Your favorite WCW match


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WCW gave us so many great "wrestling" matches in the day. Sting, Arn Anderson,Ric Flair, Dean malenko, Chris Benoit, Larry many great wrestlers came out of that promotion, the list could go on and on

My favorite match from WCW was Sting vs Vader Strap Match Superbrawl 3. These 2 had some great matches in the day, and worked great with eachother in the ring. Vader was agile and a beast in the ring, he never quite got the respect he deserved if you ask me. Sting....he's the ICON enough said.


What is your favorite match, and what PPV or show was it on? If you like, Provide a clip of the match, and tell us why you enjoyed watching those specific superstars go at it.
Wow you're talking vintage WCW matches aren't you?

My favorite WCW match was Hulk Hogan vs Bill Goldberg. That thing was hyped up so much it was insane, and I was still young enough that I hadn't developed my eye for technical matches yet, so that match was quite simply epic. Even today I still love that match.

Goldberg was the most badass "beast" I've ever seen.


Heenan really sold it with his commentating too.
Sting vs DDP for the World title on Nitro in 1999.

Just an awesome title match, back and forth action Sting the ultimate face, DDP the dastardly heel. Sting wins the title to one of the biggest pops seen on WCW TV!
My personal Favorite in WCW. Benoit vs DDP Superbrawl VIII


I personally, always felt that in my house, in a lot of house shows/live events. I was the only Benoit fan. People claim constantly that he was a long time favorite, and if that were true than he would have gotten ALOT bigger pops in WCW.

And I do not mean to speak as if people are lying, but I believe people inflate their opinions when people pass on.


In 98, Benoit had tried constantly to get the TV title, only to be beaten. And this match, I thought, was supposed to be his time. But DDP had other plans. It was a greatly paced match. And showed that DDP deserved alot of praise, and he would in time earn his place in WCW.

The end was great, and much like Benoit's match with Orton 6 years later, He would lose to a reversal into a Ace crusher, This one a Diamond cutter, the latter to a RKO. It stands in my top ten matches to this day. I refuse to discredit the work of those who worked with him, just because he did what he did.

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