a guy who bales him out of trouble.
Well I'm thinking something like they bring Colt Cabanna and have him go on a masive rampage like a Festus but he is always in that state of mind then during a match one day his head gets hit on the ring post and he turns into a gental man and over the next few weeks they show him nurtureing birds and voluntearing at a soup kitchen and he wont fight so 1 day sum 1 blind sides him and hits his head off of sumtinand he goes in the midle so he aint gental or crazy
Here's another idea for a face: a surfer guy. Comes out with the total stereotypes going down (sandals, shell necklace, sunglasses, kind of long blonde hair)...his ring attire consists primarily of bathing suit looking stuff, has the typical surfer lingo like "that's rad" or whatever...hell you could even have him do moves such as the Surfboard, haha. Anytime he does a "splash" move, goes with a tidal wave kind of theme...could call one of his finishers "Surf's Up". Its kind of stupid but hell, you could have this cocky face type guy and he might get over.

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