Your favourite HBK Wrestlemania match?


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HBK is 'Mr Wrestlemania', I've been watching a lot of older matches sgain getting the nostalgia going for mania and in doing so have relived some of his.
Pretty much every one is 5 star from Undertaker, Angle to Austin but which of all his mania matches is your favourite?

My personal choice would have to be HBK/Angle, it still stands as one of the best matches I have ever seen, so many false-finishes, so unpredictable and just great innovative wrestling. They are two of the greatest in-ring perfromers all-time and both left it all in the ring absolutely incredible.

Honourable Mention to HBK/Jericho pretty much as above plus this was upon his recent return, Y2J/HBK had terrific chemistry and the build was greta with the similarities between them, this verrry narrowly missed out.
For me its WM XII against Bret. Anything with those two is special because they just made you feel like they hated each other (which about a year later would be the case). So sad that Michaels didn't return the favor the following year. With all the pre-attitude stuff going around in 97 they could have had a completely differnet match then the year previous and still just as good or even better. It would have had elements of their Survivor Series match, but with no need for a screw job it would have went for longer and be better worked out from begininng to end (Which I would envision being Bret side stepping a SCM then as Shawn turns around bret double leg's him down slaps on the sharpshooter and gets the submission victory.

Only drawback is that is would erase Bret/Austin which is another classic.
Removing the already mentioned Ironman match from the equation, my favorite Wrestlemania match involving HBK is Shawn vs. Chris Jericho from Wrestlemania 19.

At that point in time Jericho was my second favorite wrestler, after The Rock. I knew that The Rock was coming to another hiatus as I'd began browsing some news sites and back then they weren't as dirt filled as some are now, so I was really behind Jericho but at the same time I'd a lot of respect for Shawn, seeing as he'd came back from injury earlier in the year. Their match was brilliantly built up, Jericho was telling the truth when he said he'd idolized Shawn as a kid, and them mentioning things such as the Screwjob and Shawn not performing to the standard he once did, it all made for such a story.

Throughout the match Jerry Lawler kept mentioning, "Is this Shawn Michaels or is this the Showstopper?" Shawn's entrance botching was brilliant. He shot these confetti guns into the crowd and three of the six didn't work. Match itself was a great back and forth contest. Jericho getting the Walls on the aisle way and working over the spine of Shawn made it all that more great, because by the end, when Jericho hit the Superkick you knew that anything they did from then on didn't matter because the match had stolen the show and nothing from there on would top it.

Shawn getting the win and everyone applauding them both was a great way to finish it. But Jericho didn't leave Wrestlemania a loser, he left by kicking Shawn in the groin and throwing him to the mat. The entire thing was brilliant, from the build up, to the match itself, to the aftermath. A great match and a must see for anyone who hasn't.
I say Mania 19 against Angle. This match stole the show, i may be a little biased. But still, have to admit that this match had EVERYTHING. High flying, grappling, submission, striking, intrigue and lots of big spots. These guys worked very well with each other and one of the greatest wrestlemania matches of all time in my opinion.
Without a doubt, as far as telling a story in the ring, Michaels/Hart Ironman Match has got to take the cake as probably the best WrestleMania match in history. It is hard to pick a match because all of Michaels Mania matches were solid to the core.
Really tough to say. Almost every one of his matches at Mania has been a classic.

WrestleMania XII - Iron Man Match vs. Bret Hart: It's been mentioned a couple times now but it's really one of the best main events from a wrestling perspective in WrestleMania history. No other two men at the time could handle a 60 minute match and make it memorable. Shawn and Bret made it one of the best of all time.

WrestleMania XIV - vs. Steve Austin. This match becomes way more impressive when you realize he's basically wrestling with a broken back. If you go back and watch it now you can see the real, true pain he's in the entire time, but he still finds a way to leave it all in the middle of the ring, officially kick off the Attitude Era and pass the torch to Stone Cold Steve Austin. One of the most important matches of all time. (Also I think HBK from 1997-1998 is one of the best heels of all time.)

WrestleMania XIX - vs. Chris Jericho. The buildup to this match was amazing. IMO it truly solidified Y2J as a perennial main eventer and someone who truly belonged with the elite of the business.

WrestleMania 21 - vs. Kurt Angle. Two of the best wrestlers ever from different generations clashing in a show-stealing classic. Not much else to be said here.

I have to go against the grain here and suggest my own:

WrestleMania 24 - vs. Ric Flair. This match was just plain emotional for me. Icon vs. Icon, and both put on an amazing show. The raw emotion shown by both competitors in the match is so palpable, it makes for an unforgettable match.

Those are the best of the best IMO, but of course you can't forget the Ladder Match at X, his match with John Cena, both battles with the Undertaker...HBK really is Mr. WrestleMania.
No Doubt, The HBK vs. Bret Hart Match at Wrestlemania 12 was my favorite match of all time. Not only did that match tell a story, but we saw the passing of the torch, and the future of wrestling change that night. That night was very symbolic in wrestling history more ways than wreslting fans will ever know. It was a pure wrestling match from the ringing of the bell to the count of 3. It was just awesome. That's how wrestling used to be.
WrestleMania 5
i know, i know..the workrate cant touch WM12, or 14 or 19 or 21 ..

BUT it was HBK's first appearance and u could feel his nerves in the pre-promo.. PLUS for those of you who go back in time u'll recall the sickest bump from a clothesline ever Shawn took from AKeem.. years later i learned that many wwe superstars still bring that bump up today to teach young , slim, faster stars to help build bigger badder monsters...

it was a fun match, and flowed perfectly..

now of course my favorite HBK wm match would be a tie between the iron man with bret.. but due to the rest holds, i give the hbk wm nod to his battle with angle...
Jericho/HBK at XIX really stands out to me. He's had amazing matches about every Mania he's in. Hell, he managed to make Twin Towers/The Rockers one of the best little guy vs Big guy tag team matches I had ever seen. But, Jericho/HBK was, in addition to being his return Mania match, just told such a great story and had two of the greatest wrestlers of all time in their prime facing off with over 20 minutes. I'm still surprised it didn't get 5 Stars from Meltzer as it has about all the stuff he likes from Puro.
Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 21. One of the Best matches of both Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels, That was a great 5 Star Wrestling match. Everything was great from the Buildup to the match itself.
Wrestlemania XIX vs Chris Jericho

One of my favourite matches of all time, with a great backstory where Jericho was trying to outdo his idol HBK, saying he was better than Michaels. Shawn had an epic entrance to the arena, with pyro going off all round the top of the stadium and it was his return after several years out of the WM limelight.

A truly great match.

Also, you have to look at Wrestlemania 24 vs Ric Flair. The perfect way for Flair to go out, after a great match with the very best in Shawn Michaels. HBK was the perfect opponent for Flair, working with his weaknesses to create a masterpiece of storytelling. The emotion in the match was very real, with Shawn refusing to deliver the Sweet Chin Music that he knew would end the career of his idol Flair, before eventually relenting and nailing Naitch with the kick after telling him "I Love You".

Also, both classics with Undertaker in the last few years, which are two magical matches. There is the Iron Man match with Bret Hart, the classic with Stone Cold. Really, there are so many matches that you could choose here, which just proves why Shawn Michaels is Mr Wrestlemania
I have to honestly say my all around favorite HBK match was his match with Taker at Mania 25. Some of the others mention were better technical matches, but this match entertained the hell out of me. I was on the edge of my seat from bell to bell, and it was the first time I thought the streak was going to end. The false finishes, and the several sweet chin musics had me literally jumping off the couch. In my opinion one of the best matches of all time just for sheer entertainment value alone.
HBK had so many great matches at Mania its hard to pick one. I've got to point out some that people aren't mentioning, such as Wrestlemania 26 against Undertaker being a favorite. the build, it being Shawn's final match and because i was there live make this a special moment and an emotional ride that had the crowd going nuts. There is also WM 23 against Cena not getting much love, but i think it's an incredibly underrated match. there is the unfortunate fact that Cena and michaels had an hour long classic just a few weeks later on Raw overshadowing this epic match. HBK's street fight with Vince McMahon is another underrated match, and while Vince couldn't work, Shawn sure could, carrying that match to a top match on the card at WM 22, IMO giving the Foley-Edge match all it could handle in terms of hardcore. All that being said my favorite HBK match has got to be His return at WM 19 vs. Jericho. perfect build, excellent in ring work and the match absolutely stole the show.
This is such a hard question. So many classics. I narrowed it down to X,XII, XIX, and XXI but I am going to have to go with the iron man match. Shawn and Bret changed wrestling that night. Henry, you are correct about 23 being a great match, it just falls short of being a top HBK mania match.
I say Mania 19 against Angle.

Might want to check your sources there, pal. Wrestlemania 19 Michaels faced Jericho. Angle was Wrestlemania 21. ;)

Anyways, my vote goes to Wrestlemania 25 against The Undertaker. This was a perfect match that had everything a wrestling fan could possibly want. Sure we all "knew" that Taker was going to win. So what though? This match will go down in history as one of the greatest of all time. I loved the Heaven VS Hell theme they did with Michaels' Holy-Taker parody in his entrance followed by Taker rising up from "hell".

What came next was a phenominal match that I give a perfect score to. Absolutely flawless. Michaels always had great matches, and it was a tough choice.... But the Undertaker match at Wrestlania 25 was truly as great as it gets. Each legend went through their entire arsenal of moves until Undertaker finally emerged victorious in the end. I was there live to see it in person and seeing two of my favorites steal the show is something I will never forget.
I would definitly have to say 21 vs Angle, it was a pure wrestling clinic. I cant count how many times i thought that match was gonna end, just awesome back and forth action for 20 or so minutes, and id have to say WM20 comes in at a close second, one of the best executed triple threat matches ever.
Shawn Michaels being one of the greatest in-ring performers ever and having so many classics at Wrestlemania, it's hard to choose. His matches with Undertaker at both Wrestlemania 25 and 26 were both amazing and either of them are probably my pick for his best Wrestlemania match.

The triple threat match at Wrestlemania XX is arguably one of the best triple threat matches ever, and it only slightly falls short of being his best Wrestlemania match. I also really enjoyed the John Cena match at Wrestlemania 23 and the Ric Flair match at Wrestlemania 24, but neither are as great as the Undertaker matches.

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