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Your Favorite Video Game of All Time!

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
Pretty simple question. What is overall your absolute favorite video game of all time? Is it an old favorite, or a new masterpiece? Let us know! Just don't spam doing it. That'd be bad news.

My favorite game of all time: Kingdom Hearts 2!​


Very few games have really captured my attention on multiple levels such as this game. It's a pretty risky concept when you think about it. While the game offers a fun, and joking atmosphere on some parts there are others where you are angry, or sad. Some reviewers were a little harsh on this game(I'm looking at you IGN) and I don't see why in the slightest. Sure the battle system was mostly button mashing, but that gets easily overshadowed by the story, and just overall level of fun that this game brings to the table. That is what this game was made to be. Fun, with a great story. It excels at that part, and for six straight years it has held the prestigious spot as my favorite game. Let me know what you guys hold as your all time favorite!
Oddly enough, I'm not going with a Final Fantasy here. Although FF4 and FF7 do both make it into my top tier alongside my favorite game of all time:



Tales of Symphonia is simply put, the greatest game ever. It has something for everybody. Do you like action? The battles of this game are up your alley. Do you like an epic story unlike no other? Then this game's one you should not miss. Do you like great music in a game? You'll LOVE the soundtrack to this game. Do you like getting to know the various characters you come across in a game? There are times you'll laugh, cry, become angry, all from actions of the characters. Do you like solving puzzles? There's quite a few here in this game. Do you like mini-games within a game? Once again, there's many.

This game is not just a jack of all trades by offering something for everyone.... It is a video game experience that no one should ever miss out on. It's been out for a while now, since 2004. Try to find a copy if you can and haven't played it yet. If, for some reason, you didn't like it the first time you tried it.... I urge you to try it once more. I liked it more and more each time I played. What I look for in games are a great story, memorable characters, a user-friendly battle system, a soundtrack that I enjoy listening to, and lots of replay value. Tales of Symphonia offers all of the above and more, making it earn my putting it over as the greatest game of all time because it truly has something for everyone, including those who do not usually like RPG's. It is the standard I measure many other games against.

Resident Evil 4.

Before I played this game back in 2005, I'd never really played a survival horror game before. I was only 14 at the time, so you can imagine that at points, this game scared the shit out of me. Yet... its the game that has stuck with me ever since. I did some background research into the overall plot of the franchise before I played this and I didn't feel lost once during the plot. Speaking of the plot, for 15 hours it had me on the edge of my seat. The gameplay is simply sublime in every sense of the word as well. Plus I've completed this game more times than any game before or since. Amazing. My favourite game of all time.
Not a big fan of the Resident Evil series. Not a big fan of Capcom in general apart from Devil May Cry 3. Main reason I didn't like Resident Evil is the fucking camera angle. i don't know if it is the same in every game, but I played Resident Evil 5, and I absolutely hated it. Big fan of fluidity, and fast movement, and to me that game felt like the exact opposite. I'm a big fan of survival horror games like Left 4 Dead, but I just did not like RE5. I do respect it for being a staple in the Survival Horror genre, but it just isn't my cup of tea.
Great games listed here! Dagger Dias and Fizzy both picked two of my all-time favorites. However, the one game that I love more than any is:



For me, everything in this game just shows what an RPG should do on all levels. Multiple worlds to explore, complex storyline, characters with good back stories. Chrono Trigger even allowed the characters to work together to perform joint attacks on the enemy. Chrono Trigger also introduced the gaming world to the concept of New Game +, a feature many games today use even outside the RPG genre (for example, in two of the previous titles mentioned: Resident Evil 4 and Tales of Symphonia both use a variant of New Game +) *SPOILER ALERT* This was really the first game I ever played where a main character was killed off (although the effect it has is short-lived as you can revive him...). This game requires plenty of mental power to overcome. It's just a classic on so many levels, from the amazing music to the deep storyline to the unforgettable characters.
I'm going to have to go with Silent Hill.
When this game came out I was only nine years old and my god did i ever scare the hell out of me. It was a truly emotional game in terms of fear and confusion as to what was going on. The whole game was and is one somewhat complex yet entertaining story with a lot of hidden illusions. Definitely a great game for those who likes horror esque things.
It should be quite obvious what my favorite game is: Bio-shock. Not only is this my favorite game, but I also think it's the greatest game ever made. Awesome gameplay, the most beautiful and detailed scenery ever, a storyline that you actually don't want to skip through, and an ending that would make the most cynical person alive's eyes well up.
Batman :Arkham Asylum

It's no secret that I'm a Batman fan. I don't really read comics or graphic novels but I always loved the character of Batman and the villains from the franchise. That is why I almost had a heart attack the first time I saw Arkham Asylum. It was the epitome of everything I loved about the franchise rolled into an awesome playing experience. The atmosphere, the setting, the characters, the playing mechanics, all of it is phenomenal. By far my favourite game of all time.

This game was absolutely amazing. I loved the improvements from the original and felt that the addition of the "Weapons" made for interesting gameplay. I loved that you had to battle the original bosses from 1 as well. The only frustrating part for me was Quickman. Good lord was his level hard. It must have taken me weeks to learn how to fall through that level properly without dying. I still own this game to this day and will break it out and beat it every so often just for the sake of nostalgia.

Beyond Mega Man 2, I was ALWAYS a Mega Man franchise guy. Some people loved Mario, Sonic, or Bonk, I was a Mega Man guy. I loved every game ever made by Capcom with Mega Man and even owned Mega Man Soccer.
As already mentioned Tales of Symphonia is a great game, and pretty much all of the tales games are great. but my personal favorite is the Mass Effect series (I know I have a sig for it). Mass Effect is a good shooter/rpg and my favorite aspect of it is the fact that all of your in game decisions affect they way the game pans out.
I really can't wait for Mass Effect 3
Well it's quite clear that I am in presence of some pretty hardcore gamers. I'm really just a casual gamer. I only really get into games like the GTA series, Madden, a few first person shooters like COD, and SvR. If I really had to name my favorite game of all time, it would have to be...


It's the first game I ever learned how to play as a kid. My parents had it set up on a tv in the kitchen and since me and my brother were too little to sit at the table and play, we had to sit on the table. She still has the pictures and it's pretty funny.

The only reason I really put it above anything else is because I can still get down on it for hours. I still have a NES system and from time to time I'll bust it out. Every time I do, this is always the game I end up playing and I'll play it from front to back(without the fucking whistles.) 10 years from now, I'll likely have forgotten all about all of the games I play now but I'm confident that if I'm not sick of it after almost 20 years, I probably wont be after another 10.
My immediate thought was Rock Band (3). But now I see F.A.T's post, I'll have to agree. I've finished SMB3 soooo many times it's not funny! Awesome game.
Some great choices here people, but for me is has to be The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past.

Great gameplay, your typical Zelda storyline of destroy the bad guy, save the princess(. Then there's the added thing of the Dark World switcheroo, plus the game hasn't aged at all which I think is a problem with the N64 era (looks terrible now but SNES games do not!). Often overshadowed by OOT, this is a game that has everything and is still perfect in its original form (something even SMB3 can't do, I prefer playing the Allstars version).
There are so many potential winners here. For me, almost any of the Legend of Zelda series are in contention - the aforementioned LTTP, MM and WW. Even TP, which I think was somewhat underrated. The Super Mario series is also studded with diamonds - the already mentioned SM3, SM64, both Super Mario Galaxies.

They are also numerous games that I think deserve to be mentioned purely for their immense replay value - any one of the Pokemon or Total War series - or the epicness of their story line - Half-Life 1+2, Eternal Darkness: Sanities Requiem (as well as being immensely clever and innovative). There are also those games that deserve credit for their multiplayer capabilities - Super Mario Kart, Goldeneye 64, a myriad of football and wrestling games (Pokemon and Total War series would be in here too)

However, there are two games that I think have the combination of everything that make a truly great game: a combination that makes me think at least once a year "it is about time I played that again"


Super Mario World

This is the game that made me a real fan of computer games. I can still remember playing it for the first time when I was on holiday in Florida. The colours, variety of enemies and levels, the map, Yoshi simply took my breathe away. I already owned a NES and would buy a Gameboy the very next day but I knew I had to have a SNES even though it was not yet available in the UK. Once I got it, I realised that I had somehow underestimated this game. As with virtually all Mario games it is accessible to not only the casual but also the avid gamer. Finding all of the hidden worlds, switches and keys is a true challenge.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

While it was Super Mario 64 that made me buy the N64 (actually it made my mum buy it as she liked it as much as I did), this was the game that I wanted... no... NEEDED. LTTP had lit the fire of Zelda under me but when I finally got Inside the Great Deku Tree, I was in love. Head over heels. The interaction of using Deku sticks to light fires and burn spiders webs just blew my mind. The sheer amount of side quests - The music was also incredible - I remember being legitimately scared of Ganondorf when he first appears on horseback chasing Zelda and Impa. I also remember experiencing feelings of disappointment thinking that the adventure was over after collecting the three Spiritual Stones - how wrong I was. And then there was Adult Link and that battle with Ganondorf and the last twist with Ganon.

Superb. Maybe it is about time that I play it again...

My favorite game of all time is without a doubt Mass Effect 2(a close second being the first installment of the series). The characters you meet along the way are so well written and pull you into the story it feels like you're actually living it, I've never been more engrossed in any game like this before. One of the main features of the game is the interaction/decision making you do frequently through out the game, Sometimes I've sad there for 10 minutes trying to decide what to do. Even though it's a game, moral conflicts arise with the way that you've been playing the game and your decisions in Mass Effect 1 can directly affect Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 2 affects Mass Effect 3 so you have to really think about what this could mean later on in the game.

After all that, then there's the game play, this is a perfectly made American RPG. The combat engine is flawless. Flowing from shooting a guy in the face to blasting a group of guys with kinetic powers, it never gets stale. You can choose from several different classes like any RPG or hybrid classes if you want to integrate two different styles, depending on how you enjoy playing the game.

All I can say is if you haven't played this series, you enjoy sci-fi and RPG's, go pick it up. It's loads of fun and the story is one of the best in gaming history, I eagerly await the next installment.

The more I think about it, I'm not sure I've enjoyed a playthrough of any one game more than this masterpiece of awesome, Shadow of the Colossus. Fantastic graphics (perhaps the PS2's best), incredible gameplay, and very creative boss battles that actually made you think about how to defeat your opponent, not to mention the fact that this game made me feel a sense of regret for my actions, which is quite uncommon in games. This may not be the greatest game ever made (that would be Ocarina of Time), but this game holds a very special place in my heart.

Others: Ocarina of Time (of course!), Resident Evil 4, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon Red
Comix Zone for the Megadrive or Resident Evil 4

Comix Zone was brilliant in everyway..It was really hard which made up for it's only downside and that was that it was really short.
I've seen this thread so many times and for sooo long I've literally had to take a step back and think about just what exactly WAS my top video game of all time, and believe me, it wasn't easy to do. I mean I had to look deep into my list of favorites and find out one game that truly stood out. Alas, after all of this thinking, I can't just give you my number one game off the bat, I'm going to give you a top 5 honorable mentions and then I'll give you my favorite game.

Top 5 honorable mentions
In no particular order

WWE In Your House (PSX) - This is without a doubt my favorite wrestling game of all time. Not because of its "Awesome storyline" nor because of its "great graphics" heck, not even because of its roster size... I loved this game because it managed to do something that a lot of other games didn't... It gave me the chance to use my imagination and bring it to life. How can you not think of this game and not remember having a big giant glove of Doink to smack someone in the face? Or when you face Owen in the Hart Dungeon? This game simply was far more enjoyable than anything wrestling that I could think of.

Might Morphin' Power Rangers - Fighting Edition (SNES) - I think it's obvious by now that I'm a huge power rangers fan, and never will I deny such a fact... and when I was a kid, if my parents wanted me to calm the fuck down, they had to either pop the power rangers "Green With Evil episode 1" VHS tape in the VCR (no DVD kiddos) or send me to my room and play the Power Rangers game at that time... and fortunately for me, that game was the Fighting Edition. I mean it was one of the best things for me back then. Being able to use all of the current megazords (including the movie one) to face the bad guys or each other, it was just unbelievable. To this day, if I want to have a PR fix I'll either play this on the SNES or (if I can't get to the tv) I'll get on the computer and play the emulator.

Halo - Combat Evolved (Xbox) - This is literally the first shooter game that I played religiously. And other than Golden Eye 007 for the N64, this is the first shooter game I've played too... And not to mention, my previous video game console before playing this game, was a Nintendo 64. And when I say that this game had me hooked, I mean this game had me hooked. I first found out about this game from an old friend of mine who had me at his house one day after school. And as we were playing this game, I didn't even know what it was, but damnit I was having so much fun lighting those Grunts and Elites up on that campaign that I didn't care... and the way it looked like a movie was even better. After I played it, I ran home to tell my family only to find out my step-dad had played it in his first trip to Afghanistan. After that, my step-dad and I began playing the series religiously... and if you saw my dad's collection of Halo Memorabilia, you'd probably flip out.

Pokemon Stadium 2 - Gold Edition (Nintendo 64) - If you've never played this game, then you'll never understand how amazing it truly is... and how unfortunate we are that none of the console pokemon games even try to top this. My brother, his friends, my friends and myself for the longest time would do as much of anything as we can to try and become the best pokemon trainer in our neighborhood... And when we played it, we played to the death. This game is one of those games that I can truly blame for being the first game that brought the competitive drive out of me.

Power Rangers The Video Game (SNES) - This is the first game that I ever truly completed. As a kid, I played other games like Mario, Sonic, MK, and stuff like that but it was this game that I truly had a strong desire to defeat. Maybe it was cause of a sick obsession with the rangers (especially Aisha) or maybe it was cause of having else to do before bed time... but whatever the reason, it's the reason that I call myself a gamer today.

And now, for my absolute #1 favorite video game of all time... A game that saved a dying franchise from pure and utter extinction...


Grand Theft Auto III (PS2) - Before I ever got an Xbox (even though I wanted that instead of a PS2) I had a Playstation 2 and the first ever game that I played on that PS2 was the game that will always be my favorite game of all time. GTA III. This game was the beginning of a new era for not only Rockstar but myself. I played this game through and through and through and through until the day that I got sick. Sure, I bought VC and SA and I loved those games (GTA IV was a fucking joke!) but it was GTA 3 that got me. From the storyline, to the free roaming, to the car jackings, and the amount of stuff that you could do on there, it was fucking amazing. If you ever notice, every free roam mod/gangster game that comes out, I instantly try and relate it to GTA 3 because in my mind it was 100% pure amazing. And not only that, but the commercial was the absolute best thing EVER created!

My favourite game ever is one of the first i ever played Final fantasy 7


I remember being around 10 me and my two brothers got a playstation for christmas and this along with tekken 2 and crash bandicoot were the games we got along with. While tekken and crash were great games in their own right FF7 just blew our minds.
Before then we had never played a game that took over 20 hours to complete, hell it would take more then twice as long to finish if you did everything there was to do.
I remember my oldestbrother got the walkthrough a few years later and it was like an encyclopedia! :wtf:

But more to the point this game had it all funny characters/dialogue characters you cared about and a boss you hated so much. I dont think i ever wanted to defeat a boss as much as i wanted to beat sepiroth. They also had cool mini bosses like rufus and the turks. The boss battle music was also pretty damm awsome too!

I liked the way they rewarded you for exploring every part of the game world with hidden characters such as vincent and yuffie and special summons like the famous nights of round and odin.

All in all i feel its the complete RPG im suprised it hasent been mentioned alread but there you go.

I'm a bit surprised nobody had mentioned this game. I remember this game for everything that it was, a huge world with great characters, amazing and innovative gameplay mechanics with a seemingly endless amount of things to do. Ocarina of Time had it all. I always like the Zelda franchise but I fell in love with it when I first played this game, it was so massive and in depth with such a fantastic story and revolutionary gameplay. I must have played this game hours on end, sometimes doing nothing at all, just roaming the field of Hyrule basically looking for trouble, clobbering guys with deku sticks, going back and forth between young and adult link, fighting Ganondorf over and over again..I had completely immersed myself into that world and I had to constantly relive it because as a younger gamer it was just rich with detail and imagination and such a wonderful and pure experience. Nearly 14 years later this game still out ranks a majority of games out today and tops my list of personal all time favorite game and favorite experience in a game. A pure classic loved by millions and helped defined a generation.
Dagger, you surprised me!

For me it's:


What a class game. As much as it departed in many ways from mainstay traditions in the series, it featured the most intelligent plot of any FF, and is my favourite for this reason. The bad guys want freedom for humanity, but they think that means forcing their empire on everybody. The lead chick is driven purely by revenge until her companions show her there are more admirable goals than just killing a bunch of people because you're pissed that their leader killed your dad.

The gameplay was a little boring in comparison to the story itself but I liked the idea of setting up your team's own A.I. I just wish I felt more involved in the combat. However, this turns out to be a minor issue in terms of the broader spectrum of the game. It has the most sidequests and optional bosses of ANY FF, and the writing is top notch. An awesome game.

Not to mention I have a thing for olde-worlde dialogue.
Lost Odyssey.

It's the game that got me into RPG's, the story is well written, the characters are well fleshed out, and it's easy to pick up and play.
For me personally I would go with any Pokemon series game. I think Pokemon is what truly has gotten me into video games in for that reason alone I thinkthat it has to be my favorite video game. I even went so far as to buy the most recent games because of the connection I personally feel with the characters. I think this series is the best RPG series I have ever seen or played. And that is why I think Pokemon is the best game there ever was.
I'm going to go really old here for perhaps my favorite game of all time...


That's right, Tecmo Bowl for the old Nintendo. I think it's more because the regular Nintendo was the first gaming system I had and this game (along with Mike Tyson's Punchout) my friends and I used to play all the time so it has good memories for me.

Plus with Tecmo Bowl it was always nice to find those random plays that nobody could ever stop (such as Tim Brown on the slant I believe) that was fun to beat people with but always sucked when other people knew the play as well.
There are some fantastic choices in this thread, however the time to close it is now...why is that you ask? Because the second ever Video Games tournament is mere weeks away. It last took place in the Summer of 2009 and the final was Ocarina of Time against 007 Goldeneye with Goldeneye picking up the win.

Do you want in on the tournament? Of course you do. All you need to do is send me a PM with your top 10 games of all time (ranked 1-10) and if you want you can include up to another 40 games (50 in total but the extra 40 is not ranked). I have a point scheme to determine which games will get into the tournament.

There's also a non spam thread in the General Spam Discussion section where you can discuss this. You have three more days to get your lists in to me and I will only accept it via PM. The deadline is May the 10th 23:59 EST.

The hype thread is here: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?p=3096806#post3096806
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