Your favorite (single player) RPG


Has Returned.
There's been quite a long list of single player based RPG's that has gone through the video game marked, games that really sucked, and games that were quite simply awesome.

This thread is for all you RPG fans, or anybody who's ever played a RPG, come here and let us know, what is your favorite role playing game of all time?

Personally my choice would have to go to Mass Effect 2: That game was absolutely golden, it had everything I ever hoped for in a RPG and could essentially work perfectly as a multiplayer based RPG, it had the action based background, making it somewhat of a shooters game, it had a great storyline, it had amazing graphics, great voice acting, and ultimately, it kept me interested through this game, long enough to have me play and complete it 3 times!

Some honorable mentions for me would have to be: Dragon Age (origins & Awakening) Oblivion and Assassin's Creed (1 & 2) which were all 3 great games that had me playing them for quite a while, multiple completions as well, but they just can't compete with Mass Effect 2 when I have to favorite one.
The voice of old school is here, ladies and gentlemen!

My first choice - as anyone would expect - is Dragon Warrior. Now of course, the storyline is relatively rigid, but the fact that you could explore anywhere in the world (not that I'd advise it, considering the fact that I lost copious amounts of Gold by wandering "too far south" or "too far southwest" and learning that Wraith Knights could bitch slap a level 8 and his battle axe straight back to King Lorik with little else) and go on various important quests was damn cool.

The incorporation of fighting, spells, and items all into one character, the caves, and above all else, the awesome villains make the original NES Dragon Warrior an all time fave of mine.
Paper Mario

Weird choice, I know, considering all the great RPGs out there, but Paper Mario has a special place in my heart. It's quirky, silly, interesting, and above It's infused with humor and style, while at the same time being an interesting and awesome platformer/RPG hybrid. It's a Mario game, so you know it's going to be top-quality, and it certainly did not disappoint.

I remember playing it after a hurricane hit my house in Florida and I had to stay in my room for a whole day while the carpet was repaired. It kept me completely engrossed and helped while away the time. It's a shame it was released so late into the N64's lifespan, but at least Paper Mario 2 and Super Paper Mario have been released to some good success and recognition.

Yes, SNES old-school. I love the way the game is set up- you're pretty much a kid and you go around hitting people with baseball bats and stuff (in RPG format of course). You gain equipment and level up further and further till you take on the not-so-kiddie Boss that is....Giygas.

Throw any other guy at me and I will think nothing of it, but Giygas creeps me the fk out.

Before Pokemon was ever big Earthbound had the same kind of monetary concept and settup with your character. And then giving it elements of a Final Fantasy game it just...fits. By far my favorite, and it's on an old console. Underrated in my opinion.
Ferbian, I hate to break it to you pal, but Assassin's Creed is NOT an RPG. It's an action adventure game. The same goes for games similar to it such as the Zelda games. RPG's involve controlling a team of people, and/or fighting monsters to gain experience points etc.

That aside.... my top tier are Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 7, and Tales of Symphonia. It's so hard to pick just one, it always comes down to those three. So many awesome memories, great characters, incredible stories, and soundtracks that are out of this world. They are my all time favorites because I could play them endlessly and never get sick of them, constantly adding to the long list of happy memories.
Ferbian, I hate to break it to you pal, but Assassin's Creed is NOT an RPG. It's an action adventure game. The same goes for games similar to it such as the Zelda games. RPG's involve controlling a team of people, and/or fighting monsters to gain experience points etc.

It's not? could've sworn it was put under the category of an action based sandbox RPG, but I guess it's not then, oh well, the game is still awesome.

And I know just fine what an RPG is involved in, and have clearly mistaken the Assassin's creed series.

And Doc, I completely agree, I personally never played Paper Mario, but I loved the Super Mario version on the Nintendo 64, kept me entertained for months when I was a kid before I had computers etc. and some time afterwards when games such as Pokemon I believe began surfacing the Nintendo platform as well, that plus the Mario Cart series had me entertained as well, while that doesn't include on the list, I just felt like sharing.
I completely agree with you when you say Mass Effect 2 its my favorite as well and some honorable mentions go to Oblivion, Diablo 2, Jedi Knight Academy and Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 both deserve to go in there but atm my fav is Mass Effect 2, Splinter cell Conviction is a game that should be played because that was brilliant
I would also go with Knights of the Old Republic I + II. The depth of their stories, particularly the Darth Revan character and reveal is epic. The amount of different paths you can take to get your group to the same ending makes it a series that I will always want to go back and have another go at.

I would say that JKII: Jedi Outcast is better than its successor Jedi Academy as the story is far more realistic with the combination of Katarn, Desann and the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan.
Lol easy choice. FF7 completely blows every other RPG out of the water in my opinion. I'm a huge gaming nerd, and RPG's are my games of choice. There's just something about them that I love. That being said I have played countless RPG games, and FF7 just completely destroys every other game that i've ever played. I may be a bit biased being a huge Final Fantasy and Squire Enix fan, but I love every aspect of this game. The characters are just so likable and make you want to continue learning about them, and playing them. The storyline is one of the most in depth storyline's ever. To fully grasp the entire story you have to play the actual game, and the prequel on PSP. Usually if I replay games from years ago I cannot continue it because I have seen and played better, but this is one of the few games that I can play over and over years later, and not get bored. Theres others that are high up on my list, but this game just suits me. I love the style of it, and that makes it not only my favorite RPG of all time, but my favorite game of all time.
Mine is The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Just so expansive. It had a great main quest which involved stopping Merunes Dagon from invading, And taking over our existance. It included side quests that could've been the main story they were so good.

The customisation was unbelievable, You could choose from so many races, And "classes" it overwhelmed me at first glance (It was broken down by the game though). The amount of weapons and armory was incredible (to me at least, it was my 2nd RPG).

The minute I immerged from the sewers (the tutorial) I was just immersed into a special experience. The game was fantastic from the start all the way to watching Dagon fall in a blaze of fire.
Mine is The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Just so expansive. It had a great main quest which involved stopping Merunes Dagon from invading, And taking over our existance. It included side quests that could've been the main story they were so good.

The customisation was unbelievable, You could choose from so many races, And "classes" it overwhelmed me at first glance (It was broken down by the game though). The amount of weapons and armory was incredible (to me at least, it was my 2nd RPG).

The minute I immerged from the sewers (the tutorial) I was just immersed into a special experience. The game was fantastic from the start all the way to watching Dagon fall in a blaze of fire.

I kinda have to agree with this. Though I enjoyed the side quests far more than I did the main story. Especially the Dark Brotherhood questline. That was really interesting.

And it's really something else when you're exploring the countryside only to discover all this stuff, whether it's just random caves or shrines, or being attacked by bandits and monsters. Plus, the mods!
C'mon, where's the love for Fallout 3?

Even though I've never played the original Fallout games to be honest, at least Fallout 3 got me to be a huge fan of the series. The game was so atmospheric, expansive, and amazing. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was also an amazing RPG game as well but I felt that I was able to relate more to Fallout 3 because it was more human and realistic. Can't wait for New Vegas though! :)
The same goes for games similar to it such as the Zelda games. RPG's involve controlling a team of people, and/or fighting monsters to gain experience points etc..

Aside from Zelda II: the adventure of Link

We had this conversation before, not necessarily true, would you discount Dragon Warrior?

The way I see an RPG is generally if you level up it's an RPG.

For me my favourite RPG game that has not been mentioned is Dragon Quest VIII. I love everything about this game, from the cell shading style, to the actual British localisation (this was amazing for me!) down to the humour, the gameplay, story, music, battle system and wit. A perfect mix for a perfect game :D
Hey Yo!

Im going to go with Fallout 3, it didn't have as many side quests as Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion, but man was it an awesome game. I've always been a fan of the series and this for me just made me a loyal lifetime fan, it was solid througout and had very good gameplay and i loved VATS and the karma system that is what keeps me so hooked on this game. Also did i mention over 100 locations to discover which doesn't take minutes but literally hours and hours....i think i have gone a lil overboard but i just love that game. So yeah Fallout 3 is me fave RPG... Can't wait for NEW VEGAS.
Phantasy Star the graphics,the fighting,the music.It all captured my heart from the day it came out on dreamcast.I just stopped playing last year,but only cuz my disc was damaged beyond repair.KOTOR was a great one too,cuz I couldn't wait to customize my own jedi.And now the big one:

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.I love this game as if it were a human being.There's so much to do and see it should be illegal,and I just keep coming back for more.You can be running along a pathway outside the city and get wrapped up in sidequests so intense,you'll forget about Dagon.Right now I'm trying to merge the sidequests,downloadable content,and main story into one big epic tale and it's a beautiful thing.I'm glad this is my 100th post because it's about the one thing I love that isn't wrestling-Oblivion
I am almost willing to wager that Dagger could tell you, right off the bat, which game I am going to list here?



Yep, it’s Final Fantasy X!

How may of you guessed that?

As I have said multiple times on here, Final Fantasy X is both the finest RPG game I have ever played and probably the best all round game I have ever sat down to play. The characters may have been really dull and poorly voiced but it doesn’t matter to me. I think I have probably played through the game to it’s finish at least 20 times and for a game that gives you around 120 hours of sheer enjoyment, that is certainly not bad going at all.

I first played this game when it came out and I was little more than a casual video games fan. However, this game really did set off a spark in me that continues to this day. When I got my PS2, this was the best game that I bought with it and a game that I still play from time to time. Tidus may not be the most in-depth characters to ever grace a Final Fantasy game but this game carries on regardless. The characterisation, outside of Yuna, was pretty poor and X-2 was a God-damn travesty. Having said that, it allowed me to play more of this series and that was a good thing, I guess.

For me, Final Fantasy is the best series of RPG’s out there, perhaps with the exception of Mass Effect and this game is it’s crowning glory. A lot of people slate it for obvious reasons but to me, there is literally no finer game on any console. There is no game that I would rather play until my death and it will stand as my favourite RPG until I my heart is done beating.
definitely, without a doubt, for me, it is none other than Kingdom Hearts, countless hours it took me to find all the 99 dalmations, level up to 100, and to defeat all the bosses, + additional bosses. You guys may think it is easy, but I was a young boy when I first played it, so, there is my favourite single player RPG
Honourable mention, Cod (if it counts) Zelda, and Pokemon. I love those games
Chrono Trigger. One of the best video games ever. Also, it was the first game to win the Nintendo Power award that was not made by Nintendo. Multiple endings. The game was amazing.
A few games immediately spring to mind: Final Fantasy VII, the first RPG I truly fell in love with; Final Fantasy X, for it's deep battling and interesting leveling systems; Fallout 3, for it's enormous world and unlimited freedom. But fof me, one game trumps them all...

Dragon Quest VIII: this game truly had it all: a fantastic battle system, a beautiful world, an interesting storyline. It took me a long while to actually get through this game, and even then, there were plenty of side quests to go through. It kept me entertained for longer than any other RPG, and for that, it earns the top spot for me.
Well I have two picks, one modern and one classic.

Fallout 3: This is the last game I played and I loved it. Everything about it is amazing, easily the best game I've ever played. From blowing Super Mutants heads off to freeing the slaves from the Pitt, I had a blast playing it. And to top it off I got to walk through St. Mary's, a county I go to school in. The redneck enemies fit St. Mary's perfectly.

Shining Force 2: I just bought the Sega Collection and this game stands out. I heard things about Shining Force and it's a master of a game. The only detractor I have about this game is that battles are a little too epic. I know weird problem but they last for fucking ever.
Fallout 3 for me, and it's not even close. I recognise the virtues of the Final Fantasy series, however it's not really my thing, and I could never really get into it. Fallout however, is a completely different ball game. From the very first scene, in which you are tuaght the controls as if you are a child learning how to move, I was grabbed by its black humour, its wit, its cleverness, its ingenuity. Moreover, I was simply grabbed by how immersive it was to explore the different towns and cities, and how easy it was to get distracted from the main quest by all the ingenious side quests. Possibly the best game I have ever played.
-The original Phantasy Star on Sega Master system (although I enjoyed PS 2-4 on the Genesis as well)
-Chrono Trigger (IMO, the greatest game ever made)

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