Your Favorite Taker' Mania' Opponent....


Riley Justin
We're coming up to Wrestlemania 28, and it seems that because of headliners such as Rock/Cena, as well as the possibility of Y2J/Punk, the spotlight has drifted away from one of the greatest Wrestlemania competitors of all time - The Undertaker. The guy has an outstanding streak, of which consists of victories over legends, icons, up-and-comers, etc. It's possible that he won't make an appearance this year, as usually Taker's matches have been the stand out draws in recent Wrestlemanias, however, we may not even see Taker' this year, and may even choose to save his last Mania match until Wrestlemania 30.

However, with all of this said... Who in your opinion was his greatest opponent?

Who took Taker' to the limit greater then anyone else? Who do you think has had the greatest Mania' match with Taker'? Who would you like Taker' to face in the future?

Also, out of all of Taker's matches at Wrestlemania, which one made you believe that the streak would end the most? Mentionable Taker' opponents at Wrestlemania would include HBK, Edge and HHH, not to mention Kane, however, the opponent that I think made me believe that the streak would end more so then anyone else, was Batista. Let me explain why...

Batista took on Undertaker at Wrestlemania 23. At this point WWE had only recently begun putting emphasis on the significance of the streak as a draw. Up until Undertaker faced Orton at WM21, there was practically no emphasis at all, and Taker' had not yet begun his fight to retain the streak. Pretty much at that point, if the streak was lost, it wasn't the end of the world because it hadn't grown into a spectacle yet. During the time of WM23 Batista was reaching his peak, and was about to main event his second Wrestlemania, and was on a huge roll, not to mention that he had never lost the world title via pinfall or submission. Many believed that Taker' was going to give Batista the rub, and cement him as a top player for years. During the match, we witnessed near-falls that were far more close then any we had seen in any Taker' matches at a Wrestlemania in a long time. For me it was the first time that I was almost convinced that Taker' would lose. This was also the first Mania' that I had watched live rather then a replay, dvd, online, etc, and so I was on the edge of my seat for the whole duration of the match.

Who came closest to convincing you that the streak would end?
WM18 in 2002 against Ric Flair.

This was 'Taker's 10th WM, early enough that there was still some doubt as to whether he would beat his opponent. After fighting people like King Kong Bundy, Giant Gonzalez and Jimmy Snuka, I really felt Flair had a chance. Remember, it's easy now to see what wasn't evident at the time; that WWE was establishing a win streak for Undertaker that would outdo all other winning streaks.

Flair had a background of legendary proportions that allowed us to think he might turn the trick on 'Taker. He fought long and hard in this match, as he was still able to do back in '02. When Arn Anderson interfered, I thought Undertaker's streak was coming to an end.

In the early years of the streak, I never believed 'Taker was going to lose to guys like Psycho Sid, Big Bossman or Jake Roberts. Then, when more modern times arrived, it was pretty obvious before the event that 'Taker wasn't going to lose. Ric Flair was the last opponent whom I felt had a chance, so he was my favorite opponent for Undertaker.
I'm going to have to saw HBK. Just because the matches were so good. The last time someone went against Taker and I really believed they were going to end the streak was with Randy Orton. I bought into that match hook line and sinker because Orton was very young and still coming up and I could buy into the fact that he would have made his name off ending the streak of Taker. And this was the first year they were really putting a lot of emphasis on the streak like they do every year now. When Orton hit The Undertaker with the RKO I legitametely thought Taker was done... until he popped up lol.
Strangely enough none come to mind. Looking back though The first match against Superfly Snuka and the second one against Jake the snake Roberts were cool. Undertaker was seemed so much more creepy then. Maybe it is just because I was a kid.
I'm gonna have to say Edge, 'mania 24, when he hit the spear i was on the edge of my seat (no pun intended) then when Undertaker locked in the hells gate....i nearly had a heart attack.
My favorite opponet was HBK. The set up to bothmatches were incredible to me. The matches themselves were amazing. However, the MATCH that stands out is The 'taker's first match against HHH. Going into the crowd and beating the crap out of each other.
His first match against trips at WM17!! That was definitely a war and they definitely beat the snot out of each other that night!! Back and fourth and i thought HHH was gonna win that one. It had everything you could ask for in that match and it was a classic IMO
As much as i want to say Wrestlemania 25 against HBK and 19 facing A-Train and Big Show himself ... I have to agree with a previous poster WM 17 was when i really thought it was going to be over ... Triple H hit the sledge hammer spot and Taker was a bloody mess so i really thought Triple H is going to further cement himself at the cost of Undertakers perfect streak ... another i thought was a close runner up was WM 9 in Caesar's Palace when Giant Gonzalez knocked him out with Chloroform ... all in WM 25 had more meaning for me because the list of opponents read as a who's who list of Legends and Future HOF's ...:worship: HBK the greatest performer of all time in my eyes taking on the one and only Phenom was just AMAZING ... Neither man will ever be forgotten or replaced ... Undertaker vs Wade Barrett Next Time ???
I really liked HHH at WM X-Seven! The match was intense, hardcore, and seemed very personal. They took it through the crowd, used sledge hammers, and tables. It definitely one of my favorite Mania matches. They way they were fighting you'd think it was for the WWF title!
HBK @ WM 25. NOT 26. but WrestleMania 25. I was watching it litterally in front of the tv on the floor. It was so close. For the first time in a while I questioned if Taker was going to lose. Every finisher hit had everyone looking. Every kick out was more tense than the last. There was speculation that year that Undertakers career could be over soon. I thought maybe HBK was going to do it. It was a classic. One of the best WrestleMania IF not the best WM match ever.

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25
My favorite Undertaker Mania opponent was definetly HBK. I thought for sure Mr. Wrestlemania would be the guy to end the streak. And then when they had a rematch I thought he would win for sure this time. But it never happened. HBK came closer than anyone in beating the phenom.IMO. If they wouldn't let Mr. Wrestlemania end the streak than I don't think anyone deserves the right to end it.

Back in the day when I was in my early teens, I thought Giant Gonzalez had a great chance. I loved the whole David and Goliath story line. Gonzalez was the first guy to really man handle the undertaker and make him look small and beatable at Mania. He still is the only Mania opponent of the Undertaker that the phenom never really beat. Everyone else was either pinned or submitted or put in a casket. But Gonzalez was disqulafied for trying to smother the Undertaker with a toxic rag. Undertaker was took out on his back and looked finished only to make a terminator like return to the ring and got some revenge on the giant. I think it is a nice way to remember the Giant Gonazalez, for being the only man The Undertaker couldn't truly beat at Mania.
Against Orton at WM 21.

He looked so convincing of breaking Taker's streak and his counter from the Chokeslam into an RKO was just awesome.
The first HBK vs. Taker match at WM25 is the best matches i have ever watched.

I have to say HBK is my favorite Taker opponent. The build was great and the match was amazing.
It would have to be Dave Batista. That was the last Undertaker match I watched with full attention and possibly the last time I went out of my way for a ppv. Until that match, I was a huge Undertaker fan and about as anti-Batista as a person could get. I was sure as hell Batista was going to win, in fact I think I even remember some dirt sheet reports suggesting Batista might actually break the streak.

I also remember thinking from day one of Batista's career that he was complete crap in the ring. "Here comes those stupid shoulder thrusts in the corner..."

Needless to say, neither one of these two disappointed in any way, even claiming match of the year that year. It was kickass seeing the Deadman with the title again.

After that, wrestling wasn't ever as interesting to me again.
I'm going to say WrestleMania XXIV, v Edge.

I loved this match. It stole the show on a pretty great card, or at least I thought. Not only is this my favorite WrestleMania match of the Undertaker's, but I thought that this was just flat out Edge's best match, ever.

Edge did a lot of great matches, in his day. There was a time where pretty much all of his matches were at least good. TLC 1 & 2 were all-time greats, but WM XXIV was Edge's coming out party. He proved that you can do more by losing to Undertaker at WrestleMania than you can by beating him anywhere else. In a match that solidified him as a top single's star, Edge crossed a threshold and gave us one of the best matches, ever.

I think it's one of the most underrated matches, of all-time. Undertaker has put on many classic matches. I think his WrestleMania XXV and XXVI matches with Shawn Michaels were better matches, but I still liked his WrestleMania XXIV match, better.

It just dawned on me that possibly Undertaker's three best matches of his entire career came in three consecutive WrestleManias. The man has certainly earned his praise. So many of his WrestleMania endeavors were elite, legendary performances, and you have to appreciate all of them, even the bad ones (i.e. Undertaker v Mark Henry,). I loved WrestleMania XXIV the most, but it's hard to go wrong with most of these matches.
i think they messed up wit undertaker and wrestlemania...i think it after taker vs hbk wm25.. it should have been undertaker vs triple h wm26...kinda like have triple h say he is doin this for his friend and hbk will be in his corner then u have hbk screw triple h with sweet chin music...taker wins...then u can have triple h vs hbk wm27 career vs career...and taker vs y2j at wm 27...then wm 28 have taker vs cena
My favourite WM Taker match just has to be against HBK at WM25. An obvious pick but that was quite possibly the best match in wrestling history. Everything was perfect and although i thought Taker would probably win i still thought that HBK had a real chance of ending the streak.

The last time i genuinely thought Taker's streak would end was against Randy Orton at WM21. The streak was much less significant at this stage and certainly wasn't as glorified as it is now. I really thought that WWE would put an up and coming Orton over in the a HUGE way by having him end the streak. I believed beating the legend that is the Undertaker at Mania would be the crown jewels for the Legend Killer as he was. When Orton hit the RKO i thought it was over but how wrong i was.

As for his future opponents, I am NOT a Cena fan by any means but the reality is he's the top guy in WWE, the face of the company. That would be the perfect way for Taker to go out beating the face of the company, superman himself John Cena at WM30 with the streak in tact. If built right it could be a match for the ages.
i think they messed up wit undertaker and wrestlemania...i think it after taker vs hbk wm25.. it should have been undertaker vs triple h wm26...kinda like have triple h say he is doin this for his friend and hbk will be in his corner then u have hbk screw triple h with sweet chin music...taker wins...then u can have triple h vs hbk wm27 career vs career...and taker vs y2j at wm 27...then wm 28 have taker vs cena
My favorite match like most other people was hbk vs taker from 25. It was the first match in a long time where even though I thought I was sure taker was going to win they created a lot of doubt. I was literally sitting on the edge of my couch for the whole match and every false finish had me jumping up yelling. Honestly one of the greatest matches I have ever seen.
My favorite Taker mania match was most definitely against HBK. Both times. But the one where I thought he'd lose was against Kane the first time back when Kane had just come in. He had a mask and had already decimated the deadman on many occasions so I was on the edge of my seat even though I was watching a video and I knew who was gonna win I watched Kane kick out after 2 tombstones and nearly kick out the third time. It was epic and completely overshadows their second meet at WM 20 even though it was an epic undertaker return.
Gottah go with HBK on this one. I remember I saw the first HBK match against Taker at a Buffalo Wild Wings that was so packed that we had to watch the entire event standing the whole time. But for that one match it was worth it. Priceless.
I would say Kane, He needed to do three tombstones to win, i think Undertaker V Kane at Wrestlemania 28 or 29, what ever takers last WM will be should be against Kane cause the history between them and i would believe that if they bulid it up good enough i would believe Kane would win or give Taker a run for his money.
The first match against HBK. That was a classic match, i remember my brother actually backing HBK for the win, while I was all Deadman. It was so back and forth, and to me at least, set the standard for the Undertaker Wrestlemania match. It now HAS to be the match of the night. You are going to get a 25-30 intense back and forth match with undertaker pulling it out at the end.
the match with Batista was enormous and many rythmed,it was became an classic WM with Taker and a future big feud with the ANIMAL.
in second i say with triple h at WM17
in first against Shawn at WM25.
HBK no doubt. When they faced off for the first time, I did not really believe that Shawn could break the streak and then along came the match. It was so intense, that I was literally biting my fingernails. I thought it was the end of a phenomanal streak. But no, Taker won. Then, next year, HBK faces Taker again and guess what? It's his career on the line. After what I saw last year, I doubted HBK's winning this year but my brother kept telling me "Shawn has still a year or two to go, he can't retire so early" and then, I thought Shawn actually had a chance. I was even thinking of a double count-out, out of my love for Taker's streak. And again, the match was great, more emotional no doubt and again, I was breathless. So it is Shawn Michaels for me, as I thought two times in two consecutive years he might end Taker's streak so late in their careers.

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