Your Favourite Science Fiction Film

FunKay the Inevitable

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Science Fiction can be many things. It can be something scary, something smart, something light, something dark but good science fiction always does one thing; it will always challenge it's viewers. Whether it's to take a stance on a subject or challenge you to confront your fears, by the end of a science fiction film you have made a journey as a viewer, just as the characters have. This thread is all about your personal favourite science fiction film. It doesn't matter if these films are classics or modern day releases, this is your chance to talk about your favourite film of this genre. I'll start by choosing:


Moon was the debut film of Duncan Jones (A.K.A Zowie Bowie, son of David Bowie) and was a tremendous film taking all of the great elements of science fiction and putting into one fantastic movie. Moon starred Sam Rockwell in the lead role of Sam Bell, an employee of Lunar Industries, who is nearing the end of his three year contract to work on in a mining station on the dark side of the moon. His only company is Gerty, an artificial intelligence assistant voiced by Kevin Spacey. Sam begins to suffer from hallucinations which at one point cause him to crash his lunar harvester. He regains consciousness in the medical ward. Sam then begins to become very suspicious of his situation as he hears Gerty talking in a live feed to his employers, something which supposedly can't happen. What follows are several twists and turns that lead to some dark and potentially dangerous situations.

Moon is a film that ticks all the science fiction boxes. It has a good setting, compelling characters, confronts the dark side of humanity, brings an element of claustrophobia and has excellent & suspensful music. It is an excellent film shot well and acted superbly by Sam Rockwell (who I believe should have had an Oscar nomination). Moon was my pick, but what's yours?
The Harry Potter Series are the sci fi/fantasy movies I enjoy right now. I started reading the books in Middle School before any of the movies came out. I'm sure most people are familiar with the story books/movies of Harry Potter. It's about the boy who finds out he's a wizard and that his parents died while protecting him from Lord Voldermont. He survived because of his Mom's Love for him(Harry her son). It follows Harry throughout his schooling at Hogwarts and each year he faces different obstacles and learns something knew about his past family life or about himself. I'm really sumarizing here and as I said people are most likely familiar with these novels and movies.

Another one I have to go with is I Am Legend. It's basically about the end of the world. A virus took over and everybody was turning into zombie like creatures and basically making camps in secluded dark and vacated buildings. They weren't smart and were highly unaware of what's around them. The main character Neville I think was his name is a scientist who is working on a cure for whatever disease or virus is taking over. He is trying to communicate with people around but nobody responds to him. He believes he is on his own. I won't say how it ends but I recommend as a movie to watch on Friday nights. It's very good.

I LOVE this movie. The Thing(1982) is an outstanding science fiction/horror film, and this film is one of the best remakes I have ever seen. This film is truly creepy, and the suspense will keep you on the edge. The Thing has so many graphic scenes of gore and violence. It's tough to watch this movie while trying to eat something. I seriously believe the gore is that repulsive.

Kurt Russell is great here, and the suspense will keep you hooked until the very end. It's fun to watch the entire research team become paranoid and turn on each other, as the mysterious alien lifeform reeks havoc. The Thing is an awesome science fiction film, and it is on my personal list of all-time favorites.
Star. Fucking. Wars.

It's hard to pick a better science fiction series film than any of the Star Wars films. I could go on and on for hours about everything I love about this film, but I'll keep it simple.

The Characters- Luke Skywalker is your traditional goody-two-shoes, but he also brings something different to his character. Totally unready for everything he has to face, he is thrust into the war as the only man who can save the Universe from the tyrannical reign of the Galactic Empire. Han Solo is a more reluctant hero, but one with a conscience that won't let him do what he thinks is best. Princess Leah is a bad ass chick who hits the front lines to fight for her galaxy's freedom. And Darth Vader is possibly the all time greatest embodiment of evil.

The Different Species- There are humans, Wookies, Ewoks, and seemingly hundreds of other different types of species throughout the universe, and they all have their unique cultures and skills. Wookies are brave warriors but not very technologically advanced, the Jawas are sneaky little tech pirates, and the Ewoks are just fucking adorable. I love the diversity you see throughout the Star Wars universe.

The Action Sequences- 30 years after the movies have been made and the action sequences are still some of the best out there. Lucas did a great job of making the battle sequences breathtaking without going over the top. In fact, some of the best actions scenes are the simplest ones, like the lightsaber fight between Luke and Vader or seeing the X-Wings skim through the trenches on the original Death Star.

Star Wars is, in my opinion, the best trilogy ever made, and is easily my favorite sci-fi film.
As mentioned above, the Harry Potter series, and of course, the Star Wars Trilogy and subsequent prequel trilogy, are obvious choices for classic SciFi movies.

On of my personal favorites is Enemy Mine, starring Dennis Quaid and Lou Gossett Jr. I think this movie is from the early to mid 80's (not sure though). A really excellent movie. Personally, I think Dennis Quaid is one of the more under-rated actors of his era; several of his movies are amongst my favorites, and I don't think the guy gets the credit he deserves.
2001: A Space Odyssey. It truly is a masterpiece. So many thought provoking themes mixed into the story and the attention to detail in the filming only adds layers to the greatness. The film somehow stands the test of time against staggering odds considering when it was shot. Iconic music, images and lines all still are around.
2001: A Space Odyssey. It truly is a masterpiece. So many thought provoking themes mixed into the story and the attention to detail in the filming only adds layers to the greatness. The film somehow stands the test of time against staggering odds considering when it was shot. Iconic music, images and lines all still are around.

2001 is a really thought provoking movie, one that I can and have discussed for hours, but it is IMPOSSIBLE TO FUCKING WATCH. I had to fight off sleep throughout the movie. Nonetheless, I'm glad I stayed awake throughout the entire thing because it certainly does have a lot of great discussion points, but it's a horribly dull film with a grossly boring plot.
The Star Wars trilogy the original one not the prequel. The Matrix is the other one. These films are examples of great storytelling, and thinking outside the box. I also like Blade Runner, without the narration.
Hmm, think my favorites would be Serenity, Star Wars (original trilogy), and the first Matrix movie.

I have watched Serenity probably more times than the Matrix, which would be close to 25 times or so since it came out. The story, the acting, and the special effects all make for an amazing movie that never got the attention it deserved

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